2024-06-10 06:07:41


prices determine how resources are to be used。 they are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers。 the price system of the united states is a comple network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services。 the interrelationships of all these prices make up the system of prices。 the price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else。

if one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define price, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words that price is the money values of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction。 this definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes。 for a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known。 both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be echanged, the time and place at which the echange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors。 in other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total package being echanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price。


A Letter of Application for a Student Loan

October 14, 20xx

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a freshman from the English Department, I have much financial difficulty in continuing my study.

There are five members in my family. My father is the only breadwinner of the whole family while my mother was laid off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering a chronic illness for more than five years. My younger brother is now studying in a high school. I took part-time jobs during the summer vacation, but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees. In order to continue my study, I have to apply for a student loan.

If my request is granted, I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study. I will definitely pay back the loan according to the requirements. I hope that you will consider my application.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Gao Peng


The greatest trust is trust yourself, trust yourself than to trust others more difficult,. Maybe someone would say: trust is a be an easy job to matter, is not lift a finger."! What I'm trying to say... You're wrong. The trust is to their own dedication to others and sure.

In daily life, we can see everywhere on the " trust" for example. People taking a blind man across the street, the teacher to teach students knowledge, the parents of a child's education ... ... Prior to participating in social practice at the time, I remember clearly the instructor teaches us" trust fall " of the game, to which it is to be what is the significance of trust. Through this activity, let the class together, learn together and trust. When we trust others also have to believe in yourself, the master of your own fate.

As the saying goes: no bullies oneself, do not deceive, do not bully day, a gentleman so shendu. If there is no trust is present, then each other speculation, the lack of the so-called love. An egoistic, narrow-minded, no help each other, trust each other's appearance, so also, existence value and meaning? The trust between friends is very important, when we encounter a trouble when talk way and object. This is not a good thing? I believe that the "trust" can create many so-called cannot achieve, can be added to many of the so-called life color, can change many of the so-called bad ending.

So we should give more trust, a little guess, more concern, a little less competition. Let the flowers in your trust in my heart!


Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.




★以下是英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英语作文-my teacher》

Of all the teachers, I love my English teacher best. He is a very good teacher and about thirty years old. We all call him Mr Chu. He is not tall but a little fat. He is a man with a good sense of humour and always friendly to us. We all like him and his lesson. In his class, we feel very happy. He always makes his English lesson interesting. We know English is rather difficult to learn but in his class, we feel English is very easy, and also very interesting.

He often shows us how to learn English well. He asks us to listen, to read, to say and to write. After class, we always talk with him in English. He even lends English books to us. If we have difficulty in understanding, we can go and ask him. He is always happy to help us.

He not only cares for our study, but also for our life. One day, one of my classmates, Li Tong had a bad cold. He took her to see a doctor, and got some medicine for her. Then he sent her home. When Li Tong stayed at home, Mr Chu went to her home and helped her with her lessons. Several days later, she was able to go back to school.

This is my English teacher. What do you think of him?






Challenging the Himalayas

Two years ago, it is reported that due to storm and avalanche, the Shan Ying Association of Beijing University lost 4 members while challenging the Himalayas。 All the 4 members are amateurish mountaineers, still on campus。 The tragic incident soon brought a heated argument in the media。

Some people, mainly represented by youngsters, justify their courage and determination, whereas quite many others condemn their adventure and hastiness。 The focus of the two sides is whether their sacrifice makes sense。 As for me, apart from the sorrow, they give us courage and strength。 Given the chance, I am sure to take part in the exploration。

Being a special kind of sports, mountaineering requires strong constitution and tough mind。 Not only should they be physically fit for the bitter environment, but also should they learn various techniques for climbing and survival。 What's more, they're not supposed to fulfill the goal without courage and bravery, which tell mountaineering apart from other outdoor activities。 Equipped with a belief to success as well as advanced climbing gears, they are on the move。

