2022-11-01 01:06:04

Recently, a novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak has been This novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has not only erupted in Wuhan, it has been appearing in many places, and swept the public opinion field with a "aggressive" On the eve of the Spring Festival, most of us didn't realize the harm of the virus and were still immersed in the atmosphere of welcoming the Spring Until academician Zhong Nanshan officially announced that "there may be human to human transmission of the virus", we began to realize the seriousness of the After that, "Mask" has become the first line of defense for people to protect themselves, but there are some pharmacies with improper behaviors such as bid up prices, which can not help but arouse people's thinking - is the interest still more important than life in the face of national disaster?


The fear of novel coronavirus pneumonia is not only the virus itself, but also the large flow of people at the time of the Spring Festival, and the incubation period of this virus is 14 days No one can predict the potential danger of this new type of In the face of the epidemic situation, we should unite as one and cross the difficulties


Do a good job in top-level design and put on "masks" for the At the time of national crisis, as a public servant, we must fight hard at the front line, take a responsible attitude towards the people, put an end to fluke mentality, and resolutely shoulder the responsibility on our From the experts' appeal that "you can't go to Wuhan now, or Wuhan people can't come out", to the comprehensive closure of Wuhan's prevention and control upgrade, to the action of the State Council, the health and Health Commission, there is no doubt that they are working hard to contain the epidemic, to open the first and most important line of defense for the people, and to put on the "Mask" to prevent the virus for the people in Scientific, standardized and orderly prevention and control measures will have a deep positive impact on relieving people's understandable And for those businesses that make money in a difficult situation and maliciously bid up the price of masks, they must be seriously dealt with and deeply educated to make profits for their


Fight for the front line of the epidemic and put on "protective clothing" for the It's the duty of doctors and nurses to save They have a nice name, which is "angel in white". In the novel coronavirus pneumonia infection this devil, they resolutely join the battle team, in the face of the epidemic, they have no time to think about their safety, no time to comfort their families, have no time to enjoy the happy reunion of the Spring Festival, signed the invitation to fight, fighting in the forefront of the epidemic, day and night to work for the virus He is out of The doctor and his son encouraged each other through the isolation The husband sent his wife to the front line of Liang Wudong, an otolaryngologist, died of new pneumonia These admirable heroes have interpreted the responsibilities of doctors with their own life and As their letter of invitation said, "doctors are kind-hearted! If there is a war, they will return! If there is a war, they will win! They will live up to their mission!".


We will strengthen prevention and control, and create an "isolation zone" for the With the spread of the disease, the Red areas (indicating confirmed cases) on the daily updated national epidemic situation map are gradually However, we are gratified that many public servants have cancelled the Spring Festival holiday, went deep into communities and villages under the instructions of provinces, cities, counties and towns, closed all kinds of public places that may gather together, set cards at high-speed ports for temperature measurement, closed the game selling agricultural trade market, counted the returning people in Wuhan, and vigorously publicized the preventive measures, so as to build up the "isolation belt" for the Nevertheless, each of us should be aware of the importance of preventing new We should convey our knowledge of new pneumonia prevention to our relatives and friends around We should have a special spring festival - less visits, less crowds, frequent hand washing, wearing masks, no panic, no


To prevent pneumonia, we should start from ourselves; we should work together to overcome difficulties; come on, Wuhan, come on, China!