2024-06-23 09:02:58


It is known to all that China is a great big old country, which has profound As a result, the diversity of culture makes this country There are fifty-six minorities and all of them have different Many foreigners come to China and they are attracted by the For example, the scenery is different in We have green and high mountains and amazing historical What’s more, Chinese food is famous around the The unity of the minorities makes our country become Every Chinese knows that we are families and will fight for the country’s We have the responsibility to keep the country


It's polite to say “thank you” when others help us or say something kind to

Being polite is a good tradition in our likes a person who is It's important for us to be We should say “thank you” to parents when they cook for We should say “thank you” when they wash clothes for We should also be polite at When the teachers help us work out questions ,we should say “thank you” to When we get bad grades and the teachers and classmates encourage us, we should say “thank you”. When someone open the door for us,we should say “thank you”. We should say “thank you” as often as

If everyone is polite to others,the world will be more and more


with the increase of china's population, housing problems are becoming more and more many people complain that their houses are too small to live in, and we can see in some pool families, six or seven family members live in one therefore, the living conditions can't meet

there are many difficulties in solving housing first, it's impossible to put all the space into building secondly, the population of china increases year by year and with the improvement of our living standard, we need more room to relax ourselves

various solutions have been put i think the most important and efficient way is to control the also, we can build more high buildings to provide more living i believe the housing problems will be



In the Spring Festival, the most happy thing is to have a lot of relatives and friends came to my home, also to many children, I also can play to their home, we visit each other, go shopping together with them to buy their favorite things, go to the park to play on the seesaw, roll on the lawn, unluckily, played, happy ghost town.

During the Spring Festival, fireworks can be released. In the New Year's eve, we meet groups of fireworks in the outdoor, I hand fireworks, bold girl come and lit up a letter, a flower fireworks up, falling with the wind, turned into the clouds. I like to see "fairies scattered flowers", the firework after lighting the fuze, the fireworks roar straight into the sky, into thousands of colorful colorful brilliant sparks, the sky decoration gorgeous and charming. The roar of the roar of the sky, the roar of cheers. What a happy Spring Festival!

To celebrate the Spring Festival because it is over, the teacher always mercy, not much homework, I don't have to always are out of breath, homework a few days to finish the homework, there are a lot of time could be free to play, can do a lot of things that oneself like, such as drawing, origami, to the riverside to ride a bicycle on the road, a relaxed, wonderful!

Of course, lucky money is indispensable, to relatives, seven sister-in-law, one to give a pack, each time always full; The relatives came, and the one hundred and the two hundred, there was no harvest. Father said, "lucky money should be saved up, accumulated more, do meaningful things." I asked, "what is meaningful?" For example, it makes sense to help children in poor areas go to school, donate to the disaster area, go to college, etc. I always listen to my father, don't spend the money, will save the money. Every year. This Spring Festival must be able to receive money again, I will save it again, save more, will take out to do a few meaningful things in the future.

The Spring Festival every year, I look forward to every year, and a New Year is coming, I think, this year's Spring Festival must be so happy, relaxed, full, full of imagination, may have a more meaningful than normal!


My hometown is in the northeast, when the Chinese New Year is white and Snow White, the silver is wrapped, and the big red lanterns are hanging in every house.

The New Year is very lively, every little kid has new clothes, the boy has firecrackers, the girl has a new hair decoration, young children and the red envelopes.

To celebrate the New Year, every year, every family will kill the pig and keep the pork in the snow. Many families also pack lots and lots of dumplings, steam many buns and freeze them until the Spring Festival, when they don't have to cook every day.

There will be recreational activities such as walking on stilts, yangko dance, and running a sweat boat.

On New Year's eve, the family will make a very big dinner. In the middle of the night, dumplings will be made, and the shape of the dumpling is like the yuan treasure, which will herald the next year's bonanza. There are still a few COINS to put in the dumpling, who wants to eat the fuqi for the next year, the midnight dumpling must eat. A New Year has come after the ringing of the New Year. Eat dumplings on New Year's eve, everybody together to put firecrackers, cannot turn off the lights have a habit of New Year's eve, everyone except the children don't sleep, have a habit early in the morning to the relatives and neighbors at the beginning of New Year, ha ha, I haven't get up someone to...

On the fifteenth day of the first month, we roll on the ice, rolling the ice - or rolling the disease, to get rid of the year's disease.

The custom of Spring Festival in northeast China is very busy!


The New Year! The New Year! Every family was jubilant and immersed in a festive atmosphere. I have a good time during the Spring Festival, because we set off firecrackers together.

When it was dark, people picked up firecrackers and ordered a fragrant column. At one point, people walked back to their place and covered their ears. My soul went out into the clouds, but the whole man was still sick, and my heart was full of anger, and I was very busy with others. The sound of the night was endless, and every house was lit up all night long. After a while, the firecracker was completely gone. Had to put up a box of fireworks to put, don't look at such a small box of fireworks, its power can be strong, first took me dumbstruck, I said to himself: "such a small box fireworks power so big!" The sound of fireworks is quite different, and the shapes are not so pleasing! I put out fireworks like a stick, "squeaky..." A yellow little fly out, "wow, so beautiful! It is the fairy put fireworks. The fireworks sit up and take notice to me, also for it. I put one then the other, all sorts of colorful fireworks, the fireworks dad buy the most, is really a horse!

