2024-07-24 01:46:55



We can save water in many different ways, but to understand how these ways help save our environment, we must understand that all things can be linked together. For example, by planting trees, we can reduce the amount of soil that enters and pollutes our waterways. You can start saving water by:

Using buckets instead of a hose when watering the garden

Taking a shower instead of a bath, but using water saving shower heads would be even better.

Installing half-flush toilets.

Fixing leaky taps

Placing an object such as a brick in the toilet or adjust the arm on the toilet.

Planting native Australian plants

Resuing greywater (that's what we call the water from the laundry, etc.

These are only some of the endless ways that we can help our environment.


As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. And I think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.





First,we mustnt turnon more lights than we need .Then,we must turn fans off when we leave a room.Next,we must close the fridge or freezer after we have taken something out.We mustn switch off the lights when students are the last to leave the classroom.After that,we mustnt leave the kettle on unattended.Finally,we must close all the windows when we are using the air conditioner.

If everyone can do these,I think we can save electricity.




Electricity plays a very important role in our life today, we can not live without it. In our country, we have using it for about 50 years. But,we have to know,in the same time,a large part of it was wasted,its polluted environment around us. as a student,we should like using the air-conditioner less often, turning off the light upon leaving, reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.

As a saying puts, " Actions speak louder than words", please join in the action to save electricity, from yourself, from now on. Action!




In recent years, water becomes more imporant,so how we protect the water from the pollution.

To begin with,All of the creatures made of the water,water is essential things that we live in the earth.so we can't live without water.Moreover,we can use water that we wash our faces with to flush the toilets,

In general,We should learn how to save water and make water management an important part of our life.


Mayor Bloomberg has been the mayor of New York City for nearly nine years, but for ten years he has been wearing the same shoes. This is really rare to be seen on a billionaire.

“The mayor owns two pairs of work shoes,” said the spokesman. “One day he’ll wear one, the next the other. When they got worn down, he has them repaired. He could buy any shoes he wanted, but he says since they are comfortable, and they work, there’s no need for a new pair.” According to the spokesman, the mayor saves in his footwear and he also keeps it up in his personal as well as governmental finance. “When he buys a cup of coffee, he chooses the smallest size. He buys only what he needs.”

Such is the mayor of New York City, who cares little about his shoes, avoids wasting money and focuses his attention on his work and his people in the city.

But what about our fellow students nowadays? Some wear super expensive clothes and shoes; besides, they buy as many as possible, far more than two pairs. They always want the latest, the newest and throw the old ones away though they haven’t worn them for many times.



There is an English says: we never know what will happen in the future, well, people may not know the future is what appearance, what will happen in the future, the past cannot be changed, and the future is at any time may be rewritten.

I am not a prophet, but I can speculate on a number of situations in China's future according to the current situation in China.

Today's Chinese society, in the field of architecture is a bit messy, what "bridge crispy" crispy "floor", and with their similar events one after another, some real estate developers to quickly completed, drive time limit for a project, to sell the house as soon as possible, regardless of the life safety of the housing residents, grab something to "scraps left slag" was completed. As a result one by one "jerry-built projects" appeared in front of the world, this is not simply the construction sector is perfunctory, including land supervision bureau of the responsibility, he "tofu", and you are responsible for censorship, but look not to come out. How can this attitude let people rest assured to buy a house?

Land evictions and after compensation, and is one of the Chinese social problems, people live in a good house, all of a sudden, I do not know what reason, say demolition demolition, put aside who can accept, some people because of dissatisfaction with the compensation, petition protesting, this had to say it's a tragedy, the tragedy of the Chinese society. One of city middle school teacher, because of dissatisfaction with forced evictions, resolute don't move, but under the guidance director, the headmaster a barrage of "met" can be the teacher or not to move, the results after the guidance director "met", under the pile of a malicious words: "if you don't move, you don't do!" You said he was a guidance director, no education, instead of what land housing demolition, among them, there is a problem -- -- -- -- -- - after the house dismantlement, nature will build a new house, the property developers are eager to demolition, is rushing to sell a house, now, around the house prices, 1 vigorously. Many people think: alas, house prices 1 vigorously soared upwards, return not equal to taking advantage of low price is to buy a house now, then, holding the psychological, even college students as a mortgage slave, alas, are prices provoked trouble ah! If the house hadn't collapsed, I would have guessed that the children would have had one more trouble - the house.

