2023-12-01 08:05:48






比赛当天,参加把何必三的同学们一个个摩拳擦掌,声势浩大,耀武扬威的走上pk台。呀!我们的对手怎么回事六(5)班呢?oh my god!六(5)班的同学一个个人高马大,而我们班的主力军之一费芳琳同学很不幸得了胆结石,去医院做手术了……怎么办,我们只剩下了体格较为瘦弱的的队员了,我们拼得过他们吗?没办法,我们只能背水一战了,与他们展开“殊死拼搏”。

随着嘹亮的哨音响彻云霄,属于班与六(5)班的啊“战斗”拉开了帷幕。“六(3)班加油!六(3)班加油!”啦啦队员们鼓足了气拼命地呐喊着。我不知是因为听到了啦啦队员的助威,还是怎样,感到热血沸腾,像是得到了某种强大的力量。我拉着绳子,想把绳子朝我所在的地方靠近,两只手被绳子了的火辣辣的疼,为了班级的荣誉,这点疼算什么。我看见绳子上的红布条正一点点的向我们班的“战区”靠近,心中感到无比欣慰,刚准备再加一把劲,谁知六(5)班的同学一下爆发了。第一轮他们赢了。可怜的我们呢,太认真了,大多都摔倒在地上,揉着各自疼痛的身躯,踉踉跄跄地爬起来,准备第二轮比赛。“老虎不发威,你当我是hello kitty”大家的斗志被点燃起来。比赛开始后,各自的能力纷纷展现出来,鼓足了劲拉绳子,呐喊声助威声也是此起彼伏,绳上的红布条似乎也同意乖乖的跟我们“回家”……随着结束哨音吹响,张校长庄重的宣布了这轮比赛的结果:“六(3)班胜利!”“耶!”属于我们的笑声在操场上空飘荡。大家欢笑着,蹦跳着,好似这次比赛铁定就是我们赢一样。可惜,好景不长,我们终究不敌强敌,与六(5)班的较量以失败告终,在年级中排名第四。虽然,我们输了比赛,但我们赢了志气,赢了骨气。






Zhang Ying is my good friend. She’s in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She’s a model student. She’s clever and she’s helpful, too.

She often helps teachers and young students at school.

She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing.

And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents.

Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesn’t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend of mine.

I like playing with her. We always work together and help each other.

What#39;s the meaning of a friend to you?

Maybe you think that a friend is someone who will listen to you when you#39;re filled with sorrow.

Maybe you think that a friend is someone who will give you a gift on your birthday.

But to me, a friend is someone I can rely on.

When I was eight years old, I met, my best friend, Jennifer. Her personality was different from mine.

She#39;s very resolute and brave. When I was sad, she was the person who would sit next to me, comforting me.

When I was happy, she was the person with whom I could share my joy. As of now, we have been friends for eight years.

Although we#39;re not classmates anymore, I believe that we#39;ll still be good friends tomorrow and forever.

Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate. She has big eyes. Her long hair is often plained.Sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively.

LiNan is very clever.She is good at her school subjects. She has won the school scholarship twice,I always take her as my model in study. She tells me that we should make good use of time.

Li Yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,Any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help. But she doesn't like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is ordinary.

I feel proud to have such a friend.

Han Mei is my best friend. We know each other since we were born. Because we are twins. She is my elder sisiter. Like most twin sisters, we look almost the same. The most easy way to to distinguish us is that she has a scar on her arm. It is my fault. When we are six years old, we played beside the stair, and then I pushed her down the stair accidently. She got hurt but not blame me at all. That is the history of her scar. Since then our parents always recognize us with that mark. Han Mei is better than me in study. So, sometimes I was criticized by our mother for failing the exam, she will pretend me to receive the criticism, without making my mother see the mark. I’ m so thankful for this. So sometimes I will pretend her to take part in the piano class, as she is not interested in it. It is so interesting to play such game.


When I was a child, I enjoyed reading books that were without words. The pictures and the color affected me. When I was a pupil, I liked reading books about science. The knowledge and the magic things attracted me. When I was a student, I preferred to read novels. They were full of action and exciting. The plots were interesting.

