2022-11-01 03:55:55

Finally, we have arrived at the expected May Day You must have done a lot of things in this Look at what I've done!

The first thing: tidy up a room (also called a cleaning). I want to put the books in my house! Toys! Everything was done, so I started with my I'm going to take all the books out first and classify My classification is this: first put the extracurricular books, second textbooks put half half lattice magazine, third all magazines, fourth put notebook, put the fifth cram things, sixth to my dad put things, seventh squares to put papers and file pouches, eighth all In addition to this, I also put the toy for a while, and my dad swept the

The second thing: buy a Because my dad saw my bag rotten, I went to buy a new one with After seeing the supermarket for a long time, we saw a nice schoolbag at I didn't know I didn't know When I saw it, I needed 208 yuan for Finally, my dad and I were going to buy a bag on the Taobao It was cheap, plus 10 yuan for freight, only 79 So it's cheaper to buy

Third things: Dad and I are going to buy some flowers on the shelf, then go to the flower shop I look left, right look, finally to buy a pot Name: "drop water Guanyin"

Although the cleaning is very tired, it embodies the happiness of labor