Recently, the severe drought in yunnan, the national people's all lend a helping hand, in a timely manner "drought relief", and at the same time, some county in the streets of the water pipe burst, splash, and the passing pedestrians is blind, indifference, the relevant departments or. So let the waste of water resources, the drought in yunnan province can also completely is natural disaster? Isn't it perfunctory? Authorities don't prevent the happening of the drought in advance, but only in vigorously disaster relief and post-disaster China was originally a scarcity of countries, China's domestic water price and low, waste of water resource of penalties is not strong, caused many people to think like this, I have plenty of money, I want to how to use water is how to do, I'm afraid according to the development of the situation, as a public welfare advertisement, said: the last drop of water in the world, is the human's tear.

I'll call you, save every drop of water, per kilowatt-hour, cherish water resources, improve the environmental protection consciousness, don't think this is stingy, this is to save, is a reflection of the quality. Don't look down on a drop of water, electricity, once if everyone can save a drop of water, electricity, once 1.3 billion people in China, is not a small number, as long as we can to do seriously, this believe that tomorrow will be better.

There is also a problem in Chinese society, which is the problem that is most worrying for every student in the seat, and for your parents, education.

Speaking of China's education, its historical origin is very long. Institution from the western han dynasty, it has too, for the nobles' children learn, and then through the dynasties, is pay attention to education, and it is up and down five thousand years of splendid civilization in China, but have yet to develop a Nobel prize-winning level of talent, that where the problem is that? There are many reasons, first of all, the social competition is too fierce. Many children are under high pressure from an early age, and there is no happiness, no golden childhood, which kills the children's interest. Followed by the problem of education system, schools and the education sector hero with fractional theory, cause the student schoolwork burden overweight, the serious influence students' physical and mental health development, again is the idea of parents, parents are you interested in, whether children will learn not to learn, to give the child to the class, the cram school, what the piano, drawing, dancing, let the children learn day and night, just to let the child to become a special immortal, try to ask in such cases, in the college entrance examination can add a few minutes? How good it is for your child's healthy growth.

I sincerely hope that our great motherland will be stronger and more beautiful, so that every Chinese can proudly say, "I am Chinese!" It's not America, not Russia, not Britain, not France, but our great China!

I hope that my future is not a dream.



Joozone Editor's Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue? You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?



Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?

With the improvement of the living standards, many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty. What they pursue is the latest fashion. In their eyes, thrift is already out of style. AD:From .

However, still other people insist that thrift is a good virtue. They say that the unprecedented power of production doesn’t mean that we are entitled to a life of extravagance, because our natural resources are limited and some of them even are on the decline.Moreover, they hold that waste may lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well.

As to me, I prefer the latter opinion. I believe “Waste not, want not.” The truth of this saying is not to give up comfort but to enhance efficiency. In fact, economic growth depends enormously on saving. Besides, there are still millions of Chinese living under poverty line. We can never afford reckless waste.Therefore, [10]it is no doubt that thrift is still a good virtue that we should not give up.


Mayor Bloomberg has been the mayor of New York City for nearly nine years, but for ten years he has been wearing the same shoes. This is really rare to be seen on a billionaire.

“The mayor owns two pairs of work shoes,” said the spokesman. “One day he’ll wear one, the next the other. When they got worn down, he has them repaired. He could buy any shoes he wanted, but he says since they are comfortable, and they work, there’s no need for a new pair.” According to the spokesman, the mayor saves in his footwear and he also keeps it up in his personal as well as governmental finance. “When he buys a cup of coffee, he chooses the smallest size. He buys only what he needs.”

