2022-11-01 01:16:37

This year's Mid-Autumn festival, we can be noisy in the home, her aunt with her sister and brother come to my home for Mid-Autumn At noon, grandmother made a table of the abundance of food, everyone happy for a family reunion In the afternoon, the weather is appropriate, we go fishing to the people's square, feeding the birds, in my efforts, also a small harvest, caught two small

Evening, aunt advice to Columbus restaurant to eat buffet, there are a lot of delicious, we eat may be Darkness came slowly, even the moon smiled, we decided to go to enjoy the moon to the north street, the street can be lively, everywhere is full of festive atmosphere, everyone is permeated with a happy smile on their Us and enjoy the moon while walking towards the river, not far away, I see there are a lot of kongmin light in the sky, my sister told me that it was through kongmin light of distant relatives of the missing people, out of curiosity, we also bought a lamp kongmin light, took a small point and kongmin light to drum up slowly, under the drive of wind, rose to the Kongmin light more and more in the sky, the moon at this time, in order to let more people see the light of sky lantern, "go home to eat moon cakes". Although the moon tonight "lazy", but kongmin light like the moon light the every one of River put lotus lamp, there are some people in a wide variety of light floating in the water, beautiful!

This is the most unforgettable, the most I have a happy Mid-Autumn festival!


