2023-12-22 01:59:10



Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is true that we are increasingly surrounded by advertising by companies that want to sell us their To some extent I agree that advertising has an impact on sales, but I would also argue that we do need most of the goods that we

Advertisements can certainly tempt people to buy products that they might not otherwise A good example could be the mobile Every year people can be seen queuing to buy the latest models, even when they already have a perfectly good phone that does not need Perhaps it is the influence of marketing that leads us to make these kinds of decisions; we want to stay up-to-date with the latest fashions or own the newest high-status The high sales of the iPhone seem to support this

On the other hand, I believe that most people do not buy products because of the advertising There are other good reasons why we make these choices, and there must be some kind of need before a person makes a New versions of products almost always have improved features that buyers may A new car, for example, may have greatly improved safety features, or it may be more economical to run, or it may pollute A new phone may allow the user to communicate more quickly or effectively, thus enhancing their quality of

In conclusion, while advertising obviously influences our buying behaviour, I do not agree that people make decisions that go against their real

(261 words)


雅思写作常见话题:Today consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?


此类雅思写作题目是典型的blended essay的写法,开头结尾相对容易,body paragraphs分为两段展开,按照雅思写作题目提问的先后顺序:首先,第一问可以写广告所带来的诸多benefits,比如:广告让我们更加清晰了解产品特点getting a better understanding of how the products work;成为大多数企业的收入来源sources of revenue;部分广告向人们宣传健康生活方式,让人们生活更加幸福快乐more contented。当然也可以写drawbacks,例如:很多商业广告的虚假宣传误导了消费者消费misleading customers;部分广告内容低俗,对青少年的身心发展不利negative effects on mental health;广告泛滥使广告形象大打折扣contribute to a bad self-image。其次,针对问题提出解决的solutions,这里可以从政府的角度切入,广告利弊兼有,政府应当积极引导,以便广告更好地服务于民众。


First thing first, accept that sending criminals to prison is an effective, if not the only way, to protect Stop thinking in terms of education as "punishment" for a moment and instead think about safeguarding innocent people from incorrigible violent sex offenders, trigger-happy drug dealers, and cold-blooded Education does reduce crimes to some extent; however, it is doubtful if most of them would choose to live a life that is


Since most inmates eventually return to the community, it seems not a bad idea to help them learn a trade and gain skills to make a decent And that is why training programs are often believed to be positive in changing criminal Nevertheless, most statistics tend to tell a different As it is, rather than becoming productive members of society, they turn themselves into more skilled So it is one thing that rehabilitation offers opportunities; it is quite another whether career criminals make good use of their prison In most cases, after serving their terms they continue commiting offences of a more sophisticated


Education is more a romantic option than an effective solution for crime At this point, it must be made clear that the argument is not against education in correctional facilities, considering that most inmates are Rather, the case is concerned about a control policy to strictly supervise specific released prisoners for at least two years to observe what might happen to Here, skeptics claim that, in many cases, prison education produces nothing more than "better-educated criminals", only more That the violent crime wave is raging while most prisons are over-crowded certainly does not reflect a significant decrease in It merely shows the fear and impotence of innocent people in the


The point is that sending criminals to prison is effective, if only by moving them away from the On the other hand, to regard prison education as an effective "punishment" is simply wishful-thinking, in view of relevant evidence that underlies In all events, education provides opportunities, however limited, but it depends on the way those repeat offenders see these opportunities, the rest being pure



advertisement = advertising n 广告

TV commercial n 电视广告

public-service ads = public –interest ads n 公益广告

advertisement campaign n 广告宣传

wise consumers = wise buyers n理性的消费者

censorship of ads n广告审查

wise buying n 理性消费

ads produced by super stars n明星做的广告

makeup ads n化妆品广告

medicine ads n药品广告


Under no circumstances can we uunderestimate the indispensable roles of ads

in our 我们不能忽视广告在生活中的作用。

witty slogan 智慧的宣传语

eye-catching pictures n 精美的图片

exert a subtle influence on v对于 …… 有微妙的影响

…… play the role of educator v 扮演教育者的角色

…… is a significant source of information v是信息的源泉

…… bring huge convenience to consumers v 给消费者带来便利

…… serve the function of entertainment v 有娱乐功能

promote the sales of the relevant products v 提高相关产品的销量

…… is a kind of indispensable industry that create a number of job opportunities and promote the prosperity of relevant industries such as …… 是不可缺少的产业,可以解决就业以及促进相关产业的繁荣例如……


