2024-07-26 06:55:57







四、表达:就是用最确切明了的语言贯穿材料,表达自己的思想,力争用符合英语语法规则。英语表达习惯,最顺畅自然的词,句,段去表达中心思想,与表现中心无关的话即使再生动形象也不要去写。就写作的目的表现形式来看,命题作文分为三种形式:1、记叙文类;2、说明文类; 3、议论文类。


记叙文就是以记叙人物的经历或事物发展变化过程为主的一种文章。在初中写作训练中,记叙文是最基本,最常见,最重要的书面表达形式。记叙文有"六要素"即指"时间,地点,人物和事件的起因,经过和结果"。一篇记叙文只要把这些要素写清楚,文章就会内容具体, 眉目清晰,中心意思明确。一般情况下,这六要素中的人物,时间,地点作为开端,要写在文章的开头。事件,原因常作为记叙文的段落发展,又称为文章的主体部分,应该放在文章的中间。结果作为记叙文的结局常放在文章的末尾处。












(1) 以My Mother为题写一篇短文。(2003扬州)

内容要点:1.我的妈妈是护士,工作努力。2.上个月去北京,抗击SARS (fight against)。3.一个月没有回来。4.保护我们免受侵害。5.我爱妈妈,为妈妈自豪。

标题已给出,要求1.写清时间 2.要点要完整 3.可适当增加内容 4.字数在60个词左右


要点:1. Who is he / she。2. When and where did you get to know him / her。3. Why do you like him / her。

注意:1.文章的开头和结尾已给出(不计入词数) 2.词数60-80,须包括以上要点,可适当增加细节使短文意思通畅。3.条理清楚,语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。4.文中不得出现真实的人名。校名等相关信息。


以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下:




My Chinese Teacher

Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.

My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.

Ms Sun works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.

Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.

Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.


请以"My Classmate"为标题写一篇记叙文

要求:1、主题明确。语言流畅。思路清晰。 2、字数在100字以内。





My Classmate

Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.

One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.


三、 命题作文训练

A. 写人

1、以" My Mother "为题,用英语写一篇短文。要点:

① 妈妈是护士,在县人民医院工作。 她工作努力,工作中严格要求自己,因此,她的同事们对他评价很高;

② 2003年参加抗击"非典"的战斗。为了保护我们免受"非典"的侵害,一个多月没回家。当时,我非常想念妈妈; ③ 我爱妈妈,并为妈妈而自豪。

参考词汇:县 county;  抗击fight against; 战斗battle;    非典 SARS;

My mother

My mother is a nurse. She works in the People's Hospital of our county. She works very hard. She is very strict with herself in the work. So her workmates speak highly of her.

In 2003 she took part in the battle to fight against "SARS". She was away from home for more than one month. So I missed her very much, but I knew she was trying her best to protect us from "SARS" and she was doing an important thing.

I love my mother very much, and I am very proud of having such a great mother. I should learn the spirit of working hard and being strict in the work from her. When I grow up, I would like to be a person like my mother.


Name Zhang Yining sex girl City Beijing

Birth 1982.10.5 height 1.68m weight 52 kilos

Achieve -ments 六岁开始学习乒乓球, 在1999年45届世乒赛上(the 45th Table Tennis World Championships)显示非凡的实力,获得亚军。 在2004年的雅典奥运会(Athens Olympic Games)上夺得金牌。 在刚刚结束的国际世乒赛(ITTF)上夺得女子单打冠军,成为乒乓球领域中的顶尖。

I'd like to introduce a girl to you. Her name is Zhang Yining. She was born in Beijing in 1982. She is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 52 kilos. At the age of six, she began to play table tennis. In 1999, she won the second at the 45th Table Tennis World Championships. In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, she won the first. And now she won the women's singles at the ITTF World Cup. She becomes the top of the table tennis field. We hope she will make greater progress in the future.

3、在初中三年的学习生活中,你一定交了不少好朋友,留下了许多美好的回忆。请以"My Best Friend Tom/Mary" 为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,介绍一位你最要好的朋友,男生姓名用Tom;女生姓名用Mary统一代替。

内容要求:1、他/她的外貌特征和个性特点; 2、你们一起经历的一件你印象特别深刻的事情。

注 意:严禁使用真实的校名和姓名

My Best Friend Tom

Tom is my best friend. He has short hair and wears a pair of glasses. He is shorter but a little bit stronger than I am. In my eyes, he is a clever and brave boy.

