2024-07-06 05:31:18


Yesterday just yesterday,it gives me have a better thought I haven’t had a successful person fact,how is successful?Nobody will speak very I was a happy person,I have had more happy,more powerful,more yesterday momery gives me to see the I don’t like talk more,I don’t like see more people,don’t warm,more time,I like staying my home,painting almost gives me full life,but also gives me like lonely,

I like now’s me,talkative,easy going hope that I will do myself,to be more easy going,gives every my friend’s


There are too many tomorrow, but there will be no more of the same From the starting point of life to the present graduating little boy, you have the life you have lamented the grief at separation and joy in Union? Have failed but still can laugh at life? You have my pain and frustration over the curse of God? Whether you have done this, everything has become the past, good memories; everything has become history, a wise

In a rain in the morning, the flowers and trees on campus after rain baptism, more beautiful, more healthy, my classmates and I are eating breakfast, imperceptibly, I stay in the eyes of a little girl who, he is wearing a yellow skirt carrying a big bag, alone a person wandering in front of the teaching At this moment, I can not help but think of themselves, in six years ago, that was the first grade at the entrance of the small child has made such a move, every time when I go to school, I always a person wandering in front of the teaching building, I silently in my heart to leave the nursery when good partners, I it entered the school, started a new study and life, I must work hard, and then get back their competition! This is just a very simple and naive, but now I grow up, remember everything is just a dream, and now whether they meet difficulties, I always the up to fling caution to the winds, think of those who are very far but very close friends, their company makes me feel lonely, they encourage me to have confidence in the

There are too many vicissitudes of life, grief at separation and joy in Union in the six years of primary school career, I am lucky to finish my school life I have been studying here for six years, although I often have some war of words between my classmates, but I always think I live in a happy, free and forever Review the past, I will always feel gratified, always proud of oneself! It all seems like a gold bubble, there are countless small drop of water, though it is never broken, because it needs to collect more drops of water, until the end of the

Looking back on the past, our life is so beautiful; looking to the future, our life is so We have been traveling on this long road on this road, covered with thorns and We have been trying to do well, though we will encounter many difficulties on the way, but we have been sticking to the virtues of human The past, let it pass, the history is still In the future, I will not give up my dream, no matter how deep the "difficult Valley" is on the road of Looking forward to the future, I am confident, I will work hard for my dream!


Looking forward to the Future What will the future be 11 Now let’s see the enduring promise of hop Looking forward to the Future What will the future be 11 Now let’s see the enduring promise of hope that lies in the There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and Solutions to current social and economic problems will be In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products and manufacturing methods might be Hi-tech industry could develop The future generation will have the opportunities to create the kind of life, to have the kind of freedom, that all previous generations only dreamed

The living environment will be cleaner and People will lead a carefree Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty It is hard to detail visions on people’s beautiful Future is indeed like a riddle, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social