2024-06-05 01:18:22


小学英语作文:节约食品 To Save the Food

在平清淡淡的日常中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思索力和记忆力的重要手段。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是小编顿的小学英语作文:节约食品 To Save the Food,欢迎大家鉴戒与参考,但愿对大家有所匡助。

When I was small, my mother told me not to waste the food, so I cultivate the behavior of eating up the food. When I go out to eat, I will buy the food that is suitable for me, unlike other kids, they will buy as much as they want, and they can’t eat up, throwing away the food. But I will make sure I can eat up the food.



In recent years, water becomes more imporant,so how we protect the water from the pollution.

To begin with,All of the creatures made of the water,water is essential things that we live in the earth.so we can't live without water.Moreover,we can use water that we wash our faces with to flush the toilets,

In general,We should learn how to save water and make water management an important part of our life.


First, we mustn't turnon more lights than we need . Then, we must turn fans off when we leave a room. Next, we must close the fridge or freezer after we have taken something out. We mustn switch off the lights when students are the last to leave the classroom. After that, we mustn't leave the kettle on unattended. Finally,we must close all the windows when we are using the air conditioner.

If everyone can do these,I think we can save electricity.


Energy shortage is a huge problem for morden society, and it has a negtive impact on people's daily life and economic development.

Many elements accounts for energy shortage. Firstly,rapid economic development prompts an increase of energy consumptions in different industries. Secondly,population growth creates greater demands for household energy usage. Thirdly,people have yet to develop the sense of energy conservation.

Actually we can do a lot to save energy in daily life.Turn off lights and fans when nobody is in the room;design buildings with the concept of energy saving;use public transit instead of private cars in rush hours...It is very easy for us to do these things as long as we have the sense of energy conservation,and we should do it right now.


Many people believe that the world’s supply of fresh water will never be used up. They think that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water.

As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the world population, the rising demand for water by industry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the ganger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water can not meet the daily needs.

Therefore, to find new ways to save water is an urgent task. First, we should pass strict laws to control any waste of water. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify sea water, and try to find substitute to reduce the use of fresh water.


From learning to life, we can not do without paper, and paper-making raw materials are mainly bark and other plant fibers, but because people blindly cutting. Now less and less trees, so we have to save paper, everybody, from little things around us. "Saving paper" concept for us, than to save water and electricity to seem a little distant. Few people know to save paper and protect the ecological environment is directly related. Each of us every day in the paper, with a variety of different types of paper. You counted it? How much paper you use every day? How much paper you one week? How much a month to a year to use your paper? The result is amazing. A piece of paper come from? Paper is from a tree "change" to the. A tree often takes decades to be a long human use. Human beings are relentless, the sound of saws, into dozens of older trees crashing to the ground. Those timber and transported to paper mills, into a piece of paper. Paper to bring the convenience of mankind, but to the forest caused great impact.











Last weekend I went on an eco-travel with a travel agency. All the way we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and fresh air. But a few of us picked flowers as while going sightseeing.. Some even tried to catch the birds they saw. What was worse, many tourists threw rubbish here and there. The rubbish may do harm to wildlife there.

I don’t think this is a true eco-travel. A true eco-travel is a tour that not only allows us to express our love for nature, but needs our responsibility as well. As we enjoy the beauty of nature, we should try our best to protect it. And we should also try to protect wildlife. A trrue eco-travel should be like this: take nothing away but your good memory; leave nothing behind but all the green trees and the clean water.



Joozone Editor's Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue? You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?



Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?

With the improvement of the living standards, many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty. What they pursue is the latest fashion. In their eyes, thrift is already out of style. AD:From .

However, still other people insist that thrift is a good virtue. They say that the unprecedented power of production doesn’t mean that we are entitled to a life of extravagance, because our natural resources are limited and some of them even are on the decline.Moreover, they hold that waste may lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well.

As to me, I prefer the latter opinion. I believe “Waste not, want not.” The truth of this saying is not to give up comfort but to enhance efficiency. In fact, economic growth depends enormously on saving. Besides, there are still millions of Chinese living under poverty line. We can never afford reckless waste.Therefore, [10]it is no doubt that thrift is still a good virtue that we should not give up.


Mayor Bloomberg has been the mayor of New York City for nearly nine years, but for ten years he has been wearing the same shoes. This is really rare to be seen on a billionaire.

