2024-07-11 07:46:10


I dreamt an interesting dream some night,it seemed like a amazing tour for me in the fantasy state.In my dream I become a soldier somehow,and I was sent to the out space to fight against the evil aliens.No other description for the dream is more suitable than that of what happened in the movie Star War.I felt that I could see even clearly how the aliens look like.The battlefield must lie in some planets like Mars or moon.Well I was so scared that I woke up at once when I dreamt that I was chasing by a flood of monsters and I had no where to run.Well that was indeed a totally new dream for me.It has been my first time to dream about wars of which I was a part.Maybe it is a result of watching too many fiction novels these days.



To clone or not to clone, is that the question

Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduc--

tion must be considered as a serious issue.

Clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind.Such disease as Parkinsons will possiblly be cured in the future in the hope of further applying of clone.However,the abuse of this technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction.

Since the declaration of the death of Dolly,we are more conscious of the inefficient procedure of clone.Acorrding to "Dolly's false legacy",the incidence of death among fetuses and offspring produced by cloning is much higher than it is through natural reproduction--roughly 10 times as high as normal before birth and 3 times as high after birth.And even you may argue that this technology will be perfected in the future, i don't see there is any point in whole--being cloning.

Many people consider this technology a promising one as to bring all human being to a new era in which all human reproduction will be accomplished by cloning.Thus scientists in some countries have already started their great plan to clone human.But let's think, what is the practical value in doing so?You may tell me that it can bring hope for those couples unable to have children because they might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than accept the gene intrusion from a doner.But imagine,if you have a child owning the same apperance as yours or your husband's, will you accept it without any uncomfort?

Don't you think it is embarrassing?Or if this kind of human reproduction is allowed,terrorists may get hold of it and reproduce lots of "American Presidents".Don't you agree that these presidents might bring the world much more chaoes?Besides these terrible aspects,the cloning of whole--being may destroy the diversity of people of the globe.

Of course, there still remains much more disadvantages of the application of cloning reproduction of human being and animals. We should be extremely cautious of what we do and thus remember we will sure be respondible for all the results created by ourselves!!!

So how do u think about it?


The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Cold (Chinese: 大寒), the 24th solar term, begins this year on Jan 20 and ends on Feb 4.Major Cold is the last solar term in winter and also the last solar term in the annual lunar calendar. In this period, snow, rainand icy cold weather exert a big influence on people's lives.

Here are seven things you should know about Major Cold.

1、Cold current

During Major Cold, as the cold current moves southward, the weather is very cold. Although modern meteorological observation shows that in some regions of China the weather during Major Cold is not colder than Minor Cold, the lowest temperatures of the whole year still occur in the Major Cold period in some coastal areas.

2、Eating "dispelling cold cake"

During Major Cold, People in Beijinghave a habit of eating "dispelling cold cake", a kind of rice cake. Sticky rice, the cake's main ingredient, contains more sugar than rice, which can make people feel warm all over their bodies. In Chinese the word "rice cake" has the same pronunciation with the word "higher in a new year", which symbolizes good luck and continual promotion.

3、La Ba Festival

An important day during Major Cold is the La Ba Festival, when people usually eat La Ba porridge, a porridge with eight kinds of mixed grains and corn. The festival is celebrated on the eighth (ba 八) day of the 12th month (la yue 腊月) and is one of the most important traditional festivals in Chinese culture. It is also a prelude to the Chinese Lunar New Year. This year the La Ba Festival falls on Jan 27.

The festival was originally a day of thanks for a good harvest and sacrifice to ancestors. It also marks the day on which Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, reached enlightenment and became immortal.

4、Buying sesame straw

Major Cold always coincides with the end of the year in lunar calendar. In some areas of China, people always fall over each other in eagerness to buy sesame straw during this period because of the old saying, "Rise joint by joint like sesame flowers on the stem." This saying is used to describe either ever-rising living standards or making steady progress in thought, studies or skills.