Such is the mayor of New York City, who cares little about his shoes, avoids wasting money and focuses his attention on his work and his people in the city.

But what about our fellow students nowadays? Some wear super expensive clothes and shoes; besides, they buy as many as possible, far more than two pairs. They always want the latest, the newest and throw the old ones away though they haven’t worn them for many times.


1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容。

2. 以约120个词就“勤俭节约”这一主题发表你的感想和看法,内容包括:





1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



参考词汇:节俭的 provident/thrifty


The author introduces to us the mayor of New York City, a man who is rich but provident. The author also points out nowadays some students have the habit of wasting things.

When reading the passage, I am deeply moved by the mayor. Rich as he is, he has the virtue of saving. He spends money only on what he needs and never wastes money on what is of no use. I think this is really admirable.

The mayor reminds me of the great political leader of China, Chairman Mao. As the chairman of China, Mao led a very thrifty life. He used to wear old clothes at home. When his clothes were worn out, he would have them repaired and continued to wear them. He always told others that saving was a good virtue of Chinese people.

Thinking about the two great leaders, I feel deeply ashamed. As a young student who still has to depend on my parents, I have been leading too comfortable a life. I buy whatever I like though I don’t really need them. Besides, I like new things; when things get “old”, I tend to begin to dislike them and stop using them. Now that I realize that this is wrong, I’m determined that I shall follow the examples of the two great leaders and start to get rid of the bad habits.



As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. And I think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference。


No creature can live without water and human being is not an exemption as well. Our body is mainly formed by water, about 70% or more. So everyday we need to drink a lot to keep ourselves healthy and full of energy. Except that, there are lots of things we need water in our daily life. We need to use water to cook, to wash clothes, to shower and so on. As we know the water shortage is a big issue all over the world. Therefore save water is very important in our life.


Hello, my name is water. Life, everywhere. Wash and brush, wash hair, cooking, cooking, washing clothes. You see how important life everywhere, I cannot, so everyone should cherish, saving water blessing. Everybody must be hard, vying for saving little angel!

Tap water, wash hands, and speak hygiene. Roll up your sleeve, the first open bibcock flushing. Close leading play soap, palm is abluent, open the rush clean bibcock, hands, wipe jilt written in water.


One day, I told my brother to play, he saw an uncle was holding a large brush, effortless in the pool also wrote a Please conserve water, five characters, then who will be the tap open to the uncle began to wash the largest pen. Washing with washing with water on the flooded pond, like hair, like flood, to flow in all directions to go, uncle, or turn a blind eye, still go its own way. He splashed the water in order to keep themselves, stay away.

Water in the brawl in flowing, as if in sad to say: Oh, some people really do not know a thing about the village that we do not know how much our contribution, if the plants without water, they will thirst death, to know our countrys fresh water resources become increasingly strained. Well, I hear a sigh, thinking: his uncle, who wrote a number of characters, Please save water, but he himself was a waste of water resources, he said and do not at all inconsistent with ah! So I walked over, courtesy of his uncle, said: Uncle, water is the source of life, you do not save water until the water dried up the day of regret too late, plant will all thirst, humanity would cease to exist, the water is too precious to mankind ah!

Uncle listened to me, first froze a moment, surprised to see me, and blushed to the ears and roots, said: Great, youre my teacher Then he hastened to shut the tap.

I experienced such a thing, decided to start from their own and cherish water resources:







As we all know, water is essential in our daily life. We drink water every day, we use water to wash things and cook food, we also use water to make machines. People can't live without water.

Though about 75% of the earth is covered with water, only 3% of it is fresh water. So we must save water by having a shower instead of a bath. We can save water by fixing dripping taps immediately and we can also save water by not washing under a running tap.


Save water

As we all know water is very important. We should try to save it. First, when we finish washing the clothes or dishes, we can use the water to clean the floor. Second, If we see the dripping tap, we must fix the tap as soon as possible. Third, we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.


