2023-08-17 02:43:04



In recent years, the Internet has been gaining its popularity at an amazing rate. Some people suggest that the Internet brings us a lot of benefits. But on the other hand, there are also many people who strongly advocate that its drawbacks should not be ignored.

Those who favor that the Internet has many advantages give their reasons as follows. In the first place, the Internet brings us great convenience and efficiency.In the second place, we can make friends with people from all parts of the world. Furthermore, the Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe.

However, For one thing, it can easily lead to psychological problems.For another, there is a sharp rise in the number of cyber crimes.

For my part, I completely agree with the latter view that the Internet has more disadvantages than advantages.


We know the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the Internet, we can get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well. Besides, on the Internet we can read books, enjoy music and watch ball games. We can also doshopping without leaving our homes. But many students spend too much time playing Internet games. They waste a lot of time. We must make good use of the Internet.


Internet connects our life tightly and deeply.

I daren't imagine what the world would be if without Internet.

Internet is being used in many aspects:education,security,science,industry, agriculture,astronomy and even archeology. So it has an unnumerable effects to human beings.

Internet is a royal tool to make our lives easier and happier.It makes the world smaller and we call the new world the Earth Village.

It has positive impacts which satisfies us ,but it also has the negtive.

Many youths can't hold themselves from burrying in it.Some unmoral ones make Internet as a place to spread crime,bawdry and drugs.Under the quick and correct responses of Internet, criminals have collected inestimable treasure.

My knowledge is poor.If you know more, you can tell us.


黄金周与假日经济(golden week and holiday economy) 黄金周的利弊好处与坏处

during the 7-day golden week holiday, traveling has already become an indispensable part of people's relaxation activities. the lengthy holidays have caused unexpected great travel craze and brisk economic activities. holiday spending, however, adds fuel to the chinese economy, which in turn leads to the creation of a new term “holiday economy” and it sparks a hot debate about it. some economists are in favor of the golden week economy.

they believe it has many advantages. first, tourism-based holiday economy will raise consumption, up spending and, therefore, help to spur the domestic demand.

in addition, it benefits tourism, transportation, catering, hotels and service industries and enables them to thrive during holidays, which in turn adds fuel to the overall economic growth.

however, others overstate its disadvantages and hold that it brings undeniable problems. first, the travel craze puts a heavy burden on the traffic system, causing serious traffic jams. besides, thousands and thousands of tourists flood scenic spots, jamming railway stations and airports, causing some over crowdedness and safety problems. therefore, we shouldn’t neglect the new problems. i believe its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. after all, it greatly benefits our overall economy. finally, i suggest the government take effective measures to solve the aforementioned problems. only in this way can we let the golden week economy develop in a sound way.


Having received higher education and experienced strict skill training, most of us will take up somewhat complex and innovative jobs, in which a great master of English is essential. On the other hand, a good knowledge of English leads to a comprehensive understanding about foreign history and culture, with which our country will collaborate and reach common ground with other countries more smoothly.

However, it is impropriate to devote our whole time learning English. Students who take all their efforts to learn thousands of GRE words most of which they will never meet during the whole life are stupid, instead they should pay more attention on their majors or their social practice, which will indeed enhance their abilities and broad their horizons.

In conclusion, English really speeds up our progress, but it is just one skill we should master during our life. It is impropriate to emphasize it too much.

(175 words)

English learning, to which the whole nation has attached great importance, is viewed as a basic knowledge for a modern well-educated citizen, especially us college students, after the state policy of reform and opening up to the outside world. However, does it really matter to learn English well? If so how does it contribute to our progress? If not what’s the disadvantage? I will show my opinions of these questions.

Having received higher education and experienced strict skill training, most of us will take up somewhat complex and innovative jobs, in which a great master of English is essential. Research has shown that it is English rather than our special professional knowledge that touches our everyday work. Engineers will consult manuals written in English, whereas secretaries have to send English commercial e-mails to foreign partners or customers. There is still someone negotiating with foreigners in exact and fluent English.

A good knowledge of English leads to a comprehensive understanding about foreign history, culture, tradition and habits, with which our country will collaborate and reach common ground with other countries more smoothly. On the other hand, it is a great challenge to learn English well which has a totally different expressing system and habits from our Chinese and needs persistent efforts. Overcoming it, we will enjoy harvest of confidence as well as development of our capabilities.

However, it is impropriate to devote our whole time learning and practicing English because there is still some other important work we should take time to deal with. Students who take all their efforts to learn thousands of GRE words most of which they will never meet during the whole life are stupid, instead they should pay more attention on their majors or their social practice, which will indeed enhance their abilities and broad their horizons. English is just one skill we should master in our life, but not the whole. Therefore there is no necessary for everyone to grasp it well.

In conclusion, English speeds up our advance towards dreams, nonetheless we can’t emphasize too much on it.