师生关系 作文(1)
The teacher-student relationship is now much more harmonious than In some time, I am willing to tell the teacher I was thinking, such as their class the way the teachers views ... ... but some minds the idea of do not want to tell the teacher, because I think it is my privacy.
Nevertheless, the teacher-student relationship is much more harmonious than before. Teachers and students is no longer a strict teacher-student relationship, or friends do! I hope that the harmony between teachers and students, teachers can understand students and respected teachers.
In this case, students will learn in a warm environment, and learn more things.
师生关系 作文(2)
The relationship between students and teachers plays an important role in campus life. A harmonious one can benefit both students and teachers. As to students, they can enjoy cheerful classes, better command of knowledge a good insight of science. A good relationship means a better understanding and a better communication.
The teacher must know that he should be neither too tough, nor too permissive. If he is too tough, the student may be frightened and discouraged. If he is too permissive, the student may become lazy and careless. So his attitude should be between the two extremes. He should be strict yet friendly. As for a student, he should know that what the teacher does is for the benefit of his students. He should always show his proper respect to the teacher. Moreover, he should always be eager to learn and willing to work hard. If he is modest, he will learn more than just knowledge from his teacher.
Only in this way will the teachers and students forge a good atmosphere and a unforgettable school life.
师生关系 作文(3)
A good teacher-student relationship is able to effectively further the student to a higher level in study. The teacher with patience and understanding encourages the student instead of pushing or forcing him. The relationship of this sort makes learning so enjoyable and funny that the student would work hard willingly.
However, a bad relationship seriously weakens the achievement of teaching. It discourages the student from learning, leaving him with a wrong and negative attitude towards studying. Thus, teaching also becomes an unpleasant task, which forms a vicious cycle.
As I see it, the relationship between a teacher and a student should be attached much importance to. A good relationship makes the teachers job worthwhile while a bad one ill-affects the students development, even to the rest of his life.
师生关系 作文(4)
师生关系 作文(5)
师生关系 作文(6)
师生关系 作文(7)
新型的师生关系应当是在“以人为本” 的思想指导下,建立在民主平等基础上、融融的师爱氛围中、教师高尚的人格修养前提下。建立科学、民主、平等的新型师生关系应该从教师做起。教师要有热爱学生、无私奉献的精神,学生才会热爱教师,师生之间的关系才能和谐,两者才会产生感情上的共鸣,从而取得教育教学的最佳效果。教师一句关心的话,一句温暖的问候,一个鼓励的眼神,都会让学生难以忘怀。因此,教师要用爱心去对待学生,并不断创新思路,才能取得更好的教育教学效果。
在构建和谐的师生关系中,教师起着主导性的作用。教师首先要尊重学生。苏霍姆林斯基说: “教师只有关心学生作为人的尊严感,才能使学生通过学习而受到教育。教育的核心就其本质来说,就在于让儿童始终体验到自己的尊严感……”人人都渴望被尊重,特别是处于成人和孩子之间的青少年。一旦学生体会到了老师对他们的尊重、理解、关心和友好,他们对教师的信任和好感就会油然而生,其接受教育的自觉性就会萌发,这样温馨和谐的教学氛围中,师生间的交流、沟通才会畅通,学生才能在课堂
教师不能只关心学生的学习,认为学生学习成绩好就一切都好,从而忽视了与学生的情感沟通。学生们在一天一天成长,他们会逐渐形成自己的思想和性格。这时,如果家长及教师不注意与其沟通,双方就会在不知不觉中产生隔膜。而要避免上述情况发生,教师可以积极发挥自身的作用,曾经有位班主任,在元旦前夕,以自己的名义悄悄给班上l1个后进生每人送了一张贺卡,贺卡写道: “这段时间你的进步很大,这说明你足一个有上进心的学生,老师默默地鼓励、支持你!愿你在新学期更上一层楼!”这些学生在收到贺卡变化很大,更愿与班主任交流了。老师和学生之间的沟通十分重要,教师应该把学生放在一个平等的位置上,经常与学生进行沟通与交流,这样才能有效培养健康的师生感情。
师生关系 作文(8)
To set up a good teacher-student relationship, a teacher's behaviour is important. The teacher should motivate the students so that they want to learn. A good teacher should be patient, friendly and strict. Remember not to encourage the students by pushing or forcing them. Being too friendly may cause students to become lazy and stop working hard. On the other hand, being too strict may frighten the students. So a teacher should avoid going extremes in treating his students. And teachers should encourage the students to think independently and learn to study by themselves.
As for the students, they must always respect their teachers. Students should be eager to learn and willing to work hard. It's important to listen with attention in class and it's more important to learn to raise questions and work out problems in new ways.
In conclusion, a good teacher-student relation-ship can be mutually beneficial. The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyably and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.
