考试 英语作文(汇编20篇)
2024-10-07 04:13:53

考试 英语作文(1)













考试 英语作文(2)

Last Sunday,I took the GRE. It was the longest test I had ever taken. I entered the examination room at eight o'clock and did not come out until twelve. For the first hour I sat there waiting anxiously for the proctor to give out the paper. Then the exam officially began. I saw nothing but the test paper. How time flew. I did one section after another. The test was over without my knowing it.

Earlier I had taken many teats, yet at no test did I feel time so limited as this one. Usually there is plenty of time for me to go over what I have written when I finish the test. I would sit there waiting restlessly for the test to be over.

But this time, it took me over twenty minutes to have finished the two sections on math at a much slower speed than usual. God bless me. I wish I had been careful enough this time.

At noon, someone came over to talk with me about the test, which put me in doubt of whether or not I had put the number of my test certificate right on the answer sheet. I was sure I fined in the number, but I did not remember whether or not I had circled the corresponding number under it.

Howevet, maybe all of My efforts are not made in vain. It would be terrible if I got no grades after working so hard.




今天中午,来了个人与我聊起考试的事情,结果使我怀疑起我是否把准考证号码正确地填在答题纸上.填肯定是填过的,可是我记不清是否划过圈了。真糟糕! 别辛苦了一场,连成绩都没有,那就惨了。

考试 英语作文(3)

"Jingling bell -- jingling bell --" class, the students immediately discussed. What's the question? Because today is the half - term test! Some of the students said: "what will the composition of the exam write?" Some students said, "what is the test, this is a piece of cake for me!" The other classmate say: "half period exam must be very difficult, very terrible!"

Me? Students who are part of the nervous system. Although I did well in my exams, the exam still gave me a nervous tension. Before the exam, I tried to think about what I had reviewed the day before. The Chinese teacher was in the classroom with a large volume of exams, and ordered the group leader to keep the exam curly. The teacher asked us to skim the exam paper first. Then, only the school radio shouted: "the exam begins, the examination begins." Each student quickly took out a pen and began to answer.

At first, it wasn't difficult, and I was doing it intently. One problem: you know what leaders or heroes do. Please come out. At that time, I was confused, because I didn't expect to get such a topic. So I left the question blank and began to write my composition. Halfway through it, I thought: hadn't chairman MAO ever been to hua shan? I turned the exam paper upside down, and it wasn't long before I finished the empty one. Then write a composition...

"At the end of the 56th grade, the 56th grade is over." Just listen to someone in the class Shouting, "it's over!" The group leader collected the examination papers. Many students concurred to the answer. And I immediately took out the book to look up, fortunately that problem did right. I can rest assured.

The next day, I came to the school, and I was thinking all the way: what is the semi-finals? Will my mother reward me? The bell rang in the classroom. The teacher in the corridor was holding the test papers. The teacher in our class also came in with the test paper in hand. I was watching the teacher's expression carefully. The teacher was in a bad mood, and said, "this exam is extremely bad!" I thought: oh, hell, it's over. I'm sure it's bad.

The teacher said, "now I will publish the exam results. Lin long town 84 points, deng hanyun 86, zhu yushi 79.5 points... "My mood is like pressing a piece of stone to move without moving. I have been looking forward to my exam results in my seat. "Zeng weiming 92.5 points." I finally let go of the stone, relaxed.

The half-time test is over. Although I did not do well this time, I am still studying hard, and I want to make my final grade higher!

考试 英语作文(4)

The examination, with its rich background and cultural connotation, was a prototype in the sui dynasty, and it was developed rapidly in the tang dynasty, and it has been spreading ever since. Examination is one of the most effective ways to find talents and select talents, which is of great progressive significance. But now, the exam seems to be a boulder, weighing many students out of breath.