Movies named "Apollo the 13th" or "Vertical Limit" told us that spectacular sights can't be seen without firm will and desperate efforts。 To unfold the fabulous scene, you may have to take the exhausting trip to the camp, holding an upbeat morale;you may have to strive for survival in the storm, grasping teammate's hand; you may have to smooth away whatever obstacles got in your way, your destination is the peak of the mountain。This was what they had experienced when ascending。 Had they conquered the peak, what a spectacle they would have seen:nothing can be compared with the unprecedented feeling that they are at the top of the world。 Clouds are haunting around them; the sunlight is beaming from the bottom of the sky。 So is the place, where even eagles surrender, the only place not disturbed by prosperity。 Granted that they fail to make the history,their spirit will never die。

Today, mountain climbing is attached to another meaning:it has become the symbol of a nation's vitality。 Peaking a mountain is more than breaking a record, it's the proof of a generation's courage and bravery, and the denial of it will sink the pride of their being fearless and the aspiration for their dreams。

On the other hand, adventure, to some extent, means risk。Avalanche being unpredictable even to sophisticated mountaineers, no one could expect the tragedy。 What we can do is to remember the young heroes。 It was them who pursued their dreams bravely。 It was them who inspired us to be fearless of any difficulties。


Learning Foreign Languages

In schools all over the world boys and girls are learning foreign languages. Many adults are doing so in their spare time. Everybody knows his own language, but to know another is very useful.

Which is the best way to learn a language? We should remember we all learnt our own language well when we were children. If we could learn a second language in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think what a small child does. It listens to what people say and tries to imitate what it hears. When it wants something, it has to ask for it. It is using the language. It is talking and thinking in it all the time. If one has to use a second language all the time, he would learn it quickly.

It is important to remember, also, that we learn our own language by hearing people speaking it not by seeing what they write. We imitate what we hear. In school, though you learn to read and write as well as to hear and speak, it is best to learn all new words through the ear. Of course you also learn to read them, spell them and write them.




而且,记住我们学习母语时是通过听别人说话而不是看别人写字,这也很重要。我们模仿我们听到的。 学校中,虽然你除了学习听说,还学习读写,但学习所有新单词最好是通过耳朵。当然你也要学会阅读、拼写和写作。


As we all know, China is a large population country. In order to control the growth of the population, China implemented the family planning policy in 1980. The number of population has been controlled, but the problem of aging and population structure has gradually appeared. In 20xx, China implemented the "two child policy".

After the introduction of this policy, some people support it, and some people oppose it, and a large part of these opponents are only children. A comprehensive two-child policy after the introduction, many parents want a second child, I hope when you are old, children may have to rely on, not lonely and helpless. But it was a very good idea to get to the children, but it didn't seem to work. A net friend burst out the baby in his home, and even said, "you have a rebirth, I'm going to die". Therefore, it has caused many netizens to discuss the "second child should not be born".

Here, my personal opinion is that the policy of the second child should be fully implemented and implemented.

I am also a member of thousands of singletons. So I know that those innocent children are afraid that their parents will have a younger brother and sister. Their own love will be separated and even their parents will not love themselves. In this regard, I think this concern is totally unnecessary. The love of parents is the most selfless and the greatest. I believe every parent will not only reduce their love for themselves, but will pay more attention to their growth after having a second child.

Every child in a two - born family, I believe, will have a good quality that one child does not have - humility. Nowadays, many families have only one child, a focus of all the elders in the body of a child, so it is not to do any housework, want what can get what dote on behavior, cultivate a group of self-centered, selfish, self. The flowers of the motherland. How do the flowers in the greenhouse come into society? How to provoke the rejuvenation of the country's girder? How to make China stand on the top of the world? In this respect, it's very important to regenerate a child, so that children can establish themselves as the center of the world, and the idea that the earth will turn away from anyone will become stronger.

With the parents of second children, also should be the same to two children, such as baby milk powder, if the children want to know, although he had no sense, but please don't refuse his request, avoid mom and dad to my younger sister and brother better than their own understanding. I believe he said he wanted to eat. He just wanted to know if his parents still valued and loved themselves. After a while, you wouldn't eat them if you let him eat them, because the purpose has been reached, and there is no need to eat any foods that are not suitable for them.

The children and grandchildren are the good traditions of the Chinese nation, and the benefits of not following this beautiful tradition are not only these, but why not?


