2024-03-27 05:46:13


Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a fictional love story on the historical setting of the Titanic. The plot is simple, noncomplicated, or not for those who love plots that twist and turn and keep you in suspense. The end of the movie can be figured out within minutes of the start of the film, but the love story is an interesting one, however. Kate Winslett is wonderful as Rose, an aristocratic young lady betrothed by Cal (Billy Zane). Early on the voyage Rose meets Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio), a lower class artist on his way to America after winning his ticket aboard Titanic in a poker game. If he wants something, he goes and gets it unlike the upper class who are so concerned with their social worries. The two fall in love and the audience sees the sinking of the Titanic primarily through their eyes.

The movie begins in modern times with the exploration of the wreck by a group searching for treasures, that sunk with the Titanic, which has recently occurred. One of the survivors of the Titanic, Rose DeWitt Bukater, who had heard of the exploration of the wreck on television and is flown to the boat where the search is being led from to tell of what she remembers to help the search. She gets to telling her memory of the one and only voyage of the Titanic. With this, the scene shifts to Southhampton, Ireland where the Titanic set sail from on April 10, 1912 as all the passengers are boarding. After another stop on the Irish coast Titanic went out to see on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic bound for New York. Historically the first few days of the voyage went by uneventful, but the fictional plot of the story is developed during this time as Rose sees the hopeless entrapement of an engagement that she is in to the wealthy Cal Hockley and falls in love with third class passenger, Jack Dawson. Captain Smith alledgedly as shown in the movie was urged by the White Star Line Director to increase the speed of the ship so they would make the newspaper headlines and receive extra publicity by arriving in New York on Thursday night and not on Friday morning as planned. Smith then ordered the fateful decision going against his thirty-two years of experience to stretch the Titanics legs out to full speed. The Titanic had reports that the waters in the Atlantic they were sailing in were full of icebergs, but they ignored these warnings and proceeded at full speed as shown in the movie. On April 15, 1912 at 11:39, an iceberg was sighted. They attempted to shut off the engines and turn the ship out of the path of the iceberg but there was not enough time and the ship hit the iceberg on the starboard side as depicted in the film. The portrayal of the many small holes in the side of the ship and not one large gash along the side is accurate. The crew of Titanic sent out distress calls and set off distress rockets as shown until 2:18 when the lights finally failed. The lights of the California were spotted six miles away but they failed to realize what was going on and did not respond to Titanics many pleas for help. The California had tried earlier in the day to warn Titanic of the severe ice that had caused them to stop their trip but Titanic had brushed them off causing the California to turn off its radio and leave the Titanic on its own. The first class women and children were the first as depicted to be put into the twenty lifeboats that were on the ship. Overwhelmingly the third class passengers suffered the most amount of deaths of any class and the crew was hit hard in this tragedy too. The word of White Star Line employees and first class passengers was believed over that of second and third class passengers when authorities were trying to gain information of the sinking. Also, the metal that was used to build the Titanic has been found in recent years under conditions of severe cold, which were experienced the night Titanic sank to be extremely brittle. Overall, the basic plot is very accurate in its portayal of the events and the times at which these events took place on the Titanic.




ROSE说:“我觉得这一生不外如此,像活了一辈子似的,又像是站在悬崖边上,没人 拉我回来,没人关心,甚至无人理会.”我从这句话中,我仿佛看到了自己.在这个物欲横流的时代,我其实就像站在悬崖上一般,不堪一击.




At noon today, the teachers and students of the whole school gathered to watch the war movie Assembly in the amphitheatre. Many students haven't seen it, and it feels refreshing. I watched it intently for fear of missing a plot. This movie is really wonderful.

The story takes place during the War of Liberation, when China and the Kuomintang reactionaries fought to the death. Company commander Gu Zidi led his ninth company. At first, there were more than 100 people. After a battle with the enemy, more than half of them died, and only 47 people were alive. There were few people and many dangers. Company commander Gu Zidi led 47 people into a more cruel battle. They bombed the enemy's battle tanks with cannons and grenades, and the guns shook the earth. Smoke billowed everywhere, and the ground was full of victims. The scene was very tragic. The land and river were red with blood. That is the blood of martyrs!