“The mayor owns two pairs of work shoes,” said the spokesman. “One day he’ll wear one, the next the other. When they got worn down, he has them repaired. He could buy any shoes he wanted, but he says since they are comfortable, and they work, there’s no need for a new pair.” According to the spokesman, the mayor saves in his footwear and he also keeps it up in his personal as well as governmental finance. “When he buys a cup of coffee, he chooses the smallest size. He buys only what he needs.”

Such is the mayor of New York City, who cares little about his shoes, avoids wasting money and focuses his attention on his work and his people in the city.

But what about our fellow students nowadays? Some wear super expensive clothes and shoes; besides, they buy as many as possible, far more than two pairs. They always want the latest, the newest and throw the old ones away though they haven’t worn them for many times.


1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容。

2. 以约120个词就“勤俭节约”这一主题发表你的感想和看法,内容包括:





1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



参考词汇:节俭的 provident/thrifty


The author introduces to us the mayor of New York City, a man who is rich but provident. The author also points out nowadays some students have the habit of wasting things.

When reading the passage, I am deeply moved by the mayor. Rich as he is, he has the virtue of saving. He spends money only on what he needs and never wastes money on what is of no use. I think this is really admirable.

The mayor reminds me of the great political leader of China, Chairman Mao. As the chairman of China, Mao led a very thrifty life. He used to wear old clothes at home. When his clothes were worn out, he would have them repaired and continued to wear them. He always told others that saving was a good virtue of Chinese people.

Thinking about the two great leaders, I feel deeply ashamed. As a young student who still has to depend on my parents, I have been leading too comfortable a life. I buy whatever I like though I don’t really need them. Besides, I like new things; when things get “old”, I tend to begin to dislike them and stop using them. Now that I realize that this is wrong, I’m determined that I shall follow the examples of the two great leaders and start to get rid of the bad habits.



Water is very important to us.Without water, people will die.Animals and plant need water, too .

But water is becoming less and less.We must do something to save it.For example,turn off the tap,if you don’t it.After washing vegetables,we can use the water to water the plant.Also,don’t wash your hands for a long time.

Remember not to waster water or pollute it.Save water,save our earth!let’s take action now!




但是水变得越来越少。我们必须为节约它做一些事。比如,关掉水龙头,在你不用它时。在清洗蔬菜之后,我们能使用水来浇植物。同时, 洗你的手不要用很长时间。



The world is not only hungry, but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes, underground , and other sources. And we cannot

even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.

However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?

We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. For us, the systems are as important as the spacecraft.


世界是不只有饥饿的,但是也口渴的为水。 这可能对你似乎很奇怪,因为将近75%的地球的表面布满水。但是大约97%的这个极大的部分是海洋水、或含盐的甜水。人们只能喝而且使用另一个3%——来自河的淡水,湖,地下水,和其他来源。而且因为它其中的一些是以冰山的形式,所以我们不能够甚至使用那全部和冰河。甚至更坏,它其中的一些已经被污染。

然而,因为事情今天站,这个少量淡水,正在不变地被降雨量代替,仍然对我们充足。 但是我们的对水的需要正在快速地增加--几乎日复一日。只有当如果我们采取措施现在处理这一个问题我们能稍后避免一个严格的全世界的水不足吗。一个被限制的给水会有对农业和工业的差劲影响。让我只是给你一个小必需水如何对工业的例。你知道生产一吨钢,它拿水的大约91000公升?

我们全部必须学习该如何停止浪费我们的宝贵水。 我们应该拿的首要步骤之一将发展重复使用它的方式。实验在这一个栏位被做,但是只有在一个小规模上。为我们,系统很像太空船一样的重要。


Tree are very important in our life .They are the biggest and oldest living things on earth .Many things comes from trees ,for example ,the wood in your pencil and the paper in your notebook .Tree can fight pollution ,they can cool and clean the air .Tree can also communicate with one another to protect themselves from insects .

But now trees are in great danger .People cut down and burn them every year .Trees are our friends .Let’s try our best to plant more trees and protect them.




How to save electricity?

Electricity is very important in our daily life ,we use it to do all kinds of things ,however ,electricity is getting less and less ,we must save it .

First ,don’t turn on too many light at one time .Second ,at home ,don’t open fridges too often .Third ,remember to turn off all the lights when go out .Finally ,we should use air conditioners as little as possible.

Let’s do our best to save electricity .








Save the Energy Resources

Another round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. In 20xx, world oil consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to skyrocket amazingly.