Don't Waste Water

A man is washing his clothes ,regardless of the notice above "Save the Water Please."

As we see ,water is the source of life. But there is very limited available water resources in our world. So we shouldn't waste it. Of course, we have to use it to drink, cook, wash, clean and etc. But we must remember not to use it extravagantly. If we didn't stop such wasteful habits, we would cut off the development of the world and the human life.



Water is very important to us.Without water, people will die.Animals and plant need water, too .

But water is becoming less and less.We must do something to save it.For example,turn off the tap,if you don’t it.After washing vegetables,we can use the water to water the plant.Also,don’t wash your hands for a long time.

Remember not to waster water or pollute it.Save water,save our earth!let’s take action now!




但是水变得越来越少。我们必须为节约它做一些事。比如,关掉水龙头,在你不用它时。在清洗蔬菜之后,我们能使用水来浇植物。同时, 洗你的手不要用很长时间。



The world is not only hungry, but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes, underground , and other sources. And we cannot

even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.

However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?

We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. For us, the systems are as important as the spacecraft.


世界是不只有饥饿的,但是也口渴的为水。 这可能对你似乎很奇怪,因为将近75%的地球的表面布满水。但是大约97%的这个极大的部分是海洋水、或含盐的甜水。人们只能喝而且使用另一个3%——来自河的淡水,湖,地下水,和其他来源。而且因为它其中的一些是以冰山的形式,所以我们不能够甚至使用那全部和冰河。甚至更坏,它其中的一些已经被污染。

然而,因为事情今天站,这个少量淡水,正在不变地被降雨量代替,仍然对我们充足。 但是我们的对水的需要正在快速地增加--几乎日复一日。只有当如果我们采取措施现在处理这一个问题我们能稍后避免一个严格的全世界的水不足吗。一个被限制的给水会有对农业和工业的差劲影响。让我只是给你一个小必需水如何对工业的例。你知道生产一吨钢,它拿水的大约91000公升?

我们全部必须学习该如何停止浪费我们的宝贵水。 我们应该拿的首要步骤之一将发展重复使用它的方式。实验在这一个栏位被做,但是只有在一个小规模上。为我们,系统很像太空船一样的重要。


Tree are very important in our life .They are the biggest and oldest living things on earth .Many things comes from trees ,for example ,the wood in your pencil and the paper in your notebook .Tree can fight pollution ,they can cool and clean the air .Tree can also communicate with one another to protect themselves from insects .

But now trees are in great danger .People cut down and burn them every year .Trees are our friends .Let’s try our best to plant more trees and protect them.




How to save electricity?

Electricity is very important in our daily life ,we use it to do all kinds of things ,however ,electricity is getting less and less ,we must save it .

First ,don’t turn on too many light at one time .Second ,at home ,don’t open fridges too often .Third ,remember to turn off all the lights when go out .Finally ,we should use air conditioners as little as possible.

Let’s do our best to save electricity .







Let’s Save the Energy

The whole world is short of energy. Saving the energy is very important. As a student, we can do a lot in our daily life.

For example, we should keep the light off when we don’t use it. We should take a shower instead of bath to save water. Don’t keep the tap running when you wash your face or brush your teeth. When we go shopping, we can take cloth bags instead of using plastic bags. Many people write on only one side of their paper. Why not try using both? To save the energy, we should also reduce pollution. Recycling old newspapers, glasses, cans and waste paper is also a good idea.

Let’s work hard together to save the energy!




How to save energy

As a middle school student,what can we do to save energy?t is very important for us to protect the envirnment today.Do not throw the rubbish anywhere.We should plant the trees as many as possible.

We should learn to save the water from a very yong age.It is not allowed to waste the water.I usually use the water that i have washed the clothes to water the flowers or clean the floor.I think it is also a good way to save water ,is not it?I always go to school by bike,but sometimes i go to school on foot.It is not only can do to protect the envirnment ,but also a good way tokeep healthy.It is necessary to recycle martianas much as possible.There are many things we can do to save energy,such as turning off the light when we leave.