5、Eating fried spring roll

In Anqing of Anhui province, people traditionally eat fried spring rolls during Major Cold. They use a round, cooked, thin pancake to wrap stuffing in a thin roll. Then it is fried in a pan with oil until it turns yellow and floats to the top. The stuffing inside the spring roll contains meat or vegetablesand the flavor can be salty or sweet.

6、Drinking stewed soup

Residents in Nanjing of Jiangsu province like to drink stewed soup during Major Cold, which can make people feel warm from head to foot. They always stew the aged hen soup with ginseng, matrimony vine and black fungus.

7、Doing winter sports

There is a saying that goes, "Dripping water freezes during Minor and Major Cold." In various regions of China, Major Cold is the perfect time for winter sports such as skiing, ice skating and sledding.



①From the picture (graph, chart, table, pie, bar), we know that ________(图表内容总概括). ②On the one hand, the left/first picture tells us that ________(情况一,图一/表一的内容). ③On the other hand, (the right/second)picture informs us that ________( 情况二,图二/表二的内容).④It can easily be seen that ________(揭示图画/表寓意).


①As is vividly shown/described/depicted in the cartoon/picture, ________(图表内容总概括).②In the first picture, ________(描述图/表一内容,如果是一个表,则可左或上半部分).③As is shown in the second drawing/picture, ________(描述图/表二内容,如果是一个表,则右或下半部分).④It is safe to draw the conclusion that ________(提示寓意,或主题句,回应主题但不是主题句的重复).



①There are many reasons responsible for this phenomenon/case/instance and the following are the typical ②The first reason is that ________(理由一). ③The second reason is that ________(理由二). ④The third reason is that/A case in point is that/The typical example is that ________(理由三).


①There are many reasons to explain/explaining the ②The most contributing one is/the main reason is no other than ________(理由一). ③What is more, ________(理由二). ④ ________(理由三)also play a role in this



①There are many cases/examples to explain ________(主题句). ②Take ________ as a typical first example is that ________ (阐述例子), ________(可进一步阐述). ③The second example is that/In addition/Here is a counter case in point is that/On the contrary ________(第二个例子的内容或举一个反面例子). ④Therefore,/Only ________can ________(总结主题句/段落总结句).


① ________ (观点句). It can be best/well illustrated in/explained by(例子). ② ________(阐述例子). ③________(进一步阐述例子). ④Therefore, ________(段落总结句:进一步总结观点句的必要性和重要性).



①With the rapid advances of ________ in recent years, ________has ________(引出现象). ②However, ________has ________, as ________(提出问题). ③As a result, ________(指出影响),which has aroused close social attention from all walks of


①With the rapid development of science and technology (electronic industry/higher education), more and more people come to realize that ________(引出现象). ②It is estimated, over the past decade, that ________(用具体数据说明现象).



①Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that ________(得出结论). ②The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that ________(给出原因).③It is high time that we ________(发出倡议).


①Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that ________(结论). ②And with the above content, it will show more profound significance in ________(进一步总结).


As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some 就我而言,在某种程度上我同意后者的观点。

As far as I am concerned, I am really/completely in favor of the 就我而言,我真的/完全支持这场测试/这个政策。

In conclusion/a word, I believe that… 总之,我相信

There is some truth in both arguments, but I think the disadvantages of…outweigh its 这两种观点都有一定的道理,但我认为……的缺点超过了它的优点。

In my opinion/view, we 在我看来,我们应该

As for me, I… 至于我,我

As I see it, … 正如我看到的。

From my point of view, …. 在我看来。

Personally, I think… 我个人认为

My view is that… 我的观点是

I think/consider… 我认为/考虑

I take/hold a negative/positive view of… 我对采取/保持消极的/积极的看法。


There are several reasons for…, but in general, they come down to three major 有一些原因,但总的来说,归结为三大原因。

There are many factors that may account for…, but the following are the most typical 有很多因素可以解释…,但以下是最典型的因素。

Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most 许多方法可以有助于解决这个问题,但以下的可能是最有效的。

Generally, the advantages can be listed as 一般而言,优势可以列举如下。

The reasons are as 其原因如下。


From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that… 通过上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论

Taking into account all the factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that… 考虑到所有的因素,我们可以得出结论

Judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arrive at/reach the conclusion that… 从所提供的所有证据来看,我们可以得出结论

All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that… 所有的证据都支持可靠的结论

From what is mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion that… 从上面提到的,我们可以得出这样的结论

To sum up/draw a conclusion, we find that… 为了总结/得出结论,我们发现

In short/brief/a word/conclusion/sum/, it is… 简而言之/总之,这是

Therefore/Thus/Then, it can be inferred/concluded/deduced 因此,可以推断出

From/Through/According to what has been discussed above, we can come to/reach/arrive at/draw the conclusion that…. 从/通过/根据上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论……

It is believed that… 被认为


The table/diagram/bar chart/pie graph/tree diagram/curve graph /column chart shows/illustrates/reveals/describes/depicts/reflects that/how… 表显示出/ 反映出

The graph provides some interesting data regarding… 这张图表提供了一些关于的有趣的数据。

The data/statistics/figures can be interpreted as 数据/统计/数据可以解释如下。

The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that… 数据/统计/数据使我们得出这样的结论。

As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table, … 如图/图表/表格中所示/显示/展示。

It is clear/apparent from the table/chart/diagram/figures that… 从表/图/图中看是清楚的/明显的。

The vertical/horizontal axis stands for… 垂直/水平轴代表

There was

rapid/noticeable/great/sharp/steep/remarkable/slow/slight/gradual rise/increase/decrease/fall/decline/drop/change in development in … 在的发展中有迅速/明显/大/急剧/显著/缓慢//轻微/逐渐的上升/增加/减少/下降/下降/下降/变化。

The percentage remained 百分比保持你定。

The figures stayed the 这些数字保持不变。

The figures bottomed out/peaked at… 这些数字在降到最低/升到最高。

The figures reached the bottom/a peak/a plateau during… 这些数字在期间降到最低/达到顶峰/处于稳定水平。



Summer holidday is coming.I have a good plan for it.My best friend Tony who is from Britain will spend the holiday with mw.Tom is 17 years old ,he like China very much.One week ago,I wrote him a letter,inviting him to come to Dalian for the holidays.Tony has accepted my invitation and will fly to Dalian next week.I will go to the airport to pick him up.Then we'll show him around the city.We'll go to the beach to watch the sea first.Then we'll visit some insteresing places.Tony will live in my house during the holiday.I hope we'll have a good time.


Summer holidday is coming.I have a good plan for it.My best friend Tony who is from Britain will spend the holiday with mw.Tom is 17 years old ,he like China very much.One week ago,I wrote him a letter,inviting him to come to Dalian for the holidays.Tony has accepted my invitation and will fly to Dalian next week.I will go to the airport to pick him up.Then we'll show him around the city.We'll go to the beach to watch the sea first.Then we'll visit some insteresing places.Tony will live in my house during the holiday.I hope we'll have a good time.


My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.


The summer holiday is coming ,I will make a summer holiday plan.At the beginning of the holiday ,I will have a good rest .Studying makes me feel very tired. I want to spend some time reading books and going to the movies ,for example, Harry Potter is my favorite ,and I also want to spend lots of time playing with my friends .We will hang out and go shopping together .Oh ,it's wonderful .I can't wait. And in the holiday ,I want to visit some interesting places ,like Suhou city .Of course ,in my free time ,I 'll help my parents to do housework . I think I will be happy.



Composition learning more than 20 days of summer vacation is coming to an end, in these days, we each day is a happy, fulfilling, and meaningful learning life. Now we will separately, I was really a bit reluctant to go. Although only a few of us together of the time more than 20 days, but our friendship has built a colorful changhong.


