2024-08-13 08:16:29




Since I was in primary school, I haven't shown myself on the stage of June 1, nor have I been praised by teachers, nor have I ever been a class leader, or even a group leader.

Later, I transferred to another school. In this school, I am the same as the original school. Now I'm in grade five. I feel that I'm not the same as before. Now I can hear the teacher's encouragement and praise.

One Monday morning near the exam, I came to the classroom and handed in my homework and sat in my seat. After two classes, I went to the teacher's office, and the teacher just corrected my homework. The teacher said to me, "you have done a good job this time, especially the words are well written." I feel sweet in my heart, just like eating honey. At noon, after school, some students didn't finish their homework. The teacher asked them to finish their homework at home and bring it in this afternoon. He also said, "if you haven't finished your homework, go to see Hao Yulin's homework and see her progress."

In the afternoon, as soon as I arrived at the classroom, two students came to see my homework. I gave them.

I used to have a lot of problems, but now I'm making a little progress and I've changed a lot. I will continue to work hard.


My changes are as many as the stars in the sky, and I can't count them. The brightest one is my learning attitude.

When I was in the first grade, my learning attitude was very bad, that is to deal with homework. At that time, my mother came to pick me up at five o'clock. I always played with other children in the school dining room and didn't write any homework. After I went home in the evening, I didn't do my homework at all. I didn't start to do my homework until about 8 o'clock when I finished eating in the evening.

At the beginning of my homework, although I was very slow, I was not bothered. I wrote for less than ten minutes. When I met a problem that I could not, I began to be bothered. At the last ten o'clock, I could not finish my homework. Sometimes it lasts until about one o'clock in the morning.

So day after day, year after year, with more and more homework, I get more and more bored every night. However, once upon a time, when I was leaving school, I thought of a famous saying: a person's value is determined by the moment when he is tempted! Originally I want to play, but I take out the pencil bag junior high school, take out the homework, seriously do it.

When I get home, I don't have to deal with the heavy psychological pressure of not finishing my homework, but with ease and freedom.

In the third grade, I must write my homework faster and better!


Another year later, some people will say that I am one year older and some will say that I have gained a lot. I would say, I've changed a lot. I grew taller than before. I grew taller than before. On the bus, I could never reach the handle - I could reach a little handle - I could reach the handle completely. When I reached the handle completely, I knew that I was growing tall.

I became mature. At home, when I was cleaning my bookcase, I saw a few photos of my childhood. What a brilliant smile I had at that time, how cute my childish expression and action were.

When I saw these pictures, I knew that I was growing up. When I was a child, when I saw a stranger, I became speechless, and there was always a kind of inexplicable tension. Now, I have become a lot more cheerful, able to speak in front of strangers, and not nervous. I became bold. When I was a child, I could say that I was very careful. My mother never let me move anything since childhood. Now, I can make a delicious meal.

I like reading books, such as "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "war and peace" and so on. When I was a kid, I just sat in front of the TV and watched it all the time. In fact, everyone has their own changes, as long as careful observation, there will be harvest.


When I was in the bathroom singing the adapted song "growing up feels good, I just like this", I suddenly found that the people in the mirror were "strange" - tall and fat, my mother always said that I grew slowly, and I didn't look slow at all. I'm not short. Compared with the previous skinny, when I bend my arms, I feel the muscles have appeared. I'm growing up.

I remember that two years ago, every day when I was ignorant, I would only do something that would do harm or no good, such as breaking the glass, knocking down the vase, causing trouble to my parents, even doing my homework with my mother. My self-care ability was very poor. But now I seem to be steady, have my own ideas, and know how to study, and won't let my parents worry about it any more. Work with a plan, often make parents happy, turn blame into praise. I used to be stupid and don't know anything, but I have gradually become enlightened in the process of growing up. If I was likened to a chaotic night, now I am like a threatening morning light through dark clouds. After I was promoted to senior grade, my growth seems to be more rapid and clear, because I want to enter the ranks of excellent students to compete for the first place. I have hope for the future.