VOICE ONE: This is Steve Ember.

VOICE TWO: And this is Shirley Griffith with the VOA Special English program, EXPLORATIONS. Today we present the second of our two programs about the history of the English Language.

VOICE ONE: Last week, we told how the English language developed as a result of several invasions of Britain. The first involved three tribes called the Angles, the Jutes and the Saxons. A mix of their languages produced a language called Anglo-Saxon, or Old English. It sounded very much like German. Only a few words remained from the Celts who had lived in Britain.

Two more invasions added words to Old English. The Vikings of Denmark, Norway and Sweden arrived in Britain more than one thousand years ago. The next invasion took place in the year ten sixty-six. French forces from Normandy were led by a man known as William the Conqueror.

The Norman rulers added many words to English. The words "parliament," "jury,""justice,"and others that deal with law come from the Norman rulers.

VOICE TWO: Over time, the different languages combined to result in what English experts call Middle English. While Middle English still sounds similar to German, it also begins to sound like Modern English.

VOICE TWO: Here Warren Scheer reads the very beginning of Geoffrey Chaucer's great poem, "The Canterbury Tales"as it was written in Middle English.

VOICE ONE: Chaucer wrote that poem in the late thirteen hundreds. It was written in the language of the people. The rulers of Britain at that time still spoke the Norman French they brought with them in ten sixty-six.

The kings of Britain did not speak the language of the people until the early fourteen hundreds. Slowly, Norman French was used less and less until it disappeared.

VOICE TWO: The English language was strongly influenced by an event that took place more than one thousand four hundred years ago. In the year five ninety-seven, the Roman Catholic Church began its attempt to make Christianity the religion of Britain.

The language of the Catholic Church was Latin. Latin was not spoken as a language in any country at that time. But it was still used by some people.

Latin made it possible for a church member from Rome to speak to a church member from Britain. Educated people from different countries could communicate using Latin.

Latin had a great affect on the English language. Here are a few examples. The Latin word "discus" became several words in English including "disk," "dish,"and "desk." The Latin word" quietus"became the English word "quiet." Some English names of plants such as ginger and trees such as cedar come from Latin. So do some medical words such as cancer.

VOICE ONE: English is a little like a living thing that continues to grow. English began to grow more quickly when William Caxton returned to Britain in the year fourteen seventy-six. He had been in Holland and other areas of Europe where he had learned printing. He returned to Britain with the first printing press.

The printing press made it possible for almost anyone to buy a book. It helped spread education and the English language.

VOICE TWO: Slowly, during the fifteen hundreds English became the modern language we would recognize. English speakers today would be able to communicate with English speakers in the last part of the Sixteenth Century.

It was during this time period that the greatest writer in English produced his work. His name was William Shakespeare. His plays continue to be printed, acted in theaters, and seen in motion pictures almost four hundred years after his death.

VOICE ONE: Experts say that Shakespeare's work was written to be performed on the stage, not to be read. Yet every sound of his words can produce word pictures, and provide feelings of anger, fear, and laughter. Shakespeare's famous play "Romeo and Juliet"is so sad that people cry when they see this famous story.

The story of the power hungry King Richard the Third is another very popular play by Shakespeare. Listen as Shep O'Neal reads the beginning, of "Richard the Third."

VOICE TWO: The development of the English language took a giant step just nine years before the death of William Shakespeare. Three small British ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean in sixteen-oh-seven. They landed in an area that would later become the southern American state of Virginia. They began the first of several British colonies. The name of the first small colony was Jamestown.

VOICE TWO: In time, people in these new colonies began to call areas of their new land by words borrowed from the native people they found living there. For example, many of the great rivers in the United States are taken from American Indian words. The Mississippi, the Tennessee, the Missouri are examples. Other Native American words included "moccasin" the kind of shoe made of animal skin that Indians wore on their feet. This borrowing or adding of foreign words to English was a way of expanding the language. The names of three days of the week are good examples of this. The people from Northern Europe honored three gods with a special day each week. The gods were Odin, Thor and Freya. Odin's-day became Wednesday in English, Thor's-day became Thursday and Freya's-day became Friday.