One day we went to school by bus together as usual. The bus was so crowded at the rush time. "Oh, my god! Where's my wallet?" A woman beside us cried suddenly. We thought there must be a thief around us, and we tried to help her but failed in the end. The next stop was coming and the woman became more worried. Just then Tom rushed to the driver quickly and told him what happened.

All the passengers were taken to the police station and the thief was caught. We were late for class that morning; however, we felt excited at that unusual experience.

B. 状物

1、以My hometown为题,介绍家乡的地理、气候、风景、人文和风俗习惯等。字数约80个。

My hometown is in Kunming. Kunming is the capital of Yunnan province. Kunming is also a very beautiful city. It is called the "City of Eternal Spring", because it has spring-like climate all the year round. The Crossbridge Rice Noodles are famous traditional food of Yunnan. There is a famous exposition centre in Kunming. It is in the northern suburbs of Kunming. The Exposition's theme is "Man and Nature -Marching into the 21st Century". And in Yunnan there are twenty-six nationalities. It is a big family. Welcome to my hometown.

2、以My family为题,介绍家庭基本情况,字数约80个。


1、时间:竣工:2006年6 月; 开放:2006年7月

2、地址:在中山路,与科学博物馆相邻, 对面是公园。


三层 会议室(22个座位) 电脑室(50台)

二层 卫生间 Room for storing Books (10万册)

一层 咨询台 阅览室 阅览室 Children's Home

A big library has been built for people in our city. It was finished in June, 2006. It will be open in July. The library is on Zhongshan Road, next to the Science Museum. On the other side of the road, there's a park. There are three floors in the library. On the first floor, there are two reading rooms, and there're many kinds of books in it. On the second floor, there is a washing room and a room for storing books. It has about 10,000 books. On the third floor, there's a big meeting room and a computer room. The computer room has fifty computers. Books are my best friends. We should love books. Because they give us knowledge and make us happy.

4、中国加入 WTO 后,有一大批外国人来我市--泉州参观。假设你是导游,请根据以下内容,向外宾简单介绍我市的情况。

要求: 1. 100 词左右; 2. 要点包括: a. 有悠久的历史,位于福建省的东部,离福州 198 公里,人口约 524 万。 b. 有许多名胜古迹,如清源山;东湖等等;东湖是一个很美丽的地方,湖水清澈,无污染;湖中有各种各样的.鱼;你可以到那里划船,野餐,钓鱼,是度假的好去处。你也可以去参观市博物馆,在那里你可以看到许多恐龙化石( fossil )。c. 祝大家在泉州玩得愉快。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Quan Zhou, now let me introduce our city -Quan Zhou to you. Quan Zhou is a city with a long history. It is in the northeast of Guangdong and 198 kilometers away from Guangzhou. It has a population of 5,240,000.

There are many places of interest in Quan Zhou, such as Qingyuan Mountain, East Lake and so on. East Lake is a beautiful place. The water is clean and not polluted. There are all kinds of fish in it. You can go boating, go fishing and have a picnic there. It is really a good place to spend your holiday. Besides, you can go and visit Quan Zhou n Museum. There you can see a lot of dinosaur egg fossils.

I hope you can enjoy yourselves in Quan Zhou.

Thank you.

C. 记事


1、昨天晚上我和妈妈出去散步。   2、在路上我遇到了一个外国人。

3、他向我询问去温泉饭店(the Hot Spring Hotel)的路。



提示词语:go out for a walk, on the road, the way to, walk along, on the left, thank for, be happy that

Yesterday evening, I went out for a walk with my mother. On the road, we met a foreigner. He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel. I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left, then he could see the hotel. He thanked me very much for my help. I was happy that I could help him.

D. 议论


⒈ 从所给素材中任选两种情形进行阐述,不可多选或少选。

⒉ 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;⒊ 词数 80 ~ 100。

参考词汇: 建议 suggest v. suggestion n.气体 gas n.  污染 pollution n.


① One third of the world's people don't have enough clean water.

② More and more diseases are caused by polluted air.

③ People are disturbed quite often by kinds of noises.

④ Every person in our city makes about 1.8 kilos of rubbish every day.

The environment is becoming worse and worse. There a





1. it, fine, last sunday

2. we, go, west hill, by bus

3. some, plant trees, other, carry water

4. because, we, work hard, tired, happy

5. all, know, stop… form, blow, and, city, make, beautiful


it was fine last sunday. we went to west hill by bus. some students planted trees, others carried water. because we worked hard, we were tired, but we felt happy. we all know trees can stop the wind from blowing the sand towards the city, and they can make the city beautiful.