There are many exams, whether in primary school or middle school, and there will be a few days of tests, monthly exams in January, mid-term and final exams. It's a recipe for chaos and misery for students. After the examination, the results are very bright, the exam is good, the praise of others, the heart of natural joy. If the examination fails, then listless, face to come the teacher and the parent's criticism, the classmate's question, the heart should be what kind of taste? Now, the exam is more and more connected with the fate, it seems that the test is good students, and vice versa. The former happily enters the key school, the latter can only listen to the fate, with the wave drifting. In my opinion, this is indeed a kind of sadness. Maybe the winners are not so happy, because they are going to face a lot of exams, and who knows when they will be ruined because of one exam?

According to the data, the so-called central examination and the top scorers of the college entrance examination can act as the leading figures in the field in the field of less than five percent, which makes people think deeply. Are they really the best? At the same time, as cheating has become more common, I have to ask: is this system really suitable for us? In my opinion, the examination should be to help the students to find out the deficiency, to test the efficiency and the harvest, to do badly, to guide them to correct in time. There should also be an appropriate reduction in some exams, so that students have more time for recreation and extracurricular activities, so they don't have to worry about the exam. When admitting students, they should not be the only judge because of the score, but should be integrated to see the overall quality of the students.

The exam is a double-edged sword. We hope the exam will be a good helper for us to learn and grow. I think the exam is so, if I can't change the exam system, only positive response.

考试 英语作文(5)

Today, we finished the language in the morning, but miss liu changed it in the afternoon. Mr. Liu walked into the classroom with a bright face. "hehe!" "Mr. Liu shook her head and cried," guess how many people went out of work this time?" "Five!" "Ten" "twelve!" "Shouted the students. "No! We're sorry to guess again. "16!" "Wow!" We were surprised. "Here are the people who are going to write their compositions. Yang Yang, liu ziyan, cheng yanhui... "Well, there's no me, and if I were, I'd have to eat my belt. "Next, please report the mid-term exam results for each person." "Chen jian: 93, Chen Lin: 85 points... Tang tianyou: 95 points... As a result, I ranked second in my class.

On the way home, many people were depressed. And I smile. I think: I must get a good grade in the final exam.

考试 英语作文(6)

I sat alone by the window, staring into the distance. The eyes are swollen with weeping; Tears, still running. I did not wipe, let the tears flow to the mouth, astringent. Let tears wet the scores that have just been sent down poor test paper.

I did not know how long I had sat by the window, only to know that the sun had set and the moon had risen. I had no time to think about it, but I still remembered the exam. My heart beat violently when my teacher read the scores, and the more I feared, the more I could avoid it. I dare not face up to the teacher of bloodshot eyes, did not dare to look at that pathetic scores, can't believe this is how many days to try to score, but I have to believe that the poor scores before their eyes, their failure.

The moonlight is bleak, like the water, quietly on the table, reflected my face white. I think of my parents, who may still be working hard. I think of my parents working in the early days, so small and small; I think of my parents' black face in the sun, and the pitiless years have carved out wrinkles on their forehead, and the chapped hands. Think of the words and expectant legs of the parents before each visit; I think of all the people who care about her. Now... I feel ashamed of their concern.

Out of the window, the moon had risen high; The window remained as it was. Painful memories make me feel too tired. I looked up to let my brain stretch. Suddenly, a tall, straight image broke into my eyes. I fixed my eyes and looked again, it was the white poplar outside the window, the white poplar that had survived after the blizzard, it was taller and straighter than before. I suddenly thought of Madame Curie, Edison, general Wellington... A cold wind blowing, leaves rustling, interrupted my thoughts, I made a cold war, the brain awake many: no, I can never to retreat, I want to take that once belonged to my first.

Failure only means yesterday, can only mean the past, the past can only be changed to zero, I want to start again, face failure with new attitude, meet the next challenge.

The tears in my face turned into a magical force that poured into my body. I pulled on the lamp, and the dormitory warmed a lot. I looked at the tear-soaked test paper, dried my tears, shook my pen, began to summarize carefully, looking for the cause of failure... I want this failure to be my motivation.