Now I still love books. They make my life become more and more wonderful. Different kinds of books bring me different feelings. They are my best friends. I can get knowledge from books. I can read books whenever and wherever I want.For the time being, I enjoy reading comics best. Because studying is hard and tiring, I feel relaxed when I am reading comics. They make me happy and bring me great joy. Books are good for me. They will string along with me forever……


My best friend is --- He is 15 years old. We are both in the same class. He works very hard. He is never late for school and he does well in all his lessons. He is always ready to help others. My math is very poor, so he often helps me with my math after class. His parents are both teachers. They are very busy, so he often helps do the housework at home. He is a little shorter than me but he is very strong. He likes playing football very much at school. We often play football together and he plays it pretty well, He gets on well with us, everyone in our class likes him。


Honesty Is Best

A poor man once lived in a village near a river.He was a woodcutter.He used to go to the forest to cut wood in order to sell it.

One day he went to the forest to cut wood as usual.After he had done some work,he sat on the bank of the river to rest.His axe fell into the water and it was the only one he had.He was not able to get it back from the river,so he began to cry.

The God Hermes appeared and asked him why he was crying.The woodcutter told him that his only axe had fallen into the river and that he was not able to get it back.

Hermes felt sorry for him,so he jumped into the water and brought up a gold axe.He said to the woodcutter,"Is this your axe?”The man an-swered,"No,it isn't.Hermes jumped again and came up with a silver axe and gave it to the woodcutter.But the honest woodcutter would not take it because it was not his.So the God Hermes went down into the water for the third time and brought up the man's own axe.The man was very happy.He thanked Hermes and took the axe.Hermes was so pleased with the honesty of this poor man that he gave him both the gold and the silver axes as presents.

When the woodcutter joined his friends,he told them how Hermes had helped him to get his axe and how he had given him the other two axes.One of his friends thought that it would be a good idea to do the same,so he went to the river and dropped his axe into the water on pur-pose.Then he sat down and cried.Hermes appeared and asked him why he was crying.He answered that his axe had fallen into the river.

Hermes dived and brought him a gold axe and asked him if it was his.The man took it and said,"Yes,it's mine."Hermes was angry with the man because he was lying,so he took away the gold axe and did not even bring him back his own axe.




有一天,他像往常一样到森林里去砍柴。 他砍了一会儿以后坐在河岸边休息。 他的斧子掉到了河里,这是他拥有的惟一的一把斧子。 他没法从河里取回斧子,所以就开始哭了起来。

仙人赫耳墨斯泛起了,问他为什么哭。 樵夫告诉仙人他惟一的.一把斧子掉到了河里,他没法捞上来。

赫耳墨斯为他感到难过,于是他跳进水里,拿上来一把金斧子。 他问樵夫:“这是你的斧子吗?”樵夫回答:“不,不是。”赫耳墨斯又跳进水里,出来时拿着一把银斧子。他把他交给樵夫,但是老实的樵夫不要,由于那不是他的。 于是仙人赫耳墨斯第三次跳进水里,取回了樵夫的斧子。 樵夫非常兴奋,感谢了赫耳墨斯,留下了自己的斧子。 赫耳墨斯对穷樵夫的老实感到非常满意,因此他把金斧子和银斧子作为礼物送给了樵夫。


赫耳墨斯跳进水里,带回一把金斧子,问他这是不是他的。那人拿了金斧子说:“是,它是我的。”赫耳墨斯对他非常气愤。 由于他说谎。 于是他拿走了那把金斧子,甚至连那人自己的斧子也不为他取回了。


My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study.

I think our friendship will last forever.





Each of us has a best friend. My best friend, she can't talk. Of course, in school, my friends are inseparable from me. But, in my opinion, the best friend has something on his mind or a secret to tell him/her that maybe he/she will be annoyed and will reveal your secret to others.

My friend, she never will. Whether or not something unusual happens every day, I'll tell her what I've learned all day. Talking to her is the happiest thing for me. She gave me an open mind. I can talk to her about the harvest, discontent and excitement of the day. I am convinced that she is the best listener in the world.

During the week, I had to write a lot of hand copies, only one night. I told her about it because I was afraid it was too late.

She makes me understand myself. Her heart was created by my joys and sorrows. Every drop of my growth she would remember.

