2022-10-29 01:39:26

The positive energy is a well-known word to modern Chinese. It is originally a word from physics, but now it refers to a kind of motive and feeling that is healthy, optimistic, joyful and positive.


In terms of middle school students, the positive energy means that we have to be the kind of youth having such virtues.


Firstly, we should be grateful to others, respect our teachers, and show the filial obedience to our parents. Secondly, we should be warm-hearted. Whenever someone else gets into trouble we should give him our hand with no hesitation. Thirdly, we should be ambitious. We need to study hard so as to make our dream come true. Fourthly, we should cultivate some interests and hobbies so that we might be healthy both physically and spiritually.


These are the positive energy belonging to a middle school student. I hope all of us to be the man full of positive energy.