The soldiers sacrificed one after another. The whole company took the assembly number as the command, and never retreated without hearing the bugle. However, the bugle never rang. The 47 soldiers in the company were very disciplined, and all the orders were obeyed, just like the geese in the sky. No matter how to change the formation in flight, they would be arranged in order. This is discipline.


The Olympic Games, which originated in ancient Greece, is the most distinguished sporting event in the world. Once every four years, the utmost athletes from all around are lured to gather together and spare no efforts to pete against each other and try to win a medal for the country that they represent. Frankly speaking, that was virtually all I knew about the world-famous Olympic Games before I had read a book entitled The Olympics published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. However, I found even more philosophy beyond just winning medals from reading the book, which was beyond my imagination and considerably inspiring.

Someone once said, “Were everybody on earth involved in some kind of sport, our world would be free of war for long. ” Starting from three thousand years ago, the ancient Olympic Games has long been an event not only for petition but also for peace. In ancient times, no war was allowed between the cities during the Games, which was rather surprising to me since I could hardly imagine warriors actally putting down their weapons and give a break for peace. The precious tradition of peace continued: I would never fail to recall the scene of the opening ceremonies when North and South Korean athletes entering the stadium with their hands held together. The two neighboring countries that used to be enemies are no longer enemies during the Games. Instead they became friends. Speaking of the XX Athens Olympics, perhaps most people would have the same opinion that the most noable part of the opening ceremony arrived when Iraqi and Afghan representatives showed up. These two unfortunate nations, the peo

ple of which have undergone innumerable wars, are ing back again to take their own responsibility in world sports after recent invasions by America. The fearless people of Iraq and Afghanistan are once more sharing the spirit of the Games with people from the rest of the world.

There is another story in this book that makes me deep in thoughts. There is no doubt that the most unusual Olympic Games ever in history is the 1936 Olympics held in Germany, which was then ruled by the Nazi Party. Led by Adolf Hitler, the Nazi believed that the so-called Aryan people were superior to all others in all aspects. They looked down upon Jews and blacks, the latter of which was a major constitution of the United States Olympic team. Despite the barrier that faced him, the African American Jesse Owens, who was a most outstanding runner and jumper, did all that he could and finally won gold medals for his country and went home a hero. This reveals another fact that no power on earth is able to hinder the sacred Olympic Games. For all participants, no matter what their gender, race, nationalities and backgrounds are, equality is distributed among every one who observes the Game's rules.

At the XX Athens Olympics, our Chinese team did extraordinarily well. We ranked second on the medal lists for the first time in history. In my opinion, however, we should not only concentrate on the figure of medals; instead the strength and perseverance of those who failed to get any medals ought to be highly cherished. Whether ever success or failure, whether ever cheer or tear, whether ever medal or not, the never-gave-up spirits of athletes are always motivating us. I believe in the year 2008, the world will focus all their attention to Beijing, China, where the glory of the Games will continue to thrive forever!


After watching the film Changjin lake on national day, I have many feelings in my heart.

The battle of Changjin Lake took place on November 27, 1951. At that time, the first Marine Division advanced to the west of Changjin lake, where there were continuous mountains. They did not know that they had been surrounded by troops. A battlefield situation map in the film shows the battlefield situation of both sides. Blue is the position and breakthrough route of the first marine division. On the east side of the lake are the 1st and 5th regiments of the 1st Marine Division, with a total of 8000 people. On the south end of the lake are the headquarters of the 1st Marine Division and some engineers, with 3000 people. On the east side of the lake is the 31st regiment of the 7th Army division, serving as right-wing cover, with 4000 people. The total military strength is about . In addition, the first Marine Division also received air support from the first aviation wing. Red is the other side's army, forming an encirclement circle. There are three armies of 20j, 27j and 26j of the 9th corps, with a total of troops finally invested. The light blue in the middle is Changjin lake, which is the reservoir that intercepts the Changjin River, which flows into the Yalu River.