I was born in the south of the lower reaches of the yangze river is a landlubber only, let me feel ashamed.

Dad said, swimming can not only strengthen physical health, exercise will, at the right time, can also save or save his life. So, I decided to go this summer vacation must learn to swim.


I have a happy and fulfilling summer vacation.

Early summer vacation, I cram school in changan. Although I don't want to cram school on before, but I'm KaoXue, must be on. Because, I cram school teacher, kind and educated, and he doesn't beat and scold students, students just give him wrong reason, so, I learned a lot knowledge there.

The cram school finally session, I follow mother returned to my hometown - now. Now when the change is very big, the original rural small adobe has turned into a small building on the second floor, home FengGao sites - CheMaKeng, has also been very luxury decoration. At home, I suddenly found that more than two picture in the home, the original, it was my mother comes from qinghai cowhide.

I am the horse vac a happy half a month. Time flies, the twinkling of an eye, the school begins again, thought I can see my dear campus, and to see my teachers and classmates, my mood is very excited.

This is a happy and fulfilling summer vacation.


The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also helps me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I’d like to make a trip to Xiamen. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday. I am looking forward to it.


I have long wanted to go fishing, in summer, finally succumb to the excited mood, take grandma, we are a family of four to fishing "into".

In the car slowly shake slowly put half an hour after, finally to the "green pond" dream already a long time, I'm "sit" with "120 kilometers" per hour "human walking car", a step, the herring men stone edge, set the bench and put good bait, wear a hat, a big jilt dumped rod out.



This classroom is as big as that one. 这间教室和那间一样大。He runs as fast as Tom. 他和汤姆跑的一样快。

否定结构:not as/so…as,“不如……,和……不一样”。上面的两个句子可分别改为:

This classroom is not as/so large as that one。

He doesn’t run as/so fast as Tom。

练习:我的书包和你的一样好。 他的英语说的和你一样好。

2. as soon as 一……就……


I’ll tell him the plan as soon as I see him. 我一看到他就告诉他这个计划。

He’ll go home as soon as he finishes his work. 他一完成工作就回家。

3. be busy/enjoy/hate/go on/finish doing sth. 忙于/喜欢/讨厌/继续/完成做某事

在enjoy, finish, hate, go on, be busy等词语后,一般用动词-ing形式作宾语。例如:

Lin Tao is busy making a model plane. 林涛忙着做飞机模型。

My mother enjoys taking a walk after supper. 我妈妈喜欢晚饭后散步。

I hate watching Channel Five. 我讨厌看五频道。

When someone asked him to have a rest, he just went on working. 当有人让他休息一会儿时,他仍继续工作。

I have finished writing the story. 我已经写完了故事。

4. fill…with用……装满, be filled with 充满了……, be full of 充满了

①be filled with 说明由外界事物造成的此种状态,表示被动。例如:

The box is filled with food. 盒子里装满了食物。

②be full of说明主语处于的状态。此外,还可表示程度,意为“非常”。例如:

The patient’s room is full of flowers. 那个病人的房间摆满了花。

The young man is full of pride. 那个年轻人非常骄傲。


I fill the box with food. The box is full of food。

5. be good/bad for 有利于/有害于…… 此句型是:be+adj.+for+n。结构。例如:

Doing morning exercises is good for your health。做早操对你的健康有益。

Always playing computer games is bad for your study. 总玩电脑游戏对你的学习不利。

6. be used to(doing) sth. 习惯于……

后必须接名词或动名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态。be 可用get,become来代替。 例如:He is used to life in the country。(He is used to living in the country。)他习惯于乡村生活。

He will get used to getting up early. 他将会习惯于早起。

注意:be used to do 的意思是“被用来做……”。例如:Wood is used to make paper。木材被用来造纸。

7. both…and…两者都…… 用来连接两个并列成分;当连接两个并列主语时,其后谓语动词用复数。

例如: Both the students and the teachers will go to the History Museum tomorrow。不论老师还是学生明天都会去历史博物馆。