Out of the window, the moon was bright and clear, and the stars did not know when to come out. They also blinked their mischievous eyes, and a bright smile appeared on my face.

考试 英语作文(7)

It was five days since the winter break, and in those five days I was worried about my exam results. The New Year will be a happy time. If you don't do well in the exam, you can imagine. In these five days, I did not have the pleasure of the holiday, not a bit of relief of relief, of course did not play well, instead came a kind of pressure, which makes people restless.

Ah! It's time to ask. Mom picked up the phone, I was even more restless, the atmosphere dare not breathe. Then the phone came the voice of the whole class fourteen, I get good mental collapse, mood suddenly become nervous, I got a relief instead, but I again into another kind of pressure. There are many reasons for failing the exam, but the main reason is that it is time to reflect on it.

Every time my mother came back, she would say that she had taken the exam, and began to study with the sound of falling voices. Similar to what I had imagined, I followed up with tutorial and preview, borrowed books, and prepared new content. Take out the textbook, review the semester course, and begin to study life again. But it is much easier than it was at school.

I do not have much agonising, do not do well, remedial, preview is appropriate, besides who is not in preview new content? In order to get good grades, this is the only way. There is no royal road to learning. Learning is hard, good grades are hard-won.

Prepare for your next exam.

考试 英语作文(8)

Keeping a Dream is an attitude toward life. With dreams, we can overcome different kinds of difficulties in life.

I usually get discouraged easily when I fail in an exam. My head teacher told me "nothing is difficult if you don't lose heart.". I followed his advice and began to work harder. It was his encouragement that pulled me through. As long as I keep trying, obstacles can become bridges to success.

Besides, it's important for us to protect our dream. Dreams always lead to happiness, and success. Only when we are in pursuit of a dream can we live in a constructive way, can we satisfy our parents and shoulder the future responsibility.

考试 英语作文(9)








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考试 英语作文(12)








这次没考好的主要原因是自己没认真复习,下次我一定要加油了 !

考试 英语作文(13)








考试 英语作文(14)



老师见我很急躁,便安慰我,说:“翟继,你是个好学生,不用这么担心,‘精诚所至,金石为开’! 有付出就有回报,我相信你一定会考好的!”听了这番话,我的心似乎平静了许多。我想:“上帝是公平的,我平时都很努力,知识掌握的很牢,不会考砸的,一定要以平静的心态来考试!我现在是一个六年级的学生,学习负担本来就很重,考试也很频繁,如果我这么畏惧考试的话,考试时就会发挥不好。俗话说得好:”信心是成功的一半。‘所以我一定要树立起强大的自信心,冷静对待每一次考试。“想到这儿,我开心地笑了,”哈哈!哈哈!“银铃般的笑声溢满了整个教室,因为我不再害怕考试了!



考试 英语作文(15)




鉴于老师的威严,同学们谁也不敢往别人那偷瞄,而老师在转了几圈之后就坐在了椅子上,埋头批改作业,偶尔抬头看一下,也只是那一秒的时间,就继续改作业,家长不知什么时候出去了,为了给孩子们一个安静的环境来考试。倒数第二题是阅读, 在一年前它可是我的弱项, 现在,我已经打败了他,不会怕阅读了。抬头看看周围的同学,有的皱着眉头,手里握着的笔迟迟没有下去,似乎在思考着这道题该怎么做;而有的同学则一脸兴奋,好像在说:“这题太简单了,难道就没有难一点的题吗。”而我,正埋头寻找答案中……



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第五档 A节(9-10分)B节(17-20分)








第四档 A节(7-8分)B节(13-16分)








第三档 A节(5-6分)B节(9-12分)








第二档 A节(3-4分)B节(5-8分)








第一档 A节(1-2分)B节(1-4分)








零档 (0分)


考试 英语作文(19)




考试 英语作文(20)