The film "Changjin Lake" reviews the tragic battle from the perspective of veterans, regardless of victory or defeat. The severe cold of minus 40 degrees made the battle more tragic. The living veterans are full of emotion when telling this story. When they left the battlefield, they were no longer hostile. They showed sympathy and respect for the enemy soldiers. 6、 Seventy years later, the young people who loved ice cream are old, but they are still cute.

The commander of the first marine division, as the protagonist, met in the film. General Smith is an experienced and cautious commander. The first Marine Division was trapped in a tight encirclement and was not annihilated, largely thanks to his command.

The first marine division finally broke through the siege, withdrew all the way to Xingnan port and left by boat. At the same time, more than North Korean refugees were taken away. The US military suffered 5000 casualties, of which the 31st regiment of the 7th Division accounted for more than 3000. There were tens of thousands of casualties on both sides of the campaign.

The first Marine Division was established on February 1, 1941. In the Pacific War, it participated in the battle of gwadanar Island, Gloucester point, beliliu island and Okinawa Island, and made many remarkable achievements in fighting against Japan. After World War II, he participated in the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the "reconstruction hope" humanitarian relief operation in Somalia.

Except for a few historians, the other explanations in the film are the language of veterans, even if they don't appear in the picture. They have no hatred in their hearts and will embrace their former opponents. Veterans have their own interpretation of victory and defeat. They feel that although there is no victory, South Korea is still there and worth fighting. No regrets in this life, not at all!


Avatar is directed by James Cameron. The two main characters are Jake Sully, played by Sam Worthington, and Neytiri, played by Zoe Saldana.

Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral. Jake is sent there to control his Avatar. However, he es across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other. Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected. At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.

3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film. The message of the film is simple — human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.


Princess Diary, a 15 - year - old high school student, lives in the United States with her mother, but she is not confident enough and is often laughed at by her classmates. On her 16th birthday, when she met her grandmother, she found out that this elegant lady is the queen of the small European country of Genovia, and Mia is the princess of this country. At first Mia was very reluctant, but Mia's attitude easedwith her mother's mediation. In order to succeed to the throne smoothly, the queen had to make a series of changes to her granddaughter, which troubled Mia, who usually lives in an informal way, and even clashed with her good friends. Mia's identity was revealed by a good classmate, and she was immediately highly watched by the media. Everything that happened suddenly made Mia want to escape everything. Fortunately, she regained her confidence in her father's diary. Mia became a princess and found the love she wanted.


为了能够顺利继承王位,女王不得不对孙女进行一系列的改变,令平时生活便不拘小节的米亚十分困扰,甚至跟好朋友之间也发生了冲突。米亚的身份被好事的同学揭露了,她一下子受到了媒体的高度关注。突如其来的一切让米亚想逃避一切,幸好在父亲的日记里,她重拾了自信。米亚成为了公主, 也找到了自我想要的感情。


People always thought that probably as a human on the planet Earth is the most senior animal owners who dominate nature. Can be wanton destruction of the earth, nature mutilations. Also for the immediate interests of the greedy nature and the blood drained 、 the nature of the skin stripped 、 nature of the meat-eating. With the thought this will be what kind of consequences. Also claimed ignorance 、 elated to conquer nature. Sing really ridiculous. If another Ice Age in front of us, the humanity will be caught unprepared? Human nature can conquer? No, summer 2004 opening large - 《acquired》 given us a loud and affirmative answer to the question. This terrible disaster films told us an irrefutable truth - always dominate the natural person.

"Acquired" the film depicts the United States as a representative of the Earth within one day suddenly nose-dive into glacial science fiction stories. In the story, climate scientists Jack. Hall observed in the study pointed out that prehistoric climate, the greenhouse effect brought about by global warming could trigger an unprecedented global catastrophe. Mainly refer to the destruction of the beautiful human nature, but by the serious nature of the punishment. Lightning 、 、 hail storm 、 tornado 、 hurricane 、 、 floods caused by global warming, such as the melting of Antarctic ice disaster befall humans, before human consciousness to know repentance may have been too late. In an instant because of the disaster emerged, floods, in the eyes; hail, in the eyes; all in the eyes of force majeure. Entry into the Earth's greenhouse effect will glaciation. Tornado 、 earthquake tsunami 、…… So you ask that the name will bee a natural part of human life. In the film, you can see New York City

inundated lens: the confusion of the crowd the air vehicle broken glass, followed by the floor, as high waves… you can see in the seaside holiday resort in Hawaii hit by the hurricane scene. This is the destruction of the natural consequences, and this is the punishment of mankind. For thousands of years, continually engulfed in the natural human body, should now enjoy nature of the pernicious consequences of brewing.


