2024-08-06 02:50:16



时间流逝得是如此之快,我不得不为之赞叹。小学的时候经常盼望和幻想着上了初中后,我的生后将是如何。此时回忆往事,就好似昨天才是一个小学生小学作文 ,转眼成长为了初中生。好快啊,时间就是在赞叹中流逝而过。过去的都已成为历史,我想忘记过去的这部历史,一切从零开始,从头再来。

上初中以来,我结识了不少的朋友,并以他们为我知己,彼此之间有了深厚友谊。回忆自己的往事,自己得到了什么,是模糊的,但惟独友谊是清晰可见的。它给我带了很多很多,真的非常感谢这一切,感谢朋友为我付出的这一切。可是,再过几个月,我就要离开,离开这座我生活长达7年之久的.城市,离开那些我亲爱的朋友们。真的很不舍,但又无能为力。我只有在心里默默祈祷,愿友谊地久天长。我很想离开,回到故乡,可是友谊这把枷锁把我紧紧铐住,似胶水般把我粘住,想离却离不成。但我必须离开,我要回去寻找童年的足迹,平静我的心。我真的好累,真的很想回归故土。朋友们请原谅我的毅然离别,我会一生铭记,珍藏次份友谊。   啊,朋友再见,我要离去...........


My friend’s name is She is my She has long hair, black eyes and a beautiful She is not too tall or too It is well-known that she is kind and nice, because she always help other Of course, she helps me a She is good at study, especially in Because she lives near my home, we often go to school and go home We also do homework and play We are good friends


Hello everyone! My name is Zhang Li, I am twelve years old, and I am in Class four, Grade I like playing football, running, swimming and Yang Hua is my friend, he is my desk He is taller than We have the same We often play football or go swimming together after This is me and my We would like to be your friends

my friend英语作文5

I have many friends, but I like Lily the She lives next to me, and we go to the same She is a nice girl and helps me solve all kinds of I really want to return her, so when she meets difficulty, I will give my I cherish our friendship so much and hope we can last it


First, I want to tell you something about my best friend and I have a friend called In some ways, we are the Both Dick and I are good at We always go to library together to read because of the same So, we also study well all Reading books is important in our life .In some ways, we are Dick is a little taller and a lot stronger than I think it is because he does excise every For me, I just take excise three times a Dick likes going to concert, but I have no interest in In my free time, I always watch That is really

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