Let's do it from ourselves!




Save Energy

Water used to be mistaken to be an unlimited and renewable resource. Actually, water resource is very limited and precious. It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention. Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap.

However, water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being, and yet the phenomenon of wasting water can still easily be found anywhere in our daily life. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it so that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it. Water resource is indispensable not only in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. And water is the wealth of the whole mankind, and it is hard to imagine what the world would be like when there is no more water.

Even though an increasing number of people have become aware of this emergency, further measures still need to be taken. On the macro level, the whole world should make a joint effort to fight against waste of water. On the micro level, publicizing activities, such as broadcasting wonderful ways on how to save water on TV and other media, should be conducted. To store water means to store happiness and only by saving water can we save a better life for our offspring.





As we all know water plays an important part in people's daily lives. More and more water is needed in the modern society. So we should try to save it.

Now many places are short of water. For example, a big drought hit the Southwest of China at the beginning of this year. especially Yunnan province, milions of people has not got enough water for common life. A lot of rivers and lakes are polluted. What's worse, many people are wasting water seriously.

In order to protect water, let's do something to fight against all kinds of pollution and waste of water.

节约用水(To save water)

As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. And I think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference。

节约用水(To save water)

As we all know, water is essential in our daily life. We drink water every day, we use water to wash things and cook food, we also use water to make machines. People can't live without water.

Though about 75% of the earth is covered with water, only 3% of it is fresh water. So we must save water by having a shower instead of a bath. We can save water by fixing dripping taps immediately and we can also save water by not washing under a running tap.

节约用水(Saving Water)

The world is not only hungry,but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes,underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.

However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?

We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. For us, the systems are as important as the spacecraft.

节约用水(Saving Water)

"If only the last drop of water on Earth, it is our tears." Whenever that phrase sounded a warning to people in a timely manner the classic statement, I think two years ago, a little things that I wake up.

One day two years ago, my classmates and I in the shuttlecock and tired, and I ran towards the school toilets. Unscrew the faucet, I would hands dirty Huhu stretch of the past, that the clear water in my dirty hands, my hands quickly clean. I can not help but come to the interest in handblocked faucet, water fountain just outside shot up as soon flow over the floor, I then walked out satisfied.

When I reentered the bathroom and saw a note posted on the wall, above the crooked words "water conservation." I did not hesitate to tear it down, then play his fill before the tap.

Yet curiously, when I again see the beautiful "Fountain", the paper goes on to save water appeared in front of me. I like a little detectivelike hiding behind the door.

A little girl came in, she looked like a freshman, she was struggling to put that read, "save water" and a note on the wall, and then washing hands and went out.

I shook, a lowgrade girl know to do their best to conserve water, and I have a thirdyear students, and the mind has not the slightest awareness of water conservation. Later, with age, I came to know can not stand the waste of limited water resources, China is a serious water shortage in the world countries, many cities have restrictions on water use, and we are in arid Gansu's Dingxi more poverty known place.

We are located in the Heihe River in Zhangye, backed by the Qilian mountains, seemingly not being short of water, but the raging dust storms every year, to the people to produce the inconvenience of life, then show it? Our environment needs water. Only small set watersaving awareness, and to promote water conservation around the importance of people, from small start, from what I starting to really protect the water resources, protecting our environment and make a little effort, otherwise, we future generations to eat what to drink?

Water conservation is not empty words, but the little things from each concrete start to develop good water habits. As long as everyone is saving water, building watersaving society's goals will be achieved.


1, toys for children intimate partner. But some toys (such as water spray guns) need to consume water, not worthy of recommendation, particularly in the areas of water scarcity, but also should not be used. There are some naughty young people, leading in the water below a big fight with each other水仗water, water scattered, very happy, insidious, clean the wet ground, in the past, the pedestrian was scared, a large number of Water is also wasted. More bad!

