英语励志正能量口号 英语励志金句(精选139句)
2023-07-26 21:50:37

1、Learning alone without friends is ignorant.

2、the goal is clear, unwavering, heaven rewards diligence, sustainable management.

3、Success comes from hard work, and hard work makes glory.

4、Success is the washing and dyeing of blood and sweat, and every day without regret.

5、customer service, pay attention to pay a return visit, listen carefully, you know the mood.

6、Sow with tears and harvest with a smile.

7、Be more careful and less regretful. More diligence, less regret.

8、To succeed, go crazy first, keep your head simple and move forward.

9、the goal is achieved, and all employees are actually moving.

10、The road is tortuous, and the way of money is infinitely bright.

11、If you love to fight, you will win. Believe in yourself.

12、Zhiqiang is wise, and words and deeds are fruitful.

13、If you work hard today, who will compete with you in another day?

14、Show your ideal, seize the golden opportunity, spell out your strength and taste success.

15、Target the honor meal, and visit actively without fear of difficulties.

16、Tomorrow is not necessarily better, but it is better. Tomorrow will definitely come.

17、There must be one victory in the competition and ten percent in hard work.

18、God helps the self-help, if you want, you can.

19、Fight for a three-year Spring and Autumn Period, and strive for a youth without regret.

20、pay equal attention to offensive and defensive, all employees are practical, activity goals, and service orientation.

21、beyond the limit, challenge yourself.

22、If you want to fight, you can win; if you want to fight, you can win.

23、adult talent, respect virtue and beauty.

24、Travelers often arrive, and those who do are always successful.

25、How can you get a high score in the exam without freezing cold?

26、Having knowledge changes destiny, and having ideals changes attitude.

27、there is no failure, only stop success.

28、today's efforts, tomorrow's strength.

29、many hands make great efforts, and the mind sets the world.

30、When the eagle strikes the sky, the wind is strong and the waves are clear.

31、the concept of the body first, the skill of God, perseverance, open sesame.

32、If you have a road, you must arrive at Qingxiao, and to be no.1 will return to Japan.

33、The establishment of the great cause of life can not be known, but can be done.

34、Success depends on friends, growth depends on opponents, and achievement depends on teams.

35、Unite and work hard and forge ahead bravely.