2022-11-01 00:48:58

Everyone will have some unforgettable These big and small memories are like the shining stars in my memory, and one of them is the first time I read science

It was the second day of the summer vacation for It was sunny and a little sultry in the My father said to me happily, "son, today my father will take you to climb the mountain and enjoy the beautiful scenery on the top of the " I readily So we came to the famous Dayang mountain in

My father and I went to the foot of the mountain, looked up, and could not see the top of Dayang My father said, "climb to the top of the mountain and you can enjoy the most beautiful scenery in the " I look forward to my

At the beginning of climbing, I was full of energy and very But when I climbed to the middle of the mountain, my body became heavier and heavier like Dad saw me like this, so we rested for a while, and continued to climb After a long time, I saw that I was exhausted when I was near the top of the I begged dad to take me down the Dad encouraged me: "hold on a little longer, and soon I will be at the top of the mountain Well, the ancients said, "you will be at the top of the mountain and see all the small " dont you want to experience this feeling? " I gasped and said, "Dad, I really cant I cant move my legs I want to go " Dad helplessly took me down the

At that time, I didnt stick to Unfortunately, I missed the beautiful scenery at the top of the Ive learned that if I do anything, work hard and stick to it to the end, there will be Study is also, persist in the end will achieve good