The Olympic Games, which originated in ancient Greece, is the most distinguished sporting event in the world. Once every four years, the utmost athletes from all around are lured to gather together and spare no efforts to pete against each other and try to win a medal for the country that they represent. Frankly speaking, that was virtually all I knew about the world-famous Olympic Games before I had read a book entitled The Olympics published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. However, I found even more philosophy beyond just winning medals from reading the book, which was beyond my imagination and considerably inspiring.

Someone once said, “Were everybody on earth involved in some kind of sport, our world would be free of war for long. ” Starting from three thousand years ago, the ancient Olympic Games has long been an event not only for petition but also for peace. In ancient times, no war was allowed between the cities during the Games, which was rather surprising to me since I could hardly imagine warriors actally putting down their weapons and give a break for peace. The precious tradition of peace continued: I would never fail to recall the scene of the opening ceremonies when North and South Korean athletes entering the stadium with their hands held together. The two neighboring countries that used to be enemies are no longer enemies during the Games. Instead they became friends. Speaking of the Athens Olympics, perhaps most people would have the same opinion that the most noable part of the opening ceremony arrived when Iraqi and Afghan representatives showed up. These two unfortunate nations, the people of which have undergone innumerable wars, are ing back again to take their own responsibility in world sports after recent invasions by America. The fearless people of Iraq and Afghanistan are once more sharing the spirit of the Games with people from the rest of the world.

There is another story in this book that makes me deep in thoughts. There is no doubt that the most unusual Olympic Games ever in history is the 1936 Olympics held in Germany, which was then ruled by the Nazi Party. Led by Adolf Hitler, the Nazi believed that the so-called Aryan people were superior to all others in all aspects. They looked down upon Jews and blacks, the latter of which was a major constitution of the United States Olympic team. Despite the barrier that faced him, the African American Jesse Owens, who was a most outstanding runner and jumper, did all that he could and finally won gold medals for his country and went home a hero. This reveals another fact that no power on earth is able to hinder the sacred Olympic Games. For all participants, no matter what their gender, race, nationalities and backgrounds are, equality is distributed among every one who observes the Game's rules.

At the Athens Olympics, our Chinese team did extraordinarily well. We ranked second on the medal lists for the first time in history. In my opinion, however, we should not only concentrate on the figure of medals; instead the strength and perseverance of those who failed to get any medals ought to be highly cherished. Whether ever success or failure, whether ever cheer or tear, whether ever medal or not, the never-gave-up spirits of athletes are always motivating us. I believe in the year 2008, the world will focus all their attention to Beijing, China, where the glory of the Games will continue to thrive forever!


In the film "Assembly", I feel their revolutionary heroic spirit of obeying orders to the death as a soldier. In the film, Gu Zidi, the company commander, resolutely obeyed the orders of his superiors, and faced many enemy troops in a situation of only 47 people. At that time, many soldiers demanded to retreat on the grounds that they had heard the assembly number. However, the company commander Gu Zidi still kept his promise to the head of the regiment, and even if he reached the final one, he would not retreat. But in fact, no one blew their horn. After several exchanges of fire, all the people in the company died except the company commander Gu Zidi. Even at this time, millet kept fighting, and was finally hit by shells and fainted. The real fighting scenes in the film, the blood spilled by the soldiers, give people a strong shock, give people a very deep impression, let people have a feeling of being there and having a boiling passion.