VOICE ONE: Britain had other colonies in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and India. The English language also became part of these colonies. These colonies are now independent, but English still is one of the languages spoken. And the English language grew as words from the native languages were added.

For example, the word "shampoo"for soap for the hair came from India. "Banana"is believed to be from Africa.

Experts cannot explain many English words. For hundreds of years, a dog was called a "hound." The word is still used but not as commonly as the word "dog." Experts do not know where the word "dog"came from or when. English speakers just started using it. Other words whose origins are unknown include "fun,""bad,"and "big."

VOICE TWO: English speakers also continue to invent new words by linking old words together. A good example is the words "motor"and "hotel." Many years ago some one linked them together into the word "motel." A motel is a small hotel near a road where people travelling in cars can stay for the night.

Other words come from the first letters of names of groups or devices. A device to find objects that cannot be seen called Radio Detecting and Ranging became "Radar." The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is usually called NATO.

VOICE TWO: Experts say that English has more words that explain the same thing that any other language. For example, the words "large," "huge,""vast," "massive," and "enormous" all mean something really "big."

VOICE ONE: People often ask how many words there are in the English language. Well, no one really knows. The Oxford English Dictionary lists about six hundred fifteen thousand words. Yet the many scientific words not in the dictionary could increase the number to almost one million.

And experts are never really sure how to count English words. For example, the word "mouse." A mouse is a small creature from the rodent family. But "mouse"has another very different meaning. A "mouse" is also a hand-held device used to help control a computer. If you are counting words do you count "mouse" two times?

VOICE TWO: Visitors to the Voice of America hear people speaking more than forty different languages. Most broadcasters at VOA come from countries where these languages are spoken.

International organizations such as VOA would find it impossible to operate without a second language all the people speak.

The language that permits VOA to work is English. It is not unusual to see someone from the Mandarin Service talking to someone from the Urdu Service, both speaking English. English is becoming the common language of millions of people worldwide, helping speakers of many different languages communicate.

VOICE ONE: This Special English program was written and produced by Paul Thompson. This is Steve Ember.

VOICE TWO: And this is Shirley Griffith. Join us again next week for another EXPLORATIONS program, on the Voice of America.


Olympic Games in Beijing

What a Great Olympic Games!

The 29th Olympic Games has been over in Beijing,China on August 24,20xx,which has left a great impression on the whole world. About 204 countries and regions attended the Olympic Games. In the Games,our Chinese athletes have won 51 gold medals,while America,36;Russia,23. This is the first time that we,Chinese athletes have won so many gold medals in one Olympic Games,which means our sports games belong to the first class in the world!

It is our athletes' intelligence and other qualities that have won the great honor for us Chinese all!Days when we were looked down upon have gone forever!From the very Games, we have proved that our government has the ability to hold the Olympic Games successfully!Not only can we hold the Olympic Games well,but also we can perform well. The fact has showed everything to the world!It is the successful 29th Olympic Games that destroys the saying of those who doubted about it days ago!What a great, successful and impressive Olympic Games!


Section Ⅲ Writing

Part A


Write an e-mail of about 100 words to a foreign teacher in your college, inviting him/her to be a judge for the upcoming English speech contest.

You should include the details you think necessary.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail. Use Li Ming instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) interpret its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

51 范文

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am one of your students who are being taught by you in this college.

The purpose of the letter that I am writing is to invite you to be a judge for the English speech contest which is host by CCAV. This contest will be held in the theater of our college on April 1, 20xx,and the occasion will start at seven oclock in the evening .We would be honored to have you there with us.

I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision. Your prompt attention to my letter would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

52 参考范文

This is a thought-provoking picture. In this picture,countless graduates, with air of the confusedwanderers about them, face four radically different choices --- startinga business, taking part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools, goingabroad or hunting a job. As is known to all, howto make a wise choice, for graduates, has been the talk of the society eversince the announcement of the expansion of higher educationin 20xx.