8. can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 help在此的意思是“抑制,忍住”,其后接动词-ing形式。例如:

His joke is too funny. We can’t help laughing. 他的笑话太有趣了,我们禁不止笑了起来。


9. sth. costs sb. some money 某物花费某人多少钱


This book cost me five yuan. 这本书花了我五元钱。

10. either…or… 不是……就是……,或者……或者……


You may either stay here or go home. 你可以呆在这儿,也可以回家。

Either she or I am right. = Either I or she is right. 不是她对就是我对。

要么你去要么他必须去。 Either you or he to go。

11. enough (for sb。) to do sth. 足够……做……


The ice isn’t thick enough for you to walk on. 这冰还没有厚到你可以在上面走的程度。


12. feel like doing sth. 想要做……

此处like为介词,后面跟动词-ing形式。此句型与would like to do sth。同义。例如:

I feel like drinking a cup of milk. 我想喝一杯牛奶。

Do you like taking a walk? 你想不想去散步?

13. feel/find/think it adj./n. to do sth. 认为某事……


I find it very interesting to play football. 我发现踢足球很有趣。

She thinks her duty to help us. 她认为帮助我们是她的职责。

14. get ready for sth./ to do sth。

Get ready for sth。意为“为某事做准备”,get ready to do sth。“准备做某事”例如:

We are getting ready for the meeting. 我们正在为会议做准备。

They were getting ready to have a sports meet at the moment. 他们那时正准备开运动会。

15. get/receive/have a letter from 收到……的来信

相当于hear from 例如: Did you receive a letter from John?你收到约翰的来信了吗?

I got a letter from my brother yesterday. 我昨天收到了我弟弟的一封来信。

16. had better (not) do sth. 最好(别)做某事

had better为情态动词,其后需用动词原形。had better常用缩写,变成’d better,其否定形式是在其后直接加not。例如:We had better go now. = We’d better go now. 我们最好现在走吧。 You’d better take a rest. 你最好休息一下。  You’d better not go out because it is windy. 今天刮风,你最好别出去了。

17. have sth. done 使(某事)完成,使发生 (动作由别人完成)


We had the machine repaired. 我们请人把机器修好了。

注意区分: We have repaired the machine. 我们(自己)已经修好了机器。

18. help sb. (to) do sth./with sth. 帮助某人(做)某事

其中的to可以省略。例如:I often help my mother with housework。我常常帮助妈妈做家务。

Would you please help me (to) look up these words? 请你帮助我查查这些词好吗?

19. How do you like……? 你认为……怎么样?

与what do you think of …?同义。 例如:How do you like the weather in Beijing?你认为北京的天气怎么样? 你觉得这部新电影如何?

―What do you think of your boss? ―He is strict with us。

20. I don’t think/believe that… 我认我/相信……不……


I don’t think it will rain. 我认为天不会下雨。

I don’t believe the girl will come. 我相信那女孩不会来了。


21. It happens that… 碰巧……

相当于happen to do。例如: It happened that I heard their secret。

可改写为: I happened to hear their secret. 我碰巧听到了他们的秘密。

22. It’s/has been +一段时间+since从句 自从某时起做某件事情已经一段时间了。


It’s twenty years since he came here. 他来这里已经20年了。

It has been six years since he married Mary. 他和玛丽结婚已经六年了。

如果since从句中的谓语动词是延续性动词,则表示“从该动作结束起一直到现在的时间”。 例如: It’s three days since he stayed here. 他离开这儿有三天了。

我搬家到郑州已经20多年了。 since I moved to Zhengzhou。

23. It is +adj./n. + for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说……

It是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to do sth., for sb. 是不定式的逻辑主语。例如:

It’s not easy for us to study English well. 对我们来说学好英语并不容易。

It’s a good idea for us to travel to the south. 去南方旅行对我们来说是个好主意。

对我来说把英语学好非常重要。 to learn English well。

24. It’s + adj. + of sb. to do sth。

It是形式主语,to do sth。是真正的主语, of sb. 是逻辑主语,当表语(即形容词)能对逻辑主语描述时,常用介词of,而不用for。例如:It’s very polite of you to give your seat to old people. 你给老人让座,非常有礼貌。 It’s very kind of you to help me。

你能来车站接我真是太好了。 to pick me up at the station。

25. It seems/appears that… (在某人看来)好像……

此句中的it是主语,that引导的是表语从句。例如:It seems that he is lying. 看样子他好像是在撒谎。 It appears to me that he never smiles。

看样子要下雨了。 it’s going to rain。

26. It is +数词+metres/kilometers long/wide… ……是多少米(公里)长(宽)


It is 20 metres long from this end to that end. 从这端到那端有二十米长。

27.It’s time for sb. to do sth. 是某人干某事的时候了

it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to do sth.。for sb./sth。是逻辑主语。例如:

It’s time for the child to go to bed. 孩子该睡觉了。

比较下面两种结构:① It’s time for + n. 例如: It’s time for school。

②It’s time to do sth. 例如: It’s time to go to school. 我们该学习英语了。

28. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多少时间做某事

it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to do sth.。例如:

It takes her fifteen minutes to walk to the bus stop from here. 从这儿走着到公交车站将花费她15分钟。

It took the old man three days to finish the work. 那个老人花了三天时间完成这项工作。


29. keep (on) doing sth. 一直坚持做某事

keep doing sth。一般用于静态动词。keep on doing sth。意为“继续不停地做某事”,一般用于动态动词,但二者的区别并不是很严格,有时可以互换。例如:

Don’t keep on doing such foolish things. 不要再做这样的傻事了。

He kept sitting there all day. 他整天坐在那里。

30. keep…from doing sth. 阻止,使免于做某事

相当于stop…from doing sth., prevent…from doing sth.。在主动句中,stop和prevent后面的from可以省略,但在被动结构中,from不可以省略。例如:

Please keep the children from swimming in the sea. 请别让孩子到海里游泳。

The big noise outside my room stopped me from doing my homework. 屋外巨大的噪音使我不能做作业。

我会尽最大努力阻止他抽烟。I’ll try my best to 。

31. keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事

不可和keep sb.from doing sth。结构混淆。

例如:Why do you keep me waiting for a long time? 你为什么让我等了很长时间?

32. make sb. do sth. 使某人干某事


例如:He made me work ten hours a day. 他迫使我每天工作10小时。

注意:上句如改为被动语态,则work 前的to不能省略。例如:I was made to work ten hours a day。


33. neither…nor… 既不……也不……


Neither we nor Jack knows him. 我们和杰克都不认识他。

He neither knows nor cares what happened. 他对发生的事情不闻不问。

34. not…until… 直到……才

until后可跟名词或从句,表示时间。例如:He didn’t come until late in the evening。他直到晚上很迟才来。 He didn’t arrive until the game had begun. 直到比赛开始他才来。

昨晚我直到做完作业才睡觉。Last night, I didn’t go to bed 。

35. sb. pays money for sth. 某人花钱买某物

此句型主语是人。I’ve already paid 2,000 yuan for the motor bike. 我已经花了20xx元买这辆摩托车。

36. spend time/money on sth./(in)doing sth. 花费(时间、钱)在某事上\做某事


I spent five yuan on this book. 我在这本书上花了五元钱。

I spent two hours (in) doing my homework yesterday. 昨晚我花了两个小时做作业。

不要在打电子游戏上花太多时间。Don’t 。

37. so…that… 太……以至于……

用于复合句,that引导的是结果状语从句。so是副词,后面应接形容词或副词,如果接名词,应用such。 例如:The ice is so thin that you can’t walk on it. 冰太薄了,你不能在上面走。 He is such a kind man that we all like him. 他是一个非常好的人,我们都很喜欢他。

