2022-08-18 10:59:56

The books in our hands are getting thinner and thinner. Finally, we have a long-awaited winter holiday. Drop the schoolbag on your shoulders, the textbook in your hand, and throw the XYZ and ABC out of the clouds. Oh, this vacation belongs to us.

During the winter vacation, we can play all kinds of games to our hearts content, and dont worry about being scolded by the teacher for not finishing the homework. We can enjoy the TV dinner without worrying about being urged to sleep by our parents because we have to get up early the next day.

In winter vacation, we have a close embrace with nature. In winter, we are like fish in the water, playing freely; In winter vacation we are the clouds in the sky, chasing after carefree; We are stars in the night sky, playing hide-and-seek in high spirits. We are more happy angels in winter vacation, to spread happiness everywhere in the world.

During the winter break, we had zero contact with life. Of course, we dont only know play games, but we also know how to experience life. Wash his clothes, and we will try to see their hands that white soap bubble is wonderful, vigorously rub up his clothes again, looking at clothes that dirty spots are wash away, one of the joy of the heart, Im afraid than exam 100 points is also happy. At the same time, I also felt the hard work of being a mother, and I had a new experience in the poem "who has the heart-inch grass and the three chunhui", which cant be learnedfromthe textbook and the classroom.

Be a happy self in the happy winter vacation.