This picturesends a clear message to us about the far-reaching consequence of sensiblechoice. For one thing, if all graducates making wise choices, high efficiency can appear inindividuals and society. For another thing, compared with others, graduatesselecting the right option can make steady and deep development. Or, putanother way, advisable options can be described as a bridge between universitygraduates and success。

For my part, thereare many things we can do to help university graduates solve the problem. For example, graduatesmust understand advantages and disadvantages of those four choices before theycan make a sensible option. In addition,school authority should often hold discussing meeting to help graduates figure out their dreams andfuture. Only in these ways can university graduates solve the problem at thesource. (207 words)?


As the originator of the name of Lao Tzu: Lee, ear, word laodan, so called laodan. It is a famous philosopher, thinker and founder of Taoism school in ancient china. For posterity left a more than 5000 words "Lao Zi". "One", "Lao Tzu" into "Dao De Jing", referred to as "moral". In the book, Lao Tzu advocated "Inaction" thought, has a profound influence on later generations. Lao Tzu as people focus on self-cultivation, is said to have lived for more than 160 years, later Taoism will be regarded as the "patron deity". In our country folk, Lao Tzu called Lao, the moral Zhenjun, he has a lot of myths and legends.

Lao Tzu is a thoughtful book "madman", he often forget when sleeping, as the saying goes: "Efficiency comes from diligence., shortage in the play; line into Si, destroyed with." I always study hard, and it is worth learning by all of us. It is worth taking our example.

I remember having returned to his aunt's house and started reading when he got into the carriage. The horse took him to the river, and Lao Zi tied the horse to the tree with a rope, and he read it with relish. It was not until dark that I remembered that I would go to my aunt's house. Finally, Ma and Lao Tzu walked home. Since then, Lao Tzu has a nickname, "Book madman."".

The book, nature, life, inspire the wisdom of Li Er, got a lot of knowledge from books, including the truth in life, Li Er became a great thinker, and when these thoughts of enlightenment are inseparable. We should not only study diligently, but also be good at thinking!


Last week, I found all of my friends were talking the novel Game of Thrones. I asked one of my friend why he was so crushed on this novel. He answered me that because there were all kinds of amazing characters. So I decided to read this novel, at the beginning, I could not figure out the characters, because there were too much characters. But as I insisted, I started to fall in love with this novel, I could not stop reading, I wanted to know the truth. Game of Thrones is really a good book, the author’s creation is so awesome, he creates many magical roles. Like the white walkers, which are the dead people come back to life without human’s consciousness. I open my vision, I appreciate the author’s, he writes the good literature book. I’d like to introduce this book to more friends.



On Disasters

An old saying goes: Life is full of roses and thorns. As we all know, one’s life is full of unexpected events, some of which are wonderful and some of which are disastrous. Those heavy blows, such as, floods, snowstorms, and earthquakes, threaten to weigh one down.

However、it’s even worse if one can’t drag himself out of the grief in that mental break-down is more serious than the disaster itself. Instead of indulging oneself in sadness, one should take positive attitude towards life and contribute to the reconstruction of his or her life and hometown.

As for me, if I am lucky enough to survive in a disaster, I will try my best to help those who are suffering by donation blood or money. If I am a victim, I will endeavor to recover from the sadness as soon as possible and be certain to be strong and supportive to the recovery work. (154 words)


Dear David,

Thanks for you letter. I am so happy to hear that you will come to Changsha to be an exchange sthdent.now I will tell you some advice about studying Chinese.First of all,you should read some Chinese books,they can open your eyes.Secondly I think you make more friends and talk with them.In this way,you can learn more about China and speak Chinese very well .Thirdly you d better to buy a Chinese dictionary.You can see more Chinese worlds on it .China is a good country. I hope you can learn Chinese well soon.


An English Evening

We had an English Evening yesterday. there were many performances. Almost everyone took part in it. Miss Tang joined us. She sang us some nice English songs, we enjoyed her sweet voice very much. Helen's recitation was so good that she gave three encores. Peter, Eric, and Martin's short play was so interesting that we couldn't help laughing. Towards the end of the party we danced and sang together. We not only practiced our English but also had a good time.







在此,我想对那些觉得学英语很困难的同学说一句话:学英语就像在山谷里叫喊,越使劲喊,回音就越响亮。学英语不就正是如此吗? 你越努力,获得的回报就越多。














