2022-10-29 02:38:18

I love the earth, love to the survival of our homes. Love her love her castle peak green water, green blue sky...

In the fields in the fragrance of flowers, butterfly and I play together, and laughter; In the lush forest, I chase, singing with a bird; Early in the morning, I go to on the plain with lightsome pace for an outing, mist curl up, white gauze of softly floating in the air. Suck the scent of flowers and plants, we enjoy the sun bath, I was intoxicated in the infatuated fantasy; At night, I sat in the paddy fragrance farm small courtyard, looking at the bright sky, listening to the cicadas liao, pre-pubescent, as if place oneself in a fairytale kingdom.

What a good environment! How can allow damaged?

Human technology, large discharge, endless exploitation of... Dinosaur extinction due to environment, and the human is to destroy themselves?

The historical mission to protect the environment and maintaining ecological balance cross-century generation to fall on our shoulders. Let us to love nature, love the earth, arm in arm, side by side, heart to heart to cast up a green environmental protection levee, defend the resources, protect environment, to defend the earth, to defend our beautiful homeland!