However, we can never ignore the negative influence induced by advertisement 然而,我们不能忽视由于广告引起的弊端。

Many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers 很多的广告公司会雇佣歌手以及明星代言商品。

fake and illegal ads n虚假的非法的广告

…… are full of flowery phrases and empty promises …… 充满了花哨的宣传语以及空洞的承诺。

buy goods without consideration = purchase goods impulsively v冲动购物

endanger the consumers’ interests v 威胁到消费者的利益

impose much pressure upon consumers economically v 增加消费者的经济负担。

consumers are affected by = consumers are influenced by = consumers are swayed by …… v消费者被…… 影响

poorly educated children in the remote rural areas n偏远农村地区的文盲儿童

点评:illiterate = poorly educated adj 没有受到良好教育的。

irrational buyers = unwise buyers n非理性的消费者


strengthen the censorship of counterfeited or illicit ads v 加强对于非法广告和虚假广告的审查力度

Consumers could be away from those detrimental 消费者可以远离有害广告的影响。

Ads stars enhance their lawful awareness and assume more social responsibilities 广告明星应该增强守法意识以及承担更多的社会责任

foster rational consumption habit v培养理性的消费习惯

collect some information of other consumers before buying a product v 在买商品前收集一些信息


雅思写作题目:Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting in Do you agree or disagree?




To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Advertising usually encourages consumers to buy a product or service in quantity rather than promoting its reasons for your answer and include any examples from your own knowledge or


Advertising is the life of trade as suppliers want to sell things in quantity; however, the success or failure of every advertisement eventually depends on the quality of a product or It may be said that a bad investment is going for quantity over quality, without being aware that customers are becoming more careful with their wallets, especially with the sluggish economy right While quality sounds hard to define, you know that it is quality rather than quantity that


The greatest thing to be achieved in advertising is believably, and nothing is more believable than the product So, the most powerful element in advertising is the truth, not half For example, a huge advertising campaign will make a bad product fail faster because it will certainly get more people to know that it is


Although advertising is the most effective way to encourage mass consumption, particularly if the goods are cheap and worthless, the bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low pricing is In a certain way, quality is like cooking, and you cannot fake good quality any more than you can fake a good


In conclusion, just because quality is more important than quantity, it does not mean that advertising does not play a decisive role in influencing the public The point is that consumers have now become more prudent in spending behaviors and hence are no longer as penny-wise and quality-foolish as In all events, suppliers should continue investing in advertising their quality products because, if they stop advertising to save money, it would be as stupid as stopping the clock to save



Customers are faced with increasing amounts of advertising due to the competition among To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? And what measures can be taken to protect their interests?


Recently, I found on the internet that advertisements are regarded as another term of pollution to the However, hardly could anyone imagine the world it as it certainly brings huge amount of As far as I could tell, the amount of pros that advertising has brought to people has far exceeded its

In the first instance, advertising is the sales gimmick to In such sort of market, firms complete with each other to gain the market However, they will be reluctant to increase or lower their price because the information is interdependent and consumers have got tones of other Therefore, the only way to promote their sales will be through Some consumers, on the other hands, do find such information useful while choosing what to There is a common sense in it: hardly could an inefficient and stagnant firm invest a great deal of money on In addition to that, big firms are able to lay the cornerstone to provide goods and services with better quality, which might benefit the

Nevertheless , some argue that people will be easily swayed by advertisement featuring with beautiful movie stars and make irrational decisions or even buy goods on impulse especially when talking about youngsters with less consciousness and This is still a rather minor We can tackle this by taking some For example, to educate young people not buying goods they don’t need and maybe set a regulation of age limits on purchasing certain goods like cosmetics and high-tech

To conclude, advertisements in my opinion will hardly influence people’s purchasing Instead, some well-made advertisements can approve he aesthetical capability of the Although youngsters are worried in this advertising explosion century, education and recognition can prevent them from being coned to a great


Some people think advertising may have positive economic effects, while others think it has negative effects on individuals because it will make people feel dissatisfied about what they have and who they

Discuss both views and give your own




Sample Writing:

Nowadays, advertising is Be it routine happenings in our daily It’s strong presence is considered as a double-edged sword which means that there are positive as well as negative People in favor of advertisement argue that it benefits economy at all levels, whereas those oppose to it stress on the negative influence towards This essay will discuss both the beneficial and detrimental effects of adverts and conclude my

omnipresent 无处不在的

routine happenings 常规的事情

presence 存在()

double-edged sword 双刃剑

detrimental 不利的

Advertising can contribute to economic development in many For enterprises, it helps increase value of products and develops brand awareness, preference and loyalty, so that sales are urged and overall cost is For the whole society, advertising can encourage companies to compete and provide new products as well as better services which result in greater vitality of the Also, more job opportunities are created as the demand for products and services go up because of

enterprise 企业

brand awareness 品牌意识,品牌知名度

brand preference 品牌偏好

brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度

urge 促进,推动

vitality 活力

On the flip side of all the great things advertising offers us, there are many negative aspects to be seen at individual Advertising aims to present a product in the best light possible, and the dramatization made up of catchy jingles, ideal special effects and desirable scenes lead to people’s unrealistic expectation of the product and People can not distinguish between what they want or desire for and what they really Powerful, visual advertising presentations compel consumers to purchase goods, services and ideas as a way to achieve emotional fulfillment and to "keep up with the Jones". What’s more, the persona in adverts is usually flawless which make people expect more than they can For example, advertising communicates that men should be handsome, tall, athletic, caring husbands, thoughtful fathers at all These images are often

flip side 反面

dramatization 戏剧化

catchy jingles 朗朗上口的音乐

unrealistic 不现实的

distinguish between … and … 区分…和…

compel 强迫,促使

emotional fulfillment 情感上的满足

keep up with the Jones 和左邻右舍攀比

persona 人设

flawless 无瑕疵的,完美的

athletic 体格健壮的

unattainable 不可达成的

With all these pros and cons of adverts to be considered, I am convinced that taking a balanced view is appropriate at present, since advertising industry is developing, and time will tell All we need to do now is to prevent the potential hazards from affecting people’s

hazard 风险


The high consuming goods are caused by the advertisements rather than the real needs of the What do you think?

The consuming behaviors are influenced by diversified factors, such as impulse, self-satisfaction, curiosity, and so But the most influential factor is the promotion of products on TV commercials and Advertisements are changing our consuming ideas and

It is hard to date back to the exact date when advertisements The emerge of advertisements is beneficial for both the purchasers and manufacturers, for the former can be informed of the latest products, together with their novel functions and usages, which meet the needs of consumers, and the latter, undoubtedly, can make larger margins and gain reputation through the publicity of In a word, advertising is like a go-betweener, who helps the manufacturers to find the best

Advertisements change our consuming behaviors, according to the recent surveys carried out by some The colors, music and slogans of advertisements are likely to stimulate audiences’ desire to buy regardless of their real Housewives often complain that they always buy the things useless at all, and that their purchasing decisions are made on Some advertisements often exaggerate the effects and functions of products, which induces consumers to make wrong What’s more, some people, especially youngsters like to pursue In their eyes, advertisements represent vogue and the trend of social

In brief, we cannot do without advertisements, which are the main means of Nonetheless, we should be more rational when facing the allure of If manipulated by advertisements, we will act like a puppet, without any (275 words)


题目是:In many countries today, people buy a range of household goods ( television, microwave, oven and rick cookers) Is it a positive or negative development?雅思写作真题范文及解析:


In contemporary society, most families are capable to afford home appliances such as television, microwave, oven and so It is generally accepted that those technological goods have brought great convenience to our life although they do generate negative effects on



In terms of merits of using domestic appliances, the most obvious is that people’s quality of life has been Take TV as an example; watching TV is a preferable means of relaxation for people to spend their leisure time and release stress, with amusing programs, entertainment news as well as soap operas shown on the Another case is that the application of microwave, oven and rock cookers in the kitchen saves housewives from heavy housework and even assists them in cooking delicious meals Furthermore, consumers’ demands for electric appliances stimulate the development of manufacturing industries, which creates more job opportunities and bring the government increasing tax



However, it must be admitted that the worldwide use of household appliances inevitably contributes to environmental To commence with, in an attempt to maintain these devices function, a great amount of electricity has to be consumed, which is largely generated from fossil fuels such as coal and In the long run, the scarcity of natural resources will become a tough issue for human In addition, harmful gas emission is another big As a matter of fact, in the use of fridge and air conditions, Freon (a kind of chemical gas) is emitted into air, leading to the destruction of ozone



In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, it is a positive development that people can purchase various electric However, environment-friendly technology should be adopted in its production to protect