Under the test of life and death, they held their ground. This means that they chose to die. What kind of spirit and will is this? I dare not comment on this. For us living in modern society, I can't imagine what they are dealing with. I have a heartfelt admiration for the soldiers' spirit of daring to sacrifice.


"Butterfly Effect" Ivan once had a bad childhood, because his behavior caused a great disaster and made his childhood full of memories. In fact, he did only vaguely remember some terrible scenes, which have been pestering his normal life. Ivan accepted the psychologist's suggestion and wrote down his trivial life in his notebook, only to find that he returned to the past through his notebook.

《蝴蝶效应》伊万以往有一个糟糕的童年,因为他行为闯下了大祸,令他童年充满不堪回忆的往事。而事实上,他确实只是依稀记得一点可怕的情景, 这些情景一向纠缠着他的正常生活。伊万理解心理学家提议,把琐碎生活记在记事本里,却偶然发现经过记事本回到过去。

Then he remembered clearly that he had done so many wrong things in his childhood. He fantasized about using his present consciousness to infiltrate into his childhood to make up for the harm caused by various mistakes, especially hoping to finally walk back together with Kathy, who had a crush on him. However, his changes across time and space can only lead to more and more irremediable changes in the real world. Everything is like a butterfly effect, pulling one hair and moving the whole body.



Nowadays, in the quiet, peaceful and holy West-Tibet, Tibetan antelope has become a symbol. However, their survival history has left an indelible mark on us, along with the selfless, fearless, amiable and respectable Hoh Xil Mountain Patrol Team. We can't forget the mark left by the black age. As the saying goes, "Never forget the past, let us walk into the time full of killing but leaving permanent stain.":

In 1960s, people's consumption of Tibetan antelopes increased sharply, and the direct consequence was the extinction of Tibetan antelopes-their number dropped sharply from one million to less than 10,000 in just a few years. However, the protection consciousness of the government at that time was extremely weak. When the Tibetan antelope was in danger, the devout Tibetan people formed the Hoh Xil mountain patrol team completely spontaneously. However, it originated from the folk, and they did not compile it. However, they all shared a common belief: our sheep can't be destroyed, and our symbols can't be lost.





Tim Roth stars in the first English language film by Cinema Paradiso director Giuseppe Tornatore. A fantastical, historical fable about a gifted pianist born and raised on a cruise ship

Though Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore's Oscar-winning Cinema Paradiso was one of the surprise hits of the 80s, subsequently his profile has been low. Perhaps in an effort to rectify this, here he presents his first English language film, a lavish and unashamedly sentimental fable based on a monologue by Italian writer Alessandro Baricco. Given a ruthless studio edit before its release, more than once it threatens to drift off into whimsy, but remains on course, thanks to the firm presence of Tim Roth in the title role.

Told in flashback, it's the story of Danny Boodmann TD Lemon 1900 (Roth), so-named because he was found as an infant in 1900, lodged in a crate of lemons aboard a luxury cruise liner. Growing up at sea, it swiftly becomes apparent that 1900 is a gifted - possibly even genius - pianist. His legend spreads and jazz giant Jelly Roll Morton (Williams) even comes aboard to hear him play. Years later and narrator/former band member Max Tooney (Vince) is pawning the trumpet he blew alongside 1900 when he hears the ship is to be sunk. Could it be that 1900 is still somewhere on board, mooning over a mysterious beauty known only as 'The Girl' (Thierry) while working up a lonely rag?

To an extent it's a film uncertain about its own destination and some wobbly dialogue means 1900 himself remains a bit of an enigma. En route, however, are some great set-pieces such as 1900's knuckle-busting keyboard duel with Morton and his ride round the room on top of a piano. Ennio Morricone's score ensures the music is at least as important as the sumptuous visuals, and is supplemented by some great jazz piano numbers by Scott Joplin and (the real) Jelly Roll Morton.


Morning everyone,today i will introduce a film to you all.its name is the legend of 1900,its not talk about stories happened in 1900 ,its mainly about a pianist who was born, lived and died in a ship and never left the ship with a special name .yes his name is 1900 .an orphan was adopted by a black man working on the ship

To be honest i have download this film for a long time ,but i didn't watch it ,because i think it won't be very interesting .just a pianist ,what wonderful story can happen to him ?