Many teachers and teachers have taught me the knowledge, which has become a rock to help me jump the torrent of life, and a beacon to guide me through the waves of life. I want to grow up as a meaningful movie, full of paragraphs, which is memorable.


Growing up, we often change, but the changes are good and bad. I used to write very well. I had a long holiday. I didn't write very well at school.

I think it's because the characters don't often practice during the holidays. Another possibility is that I can play too much during the holiday and forget some writing requirements, so my writing is becoming more and more ugly. There is also a possibility that my fingers, due to too much writing, flatten the head of my two thumbs. It's very difficult and uncomfortable to write. I don't feel that I have two or three millimeter fingers.

There is also a change: last year, the year before last year, and in previous years, I was the Deputy group leader of the three groups, and I had never been the head of the group. I finally became the head of the three groups this year. Zhang Chao and I are a pair of small enemies in our class. Last semester, when we chose the leader of the three groups of on duty group, we had a few votes difference. Because there were fewer girls and more boys in the three groups, boys chose him and girls chose me, so I didn't choose them. But I didn't relax my requirements. I learned from excellent class leaders in all aspects.

This semester, when choosing the leader of three groups of study groups, we were small enemies. But I won the support of my classmates with my progress. This time, I got one more vote than him, and I was elected.

The teacher said that we should find ways to make our good changes better and better. We should stop the bad changes and turn to the good direction. This is the direction I will try to make in the future.


Today, we look back at our hometown and you will be surprised to find out. Our hometown is different from the past, so you will want to see it.

Please review the environment in my hometown before.

Our hometown is like this. There are some lakes in our hometown. You dont know for sure that the lake is beautiful. I will congratulate you on the word "yes." Our hometown is not only beautiful, but also has no litter. In the dustbin, many people hear the word garbage can disgusting, because the dustbin has a lot of rubbish, not only that. And there was a sense of nausea. Then Ill tell you. Our dustbin is a daily work of the villagers, and there is no garbage, and there is no feeling of vomiting.

Here, see how our hometown is now.

Now, we have a building, but it is ruining the beautiful lakes, people would rather put the rubbish into the beautiful lakes and smelled a very nauseated, also dont want to clean the lake.







Has your hometown changed? Is the road still a potholed dirt road? No, its a wide, flat asphalt road now. Is the original flat still shabby? No, its a block of tall buildings now. My hometown has changed, it has changed! It became a new home.

Change, really change! Grandma said, long time ago, they have just arrived in the city, the city is not so beautiful now, a grey day, people wear black, grey and blue. Now, the sky is blue and the birds fly freely in the sky. People wear all kinds of beautiful clothes and walk on the wide road. The roadside trees are full of trees, flowers are in full bloom and there is a jubilation everywhere. It is the partys reform and opening-up policy that makes us wear beautiful clothes and make our life more beautiful.

Change, really change! Grandpa said, before the city only a few of the two-story building, the rest is all ranch house, leak rain, windy day drafty, people always bullied by the demon "cold". Now, the city is full of tall buildings, and we all live in beautiful buildings. Mentioned housing, grandma is feeling, heart when she married my grandpa doesnt even have a house, over the years has built four roof, then moved to the city, live in more than 60 square meters of buildings, and is now live on more than one hundred and thirty square meters of new buildings, the grandma smile is so sweet. It was the partys reform and opening-up policy that enabled us to stay in comfortable buildings.

Change, really change! Father said, when he was in primary school, no lights, night lit kerosene lamp to study, only the smoke from the nose to the blackened, coupled with the light and dark, dad a little early on to thick myopic lens on the bridge of the nose. Now, everyones home is filled with lights and lights. It is the partys reform and opening-up policy that makes our world brighter.

Change, really change! I want to say to you, please come to our campus and see. Our classrooms are not only spacious and bright, but we also have multimedia in every classroom, and our classrooms are more vivid and interesting. There are not only plastic runways on our playground, but also our favorite gym equipment. Here, we study and live as much as we can. It is the partys reform and opening-up policy that enables us to live a happy life.