Who is she? Not my classmate, not my mother. A silent friend a diary.


of all the courses i have taken throughout all my years in school and university, philosophy 101 is the course i like best.

i took this course in my second year at university. my major was physics, but all science students had to take english literature, english composition, and several non-science optional courses to complete their programs. (this paragraph defines when this course was taken, and why i had to take it)

philosophy 101 was a two-semester course. in the first semester, various philosophical problems of the western world were introduced and discussed. the topic included the interpretation of reality, the mind and body problem, and the problem of god. the second semester was on the philosophy of science.i love the course because it opened my mind to vistas i have never dreamed of. the enjoyment of the course was further enhanced by a very eloquent professor who expounded the intricacies of philosophy clearly and interestingly with relish and enthusiasm. indeed, his zest for the subject was catching, and i fell in love with philosophy immediately and is infatuated with it ever since. my view of the world around us would never be the same. you can say that a revolutionary change has taken place in the way i think and look at things.

the second part of the course is especially enjoyable because it dealt with the philosophic interpretation of the special theory of relativity, quantum mechanics and how man interprets nature. hitherto that date, science was nothing but facts and figures to me, but in this course we were taught to look beyond all that. my life was forever changed by taking this course.


home is place to rest in. home is a haebor to take she her fromthewind. home will neverabandon you no matter you

arerich or poor . home will foreverembrace you no matter you are happy or sad. home, without living in it, is only

a house although it maybe luxury . home , filled with love , is heaven even if you de not have beautiful clothes to

wear,delicious food to have.


Hello, everyone! My name is Xing Xiaoqing. You can call me Cherry. I’m in Class 0506. Li Nan is my best friend. She’s thirteen years old. Her birthday is on 3rd October and she was born in Shen Zhen. She lives with her family in Haimen. She’s  metres tall. She has black hair and she wears glasses. She is very lovely and pretty. She likes eating dumplings, chocolates, peanuts and vegetables. She dislikes pork, sweets and green tea. She loves listening to music. She has lots of CDs. She likes reading and writing. She is the newest member of the Maths Club. She has many hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing computer games. Her favorite hobby is drawing, because she likes all the different colors. It is fun to look at the pictures when she finishes drawing them. The Dragon Boat Festival is her favorite day. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up. We always have fun. We sit under the trees at lunchtime and have a good chat. Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop. On Sunday, we usually go to the bookshop. We often study together. My best friend is really great!


i’m young again!” she shouts euberantly.as my friend raves on about her new love, i’ve taken a good look at my old one. my husband of almost 20 years, scott, has gained 15 pounds. once a marathon runner, he now runs only down hospital halls. his hairline is receding and his body shows the signs of long working hours and too many candy bars. yet he can still give me a certain look across a restaurant table and i want to ask for the check and head home.

when my friend asked me “what will make this love last?” i ran through all the obvious reasons: commitment, shared interests, unselfishness, physical attraction, communication. yet there’s more. we still have fun. spontaneous good times. yesterday, after slipping the rubber band off the rolled up newspaper, scott flipped it playfully at me: this led to an all-out war. last saturday at the grocery, we split the list and raced each other to see who could make it to the checkout first. even washing dishes can be a blast. we enjoy simply being together.and there are surprises. one time i came home to find a note on the front door that led me to another note, then another, until i reached the walk-in closet. i opened the door to find scott holding a “pot of gold” (my cooking kettle) and the “treasure” of a gift package. sometimes i leave him notes on the mirror and little presents under his pillow.there is understanding. i understand why he must play basketball with the guys. and he understands why, once a year, i must get away from the house, the kids -and even him -to meet my sisters for a few days of nonstop talking and laughing.

there is sharing. not only do we share household worries and parental burdens - we also share ideas. scott came home from a convention last month and presented me with a thick historical novel. though he prefers thrillers and science fiction, he had read the novel on the plane. he touched my heart when he eplained it was because he wanted to be able to echange ideas about the book after i’d read it.

there is forgiveness. when i’m embarrasssingly loud and crazy at parties, scott forgives me. when he confessed losing some of our savings in the stock market, i gave him a hug and said, “it’s okay. it’s only money.”there is sensitivity. last week he walked through the door with that look that tells me it’s been a tough day. after he spent some time with the kids, i asked him what happened. he told me about a 60-year-old woman who’d had a stroke. he wept as he recalled the woman’s husband standing beside her bed, caressing her hand. how was he going to tell this husband of 40 years that his wife would probably never recover? i shed a few tears myself. because of the medical crisis. because there were still people who have been married 40 years. because my husband is still moved and concerned after years of hospital rooms and dying patients.