As for China, it was reported that many traditional mineral cities in northeastern China had run into predicament, with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed, only because coal had been mined out.

Fossil energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, are unlike sunlight, water power and wind power which are generated consistently. They’re not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed, they’re gone forever.

If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient reproductive resources to replace them with, we’d have to live in entire blackout again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. That’s of course not what anyone would want to see.

Due to technical limitations, people still have to utilize these resources now.

As a result, we must economize them most cleverly. New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy cost in industry and daily life. Alternative energy should be employed wherever possible. Eradicate any practice that wastes energy.

Humans have overcome so many crises in history, and we’re sure to win this time also.








ways of save energy

Energy shortage is a very serious problem in the world. Many people worry that energy resources on the earth will be exhausted if we use them in an unchecked way. This, most people agree, will cause serious problems and even crisis and jeopardize the survival of mankind .

On the one hand, most people agree that the problem can be solved in one way or another. One is to conserve and save our energy. Energy refers not only to coal, oil, or natural gases but also to goods, land and water, etc. Most countries have realized the wastefulness in their using of energy. They are trying to conserve energy. For example, some countries have a daylight saving system to use less electricity for lighting. Some cities have enforced water savers at public such as restrooms and bars. Some have enforced serious penalties on overuse of electricity, water, and farming land. By these means, people hope the drain on energy resources could be slowed down.

However, conservation alone cannot solve the problem. Another way, perhaps the best I think, is to develop new energy resources. Obviously, no matter how hard we try to save energy resources and how abundant they are, we will use them up sooner or later. I think there are many energy resources that we can develop and utilize. We don’t have to depend only on the current conventional energy resources. There are many other energy resources that we can develop such as nuclear power, waterpower and solar power. These resources, if developed, can completely replace the conventional energy and thus solve the problem of energy shortage.




How to save energy

As a school student,what can we do to save energy?t is very important for us to protect the envirnment today.Do not throw the rubbish anywhere.We should plant the trees as many as possible

.  We should learn to save the water from a very yong age.It is not allowed to waste the water.I usually use the water that i have washed the clothes to water the flowers or clean the floor.I think it is also a good way to save water ,is not it?I always go to school by bike,but sometimes i go to school on foot.It is not only can do to protect the envirnment ,but also a good way tokeep healthy.It is necessary to recycle martianas much as possible.There are many things we can do to save energy,such as turning off the light when we leave.

Let's do it from ourselves!





Save Energy

Water used to be mistaken to be an unlimited and renewable resource. Actually, water resource is very limited and precious. It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention. Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap。

However, water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being, and yet the phenomenon of wasting water can still easily be found anywhere in our daily life. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it so that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it. Water resource is indispensable not only in our daily life but also in the industry and

agriculture. And water is the wealth of the whole mankind, and it is hard to imagine what the world would be like when there is no more water。

Even though an increasing number of people have become aware of this emergency, further measures still need to be taken. On the macro level, the whole world should make a joint effort to fight against waste of water. On the micro level, publicizing activities, such as broadcasting wonderful ways on how to save water on TV and other media, should be conducted. To store water means to store happiness and only by saving water can we save a better life for our offspring。


The world is not only hungry,but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes,underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.

However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?

We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale. For us, the systems are as important as the spacecraft.

节约用水的重要性(Important to save water)

Water is a kind of liquid. It has no taste or smell. It is transparent, too. Water is useful and is important to us. Why? For example, we use water to water the plants. We use water to wash our face or to have a bath. We drink water or we will die…Water is also very important for China. There are 2.8 hundred millions of steres of water in China, but everyone can only use 2300 steres. It is only twenty–five per sent in the world.

Not too long ago, there was a man called Jacques Cousteau. He loved the beautiful colors, and the beautiful fish in the sea. However, when he returned some years later, the colorful coral reefs were dead and grey because the factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques Cousteau decided to tell people how important it was to save the environment under the sea. He started the“ Cousteau Society ” to help protect life in the sea. Now there are over 30000 members all over the world. Since water covers most of the earth, Cousteau knew that we should keep the sea clean. We should not litter the sea, and should clean up the dirty parts. As water is very important to our environment, he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, sea and ocean.