38. stop to do sth., stop doing sth。

stop to do sth. 意为“停下来做某事”。stop doing sth。意为“停止做某事”例如:

The teacher is coming. Let’s stop talking. 老师来了,咱们别说话了。

You’re too tired. You’d better stop to have a rest. 你们太累了,最好停下来休息一会儿。

39. Thank you for doing sth. 感激你做了……


Thank you for giving me the present. 谢谢你给我的礼物。

Thank you for your help. (Thank you for helping me。) 谢谢你的帮助。

40. thanks to 多亏……;由于……

thanks后的s不能省略,to是介词。例如:Thanks to my friend Jim, I’ve worked out this problem. 多亏了我朋友吉姆的帮助,我已经解决了这个问题。

41. There be句型

①在此结构中,there是引导词,在句中不能充当任何成分,也不必翻译出来。句中的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词be要与主语的数保持一致。例如:There is a man at the door. 门口有一个人。

当主语是由两个或者两者以上的名词充当时,谓语动词be要跟它邻近的那个名词的数一致(就近一致)。例如:There are two dogs and a cat under the table。桌下有两只狗和一只猫。 比较: There is a cat and two dogs under the table。

②There be 句型中的be不能用have来代替,但可以用lie(位于,躺),stand(矗立),exist(生存),live(生活)等词来替换。例如:There stand a lot of tall buildings on both sides of the street. 街道两旁矗立着许多高楼。

There lies lake in front of our school. 我们学校前面有一个湖。

Once there lived a king here. 这儿曾经有一个国王。

There is going to be a sports meeting next week. 下周准备开一个运动会。

与there be 类似的结构: there seem(s)/happen(s) to be…

There seems to be one mistake in spelling. 似乎有一处拼写错误。

There happened to be a ruler here. 这儿碰巧有把尺子。

There seemed to be a lot of people there. 那儿似乎有很多人。

42. The + adj。比较级, the + adj。比较级 越……,越……

此句型表示一方随另一方的变化而变化。例如:The harder he works, the happier he feels。他工作越努力,就感到越幸福。 The more, the better. 多多益善。  这本书我越读越喜欢。The more I read this book, 。

43. too+adj./adj. +to do sth. 太……以至于不……。


例如:The ice is too thin for you to walk on. 这冰太薄,你不能在上面走。

The bag is too heavy to carry. 这个袋子太重搬不动。

他太生气了,一句话也说不出来。He was say a word。

44. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事

used to是情态动词,表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不存在,因此只用于过去时态。

例如: He used to get up early. 他过去总早起。

When I was yong, I used to play tennis very often. 我年轻时经常打网球。

否定形式有两种:didn’t use to;used not to,例如: 他过去不常来。He didn’t use to come. = He usedn’t to come。

45. what about…? ……怎么样? 后面可接名词、代词、动名词等。与“how about…?”同义。例如:

We have been to Hainan. What about you? 我们去过海南,你呢?

What about going to the park on Sunday? 星期天去公园怎么样?

46. What day/date is it today? 今天星期几(几月几日)?

―What day is it today? 今天星期几?―Sunday. ―What date is it today? ―June 24th。

47. What’s wrong (the matter) with…? ……怎么了?

What’s wrong with you, Madam? 夫人,您怎么了?

You look worried. What’s wrong with you? 你看上去很焦急,出什么事了?

48. Why not do…? 为什么不做……?

谓语动词用原形。与Why don’t you do…?同义。例如:Why not go to see the film with us?

= Why don’t you go to see the film with us? 为什么不和我们一起去看电影呢?

49. would like to do sth. 想做……

like后用动词不定式作宾语,也可用名词作宾语。例如: I would like to drink a cup of tea。我想喝一杯茶。  疑问句式:Would you like (to drink) a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?

