2022-10-29 00:29:03

Hello,everyone!Today I am gong to introduce one of Chinese traditional festivals—-The Mid-Autumn Festival.

The fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month is the Mid-Autumn Festival.On that day,many people go back home to have a family reunion.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival,people not only go back home for reunion,but also enjoy the full moon,eat moon cakes.According to the popular belief,the custom of eating moon cakes began in the late Yuan Dynasty.So the custom of eating moon cakes has a long history in China.Travelling around with family members and visiting close friends are both favorite ways to enjoy the Mid-Autumn day.

What`s more,in some areas in China are some special and different styles activities held,such as dressing up in costumes and playing with dragon lanterns.

All in all,the Mid-Autumn Festival is a part of Chinese traditional culture.We will enjoy this ancient festival forever!