2022-10-26 02:24:08

There are unexpected weather, people have bad luck. Natural disasters, including man-made disasters, are human enemies.

Earthquakes are due to the forces inside the earth causing some ground rapid vibration, it is a natural phenomenon. There are about 5 million earthquakes occurring around the world each year, of which only 50,000 people can be felt, which can cause destructive earthquakes of about ten times a year, and the devastating earthquakes are about once a year.

In the earthquake, we have to know the ten are: one, hiding in the table and other hard home below. Second, shake off the fire, fire immediately when the fire. Third, do not panic to run outdoors. Fourth, the door open to ensure that exports. 5, outdoor occasions, to protect the head, to avoid dangerous places. Six, in the department store, the theater, according to the instructions of the staff action. 7, the car on the roadside parking, control area prohibited parking, driving. Eight, be sure to pay attention to landslides, cliffs or tsunami. Nine, take refuge when walking, carrying items should be minimal. 10, do not listen to rumors, do not act rashly.

Some people may be curious, why should the fire off the earthquake? Because if you do not turn off the fire, it may cause a fire, explosion and other things, this will make the danger becomes greater.

Earthquakes are precursors, and some microscopic precursors, such as geodesic, geostress, geomagnetism, and so on, are not directly affected by people's sensory organs. And can be aware of the precursors are: groundwater anomalies, animal abnormalities, to light, to color and so on. Groundwater anomalies are: dry well water to take out, abnormal movements there are laws; rain becomes turbid, smell and bad. Animals before the earthquake can give us some precursors: poultry on the tree, mules and horses do not circle, pigs fled, the mouse moving, dog barking ... ...

Therefore, we have to observe a lot, pay attention to earthquake disaster reduction