But recently i just opened it by accident ,firstly it was really very

dull ,no famous film star ,no interesting plot,no wonderful kungfu.but finally my eyesight was caught by the pianist , He's a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms,and also he's a man so stupid that he chose to stay on the ship gone with the wind and storm while he can ashore and become the most famous pianist.what's more ,at the end when the ship should be destroyed he still refused to leave and finally died with the ship.

Someone may see this film as a tragedy,but is it really one ?maybe the end was indeed so sad ,most of us would feel its a pity to see his died .But one thing is for sure: this man is a real artist--pianist. only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm. only a man like him can give up desire of reputation and money on the land. only a man like him... can have such a beautiful story to tell... It is really difficult to image what will happen if 1900 set foot on land ?start an ordinary life and become vulgar ,be absorbed in chasing fame and fortune .no ,we don't want to see that ,so the story just stop here ,even painful and sad .

Just let us remember him A man never existed. He has never set foot on land in his entire life. No ID. No passport. No Visa. No parents. No birthday. Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music.


When i first watch this movie, i find one great problem which is the real name to this movie. I get two name for movie . One is The devil wear the PARADA, the other name is the queen wear the PARADA. these names have so many same place, but they have only one place diffierent whether is devil or queen. In my sight, this perspective out a problem which relate to the values. Some people think the person who like Miranda Priestly version of a workaholic is the devil which can't be understand by normal citizen who have not ambitions and ideal. Those people don't have to work enthsiasm. In these eyes, enjoy life is the kingly way. No more easliy than the freedom of anythingof value. Maybe this is the true meaning of American. But by my side, i think this situation is not only in America but in whole world!NOTHING SEEK WITHOUT MOTIVE!

In this movie, we can see a good deal of famius brand, likeCalvin klein, baburry, parada, etc. these name relate luxury which the more and more close to our people. You can easy find that so many students who are 17 to 23 start have some luxury like perfume, scarf, bag, wrist watch, ect. With the time going, we begin to take photo before we eatting, shoping, playing. SO luxury bee the most keep a watchful eye on it. This movie tell that whatever man or woman all like fashion. But when we face this attract thing, whether we can hold up our dream, our ambtion. This is a question about our life. Luxury, of course, is wonderful thing. the one who has it all meaning have a Happiness and a sense of achievement. Whereas, if we can have lots of luxury by losing our love, our friendship, our dream, our other thing. We must stop our step to think that Whether the world begins to be money to cover? If the world is beginning to be fashion express nose?Perhaps dazzle rich became a kind of fashion, and became a kind of

simple behind, the two are not moral conflict and bee their own evaluation is worthwhile replacement. This is the thinking of human nature, and the society to deep thinking.

This is the thinking of human nature, and the society to the contemplation of the "wear the Parada queen" in noble fashion decoration, removed or small woman go home later happiness, romantic trip to France, elegant romance, and the extremely successful woman behind the counsel and poignant, these sets and plot, may let the girl of this piece is unable to stop it. But men see it also will have a harvest, because it is a real workplace inspiring type. Such as described in the film about Andy plaints. In reality, we will also work to produce to plain, but plaining about before, to look at whether they know enough professional and environment, whether enough respect customer, partner, petitors.

let's review this movie . Somewhere is remain fresh in our memory. The frist one is "Ugly duckling bee a swan". Here, NIGEL, who play a important role. Nigel likes a angle, because he give andy a new like. When andy have some promove, her boyfriend tension. Andy said"Same andy, better clothes", but the man said "I like the old clothes. " these words reflects a truth:Business and love can't and, what should choose what, and eventually give up? Miranda choose the business, so she have three broken marriage, even can't protect the last one. WHY?I guess we can so easy find the answer:if you drop in your business, you must't have enough time and energy to keep your love fresh. Few quarrel is good, i hope think. At the same time, you drop in love, you can't have enough atention to do you work. It's fair, absolutely fair. So i find my next opinion, what life do you want and choose?

