2023-08-17 07:54:30


Miss Li is my Chinese teacher . She is about thirty years old . She is very pretty and young . Her hair is brown and curly ., Miss Li always wears a blue coat . I think her favourite colour will be blue .Miss Li is very friendly and kindly .Her classes are very interesting ,we all like to have Chinese class .She always smiles when she speak to us .Sometimes she is very strict with us.when we make a mistake,she often makes us stand up . Miss Li often sticks to have lessons when she is ill .She looked weak,but still beautiful . Miss Li loves us very much, she teaches us so carefully .I think she is a good teacher. We all love her ., I think teachers are like candles , giving off light for others by burning themselves .


My father is thirty-five years old. He is an attractive middle-age. He is an engineer, working in a big factory of my city.

His working time is regular, going to office at eight o’clock and coming home at six o’clock. He works hard and becomes an important person in his factory. At weekends, he does not go to work, so that he usually stays at home or take my mother and I go out.

In my opinion, my father is a great person. He brings happiness to my family.


My fathr’s nam is Wang Yaohan. H has an nglish nam, Jack. H is thirty-ight yars old. My fathr is a workr. H works in a factory. H has two big ys and two big ars. H has short hair. My fathr is vry thin. H is only fifty kilograms. H liks larning nglish vry much. H larns nglish vryday. My fathr liks watching TV. His favorit tlvision channl is CCTV-10, bcaus h can larn a lot nglish from th program Outlook nglish at that channl.

nglish is my fathr’s good frind. I am my fathr’s frind, too.


You are the spring breeze, rippling my heart...

When I first saw you, in my eyes, you were just an ordinary English teacher; but then, unconsciously, I fell in love with English because of you.

In the next semester of the first year of junior high, I had a period of time no matter how hard I tried to control myself, but I couldn't enter the book, so when I took the exam, I couldn't read many questions, so I filled in randomly. After I handed in the test papers, others were discussing topics enthusiastically, but I was sitting in my seat alone, as if I was in another world.

Sure enough, the next morning, the English class representative asked me to go to the office to find you, and I walked slowly to the office step by step. The classroom is only a few meters away from the office, but it makes me feel like a "Long March".

I opened the door gently, called "Report", and walked in slowly. At that time, you were sitting on an office chair, quickly correcting your homework. I walked over quietly, you glanced sideways, and when you saw me, you put down the pen in your hand and took out a test paper.

"Hey, what happened to you this time? Didn't you understand during class? Didn't come to ask me why after class?" You flipped through the test paper and pointed to the place where a big red circle was drawn in the test paper. "Look, Isn't this usage only recently? And your reading is not very good!" The more I listened, the more I realized that I was wrong. Before I knew it, my eyes began to blur. But you said: "What's the use of crying? Go ahead and correct this test paper, and I will read it later!" I was about to leave after listening, but you encouraged me: "Come on! I know you are great. !" I took the test paper and walked to the classroom, tears shining brightly, and suddenly I felt that you were the spring breeze that warmed my heart...

Although you are not our class teacher, you are like our class teacher in the final exams of the first year, managing the class style, habits and the lives of the students in our class.

A few days ago, the English class representative asked me to find you again. I was thinking hard on the road, but I couldn't figure out what I did wrong again. I didn't commit a crime, and I did a good job at home! I opened the door of the office anxiously, but this time I was more calm than the previous one. I approached you. You take out my "Study Sea Storm", point to an English sentence I wrote on the cover with a smile: "Look at these two words, what has happened, it should be in the present perfect tense, so this word should be Add'ing'." Before the teacher finished speaking, my face was flushed. I just wrote down a good sentence. I didn't expect to be seen by you and pointed out my mistake. You smiled and said, "Go back and change it!"

In my eyes, you are not only our teacher, but more like the spring breeze, the warm spring breeze.


There is a good teacher who works seriously and treats students carefully and responsibly. She is Teacher Zhao who teaches us English.

Teacher Zhao is not tall and speaks very quickly in class, but we are all used to it. Her class may not be the best, but her meticulous care for us is the reason why I like her. Everything she said is reasonable, maybe you didn't feel it when she said it, but afterwards, if you think about it, it is not unreasonable.