Change, really change! My hometown has become more beautiful. I will study hard and improve my ability to make the future of my hometown better


The wind blows the earth and it blows into my hometown. Make a new home.

Its nice to have a few bikes on the road before, not to mention a car. Only a large group of children were running around together. The richest people in the past can only buy a second floor, and adults can only afford to subsidize their homes by a few dozen yuan a month. When the night comes, people will either burn kerosene lamps or take a flashlight for a walk. But the moon was round and big, and the sky was full of stars. And the crystal-clear water twinkled in the moonlight, like a sapphire.

Although it is now only gutter, it is no longer a crystal-clear stream. But the rising buildings, the colorful red lights, the asphalt of the traffic and the man-made scenery are beautiful. Everyone doesnt go out in his pocket for $200 or 300. Everyone lived in the building and had bright lamps. Children are no longer on the dangerous road. You chase me in the spacious and warm home.

In short, the changes in my hometown can be huge. I believe the future home will be more prosperous and beautiful and rich!


In the past, my room did not have a certificate of merit, but after my hard study, my certificate has nine! In the past, my math is not good, but now, I do not have to spend a lot of effort can easily calculate the answer.

In the past, have been exhausted Mom and Dad, but also give me clothes, cooking ... ... but now I can be as fast as lightning to help them do housework.

Previously, my body is not good, the old still cold, the adults anxious like ants on the wok. And now, I did not eat all the disease, but also three meals a day, the body better day by day.

In the past, I thought that rhetoric could be used for nothing. Now, I understand that through their own efforts to get what you want, can not cherish the mentality of nothing.






It's hard to avoid the chance to cry, but it's rare for me to be a strong woman, but that time I really cry.

In primary school, always carefree, everyday smile, play, watch TV, listen to music, play childish, make a little nerve, just so everyday is in my happy atmosphere!

But in junior high school, everything changed, the whole people changed, the whole school changed, the whole family changed, the whole world changed!

From the love I have had to laugh, more love to laugh, it is simply a funny farm out, from the previous love to play, the more love to play, it is the age of three of the two children (my mom said) IQ is that both (exaggeration), at the age of three grades may like my happy oh well. But I don't know what day it is changing again.

In the past, the naive, like the monkey, when I became silent, like a sick chicken with chicken pox, couldn't move! It was him!

Maybe the emotion is too subtle, unconsciously fall into, how to struggle, but will become deeper and deeper, cannot extricate, will eventually bury there. Never see the sun. (for us middle school students)

My initial condition was that I was laughing and suddenly I changed my face. And weep slowly! Still always look at a place to be daze, who speak not know! The thought is always running hair, that feeling really good pain!

No matter what I don't want to do, it looks like I got stuck in the first place, but I believe that I have a right to get out of it, I can get out of it, I can't do anything if I want to do it!

Although my grades are down now, I'm not going to be so obsessed. I'm coming back and studying hard, day day up.

I also believe in these words, always ready to succeed when the opportunity comes. As long as you have a goal, the world will give way to you. I will do the same at the same time. Come on!


Time is an arrow, think back to the past, I feel that I have changed a lot.

When I was a year old, my face was full of fat, I was like a ball, and I was full of curiosity about the things around me.

When I was five years old, I already said some simple things, such as mom, dad, hungry, etc. Sometimes I imitated my mother, which is lovely and mischievous. If I meet someone else to steal my toy, my father will go to help me to see who is the person, and then teach him, I feel that my father is my solid support.

Was ten years old, I was in grade four, study result is of medium level in the class, I was still belongs to cry of that kind of personality, whenever I meet with difficulties, the teacher will stand up to help me, let me feel the teacher like my mother, all the time on my side and help me, protect me.

Look at the way I am now, I am a lot taller, I know a lot of things; Now I don't cry any more, and I can help my parents do some housework. Faced with difficulties, I will not escape, or rely on the teacher, but I will face it bravely, which is a far cry from my previous experience.


Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine. It’s also the last year of middle school. Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam. From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings. After lunch, I also spend some time in study. I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning. After dinner, I have class in school until 21:30. It’s for students to autonomous learning. Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask them. After school, I do not study at home. I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at night. Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in entertainment. I don’t think it’s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority now. I must pay my most attention to it.