50. adj./adv。比较级 + and adj./adv。比较级 越来越....。

若形容词/副词为双音节词及多音节词,则这一结构变为“more and more +形容词/副词”。

例如:It’s getting warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和了。

The little girl becomes more and more beautiful. 小女孩变得越来越漂亮了。

51. adj。比较级+than

than引导的是典型的比较级句型,表示“一者比另一者……”,起前用形容词或副词的比较级,than从句可以用省略形式。例如:I know you better than she does. 我比她更了解你。  This house is bigger than that one. 这所房子比那所房子大。

52. though-从句


Though it was snowing, it was not very cold. 虽然下着雪,可并不太冷。

I was late for the last bus though I hurried. 虽然我拼命赶路,还是没搭上最后一班公交车。

We didn’t feel tired though we walked a long way. 虽然我们走了很长的路程,但是并没有感到累。

53. if-从句

If 引导的是条件状语从句,“如果;假如“。如主句用一般将来时,if从句要用一般现在时(主将从现)。例如:If I go to the GreatWall tomorrow, would you like to come along?


If it rains tomorrow, I won’t go. 如果明天下雨,我就不去了。

如果他不来我就不去。I won’t go 。

54. because-从句 引导原因状语从句,“因为”。 例如: He didn’t hear the knocking at the door because he was listening to the radio. 他没有听见敲门声,因为他正在听收音机。

55. so + do/be + 主语

“So + be/助动词/情态动词 + 主语” 表示前面所述内容也适用于另一人或物。be、助动词或情态动词的选择视前面陈述句中谓语动词的时态形式而定。例:He likes football and so do I. 他喜欢足球,我也如此。

Jim was playing football just now and so was Tom. 刚才吉姆在踢足球,汤姆也在踢足球。

比较: “So +主语+be/助动词/情态动词。”结构,是用来证实前一句所表达的内容(起强调作用)。be、助动词或情态动词的选择视前面陈述句中谓语动词的时态形式而定。

A: It is very hot today. B: So it is. 确实如此。

A: He can swim. B: So he can。

56. not only…but also… 不但……而且……

常用来连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子。连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和紧靠它的主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如:She likes not only singing but also dancing. 她不但喜欢唱歌,而且喜欢跳舞。

He is not only a good doctor but also a good father. 他不但是个好医生而且是个好爸爸。

Not only I but also he is hoping to go there. 不但我而且他也想去那儿。

Not only you but also his father likes football and basketaball. 不但你喜欢足球和篮球,而且她的父亲也喜欢。

57. prefer…to… 喜欢……胜过…。

prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. 意为“两者相比更喜欢(做)其中之一”。在此结构中,to是介词,接名词或动名词,结构中前后所跟成分一样。例如:

He prefers tea to coffee. 茶与咖啡相比,他更喜欢茶。

He prefers doing shopping to going fishing。购物与钓鱼相比,他更喜欢购物。

58. 感叹句型  What (a/an) + adj. + n. +主语+谓语! How + adj./adv.+ +主语+谓语! 例如:

What a clever boy (he is)! How clever the boy is!

What a wonderful film we saw last night! 昨天晚上我们看的电影多精彩啊!

How lovely the weather is! 天气多好啊! How hard he works! 他工作多么努力啊!

59. 祈使句型

祈使句型表示命令、请求、劝告等含义。说话的对象通常为第二人称,习惯上常省略。句末用句号或感叹号。肯定祈使句是:谓语动词用动词原形表示。否定祈使句是:在谓语动词前加do not(don’t)。例如:Be here on time tomorrow. 明天准时到这儿来。 Say it in English! 用英语说!

Don’t be afraid! 别怕! Don’t look out of the window! 不要朝窗外看!

60. 并列句型

用并列连词连接起来的两个或两个以上的简单句叫并列句。连接并列句常用的连接词有:and, but, or, so, however, not only…but also, neither…nor, either…or…等。例如:

I help her and she helps me。

He is very old but he is in good health. 他年纪很大了,但他身体很好。

We must hurry, or we’ll be late. 我们得赶快走,不然就晚了。

Kate does her work carefully, so she never makes any mistakes. 凯特工作很认真,从不出错。