2024-07-27 09:25:44








翻一翻日历,猛然看到这个数,23!妈妈的 生日!我竟然忘了!这一次,送给妈妈什么好呢?

我思前想后,桌上的一卷铜丝吸引了我的 目光,就是它拉!我剪下一段铜丝,把它弯成一 个圆形,我费了九牛二虎之力才把它弄圆.接下 来,把它用钳子弯成心形,不错!我就这样完出拉 五个心,两片叶子.这很难做,我的手都疼拉.稍 做休息,我又找拉几种不同颜色的丝带.你要问 我做什么,接着看!我小心翼翼的把丝带剪成能 包住心的小正方形,在把它套在心上,用线一系 ,第一个成功.我又连续包拉四个,最后,我把五 个心错落有序的捆在一起,在轻轻的拉一下花 瓣,拉成花形,就这样,一朵花完成拉,是白色的, 很漂亮,当然,还有绿色的叶子,是多么精致啊!

我就这样一朵一朵的做着,有几次差点被 妈妈发现,好险!虽然指头肿拉,但我真的好高 兴!没人发现我的秘密.

我做拉一个月,幸好妈妈的生日还没到, 要不然就完不成拉.但做到36朵时,我激动的心 情无法言语,当做到最后一不时,我真的很快乐, 当把36朵花插到花瓶时,我感到拉具大的欣慰. 终于完成拉.

妈妈的生日终于到拉.早晨的阳光,是那 么温暖,早晨的`空气,是那么清新,早晨的鸟声, 又是那么的动听,而我的心情,又是那么那么的 快乐.我悄悄捧者它,把它放在餐桌上,妈妈来了 ,看到拉我写的一张卡片:'亲爱的妈妈,这是儿 子送个你的36岁生日礼物,36朵花,180颗心是 代表我对您的祝福,希望它伴随你一生!'

妈妈的眼泪轻轻的留拉下来,我知道,那 泪是甜的,很甜很甜......











Still clearly remember you the temperature of the palm, you always like to gently patted me on the head, hum hidden colorful nursery rhymes after...

That winter day up and down the heavy snow, the snow has been underground, like spikes down feathers. The weather is very cold, but I love beautiful only wearing a pink sweater. After class, I shiver, sitting position while mouth, hand, he huddled himself. Perhaps you notice me. Your hand holding a lesson plan came up: "cold?" I looked up to your kind eyes, at that time I don't know what to say is good. You with those big hands patted me on the head, smiled and said, "it must be very cold, the teacher give you wear down jacket." Speak off down jacket to wear for me, warm feeling spread the whole body. I suddenly thought of what, raised his head: "teacher, don't you cold?" "The teacher is not cold, you wear, good-bye!" You smiled and walked out of the classroom and disappeared in the corridor of flying snowflakes.

Finally, you don't seem to like the end of the old sick, have to admit that your immune system really is very strong, at least you told me so.

What's your name is no ambition, I forgot it, surviving scattered from the memory, also only then a kindergarten graduation, we all laughed very happy, when an opportunity arises in the future, I will take a look at you


I have a beautiful young English teacher, miss li. She is teacher in our school campus. She has a pair of big eyes, brown eyes always turn in those big eyes. Miss li every day like a big sister to take care of us, care about us.

Once, my stomach pain. Miss li to see my face painful appearance, then kindly asked me: "ziyi why? What happened? Is the body uncomfortable? Or didn't have breakfast in the morning?" I endured the pain replied: "I after breakfast, but just don't know why my stomach pain and even speak all pain." After listening to the teacher li hurriedly let I don't speak. Although this is just a few words of common question, but let my heart warm up.

Miss li is not only concerned about my body is also very concerned about my study.

Miss li once elected me to attend the "star of hope" English contest, although I also prepared a hard, but I have not been selected. I thought that miss li would criticize my carelessness, but Mr Li did not do so, instead of patient encourage me, and also gave his beloved pendant to me, told me: "although I failed this time, but next time, you need to cheer up, for everyone to do a good example. Do you understand that giving and receiving is always directly proportional, come on! I'm sure you can."


My favorite is my English teacher.

Now, she is 23 years old, is a real sea turtles, her eyes as big as a gem, ears after a bold red dot, the ruddy, gray and mingled with the lips really want people to think more for a while. She is a serious and responsible teacher.

It was a bitterly cold night, already 20:30 points, the teacher let also let me write papers. My spirit not dozen 1 come, 21 points bell rang on time, I was too tired to lie down. ": small her, sit up and you don't want to improve your English grade?" ": not to mention what ah! I'm trapped died!" Said I'm sleepy. ": how can you make this is! You can not return, but you have to return us! We can't give up, here I help you, even if we don't sleep for a night, also want to get the problem all will." Miss a word from the teacher shock awake me, yeah, I also with honors returns them. Thought of here, I'm full of fight, learning together.

This is a what a responsible teacher, she didn't tell me the more esoteric truth, but some common shortcomings on the ear of a word. Normal to not appear, can this, but contains the intriguing truth, in addition, there is responsibility.

Out of duty, the teacher gave me a great deal of encouragement, made me when going to give up learning to let I insist on down. Let me find the direction from the adversity of desert.

This is my teacher, a perfect man.



