2022-10-29 00:22:08

When I was a younger, I used to dream aboutbecoming a fireman.I thought wow, wouldn’t it be great to ride around,and help people put out fires.

As I got older, I want to be like my father.He taught in a university, and I always look up him.So that's what I became a teacher.

My father and I have different styles, as do all teachers.And we're both teachers and I'm happy.In many ways, I feel that I'm living my dream, I am luck.Sometimes the dreams we've when we're younger,well, life may push it in another direction.And at last we actively pursue our dreams we have to adjust.

After all, your dream won't often pursue you,you have to cherish your dream and make it come true.Perhaps compromising a little is good, perhaps it matters to try different things.

We have to go through that positive limitations.For example, I tried to be a salesman, and I tried to be an invent manager.Finally I found the place I can grow is help others.Everyone has a dream, the question is can you make yours reality!

Talk about it:Are you living your dream?Do you have a dream to do something? What is it?What steps need be taken to achieve that dream?Would you ever quit everything to pursue your dream?

How hard it will be to change your mind to pursue your dream?What do you think of people who do this?Do you ever regret not following your dream?What stops people from pursuing their dreams?