2024-03-13 03:35:14



有一天,我们全家去麦当劳,说好由我来点餐。但是我英语说得不好,只能回答“How are you?”这类简单的问题,至于点餐,对于我来说真是太难了。但为了吃,我只好硬着头皮,拿着20美金去点餐了。

我指着图片对服务员说:“This.”他说:“What?”我结巴地说:“Fifteen yuan of eight hamburgers, two boxes of chicken and four cups.” 服务员笑了,说:“I see.”他又问:“ Do you want to pack?Do you want tomato sauce?”我听不懂,随便说了几句:“Yes.Yes….”他笑着递过来找回的5美元,又说:“have a seat please.”,让我回到位置上等。我终于松了一口气。

可是,我们全家等了好久也没见服务员把它端上来。我去问服务员:“Where are my hamburgers?”他用手一指:“Over there.”顺着他指的方向,我看到一个盒子。我想:“怎么回事?不是在盘子上吗,怎么被打包了?”突然,我想起了我说的那一串“Yes Yes……”



今天,爸爸一听有电话响了,连忙去接。他先说:“when will you come?”电话里的人说:“twelve 。”爸爸说:“That is good,I will go out but my wife will be at home。”电话里的人说:“what colour will you paint?”爸爸说:“ok。”就挂了电话。挂了之后他自言自语:“不对,怎么要喷颜色?”但不管怎样,爸爸有事,中午不在,把这烂摊子交给了我和妈妈。

11点钟有一个电话打来,我和妈妈猜拳,谁输就去接电话,她输了。她说了“Hello”之后,一紧张就问:“What are you doing?”妈妈本来想说,你是做什么的?电话里的人一愣,妈妈又说:“I am not owner. She goes out.”电话里的人说:“OK.”妈妈情急之下赶快说了“Bye bye”就挂了电话。她似乎阻止了这次喷涂,因为中午12点时没人来喷涂,但货依然没收到。



one day a visitor from the city came to a small rural area to drive around the country roads, see how the farms looked, and perhaps to see how farmers earned their living. the city man saw a farmer in his yard, holding a pig up in his hands, and lifting it so that the pig could eat apples from an apple tree. the city man said to the farmer," i see that your pig likes apples, but isn"t that quite a waste of time?" the farmer replied," what"s time to a pig?"




老师接下来复习以前讲过的语法:Like+Ving形式,这也是讲过很多次的东西。老师点后排的一位同学回答:Like+V_什么形式。他前排的一个同学回头用口型告诉他,他竟然不想别人说的对不对,就响亮的回答+原形,全班又炸开锅。过来几分钟后,老师再次点名问他同一个问题Like+V_什么形式,他想了一下,回答:原...啊不,ing形式。脑袋总算开窍了,可还是受到了全体大笑的“奖励”... ...



A teacher gave her students of second grade to write an assignment on 'What I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving?' She couldn't agree enough with one of the wisest students in her class who wrote that she was thankful that she was 'not' a



This pampered young lady had left her family for the first time to join the college and was feeling quite lonely on She decided to cook a Thanksgiving dinner for She was narrating her first experience in the kitchen to her mother and mother really wanted to know about the When asked how the food was, the lady replied with a shudder that though the ready-made soup and pizza were great, she had quite a trouble with Trying to get to the root of the problem, the mother asked, "Was it burnt?" The lady replied, "Oh! I couldn't taste it It simply wouldn't sit still!"




老师接下来复习以前讲过的语法:Like+Ving形式,这也是讲过很多次的东西。老师点后排的一位同学回答:Like+V_什么形式。他前排的一个同学回头用口型告诉他,他竟然不想别人说的对不对,就响亮的回答+原形,全班又炸开锅。过来几分钟后,老师再次点名问他同一个问题Like+V_什么形式,他想了一下,回答:原...啊不,ing形式。脑袋总算开窍了,可还是受到了全体大笑的“奖励”... ...



It was the afternoon of April 1. The bell rang at the end of school. The students were putting their books into their bags. they were ready to go home.

Just at the moment, their English teacher came into the classroom and said to them,"Hello, boys and girls. Now go over the English lessons, and we will have a test in half an hour." With these words, she left.

The student looked at each other in surprise. How sudden! The teacher had never told them they would have a test, yet they took out their books and began to work hard.

The studied and syudied. It was getting dark, but the teacher had not come yet!

The monitor went out to the teacher' office. A few minutes later, the English teacher came in with a smile. But she had nothing in her hand!

"I am sorry, but do you know what day today is?" she said.

After the students heard this, they could not help laughing and saying "April folls1!"