2023-08-03 05:18:25


With the development of high technology, movie industry plays an important role in people’s life. With its emerging, there are a large number of people change their habit from reading novels to watching movies. But some people still insist their opinion to read novels. Actually both reading novels and watching movies have their advantages. No one is better than the other one.


One the one hand, reading novel is good for cultivating people’s taste. We all knew that reading is a good way to cultivate one's taste. When we are upset, we can calm down by reading novels. What’s more, words are something broad and profound. The writers always can use the broad and profound words to describe the common thing into a special and beautiful thing. Through the writer’s description, our readers can use our own imagination to think, to feel. Different people’s imagination is different. So, various people can get various feeling through the same novel. This is the charming of reading novels.


On the other hand, movie is a new way to entertain. Movie has voice and pictures, which is more vivid. Sometimes people can be easier being toughed because of the vivid image. It is more interesting. And movie always has a limit time, which people will not spend too much time on it. It is suitable for people from all age.


To sum up, novel and movie both are good. As for pick up one, it is up to the personal taste. For me, maybe I will prefer novel, because I like reading all the time.



As movies are prevailing, more and moreliterature works are adapted to movies. Most people will choose to watch amovie to get the knowledge a story or our history. Some people, however, preferto read books to obtain knowledge. For me, I think that watch a movie will bemy priority for I can get easily what I want by watching a movie.


First of all, watch a movie can betime-saving. If you read a book, you may need several days to read through if you see a movie, then you just need less than 2 hours to know what havehappened.


Second, see a movie can be moreinteresting. In a movie, we can see not only celebrities we love, but also canenjoy the fun of wonderful scene and sound effect.


Besides, we are impressed deeply by seeinga movie. You may forget what have happened after a short period throughreading. However, you can remember deeply by seeing a movie because scenes anddialog are so easier to keep in mind.


All in all, I think watching a movie wouldbe the fast way to know what have happened. And also, it is interesting forpeople to see a movie rather than read a book. Moreover, movie will impress usdeeply.



I have been so busy with study since I became a high school student that I hardly have any opportunity to go to the movies. Indeed, movies have ceased to interest me. Last night, however, an idea came to me that perhaps going to a movie would help relax my tense mind. So I went. It was a very funny comedy. Most of the audience, including myself, didn't stop laughing from the beginning to the end. The picture really relaxed me. I was able to study more effectively. The movie gave me one extra lesson: play is as important as work.


New year is the great moment for people, and many families choose to go to the cinema and enjoy the hour. But recently, the news reported an unhappy incident that a woman was talking loudly while watching movie and an audience beat her for anger. The public CRIticized the woman’s impolite behavior, though the audience was rude.


The impolite behavior in the cinema happens all the time. When watching the movie, I really hate people talk, or the kids share opinions with adults. They are disturbing the audience. Some people don’t talk, but they play smart phone, showing a light in the dark, it is very uncomfortable. Everybody goes to the movie to take relax, the one who doesn’t control their behavior will disturb others.


It is everybody’s duty to self-behave. Parents need to educate their children, or set the good example to them. Foreigners always complain about the rude behavior on Chinese people. We have to admit our rude act, only in this way can we get improved.



Billions of dollars are spent on entertainment every year, in every country in the world. much of this money is spent on either movies or fictional books, as these two types of entertainment are found to be most enjoyable by the masses. which, however, is more enjoyable? i posit that these mediums cannot be compared so easily, as they both have their strong points in regards to entertainment.

When one reads a fictional book, one is able to let his/her imagination run wild. everything from the setting to the character descriptions is left up to the readers mind, and therefore can be quite enjoyable. depending on the novel, of course, one can imagine far away places just by the description read in the novel. books are also an ecellent form of entertainment as they are portable. if one is on a long commute to work, which is common in beijing, one can bring along a favorite novel, effectively taking his/her entertainment with him/her. books can be enjoyed in any setting. they can be picked up on a whim, and put down again to return to at a later time.

Movies, of course, also have their own benefits. movies allow the viewer to be completely engrossed in the plot. there is no need for thinking, as everything is presented to you in a straightforward form. one never has to ponder what a place or a person looks like; the information is all accessible to the viewer. this can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on what one is looking for in his/her entertainment.

In a society where we want everything faster, better and more eciting, perhaps movies are a more relevant medium. however, movies demand at least an hour and a half of ones time. books are available to their consumers whenever there is time, which is also an important feature. in conclusion, i believe that neither books nor movies are a more enjoyable form of entertainment. in some cases, i prefer to read a book. in others, a movie is vastly more enjoyable. it is up to the consumer to decide.


A large number of Chinese students consider that Learning English is a boring and even painful process. However, there is an interesting and effective way of Learning English – watching movies in English.


Nowadays, with the help of internet and advanced science and technology, receiving information has been easier than ever before. We can get a lot of English movies through internet and use advanced devices to play them, such as laptop and mobile phone, anywhere and anytime. Watching movies is not only a kind of entertainment, but also an effective way of Learning English.


Why watching movies can help improve our English? First, by watching movies, we can understand better how the natives speak English and learn their pronunciation and grammar usage, and correct ours. Second, it is also a good way to realize the thinking pattern of English-speakers. Recognizing the differences between Chinese and foreigners’ thinking patterns can help us speak and write correct pure English. Thirdly, watching movies in English also practice our listening. Instead of reading English words, we listen to what the speakers say and the tone they use. After a period of time, we will find that our listening has improved. Finally, another benefit of watching movies in English is that we can know more and more customs and manners of foreigner countries, which are good for our communication with foreigners.