以师生关系为话题的英语范文【二】The teacher-student relationship is now much more harmonious than In some time, I am willing to tell the teacher I was thinking, such as their class the way the teacher's views ... ... but some minds the idea of do not want to tell the teacher, because I think it is my privacy.
Nevertheless, the teacher-student relationship is much more harmonious than before. Teachers and students is no longer a strict teacher-student relationship, or friends do! I hope that the harmony between teachers and students, teachers can understand students and respected teachers.
In this case, students will learn in a warm environment, and learn more things.
以师生关系为话题的英语范文【三】The relationship between students and teachers plays an important role in campus life. A harmonious one can benefit both students and teachers. As to students, they can enjoy cheerful classes, better command of knowledge a good insight of science. A good relationship means a better understanding and a better communication.
The teacher must know that he should be neither too tough, nor too permissive. If he is too tough, the student may be frightened and discouraged. If he is too permissive, the student may become lazy and careless. So his attitude should be between the two extremes. He should be strict yet friendly. As for a student, he should know that what the teacher does is for the benefit of his students. He should always show his proper respect to the teacher. Moreover, he should always be eager to learn and willing to work hard. If he is modest, he will learn more than just knowledge from his teacher.
Only in this way will the teachers and students forge a good atmosphere and a unforgettable school life.
师生关系 作文(9)
The relationship between a teacher and a student can be either good or bad, helpful or harmfuh. Either way, the relationship can affect the student for the rest of his life. A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and well mutually understandable. Whereas, a had relationship can discourage the student from learning and make teaching an unpleasant task.
In order to have a good teacher-student relationship, it is important that the teacher and the student respect each other. The teacher does not have to force the student to learn. In fact, many students will often work hard simply because they respect their teachers and want to please them. The teacher should motivate and encourage the student without forcing him. He
needs patience and understanding. Learning can be fun when the student has the right attitude about it. As for the student,he must always show the teacher proper respect. He should be eager to learn and willing to work hard. It is also important to listen carefully and pay attention. Otherwise he would not be able to profit fully from his teacher's knowledge and assistance.
In conclusion, a good teacher-student relationship can be mutually heneficiah The student gains knowledge eagerly and enjoyably, and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.
Love and Concern Make an Ideal Relationship Students are becoming unwilling to confess to their teachers because they are not equal in position and teachers lay too much emphasis on the academic performances of the students. While some students might have doubts, I am willing to share my inner thoughts with my teachers. They show love and concern for their students and are good listeners. I always find it easy to seek support and advice from them, from which I benefit and learn a lot. In this case, an ideal relationship between teachers and students is very important. In my opinion, this relationship should be one filled with love, care and understanding, in which teachers and students show respect for each other and exchange ideas freely. To build a relationship of this kind , teachers should become friends of students while students ought to place more trust in their teachers and give voice to their feelings frankly. Only by joint efforts can we enjoy a warm relationship between teachers and students.
师生关系 作文(10)
The teacher-student relationship is now much more harmonious than In some time, I am willing to tell the teacher I was thinking, such as their class the way the teacher's views ... ... but some minds the idea of do not want to tell the teacher, because I think it is my privacy.
Nevertheless, the teacher-student relationship is much more harmonious than before. Teachers and students is no longer a strict teacher-student relationship, or friends do! I hope that the harmony between teachers and students, teachers can understand students and respected teachers.
In this case, students will learn in a warm environment, and learn more things.
Establishing a good relationship between student and teacher is very important. Mostly because teachers are the direct guidance of the students. Having a amiable relationship with the teacher means that the student is guaranteed success in his/her studies. The teacher is able to provide the student with guidance and support during his/her course of studies.
I had a very good relationship with one of my teachers in middle school. He taught us mathematics for 8 classes a week. I was rather weak in this subject and needed lots of help. He took out his spare time to giev me tutor and helped me answer my queries. I was able to score very well for the end term exams due to his help.
Sometimes, there may be misunderstanding between the teacher and the student. I think the best way to resolve this issue would be to speak with the teacher directly and clear up the issue. After all, the teacher does not wish to harm the student.
The relationship between a teacher and a student can be either good or bad , helpful or harmful . But I think it’s good for students to learn more knowledge if the relationship between teachers and students is good. For example , in my high school , I love my English teacher very much , my classmates love her as well . She is a kind woman and never give us a lot of homework . But she can let us learn by ourselves . We like English very much , and our achievement is good .
In order to have a good teacher-student relationship, it is important that teachers and students often talk about study , life and so on . Get to know each other what they need. My high school teacher often talks his life with us and asks us for new ideas . So we get along very well with him. After class, we are friends .
In conclusion, I think the relationship between teachers and students is well, the most important is they should exchange their opinions often . And look after each other. Everyone needs to be cared about. Although teachers are often order than students, teachers need to be cared about, also. In this way, the relationship between teacher and students will be better and better .