Miranda face in speed the car final test, Andy or by luxuriant step appearance, beating the fashion circle, to the queen, a figure to prove she want what life was like. Andy fulfilled his words: "I don't want to work in order to change myself. "So what is you want?Maybe someone choose the lifestyle likes the new andy, who is Carrying brand bag, dressed in brand-name clothes, attend various senior party, with all sorts of dignitaries are ambiguous, and treacherous colleagues, the end still expect to be with your lover. However not all people see the bitterness of ups and light behind and the unknown pain, don't even say the order to cause the hard to forget the sacrifice. God is fair, he give you open a door, you must give up another window. If i choose, i have to say i would rather to bee the new andy. In my mind, if you can't bee valuable avive, i couldn't face myself. Success is said easy, but how many people can know one of the difficult. I bevelive that i can stand it!

IN fact, this movie adapted from a book. it says:"Efficient munication with the barbarian's execution. It is very important to target reaching. Communicate to efficient to what degree? Superior don't have to explain, subordinates, need not too much ask a why can fix things. Executive, to savage to what degree? See Andy from early favour to night, no breathing, even carry things run the street will call to deal with things, the answer is self-evident. We in many cases, to do things like always finish the task, finish. It's this kind of the attitude of the excelsior, to want to do what others pick out of your trouble, do the best, even more than others think be perfect. True, we want to try this to do some things, while his still young. Don't be afraid to trouble, do not be afraid of tired, these little trouble and small hard are temporary. If we can do one thing better than others, so then we would be less hard many, will also get more people of recognition. And for us, this is a big

step in the perfect myself. "

I have to say one person "miranda". I could use my word to express this woman, however I translate passage:Miranda, in order to her fashion empire in the career, she became the devil, and bee the blind man…… Because she thought it was the only one she way of life. Her own heart to happiness for price, bee poor devil, but think everybody in envy her, envy her life and career; And continue to sell the drug, smoke more people of happiness. I also believe absolutely that such a blind man also many. I thinkit is the best annotation to this woman. In my heart, i respect she. I promiss ther is only people can over her!!!she can like the andy :Step back and back, again to choose the first feelings and he had nearly lost ideal. May she dream is here:THE QUEEN!!FOREVER QUEEN!

But seriously, the movie has some not real, I have reason to believe that the true to be like Andy such person is few. Extravagant life, a luxury and dissipation loring, the most memorable Paris hall, fashion, swept through everything. People cannot leave fashion, but people more from family, love and friendship. You will doubt why i made no mention of the intrigue. Because I don't want to let us college students too much on this aspect, and its entanglements and this, still be inferior to look on the bright side. I like a good result, more like the happy people around me in your flow performance.

Thanks for angle who let me have this wonderful movies. If can provide more good movies, I would be grateful. With my best wish to everyone who read this article!!!!!

Good luck!


Toady I want to share something about a new film this year named PacificRim . As a standard Hollywood film,it quiet hot before it came out and it isbelieved that Pacific Rim will surely be a hit just as Avatar and 2012.

However,after it came out and everyone rushed into the theater,we onlyfind that it just like another Independence Day. But this time the alien arefrom the deep ocean not the space. So its predictable plotting really made mesick.

In terms of scenes,it dose have an exciting and fantastic scenes,just asother science-fictiony movies. But with the development and dissemination of thetechnology,these special effects are mon to the audience. It is not themonopoly of Hollywood film. So it is very important to have interesting plot andprofound meaning.

Unfortunately,I didn’t see any active meaning in this film but learningEnglish is important for all the pilots that can not speak English were killedor defeated. Although there are many countries in the film but all the monstersare killed but several American.

At first,many Chinese audiences are glad to find something about China inthe film. The battlefield was also in Hong Kong. And many machines were made byChina,but it can not conceal the arrogance of the American. They are still inthe dream that they are the hero of the world.

In the movie,Chinese people used the body of the monster as medicine andsold these things. The Chinese robot is the largest and need more pilots,but inthe battle the robot was defeated by one hit while American robot seemed to beimmortal. It made me feel unfortable while seeing these scenes. When all saidand done,it is made by American.