To sum up, watching English movies can help improve our English in various aspects.



The other day my brother and i went to the cinema by bicycle. my brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind. as we came to the crossroads a young man and a girl came up and stopped us.we have found you at long last,’ they said. but we didn’t know them. pointing to a policeman not far away, the young man eplained, ‘he stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the net offender. so come on, stand here. hope you don‘t have to wait as long as we did . good luck.’



On Saturday, mom and Dad took me to the cinema. It was busy at the gate of the cinema. Some people bought popcorn, some bought tickets. We saw a movie called "lets have a good time". This movie is very funny. It tells a series of stories about a person who went to Dali and then happened. Id like to recommend you to see it.


Have you ever learned English by watching English DVD movies? Is that an effective English learning method for you? Why?


Watching English DVD movies is a very effective method of learning English.As a result of insufficient English speaking environment, my speaking and listening abilities were not developed satisfactorily, although my reading and writing abilities were quite all right.


I remember my experience during a summer vacation when I made plans to watch 10 original English movies including the classic Casablanca, Rebecca, A Tale of Two Cities, and Little Women. I persistently carried out my plan. Each of the films I watched a dozen times until I could recite most of the dialogues. At the end of that summer vacation, I found I became nearly as fluent as a native English speaker.



I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.

我非常喜欢看电影。我最喜欢的电影是暮光之城之暮色。讲的是吸血鬼和人类之间的唯美的爱情故事。主角是爱德华和贝拉。他们无可救药的爱上对方。爱德华是一 个活了数百年的吸血鬼,而贝拉只是一个普通的高中生。他们是同学。当贝拉知道爱德华是吸血鬼时,她还是顶着方方面面的压力选择爱他。而爱德华也选择不惜一 切代价来保护贝拉。这就是他们爱情的开始。

I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.




Today, I read "home alone" with deep feeling. The main is about a little boy. Christmas is coming soon, the little boy is always making trouble. Therefore, his parents go to Paris on vacation, but forget the little boy at home.

Two thieves found that adults do not have at home, like took the opportunity to steal things.

But the little boy is very clever, through a lot of props and finally caught the thief. His parents came back hugged their children. From then on, the boy became all learning goals.

After learning he danger can protect themselves etc.!


My favorite movie is Love Me Once More,Mom.

This is a moving story about a mother and her son.The son was lost one day and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn't find him.

She was very sad and almost went mad.In the end,the son found his mother .But they don't know each other.

I cried when I saw the movie.All people say it is so moving.The mother is so good and the son is so lovely.I like th e little boy.He makes me strong.I like it very much.It is my favorite.


Today,I saw large areas of the United St ates "Home Alone" with deep feeling.Th e main character is a little boy.Christma s is fast approaching,the little boy was always getting into trouble.As a result,t hey go to a holiday in Paris,but forget th e little boy at home.

There are two thiev es,after a long period of the study,whic h determined that no one at home.Unex pectedly,there is a little devil at home it!The little boy with a lot of smart and witt y way,to finally seize the thief.

His pare nts,Christmas is the day to come back,and the boy's mother hugged tightly.Si nce then,the boy became everybody's f avorite target.

I would like to tell you that the smart mo ney is not unusual in some small inexpe nsive.But in the coming danger,to prot ect their own!


Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free.Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too.Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical.

This film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl.

Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical.In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other.

It’s totally a happy ending.I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much.Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.


Into the cinema hall, my father called me to find two places to sit down the middle, and at the same time my father gave me a pair of glasses, I curiously ask: "father, what is this for?" Dad said: "this is the 3 d glasses, go to the movies it can present stereo effect, as if the image of you see it's in front of you." Although my father said I don't understand, but think of later look not to know. When the lights went out, the film began, and finally in singing but don't understand, dad said it was to watch, and proved the effect of 3 d, so the inside of the water droplets is to your body, tidbits like fly to your eyes, I stretched out his hand to catch nothing. Your glasses films are fuzzy, hey! It's strange! Today when writing this diary, my father asked what I remember the film inside content, I blankly, then said, "just remember... transformers fight, and the name of the transformers." Dad is startled, but I will steal to smile.





I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.




It's the story about a lazy,irreverent slacker panda,named Po,who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop.Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy,Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols,the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress,Crane,Mantis,Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru,Master Shifu.  But before they know it,the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way,and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat.Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality?Po puts his heart——and his girth——into the task,and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.


It's the story about a lazy,irreverent slacker panda,named Po,who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop.Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy,Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols,the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress,Crane,Mantis,Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru,Master Shifu.  But before they know it,the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way,and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat.Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality?Po puts his heart——and his girth——into the task,and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.


When I first saw Paul,I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda.There won't be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior".


But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him.Then,the hard training started by Paul.


I thought that his goal is very simple,to get food to eat,and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior.


I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a firm goal,he will try to get it no matter what dangers lie in front of him.That's the part that I like him the most.



◆您现在正在阅读的我喜欢看电影(I like watching movies)

我喜欢看电影(I like watching movies)I like watching movies,especially comedies.I think the comedies that Zhou Xingchi acted are very nice to watch. because they are very interesting. I also like the action movies that was made by Jackie Chan. because they are so moving.我喜欢看电影,特别是喜剧片,我觉得周星驰演的喜剧片很不错,很值得去看, 因为它们很有趣. 我也很喜欢成龙演的动作片,因为它们很精彩。