There is a saying,”A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood”. I just had my eighteen years birthday. It’s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now.(laugh) My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind. I have become much more mature. I don’t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study. I start considering my future. I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me. I know I should filial my parents. What’s more, I don’t bully my younger sister and brother any more. I have changed a lot, because I have grown up.


As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before. As for me, I want to learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents happy. Now, I am more focused on lessons and finish my homework actively. I know that only by working hard in study can I get a bright future. At home, I often help my mother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good care of myself. I don’t want my parents worry too much about me. Besides, I like reading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting.



My life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to be shy and with very little confidence,because I was not learning too well in school.

I was the lowest rank in my class.I had very few friends.

People thought I was not a good company.But since a new teacher came to my class,I have improved a lot.

Now I'm much different from before.I have learned a lot more.

My new teacher taught me many new things and has a different way to make me understand.The biggest change of my life was that I have learned how to use computers to get the information I need.

This is the most important because Ihave discovered many new things and knowledge,which I used to lack.

They help me to improve myself a great deal.

So,now I am a lot happier person than before.


Once upon a time, I was a child with an innocent mind. Once upon a time, I was a lovely child. Once upon a time, I was a crying child. Once upon a time, I was a child who was naive and didn't know what was right and what was wrong. Sometimes for the sake of a moment of joy, but make some people are always crying and laughing, but do wrong also will not be scolded by the mother. I think every little child will be like this when he is a child, so it must be the time when everyone is most in love.

When I was in primary school in grade one, my dream wish is to go to kindergarten, because in the kindergarten, can enjoy playing, in general there is a "playground", make you linger. In elementary school, on the contrary, there is much homework and very little freedom. It's impossible to go back to the past, so I have to get rid of the old "bad habit" and "play the heart". But this is a difficult thing to do, so I can't adapt to a new life, and I can't fit into the new group.

Time flies, the twinkling of an eye I became a will soon enter high school pupil, in five years, I met a lot of friends, also learned a lot of independent ability, for example: making rice, fold the quilt, boil water, etc., should be in the original, I am too lazy to begin! I not only learned to be independent, but also learned how to make friends, how to forgive my friends, so that my friends will become more and more.

People change thousands of times, so every day changes, and of course I am no exception. From small to big, the only thing I haven't changed is my name, the others have changed, it seems that "change" is no one will spare.

What a change in the world!

I've changed. What about you?


Say a recent mood is good or bad, but he never forget to face with a smile, always with a smile to face the people around you. Although I always happy, secure in the other people's impression of a person, but to be honest, most of the time my heart is single lonely alone, it makes me a lot of time like and have a chat with others, to ease your own mood. All said the in the mind have something said out, his whole person is easy, so can alleviate the pressure from many aspects, is a good way to self psychological adjustment.

I don't know when, my smile is much less many, the troublesome matter also many, do not know is what reason! Is it because there are so many things in the process of growing up, that I have a lot of stress and a slow sense of the process that I have to face? But I don't want to know, but I have to face this fact, which is the way people say growth must be. Just like the process of butterfly breaking out of a cocoon, it takes a tough and painful struggle to become a beautiful butterfly. It's like we are trying to live. It's also because we want to be a safe person for the grown-ups.

Life let us grow up unconsciously. Let us in the unconscious bear the responsibility and obligation, we let we have to go into a big, have to understand the social this big group, had to go into one, have to walk from our hearts in the fantasy to reality. Many times we don't want to come out from our dream weaving, but 'facts' and so we pull and drag to come out and let us reluctantly to face.


When I was young, I love listening to mother of ignorance about the story, sometimes, a spoiled brat like sleeping is still take mother pulled on the bed, to tell me a and a profound myth, will also call mother sing me a and a beautiful song, sing moonlight to make me fall asleep quickly.

