2022-11-01 02:06:02

We all came to this world Facing the uncertain future, we need not only the guidance of parents and teachers, but also the friends who can support each other and move However, can everyone become our real good friends? If you have a friend, happy things, he shares with you; Sad things, he shared for you; He gives you encouragement when you are When lonely, he gives you warmth……Needless to say, he must be your real If you have a friend, you can drink together, have fun together and call each other However, there is no equal treatment and sincere communication between each other, and even there is another purpose, so you can be sure that he is not your true friend and is not worth your sincere Good friends can encourage us to go forward and benefit us Improper friends may bring us many bad habits and may make us regret for When we grow up, we inevitably care about what others think of We are most afraid that our friends will not accept us and make us Therefore, sometimes in order to gain recognition, we may deliberately cater to the habits and needs of our Therefore, we must choose our friends carefully so as not to be used by people with ulterior