In the past,Hollywood film were very popular around the world relying onthe advancement of puter technique. But people have bee resistant to it afterwatching so many similar scenes. It is impossible to suit the audiences’ tasteif a film doesn’t show fantastic imagination and moving contents.


This story is talk about the most powerful ring of the world.It happens inanother places where was written by the famous writer in the UK——J.R.R.Tolkien.

In that place,there has a race called Shire.There lived a Hobbit namedBilbo Baggins.He had a beautiful and powerful ring.But,it can leads someone whohad it to go to the wrong way and made someone to be evil.His friends,Gandalf,Grey Pilgrim,and the White Rider knows that.And he advise Bilbo to giveup the ring,and give it to his nephew——Frodo Baggins to detroy it.Frodo togetherwith his three friends meet the els,the dwarfs and the man to talk about thatwho will go with Frodo and his friends.Finally,Gandalf,Aragorn (the realking),and a man a dwarf a els will go.

For all the roles,I like the Gandalf best.Although he very powerful,but helikes to discover new things.Just like he enjoy smoking because of Hobbit.He iskind,brave humorous and clever.He always want to protect the others even theprice is die.He fights with the monster from the ancient to make the othersrunning away.But he falls from the cliff.So he dead.I like him I want to besomeone like him although I was not very strong and had no power.But I stillwant to protect someone who I loved. It’s really a good film.


Personally speaking,I think Leonardo DiCaprio’s look in this movie is hisbest look ever,even beats his look in the sensational blockbuster Titanic.DiCaprio was at his best age when he played as Romeo in this film and he turns out to be the perfect incarnationof the perfectly romantic,enigmatic and somehow charmingly hysterical youngRomeo. Claire Danes may not be the most beautiful Juliet,but she interpretsperfectly the image of an infatuated young girl in her first love. I can neverforget the scene when they first meet at the ball. The image of them lookinginto each other’s eyes through the aquarium with the mesmerized smile on each oftheir faces takes your breath away with the magical atmosphere of love at thefirst sight.

When their passion stark naked,you may laugh: they joy out easy wit,Elizabeth era,the tone of the English deduce this period of psychedelic tragedystory.

The main mysterious in Shakespeares value from the Revelations of thedrama,for the most simple and is the most plicated person see of,verycharming,have some mysterious power.

But there are many places,such as insufficient wear help lens: romeo knewwhen news of Juliets death,his shirt was buttoned,and then opened,then is thebuckle up.



Impressions of watchingAfter entering university, I gradually begin to enjoy the American TV series to improve my English learning skills.is one of my favorite TV plays , and it left me a very deep impression.Is like a movie of TV series. It tells us that the young engineer Michael helped his brother Lincoln who was sentenced to prison to escape, and later, they revealed a huge political conspiracy.

Michael graduated from a famous university .He should have a high salary and bright future, but all this was at an end as a result of helping his brother to break from prison。So Michael planned and carried out a bank robbery deliberately, and then he was sentenced to prison go without saying, began his trip to save brother. “I just want to make you out ”, so a earthshaking action started.

As the thrilling plan started, Bagwell, Abruzzi, Franklin, Sucre, more and more prisoners joined his escaping-team passively. Just for loving and missing their familiers,they struggled at first , and then made a coopration with Michael to a common goal. Because Michael said: "we don’t have to give away every choice , we can make a chosion. In order to share the world, we shoud go to change it!" So they dissolved so many difficult problems and crisis through the High Intelligent of Michael.

Unfortunately, a beautiful the governor’ daughter ,Sara, was involved in design of the story。Finally Sara failed to win over this designed love and assisted them to seek freedom .So when Sara was directed for a puzzling death , my heart was full of sorrow because she is just a kind and innocent girl.

Brothers Family Love , friends and strangers’ friendship,valentines love behave incisively and vividly in the play .Michael paid so much, but the result didn’t behaved so good. In any case ,I believe that Michael has been living in the heart of the prison break’s fans and this play should be a insurmountable classic.

Faith, love, courage, and self-confidence always resound in my mind!