Today is planting day.Our class have a meaningful activity.All of our classmates go to plant flowers outside the school gate.We got the flower seeding from others.We first cleaned the weeds and then dug small pits.After we put the seeds in the pits,we watering them.Because of this activity,we realize that working is tired but happy.We decided to take care these flower seeds regularly.And we hope we can see the beautiful flowers quickly.



It‘s been a long time since I‘ve done something positive to the environment. Feeling guilty-ridden and determined to do something that I know would definitely please my parents and teachers,I decided to plant several trees on the hill in the rural area of the city on tree planting day with a few friends.

Feeling breezy and light-hearted, we came to the foot of the hill and selected a place that looked suitable and settled down. We spent a few hours digging holes and placing the young seedlings. We took numerous pictures of the beautiful place. We also wrote our wishes and buried it deep down the roots of the trees. I felt tired quickly and though I didn‘t realise it, it was time to go. I gazed up at the sky and took in all the wonderful features of Mother Nature. I felt really glad that we made it for this trip and sweared that I would do my part on protecting the environment.


Spring is the best season to plant trees. Plantingtrees1 must conform to some correct steps. The first stepis digging a hole barge enoughZ for the tree, but the holeshould not he too deep. The second step is putting astraight stick into the earth next to the hole, then put thetree into the hole and tie it to the stick. The third step isputting the earth back in the hole again and then pushingit down hard'3' with feet several times. At last water theyoung tree because water is important to the growth ofyoung trees.




Yesterday was Tree Planting Day. The teachers asked us to plant trees at the corner of our playground. At 3:00 in the afternoon, we got there. Our teacher showed us how to plant trees,then we started to do it. Some dug the pits, some put trees in them and others watered them. We planted a lot of trees. When we finished our work, it was nearly dark.













今年高考英语作文1:The Eldership’s Words

Most people get tired of hearing their parents’ words, because their parents have told them the many times before, in the long term, people want to turn their deaf ears to their parents. Especially for the teenagers, they are rebellious and go against what their parents say. I am one of them, when I begin to hear my mother’s babbling, I act as listening to her, the fact is that I don’t put what she say in mind. One day, when I was shopping, I lost my wallet, I was so worried, I started to thinking about my parents’ words, they had told me all the time to be careful, but I just forgot about it. I learned the lesson that we should listen to the eldership’s words, they have experienced so much, what they told us is precious experience for us to learn.


今年高考英语作文2:Bright Afternoon

The cold air has come for a while, I stayed at my house all the time, as there was nothing for me go do, I watched the movies. When I saw the beach and sunshine in the movie, I miss the sunshine so much. Today is lucky for me, the sun finally comes out, I decide to go out for a walk and take in the fresh air. The breeze blows me softly, I can sense the coming of spring, I walk into a coffee shop and choose a table which is near the window. I sit down and watch people just walk by, I see all kinds of face expressions, I try to read them. There is a girl who is talking to his boyfriend, maybe he is proposing her, I can see from the girl’s sweet smile. There is another man sitting alone, may he is waiting for his wife. I have a great time in the bright afternoon.


今年高考英语作文3:Do Not Lose the Courage

I am not a brave girl, I am afraid of losing face in front of my friends and parents, so I always let the chance go and refuse to try. Once, I have a chance to take a performance in the Christmas show, but thinking about if I performed badly, all my friends would laugh at me, so I gave up the chance. But now, I am tired of letting so many chances to go, I want to try, after seeing my friends take all the chances to try, I am not going to be the outsider all the time, I want to live my own life and make some differences. People say failure is not terrible, the unforgettable thing are to lose the courage to try and then making all kinds of excuses. Let’s take out our courage and do what we want to do.

我不是一个勇敢的女孩,我害怕在朋友很父母面前丢脸,因此我总是让几乎溜走,拒绝去尝试。曾经,我有机会在圣诞节目上表演,但是一想到如果我表演不好,所有的朋友都会取笑我,所以我放弃了机会。但是现在,我厌倦了让那么多的机会溜走,我想要尝试,在看了那么多的朋友抓住所有的机会尝试以后,我不准备再当个局外人,我想要活出自己的生活,有所作为。人们说失败并不可怕,失去勇气尝试, 不断找各种借口才是不可原谅的。让我们拿出勇气,做自己想做的吧。


As to myself, I prefer the latter view. A well-paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one's job in terms of money, salary counts most when I choose my future career. And according to my experience, our career choices largely depend on how and where we have been brought up. I come from a poor urban family and my parents were both laid-off workers. In order to finance my tuition, they had been working hard over the past four years. As the only son in my family, I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family.

In short, salary is the first consideration in my choice of career. (182 words)