This Spring Festival I live happily, fireworks and I became good friends, I also treat fireworks as brothers!

The Spring Festival, a happy holiday, is a favorite holiday. On this day, I ate New Year's food, set off fireworks, firecracker. I'm so happy that I wish it were Spring Festival every day. Todd: wow, so you're not getting a big deal every day. I like Spring Festival too much. Spring Festival is coming, I will welcome this wonderful festival warmly!



As the Spring Festival is approaching, I can't help laughing. Before the Spring Festival, people are jubilant and energetic. Some are buying New Year's paintings, some are buying new years, some are watching TV in a burning box, others are playing mahjong, and so on.

People in the streets are crowded with all kinds of goods, people are afraid to buy anything is difficult to choose.

Before the Spring Festival, every family is brightly lit, and all have their own unique characteristics. They put their purchases all over the floor. Buy the New Year picture how to stick a law, that each has its own style and liking. Some of them are sticking, some of them are upside down, others are crooked, each has its own. People have finished all the dishes they have bought, and they can only wait for the Spring Festival. Every family is equipped with firecrackers, people wear new clothes, prepare to welcome the New Year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if met a good friend, in the mouth always remember to say "buy New Year goods."

People kill pigs and kill sheep, and they are busy preparing for the Spring Festival.

When the Spring Festival came, the children got up early and went to their parents' room to start the traditional worship ceremony. The children said some lucky words to their parents, and the parents took out the lucky money, so that the children would be happy. Everyone hopes to have good luck this year.

People have been playing hard to try, eating delicious fruit with them, setting off firecrackers in their hands... The children have a good time.








Sent away 20xx, ushered in 20xx, 20xx Olympic year, the whole nation is jubilant!

Today is New Year's eve, every family is busy! By New Year's eve that day afternoon, the whole family, busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, the red lantern: see uncle who climb a ladder up to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, I and my cousin also not idle, help adults, stick tape, double-sided adhesive. The lanterns were hung and the Spring Festival couplets were posted, which added to the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

After eating dinner, our family around the stove to watch the Spring Festival evening party, see the sketch, the street guard actor "full stop" play a drunkard, staggered walked out, with our family is to laugh. I also saw a lot of wonderful performances, this year's Spring Festival party is really good looking!

Around ten o 'clock, my cousin, my mother and I went up to the roof to set off fireworks. There was a small firework -- "chrysanthemum", the fireworks up, the stars, like a shiny chrysanthemum; And then put a big fireworks - "a good beginning," fireworks shot out high up, and a bit like stumbled to the very soon, then I see the colorful fireworks scattered, like split, excellent good-looking! My mother and I clap our hands together! Look up at the distance, you will see the whole night sky is decorated with different shapes, colors of fireworks dazzling, dazzling!

On New Year's eve, I lived a full and happy life!


Spring Festival is the most important festival of our country and the most important festival of the year. Every family will celebrate. Some ethnic groups will also engage in activities to celebrate the Spring Festival, such as dragon and lion dance, book singing, dry boat, stilt-walking and yangko dance.

As soon as the year passes, the children of adults are busy with the work. They are not happy to have the goods, the house and the ancestral homes. Pasting Spring Festival couplets is an essential item. Or do it yourself, and write down the harvest of the year and the hope of the next year. Students, speaking of Spring Festival couplets, there is a story! Spring couplets, which originated from the peach character, first appeared in the zhou dynasty, and were a rectangular peach door on both sides of the door. It is said that peach has no ghost, exorcist function. Because the evil spirits of the world are afraid of "god's tea" and "yu lei", so the people carved their appearance with peaches and put them in their doorway to ward off evil spirits. Later, people carved the names of two gods on the peach planks, believing that it would also be a good way to ward off evil. This peach plate is called "peach". In the five dynasties period, people began to write on the peach. Once, houzhu of later shu shu of the monarchy in the New Year's eve to bachelor's writing on the peach wood charms against evil board, because can't see the bachelor's written content, houzhu of later shu simply his writing "title every year about yuqing, changchun. This led to China's first couplets.

Often go home to see, go home to see, again far wanzi also want to return home to be reunited with family, eat the annual dinner that parents elaborate. In the old days, people called it New Year's eve, the year of the year. This meal should be eaten slowly, until late at night.

Watching the wonderful program of the Spring Festival gala, surrounded by hot hot pot, listening to the sounds of firecrackers outside the window, the family enjoyed the family's happiness. At this time, the children are most happy that the elders will send out lucky money. This is said to have been done during the wei and jin dynasties. Lucky money is also called "money for years" and "pressure" because of the homonym of the year, the money can be used to suppress the evil, and the children will celebrate the New Year in peace.

During the Spring Festival, we must visit friends and relatives. Relatives and friends gathered together, ate hearty wine, exchanged blessings, and conspired to develop a big plan. The activity continued until the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month.

During the Spring Festival, it is not only the people who eat and drink together, but also the national spirit of our country. It is integrated into a kind of kinship, the pursuit of a good life and the harmony and peace between people.