Now of I, by is a dying of primary school pupils, graduated from lessons more let a person "breathing difficulties" sometimes don't know how to write for the composition and worry, and sometimes you weep; Now I love not ever to take the little girl, but a number of things understand girl; In the past I, not to go to school every day, mother with me, I don't have to listen to the teacher's words every day, also won't understand a lot of things, so I don't worry every day, and you can experience the happiness of the family, also can feel warm family, can now of I, worries, increase, free when time is few, most of it is a learning machine; When I was a child I, before don't understand life more colorful, grew up I know the world is a colorful heaven; In the past I.

Now I am and what I very different, past I have advantages and disadvantages, this is I change!


Change is indispensable to life a action, perhaps, you will change their career, maybe you‘ll change your status, but whatever oneself forever is the most important.

Change, can make you more harmonious and his colleagues, can make you look more excellent, can make other people to you is very satisfied, can make you more up a level! Change, is the best choice.

A young man came to work in a company, at first he hold all kinds of lofty goals want to do a great business, but then he found; The company all the way up and out, as in his he is like air, invisible, and generally feel it, as does not exist generally...... Various pressures and prompted him to want to dissatisfaction with another company to begin his work, the new journey, but a best friends said to him, ""now find a proper is not easy, why don‘t you look at yourself, then decide?"" He embraced the idea of try stayed. Indeed he found, his own performance is not outstanding, the attitude is not friendly to colleagues, to work isn‘t aggressive enough... Finally he a rude awakening, after that, he became more friendly, active, work hard...... Also no longer as usual go it alone, when he again meet the best friends, the young man has been promoted as a manager.

Change yourself, change is successful state before, try to change their shortcomings, will give you a brilliant!!!!! Once, in near the exam in a week for several times, test, I lost, in the heart a remorseful, feel that they couldn‘t save good grades, is change reminds me, make me change the learning methods, won the final victory.

Change your, make oneself more outstanding, more perfect, let life shine for change.


Now,I am a middle school student in grade ’s also the last year of middle ,I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance this semester,I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more lunch,I also spend some time in usually review the knowledge I learn in the dinner,I have class in school until ’s for students to autonomous teachers would come to the classroom,if we have any questions we could ask school,I do not study at think a good rest is important for me,so I go to bed early at ,due to the exam,I spend much less time in don’t think it’s bad for me,because a good senior school is my priority must pay my most attention to



There is a saying,”A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood”.I just had my eighteen years ’s certain that I have grown much more beautiful (laugh) My biggest change is not the appearance but in have become much more don’t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on start considering my try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for know I should filial my ’s more,I don’t bully my younger sister and brother any have changed a lot,because I have grown



When I was a little child, I used to play with my friends all day We found that almost anything could bring fun to But now, I am growing up, things seem to change gradually that I don't I had a lot of time to play before, but now nearly all my time is spent on study and I used to watch entertainment program but now I prefer news and English Generally speaking, things turn Now, I am interested in reading and I think that the more good books I read, the more knowledge I Writing is a good way to practice my thinking and improve my writing Besides, I become more I can deal with many problems by I think it's important change for



Now, I am a middle school student in grade It’s also the last year of middle Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more After lunch, I also spend some time in I usually review the knowledge I learn in the After dinner, I have class in school until It’s for students to autonomous Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask After school, I do not study at I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in I don’t think it’s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority I must pay my most attention to



As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than As for me, I want to learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents Now, I am more focused on lessons and finish my homework I know that only by working hard in study can I get a bright At home, I often help my mother in I want to be more independent so that I can take good care of I don’t want my parents worry too much about Besides, I like reading I realize books can be my friend, It is really




My life at weekends has changed a l ot since last year. In the past i had to get up at six at weekends. After breakfast i hurried to school. it was always busy my lessons——four lessons inthe morning and four in tne afternoon. But now i don't have to go to school, of cuorse i neen'd get up so early. I can do what i like. For example, i can go out for a picnic with my friends, or play baketball. In the evening, i used to do my homework or go over my lessons, but now i can watch TV, surf the internet or do some reading, and so on. In the past, i didn't go to bed until half past ten, but now at half past nine. I have more free time than before!


