2024-07-29 01:58:46






It is reported that the number of teenage smokers has been on the rise in recent years, which has caused great concern among people in ail walks or life. There are several reasons that account for this fact, but the following three may be the main ones.

First of all, it is easy for teenagers to get cigarettes. Cigarettes are available almost everywhere. Today's teens have more spare money, which comes from the improved living standard of their parents. They can buy what they want, includingcigarettes. Second, teenagers smoke because their adolescent years are filled with psychological problems. One of these problems, for example, is establishing a sense of identity. The teen years are the time when young people want to be more independent from their parents and form their ownvalues. The enormous mental pressures of these years can make some people turn to smoking. A final, and perhaps most important, reason is peer pressure to conform. Teens often become very close to special friends, for one thing, and they will share a friend's interest, even if one of these is smoking. Teenagers also attend parties and other social gatherings where it is all important to be one of the crowd, to be "cool." Even the most mature teenager might be tempted to smoke than to risk being an outcast. For all these reasons, cigarettes are a major problem facing teenagers


A survey about smokers in a middle school tells that although 90% of all students never smoke, 3% of them often smoke and 7% sometimes do. In other words, 10% of the students smoke. That s terrible.

As we know, smoking is harmful to our health. Every year, thousands of people lose their lives because of it. Smoking not only does harm to your health, but also wastes money. Because, a fire may be caused by cigarette ends. It s a pity to learn that one ends in death by smoking.

In all, smoking is so dangerous that we should keep away from it.






Smoking pollutes our surroundingsPeople have different ideas about smoking.Some people say smoking doesn't do any harm to their health.But I don't agree with it.You see the second smoking is more harmful to people's health.In a place,if there is only one person who is smoking,the others in the same place have to smoke,in other words,the other people are made to smoke,because they need to breathe the air.However,in the aiir that they breathe there is lots of the smoke that the smokers give off.So smoking does great harm to people's health.Smoking pollutes our surroundings.Let's improve our thought about smoking.In public place,we mustn't smoke.We should remember it,---No smoking!,for others' health!


The hazard of smoking: smoking is second only to drugs, but far more than drugs. Smoking hurt himself and urge you to smoke in smoking and preparation, in order to people you know and don't know, the more you, please stay away from tobacco, society is rapid development, the quality of people's living standards and constantly improve, smoking is in constant younger ages, making more and more primary and middle school students on the path of smoking, according to incomplete statistics, by the year 20xx state 3. 500 million smokers, smoking figure is ubiquitous, but how much has the smoking harmful to health?

Smoking is harmful to health, and everyone knows it. Scientific studies have shown that tobacco is the main source of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. Tobacco contains up to more than 4700 kinds of chemical ingredients, which mainly include carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar, styrene acrylic ratio, radioactive substances and irritating compounds and arsenic, mercury, tin, nickel, and other heavy metals, they have very strong stimulation and the effect that cause cancer, great harm to the human body, at present China has an estimated 1 million people die each year, and the number is rising constantly. My grandfather died of lung cancer. He has been smoking since the age of 19 and often has a mild cough in his later years. Before dying, it was discovered that it was the advanced stage of lung cancer, and the children were regretting and regretting that they should not have allowed their father to smoke, but it didn't help. Likewise, the dangers of second-hand smoke cannot be ignored. According to experts, non-smokers and smokers live or work together, and they smell smoke for a quarter of an hour a day, which is equivalent to smoking for more than one year. So smoke and harm yourself, don't try.

Smoking is a good thing. At present a pack of finished product smoke is in the market low middle and high grade inferior grade, low of say also want 5, 6 yuan, high-grade is 1000 yuan. The interests of the tobacco in which it is conceivable that it is in the interests of the driven by, a large number of tobacco merchant mei wear conscience to sell tobacco, and at the same time also in consuming large quantities of money. My uncle is an old smoker. He started smoking at age 17 and now is 48 years old, averaging 1 a day. Eight packets of red double happiness, according to the current price of 6 yuan a pack of red double happiness calculate, namely a year to smoke 3942 yuan, 30 year draw 122202 yuan. The $120, 000 is enough to buy a house in a small city. You can imagine how much of the 300 million smokers in China are in other people's pockets. And this is just some low-grade smoke, which shows that smokers end up dying of money.

Smoking is second only to drugs, but far more than drugs. Smoking hurt himself and urge you to smoke in smoking and preparation, in order to people you know and don't know, the more you, please stay away from tobacco, cut off smoke!


There are many students smoking in senior high school, the reason may be that they think they look cool or appear to be more mature while having a cigarette at hand.But there are a lot of reasons not to smoke. Smoking does harm to our health.It is dangerous to our heart and lung. A lot of diseases are caused by cigarettes.Cigarettes also have terrible smell.The seconghand smoke can also be dangerous to the others who stand around you. Therefore, no smoking in public is a strict regulation in many countries. And the most important thing is that once you come into addicitive,it's hard to get rid of it. So,we must keep far from the cigarette——for everybody's health.



Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.



The Harm of Smoking

Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of discomforts for their fellows。 Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of

those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke。 And studies show that non-smokers suffer more than the smokers themselves。

A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking。 Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas and in other public places。 Therefore,smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms。

Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more will turn down what we say every day。 I think it more important to call on the smoker to use good judgment and to show concern for others。


吸烟可能对某些人来说是一件愉快的事情,但却为他们的伙伴带来一系列的不适。 医药科学家们表达了他们对烟民们和生活在被烟草污染的空气中的人们的健康受吸烟影





There are many students smoking in senior high school, the reason may be that they think they look cool or appear to be more mature while having a cigarette at hand.

But there are a lot of reasons not to smoke. Smoking does harm to our health.It is dangerous to our heart and lung. A lot of diseases are caused by cigarettes.Cigarettes also have terrible smell.

The seconghand smoke can also be dangerous to the others who stand around you.

Therefore, no smoking in public is a strict regulation in many countries.

And the most important thing is that once you come into addicitive,it's hard to get rid of it. So,we must keep far from the cigarette——for everybody's health.





As we all know, there are many people smoking, although everyone knows smoking is harmful to us. Giving up smoking is not easy but addicted to it is quite easy, that’s why there are more and more people smoking. Smoking and passive smoking is risk factor that leads to various diseases.

It has become world’s top 8 causes of death. More than 90% of lung cancer caused by smoking and lung cancer rates of smokers are 18 times over the non-smokers. Besides, smoking also causes angiocardiopathy, digestive system disease, oral disease and so on. In addition, passive smoking causes great concern in recent years.

People have known that passive smoking also do great harm to human, too. Therefore, many countries and regions prohibit people from smoking in public zones, in order to reduce the harm of secondhand smoke.

From my point of view, the best way to keep healthy is giving up smoke, for smoker’s own good as well as for others.





Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of discomforts for their fellows. Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of

those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke. And studies show that non-smokers suffer more than the smokers themselves.

A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking. Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas and in other public places. Therefore,smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms.

Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more will turn down what we say every day. I think it more important to call on the smoker to use good judgment and to show concern for others.





A survey about smokers in a middle school tells that although 90% of all students never smoke, 3% of them often smoke and 7% sometimes do. In other words, 10% of the students smoke. That s terrible.

As we know, smoking is harmful to our health. Every year, thousands of people lose their lives because of it. Smoking not only does harm to your health, but also wastes money. Because, a fire may be caused by cigarette ends. It s a pity to learn that one ends in death by smoking.

In all, smoking is so dangerous that we should keep away from it.






It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China. And the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even ineluding some middle school students.

Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people'shealth. However, some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves.

In fact, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.

Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.



It’s wellknown that smoking is bad for our health. It does much harm to our lung. Smokingtoo much is very easy to get cancer, which is very terrible. Besides, smokingalso do harm to people’s teeth. Those people always smoke will demage theirteeth and their teeth are always yellow. That makes others feel sick. The lastbut not least, the people smoke the passive smoking are tend to get sick. They havedo nothing wrong,but stand beside those smoking people. It’s unfair. So, inorder to the health of everyone, please stop smoking.




Though smoking has been banned in public places in many cities, many people are still addicted to smoking, especially young people. Some smokers seem to have “quite convincing” reasons for their continuing to smoke. They claim if smoking is forbidden in public places, it will infringe upon their personal freedom and human rights.


But these smokers should know that they are not entitled to the freedom to smoke, which infringes upon non-smokers’ freedom to breathe clean and fresh air in public places. Unfortunately, these smokers make non-smokers victims of their bad habit. Some smokers ignore health problems and stress that the smoking ban will endanger the local economies. In their words, tobacco industry means money and millions of jobs. Indeed, tobacco industry, on the one hand, collects a large amount of revenue every year and helps develop local economies; on the other hand, they make people victims of lung cancer and other fatal diseases. Have they ever thought of the direct medical costs on treating smoking-related diseases?


It is reported that the US Government has adopted even more severe measures to control the development of its tobacco industry. Having a hard time at home, some US tobacco companies are sparing no effort in finding their way into China, which has the world’s largest number of smokers. In modernChina, opium brought by British imperialists brought great suffering to Chinese people, who were then called “sick men ofEast Asia”. Have we forgotten this bitter experience? Is tobacco revenue so dear or smokers’ freedom so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of the health and life of our people?




There are many students smoking in senior high school, the reason may be that they think they look cool or appear to be more mature while having a cigarette at hand.But there are a lot of reasons not to smoke. Smoking does harm to our health.It is dangerous to our heart and lung. A lot of diseases are caused by cigarettes.Cigarettes also have terrible smell.The seconghand smoke can also be dangerous to the others who stand around you. Therefore, no smoking in public is a strict regulation in many countries. And the most important thing is that once you come into addicitive,it's hard to get rid of it. So,we must keep far from the cigarette——for everybody's health.



Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.



As we all know, there are many people smoking, although everyone knows smoking is harmful to us. Giving up smoking is not easy but addicted to it is quite easy, that’s why there are more and more people smoking. Smoking and passive smoking is risk factor that leads to various diseases. It has become world’s top 8 causes of death. More than 90% of lung cancer caused by smoking and lung cancer rates of smokers are 18 times over the non-smokers. Besides, smoking also causes angiocardiopathy, digestive system disease, oral disease and so on. In addition, passive smoking causes great concern in recent years. People have known that passive smoking also do great harm to human, too. Therefore, many countries and regions prohibit people from smoking in public zones, in order to reduce the harm of secondhand smoke. From my point of view, the best way to keep healthy is giving up smoke, for smoker’s own good as well as for others.




Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.



It is said that about half of people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students.

As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.

Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once.


It is well-known that smoke is bad for our health. But there are still many people addicted to it and find it hard to quit. It is a problem make many people confused. For this, I have some suggestions. Firstly, you have to aware the disadvantages of smoke. If you don’t aware this, you won’t have the mind to do it. Then what you need is a strong mind. There is a saying,” Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.” So, a strong mind is important. What’s more, I have warm tips. If you really want to smoke, you can have a chew gum instead of smoke. After a while, your desire to smoke will be fade away gradually. Last, give yourself some awards. When you find yourself make some progress, you can give yourself some awards. It is good. Hope you can give up smoke successfully.




In recent years,we can clearlyfeelthe environment around usis more and moreobviouspollution,environmentalsafety problems have beenvery serious.Because of ourpreviouspolicy isheavy economic development,light environmental protection,resulting inenvironmental pollution,ecological damage is very serious,mainly manifested in the following aspects:


In the atmosphereof security,since the middle of the twentieth Century,industry andthe rapid development of transportation,causingairpollution is increasing.Air pollutionisharmful to human health,but alsoaffectthe growth of plants and animals,destruction ofbuilding materials,serious when canalter the earth's climate.According to the survey,China each yearfrom air pollutionand economiclosses amounted to about 100000000000 yuan.


In the water security,waterpollution in Chinais very serious,widespread around thedrinking watersafety problems,a direct threat tohuman and animalsurvival.In recent years,although theinvestmentfund managementa lot ofHuaiheand other waters,but the effect is not obvious,the overall situationis still deteriorating.


In a biologicalsafety,the invasion of alien speciesmass,a serious threat to thebiological diversity of china.In fact,the blind introduction of foreign species,damage the environmentbalance,serious and evenlead to disastrous consequences.At the same time,because ofthe destruction of the ecological environmentandwildlifehunting,biologicalextinctionrateis rapidly increasing.


In the security of land,theland desertification and soil erosionis very serious.In addition,the cultivated landquality in Chinadecreased very rapidly,at the same time,because of the seriousland pollutionphenomenoncaused byexcessive use ofpesticides,is directly related tofood safety problemof residents in our country.China is adeveloping country,in the face ofenvironmental pollutionpressure not only fromChinaitself,andappliedpressurefromsome developed countries abroad.Therefore the development ofeconomy andenvironmentis a need for us toissuelongface,and it alsoneed to rely on theparticipationof each and every one of us.







Cigarettes are endangering human health a gentle "killer", according to media reports, smokers prone to many diseases, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, cardiovascular disease, etc., 1 hour less smoke a pack of cigarettes is equivalent to life.

I saw the pictures of my father in his 20s when she was fat and red. I don't know when my father would smoke a pack of cigarettes every day. Slowly, his teeth blackened, his fingers turned yellow, and he smelled a bad smell. I saw him, and it was too late to hide. My mother and I advised my father to give up smoking a few times, but he said, "now that life is settled, we should learn to enjoy it. Besides, the man who smokes has grace!" Though we were not happy in our hearts, our mother was soft and finally let her alone.

After a while, I noticed that my father began to cough, which was getting louder and louder. First a few words, then a continuous cough. Sometimes his face turned red and his tears ran out. Every night, before he could see him go home, he could hear his shrill cough, which sounded as old as an old man in his 70s and 80s. Dad couldn't survive but he had to go to the doctor. After the doctor's diagnosis, he was found to be suffering from bronchitis, and the father had to make up his mind to quit smoking. Sometimes I can't help seeing my father, but I'm putting a snack in his mouth, and it works.

Now my father is fat, his appetite is open and his spirit is full. My father also offered to subsidize the money used for smoking. Sometimes he also bought me school supplies, toys, clothes and nutrition for my mother. Now my home is full of laughter.


no smoking day is an annual health awareness day in the united kingdom that helps smokers that want to quit smoking. the first no smoking day was on "ash wednesday" in 1984 and it now takes place on the second wednesday in march. the campaign is now in its 24th year and is a firm fixture in the uk calendar because of its continuing success. on no smoking day 2017 1.5 million smokers made a quit attempt and millions more used the day to take a step towards stopping smoking.