2022-10-25 07:58:00


How to Get Alone with Others?

As we know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But how?

First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it’s important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What’s more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble. If we live in the school’s dormitory, we should be careful not to disturb others. Don’t bring friends back to the dormitory in the mid-night after all the roommates are sleeping. Or playing computer games with the music turn up so loud. Such behaviors will hurt the relationships between you and your roommates.

In my opinion, we should treat others in an honest ways and try our best not to disturb others. Do not offend others. Only in these ways can we get along well with the others.







你能放下手机吗 Can You Put Down Your Smart Phone

I think most people have the moment to be annoyed by the technology. For example, the task is prepared to be finished in the certain time, but as we are easy to be lost in the computer games, nothing will be completed in the end. Technology indeed brings convenience, it improves our efficiency, but at the same time, it also distances people’s communication. A lot of my friends spend all their time in searching the Internet, even when we are sitting in a table, everyone lows down their heads and focus on playing smart phones. When I play jokes, no one gives me the response, I feel lost. We are just sitting face in face, while I feel the largest distance. The moment we talk to our friends and families is precious, don’t let smart phone controls your life. Just put down the phone and have a nice talk.




My ideal job is the physics professor. I want to work in MIT. It’s one of the best universities in the world. To be a professor there is my proud.

To get the job there is a long way to go. I have to enter a university abroad. I will choose the department of physics in MIT. After a four-year hard working I will take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools. I also have to study in another four years to take part in exams to be a physics doctor. When it comes I must be 26 at least. Then I will do lots of researches and projects. I must make some wonderful achievements on my profession. As I graduate I will apply for staying in the school and working there. About twenty years later as I have already had enough experience on teaching the school will promote me to be an associate professor. In the coming ten years I will work for and help my professor. It’s the time when I’m about 50. At the end of the ten years when I am 60 years old enough to be a real professor my dream comes true.

I like physics very much. When I am a professor I can do my own research without any disturbance. I will study how the world began what’s inside the black hole find aliens in the universe etc. That’s what I like most about the job. When I become a professor I will be really an old-man. In my average day from Monday to Friday I teach lessons 3 hours a day and do my business in the rest of the daytime. At weekends I will go out to play visit some good places make parties for my students and do everything what I want. To be a great scientist there are always sacrifices that have to be made. During the time I climb up from a student to a professor the painful experience is unimaginable. And maybe I don’t have time to take care of my family even I can’t be married and have no family at all while living abroad alone. I will still do my work although this can arise truly.

I really interested in Theory of Everything. So my next plan about the job is to discover the Theory of Everything. Now more and more new theory of physics comes to the world. For example the M-theory which is regarded as the closest theory to Theory of Everything. According to the OPERA experiment item permanent principle of light velocity which was discovered by Albert Einstein 100 years ago seemed to fail. Quantum mechanics can describe microworld successfully but can’t be used among macro world. Therefore I’m going to find the theory deeply inside nature that can explain all phenomena both among microworld and macro world.

I suggest the people who want to get the same job as mine just working hard not being afraid of difficulties and being interested in discovering new things. Once you become a professor the world is waiting for you to make the change.