She is also very concerned about students' daily life. It was the early summer of the year. Miao Yanhan and Chen Sihao and I went to school wearing long-sleeved clothes. In her English class, after the lecture, she said: "The temperature has risen above 35 degrees recently, but our class has some Classmates are still wearing long-sleeved clothes. I hope you will change your clothes to short-sleeved ones tomorrow."

In my impression, no teacher seems to pay attention to us like Teacher Zhao, what they do and say. In class, she grabbed our attention all the time, and any small gesture could not escape her eyes.

This is my English teacher-Teacher Zhao.


My English teacher is Miss Liu. She has a big face and big eyes. Her hair is not very long. She is very humor. Sometimes, she makes a joke with us in the class. We are happy. She also is a strict teacher. There are several students don't finish English homework. Some students don't do their homework. Miss Liu will teach them patiently and help them to finish the homework. She is right.


I have a very untidy bedroom. There are too many things in it. It's untidy,but it's very lovely. There is a big desk in the middle of the room. There are some books, a computer, a keyboard and a mouse on it. There's a pencil-box and a lamp on it, too. Near the desk,there's a bed. Near the bed, there is a big wardrobe. Some clothes are in it. There are two windows in the wall. There are four pictures and a nice clock on the wall, too. I often clean my bedroom. But it is still untidy, because there are too many things in it.


After studying every night, I found my room was in a mess, especially desks and bookcases. So today, I asked my mother how to clean up the room. My mother was very happy and said to me, "our baby has grown up!" First, pick up the items according to the categories, then separate the commonly used ones and the less commonly used ones. My mother saw that I didn't understand it very well, and went on, "well, let's clean up together today, OK?" "I am happy to clap my hands and say," OK, good! "

My mother put my textbook and my exercise book together. The skipping rope, shuttlecock and racket on the other side of the exercise were on the other side. I nodded, and then, under the guidance of my mother, I put the materials of extracurricular reading and painting in two cases respectively. These two were not often used, so they should be placed at the bottom of the desk. I asked my mother, "is this the way to do it?" "It's good to do it," mama said with a smile.

After our efforts, the room became neat again. I looked at such a clean room, my heart was filled with beauty.




一节课就这样匆匆地过去了,我迫不及待地回到课室,林老师正在为学生背书,但我的圣诞卡就这样白白的地“躺”在讲台上,上面堆满了粉笔尘和手迹,我眼睁睁地望住林老师,他的眼里只有学生的成绩,他的眼里只有时间,他看见了我,满面笑容地对我说:“谢谢你的圣诞卡”。我只是回答了一句:“You’re welcome”。就这么一句话,他的头也转回学生哪儿。即使是这样,但我很开心,因为心头大石已经放下了,不再为圣诞卡的事而烦恼。在星期一留管课时,林老师着试卷进来了,笑嘻嘻地说:“婉薇送圣诞卡给我,我很开心,但我更开心的事她今次的测验成绩——100分,这是给我最好的礼物。




















In my lif, Ms. Wang is th most important prson to m. Hr taching skills ar divrs. In class, sh usually uss gams and postrs. Sh works hard for us. Whn othr tachrs rst, sh still kps working and working. Whn w ar mischivous, sh is good at giving systmatic guidanc.

W ar rally gratful for what sh has don for us. W want to say ”thank you” to hr.


My English teacher is tall and strong , He is very kind . He name is Mr liu . He is young . My Chinese teacher is tall and strong too , He name is Mr He . He is oid . He is funny , but is very strict . My math teacher is Mr Xiao ,He is my favourite teacher . Because it is very funny . He is short and strong . I very like my math teacher .









I, fat body, round head, big mouth, look very healthy.


I am very obedient at home. After finishing my homework, I often help my mother do housework. My mother often praises me as a good child who is filial to my parents. But sometimes I'm careless and a little proud.


I like to play table tennis. I have participated in the school competition. I am often praised by my coach and teacher!


How are you? Am I great?
