There are still a few people who are not protecting the water now in the world. For example, some factories pour waste things into the rivers, lakes or into the sea near by. The water there has become very dirty and we can’t use them at all. Although there are seventy–five per sent of water in the world, we can only use fresh water, that there is only a little. So we should use little water when we need to use it. For example, I do not use too much water when I am washing my face or having a bath… It is important for us to keep the water clean. You may ask yourself, have I ever poured or thrown dirty things into the water? If your answer is “No”, that means you have already helped to protect the environment. It is our duty to protect the environment. You may ask yourself again, have I ever helped to clean up the water? If your answer is “Yes”, that means that you have already done something useful to improve the water. If we use up all the water, it is difficult for us to get it from anywhere, including the universe. It is terrible to think that people are too thirsty to live! I believe, that if everyone helps to protect the water, the water must be protected. You do not want to “kill” your son or your grandson, do you? So now let us to protect the water! Please don’t let the last drop of water on the earth is we human’s tear!

节约用水的必要性 (The Necessity of Saving Water)

With the increasingly serious shortage of water resources, protecting water resources and water conservations has become an urgent task for human beings. If we do not cherish the water, then the last drop of water in earth would be our tears. At present, some countries are facing with water shortage, and there are more than one billion people can’t drink clean water. Therefore, water conservation must be attached more attention than ever before. The problem of water shortage of the urban population has become increasingly prominent. Some people may think that we can do nothing for water conservation or our efforts make no use to it. However, great things may be done by mass effort. As long as each of us has the sense of water conservation and take actions, we can see huge changes.










How to build an economized society

Our government is aiming to build an "economized society". I think it is every citizen's duty to work hard to achieve this goal

Possible version:

How to build an economized society

Our government is aiming to build an "economized society". I think it is every citizen's duty to work hard to achieve this goal.

To build an economized society, we must keep the following points in our minds. Firstly,make sure that the lights and the electric fans are turned off when there is no one in the room. Set the room temperature at above 26℃. Remember to turn off the computer when you are not using it. Secondly, try to form the habit of turning off the tap after it is used. Use basins when washing faces or vegetables. Thus the water can be used again to clean toilets or water flowers. Thirdly, it will be good enough to use a basket instead of plastic bags when you go to the market. As we know, a basket can be used many more times.

In a word, we should try our best to build an economized society.


1, toys for children intimate partner. But some toys (such as water spray guns) need to consume water, not worthy of recommendation, particularly in the areas of water scarcity, but also should not be used. There are some naughty young people, leading in the water below a big fight with each other水仗water, water scattered, very happy, insidious, clean the wet ground, in the past, the pedestrian was scared, a large number of Water is also wasted. More bad!

2, washing utensils in the home water-saving washing utensils, the best dishes on the first paper to remove the oil, and then hot water again, and finally with more warm water or cold running water.

Second, take a bath of water-saving:

With shower nozzle: (1) Institute of regulating temperature. (2) not to head to open water from start to finish, and should not open. (3) as far as possible before you get wet from head to toe, on the whole body soapTu, the last running water. Do not separate shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and foot washing. (4) to concentrate on taking a bath, seize the time, do not refrain from being washed or side chat edge. Let alone in the bathroom and a good friend of a big fight. To remember: Time is the water! (5) not to use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" the clothes, shoes. Bathing in the bathtub, we should pay attention: Do not over water, pots 1/3-1/4 sufficient.

Third, water-saving toilets:

(1) If you think that the toilet tank is too large, can be a piece of bricktank filled with water or a large drink bottles, in order to reduce the volume of flushing water every time. It should be noted, bricks or drink bottles of water tanks on the prejudice component of the local campaign. (2) water tank leakage is always the most influent rubber sealing lax than irrigation, water filled with later flow away from the overflow hole; outlet sealing rubber lax devascularization not take water into the pipes do not stopped to water. (3) domestic wastewater collection flush toilets, you can use a strip of water, saving water. (4) garbage regardless of size, thickness, should be clear from the garbage channel, rather than water from the toilet to Chong.


篇2: As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. And I think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference。

篇3: We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before, one of them is the water emergence. Long time ago, we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before, and the consequence is continuing. Until recently, we have started to acknowledge that we should make the bigger efforts to save water. Therefore, so save water from every single person is important. That is why we should save water at home. If every one of us saves water at home, then the water saved together would bea huge amout. And I have some suggestions following: we could cycle the water we just used them to wash clothes to water the plants or to rush the toilet; when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc. So if we want to save water sincerely, we could save it at home .