As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before. As for me, I want to learn more in school and be a good boy to make my parents happy. Now, I am more focused on lessons and finish my homework actively. I know that only by working hard in study can I get a bright future. At home, I often help my mother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good care of myself. I don’t want my parents worry too much about me. Besides, I like reading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting.



Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine. It’s also the last year of middle school. Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam. From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings. After lunch, I also spend some time in study. I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning. After dinner, I have class in school until 21:30. It’s for students to autonomous learning. Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask them. After school, I do not study at home. I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at night. Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in entertainment. I don’t think it’s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority now. I must pay my most attention to it.




I am a very proud man. This is my assessment from people who knew me before. The same goes for the fact:

I would point to my drawing and scream, "look!

I would hum my own song and listen to god, waiting for someone to say: "look! A lunatic!" Then he laughed happily.

I will pick up my previous composition when I have nothing to do. I am moved and say, "ah! Genius."


I don't know when I began to hide from all the people around me, things, things, I began to bemoan the ugly duckling I was, or the feeling of feeling inferior. Then, until now, I can't write anything, and my mind is blank, and I begin to lose my mind: I am sixteen years old, my youth, where is it?

From birth to now, my fingers have been changing: from the hard work of writing crooked words to the pain of writing a lonely word, to the numbness of nothing. The change in it has surprised the good people, but I am not.

Time cannot be spent, but foolishness is spreading. The former threw me away, the latter surrounded me, and I was a man who longed for warmth, so let it hang tightly and wait for death quietly. It was not until the moment of asphyxiation that I discovered that I loved life so much and longed for freedom.

Instinctively, I thought that the asphyxiation was far from me, and I wandered about in peace. Spring is coming, strolling on the avenue of the school to look forward to the summer.


I've changed a lot in the last six years.

When I was young, it was like this: cute, small hands and chubby feet. My mother helped me wash the shower, and then my mother wrapped it in a blanket. Then my mother hugged me and went to bed with me.

At the age of one and two, my mother was on the kang, and she helped me to go. I fell down, and my mother helped me to go, and my mother was so careful!

Wear. When I was a child, my mother bought me. I didn't have to choose anything.

To eat. When I was young, I couldn't eat anything, even if I ate it, my mother chewed it up and fed me.

When I was eight or nine years old, I didn't sleep and I was afraid. I always let my mother sleep with me.

Look! That's when I was a little kid, and then what was it like when I was big?

When I grew up, I was like this: I was very naughty and playful. In the evening, I will play with many children late, hands and feet also become bigger, the body also grows taller, the mother can not wash me when taking a shower, I wash myself.

Now, I don't have to help, I can go myself, and I can't fall, run, jump, jump anything.

I choose what I like and I buy what I like.

Now I don't need my mother to go to bed with me, I can sleep alone, and I can sleep well.

Eat, I will no longer need my mother to feed me, I can eat now, and more than mom.

Look! That's how I changed when I grew up.

What happens to you when you grow up?


When I was a child, I was a particularly wayward child, crying, loving, and often losing my temper.

I remember when I was seven years old, I went to visit my grandma's house again, and there was a water pit on my grandmother's house. It was covered with a thick layer of grass, and my grandmother told me not to go to play. While the adults were busy working, I secretly ran up to play, the result can be imagined. I was dragged by my father, and I was so angry that the grown-ups were as good as they were, and there was no one to help me, and even my grandmother, who loved me the most, stood still. A fall into the pit, I never do this again to risk the crash, the temper has changed a lot.

Just from mom and dad's talk know, original is pit dad dug in advance, not deep, they don't guess wayward I will listen to adults, more not let do more dry, will fall into a pit. The grown-ups agreed beforehand, and none of them coaxed me in order to teach me a lesson. My father said, because of this, grandma's heart was in tears.

Now, I have grown up, is a student of grade three, is also a qualified young pioneers, I get along well with your classmates at school, a teacher's little helper, I am also a clever child at home, do what you can do yourself, also often help adults to do things, is a person's favorite boy. I was a different person than I was when I was a kid.

It's great to be grown up!