2, washing utensils in the home water-saving washing utensils, the best dishes on the first paper to remove the oil, and then hot water again, and finally with more warm water or cold running water.

Second, take a bath of water-saving:

With shower nozzle: (1) Institute of regulating temperature. (2) not to head to open water from start to finish, and should not open. (3) as far as possible before you get wet from head to toe, on the whole body soapTu, the last running water. Do not separate shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and foot washing. (4) to concentrate on taking a bath, seize the time, do not refrain from being washed or side chat edge. Let alone in the bathroom and a good friend of a big fight. To remember: Time is the water! (5) not to use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" the clothes, shoes. Bathing in the bathtub, we should pay attention: Do not over water, pots 1/3-1/4 sufficient.

Third, water-saving toilets:

(1) If you think that the toilet tank is too large, can be a piece of bricktank filled with water or a large drink bottles, in order to reduce the volume of flushing water every time. It should be noted, bricks or drink bottles of water tanks on the prejudice component of the local campaign. (2) water tank leakage is always the most influent rubber sealing lax than irrigation, water filled with later flow away from the overflow hole; outlet sealing rubber lax devascularization not take water into the pipes do not stopped to water. (3) domestic wastewater collection flush toilets, you can use a strip of water, saving water. (4) garbage regardless of size, thickness, should be clear from the garbage channel, rather than water from the toilet to Chong.



I did my homework very early today. I watched TV after dinner. My mother told me to wash my face and watch TV. I said, "good." Then I went to wash my face. When I went, my mother was washing her face. I said, "hurry up, mom." The mother said, "good." I was waiting for my mother to wash her face, mother wash her face in the wash basin, my mother used the same basin of water to wash feet, I said mother this is why, mother asked me why this is, I say: "it is economize on water". Mom is really able to talk to me. Her mother washed his socks in the same basin of water. My mother told me that if everyone could save water like this, how many tons of water could he save in a year?

Today, my mother gave me a lesson on water saving. Now it's my turn to wash my face and wash my feet. Ah, washing your feet can eliminate the tiredness of the day. It's good to save water.


A lot of students in our school run to the faucet as soon as they are in class. They open the faucet and then throw water into the water. When they go, they do not turn off the faucet, and they run away quickly.

I used to do such a "stupid" thing.

When I was young, mom and Dad were not at home in the evenings. I was scared at home alone, and I ran to the bathroom to play with water. When the water is finished, put the faucet there without turning it off. On the second morning, all the water was on the ground. Mom and dad put all the water on the ground and the mop and rag all off. Just wanted to sit on the sofa and rest on the couch. I felt bored again, and then opened the faucet. When I didn't want to play, I sat on the sofa and saw the cartoon, and the faucet was not turned off. The longer the water is opened, the more water will be paid.

When mom and dad came home, they told me not to play with water again. Playing with water was a great hazard to the country. Since then I have not been playing with water again.

Later, every time I wash the dishes and wash my face, I think, "I can't waste water and waste water. It's great harm to the country. I can't harm the motherland!"


Today, I saw a problem on my math exercises.

The topic is: our country has about 1 billion 300 million people. If we save 1 cents per person per day, our country will save about 13 million yuan a day. So this money can provide children with no money to go to school.

Looking at the information above, I thought, "what a force!" I suddenly thought: if these 1 billion 300 million people, each person has wasted 1 drops of water, then altogether wasted 1 billion 300 million drops of water, then, how big does 1 billion 300 million drop water have?

I made a small experiment: dripping 1000 drops of water under the tap, weighing 200 grams with the weight of the dripping water, I counted the drikke =260 ton.

I don't know. It's a scare. I went to ask my father, "Daddy, how much electricity can 1 tons of water generate?" Dad said, "1 tons of water can send 100 degrees of electricity." That means 260 tons of water can make electricity. I was shocked at once. 260 tons of water had so many functions. So we must save all water and not waste a drop.



Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?

A poem:

Water has no taste at all.

Water has no color.

Water’s in the waterfall.

The pump.

The tap.

The well.

Water is everywhere around us.

Water is in the rain.

In the stream.

In the pond.

And in the river.

And in the sea again.

There isn’t much water on the earth. we must to save it. It is not inexhaustible.

It is very valuable.


Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees. Air pollution and water polloution are very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.. Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us.


As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.

With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.


A man is washing his clothes, regardless of the notice above "Save the Water Please."

As we see ,water is the source of life. But there is a very limited available water resource in our world. So we shouldn't waste it. Of course, we have to use it to drink, cook, wash, clean and etc. But we must remember not to use it extravagantly. If we didn't stop such wasteful habits, we would cut off the development of the world and the human life.











With the growing of the populaiton and the polution of rivers and lakes, it is now becoming more and more difficult for us to have access to drinking water. The shortage of drinking water has becoming a serious problem in many parts of our country. As a student, we should save water in our everyday life so as to reduce the effect of the drinking water shortage. Saving water should be the responsibility of every student.

As a student, what can we do in our daily life to save water?

First, we should realize the problem of drinking water shortage. Most of the times we waste water because we do not realize the problem. Once we have realized the problem we will do all that we can to save water in our life.

Second, we can buy things that are water saving such as washing machines which are water saving. In this way , we can use less water doing the same thing than before thus saving a lot of water.

Third, we can make use of waste water. Often, waste water are not fully used before they are poured off. We can reuse the water in many ways. For example, the water left after washing vegetables can be used to drop plants or to clean the floor.

In a word, saving water is very important and we should do as much as we can to save water in our everyday life.


We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before, one of them is the water emergence. Long time ago, we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before, and the consequence is continuing.

Until recently, we have started to acknowledge that we should make the bigger efforts to save water. Therefore, so save water from every single person is important. That is why we should save water at home. If every one of us saves water at home, then the water saved together would be a huge amout. And I have some suggestions following: we could cycle the water we just used them to wash clothes to water the plants or to rush the toilet; when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc.

So if we want to save water sincerely, we could save it at home .


How to save water

Water is very important in our life.We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things.We can not live without water.But how can we save water?

There are several ways to save water.Firstly,take shorter showers and don’t leave the tap running when we don’t need to use water.Secondly,Try to reuse water .It’s the most important way for us to save water.At last,We should not pollute water so that we willl have fresh water for years and years.

If we do not save water,the last drop of water will be a teardrop.To protect water is to protect our life.

.Some people think there's much water on the earth.In fact,there is only a little water for us to use now.If we don't save it,it will surely be used out some day.

Then what should we do?

First,when we finish washing the clothes,we can use the water to clean the floor.Second,if we see the dripping tap,we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible.Third,we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.

In these ways,we can save not only huge amounts of water but also ourselves


篇2: As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. And I think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference。

篇3: We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before, one of them is the water emergence. Long time ago, we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before, and the consequence is continuing. Until recently, we have started to acknowledge that we should make the bigger efforts to save water. Therefore, so save water from every single person is important. That is why we should save water at home. If every one of us saves water at home, then the water saved together would bea huge amout. And I have some suggestions following: we could cycle the water we just used them to wash clothes to water the plants or to rush the toilet; when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc. So if we want to save water sincerely, we could save it at home .


as a child, i am so luck. i don’t need to worry about food. i always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, and have beautiful clothes to dress. i am so happy that i have no idea to treasure all these things. i am a kind of particular about food. i often eat a little for one dish and the throw it away, because i have many choices. i will be full after eating several dishes. but one day, i watch a piece of news on tv. it is about some africa children who are suffering starvation.

they are so poor. they are not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink. a bowl of rice is very rare for them. seeing their longing eyes, i feel guilty. i am regret about wasting food before. how can i waste so much rare food? from now on, i will try my best to save food, to do something for them.