there is faith. last tuesday a friend came over and confessed her fear that her husband is losing his courageous battle with cancer. on wednesday i went to lunch with a friend who is struggling to reshape her life after divorce. on thursday a neighbor called to talk about the frightening effects of alzheimer’s disease on her father-in-law’s personality. on friday a childhood friend called long-distance to tell me her father had died. i hung up the phone and thought, this is too much heartache for one week. through my tears, as i went out to run some errands, i noticed the boisterous orange blossoms of the gladiolus outside my window. i heard the delighted laughter of my son and his friend as they played. i caught sight of a wedding party emerging from a neighbor’s house. the bride, dressed in satin and lace, tossed her bouquet to her cheering friends. that night, i told my husband about these events. we helped each other acknowledge the cycles of life and that the joys counter the sorrows. it was enough to keep us going.finally, there is knowing. i know scott will throw his laundry just shy of the hamper every night; he’ll be late to most appointments and eat the last chocolate in the bo. he knows that i sleep with a pillow over my head; i’ll lock us out of the house at a regular basis, and i will also eat the last chocolate.

i guess our love lasts because it is comfortable. no, the sky is not bluer: it’s just a familiar hue. we don’t feel particularly young: we’ve eperienced too much that has contributed to our growth and wisdom, taking its toll on our bodies, and created our memories.i hope we’ve got what it takes to make our love last. as a bride, i had scott’s wedding band engraved with robert browning’s line “grow old along with me!” we’re following those instructions.

“if anything is real, the heart will make it plain.”


Li Yan,my best friend,is my She has big Her long hair is often smile is often on her face,which makes her more

LiNan is very is good at her school She has won the school scholarship twice,I always take her as my model in She tells me that we should make good use of

Li Yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,Any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for But she doesn't like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is

I feel proud to have such a


When I was a child, I enjoyed reading books that were without The pictures and the color affected When I was a pupil, I liked reading books about The knowledge and the magic things attracted When I was a student, I preferred to read They were full of action and The plots were

Now I still love They make my life become more and more Different kinds of books bring me different They are my best I can get knowledge from I can read books whenever and wherever I the time being, I enjoy reading comics Because studying is hard and tiring, I feel relaxed when I am reading They make me happy and bring me great Books are good for They will string along with me forever……


Society is a cycle that everyone needs to enter into when people reach a certain age.

But before we are in it, how can we know about it? To know about something, I think the best way is to contact with it. Anybody wants to have a better understanding about the society; they need to take the chance to get along with it.

For example, a student wants to learn about the society, he had better do some part-time job to experience the social life.

He can have a little understanding on it after that without anyone tells him.





when i learned english, i felt so hard, because no matter hard i tried, i just could not understand the grammar. one day, my sister asked me why was i so confused with english, i told her i did not know, i was so afraid of it. then she asked me to watch english movie and listened to the english songs. at first, i fell in love with these songs, i learned to sing them, i found i could remember more and more words. i also felt very interested in the movie, i could learn the local words. with interest, i make great progress, i am not afraid of english any more. interest is the best teacher.



Several pieces of advice I've gotten in my life have really made a difference.

"Be nice to people." This sounds like a platitude1), but I'll never forget my father telling me that. I was 10, and I had been mean to someone. He said, "There is no point in being2) mean to anyone at any time. You never know who you're going to meet later in life. And by the way, you don't change anything by being mean. Usually you don't get anywhere."

"Remember that you can do anything you want to do. Don't let anyone say, 'You're not smart enough... it's too hard... it's a dumb idea... no one has done that before... girls don't do that.'" My mom gave me that advice in 1973. And it allowed me to never worry about what others were saying about my career direction.

"Always do the best job you can do at whatever you're assigned3), even if you think it's boring." Jerry Parkinson, an assistant advertising manager and my boss at P&G4), told me this in 1979. Here I was fresh out of Harvard Business School(HBS), and I was assigned to determine how big the hole in the Ivory shampoo5) bottle should be: 3/8 of an inch or 1/8 of an inch. I did research, focus groups6) ... and I would come home at night wondering how I had gone from HBS to this. But later I realized that any job you're given is an opportunity to prove yourself.

"Don't be a credit7) hog8). If you're constantly in the neighborhood of good things, good things will happen to you." Tom Tierney, who was my boss at Bain9) in 1981 and is now on the eBay board, told me this. It's true - you get ahead10) by crediting other people.

Finally, in 1998, I was in New York watching the ticker11) as eBay went public12). My husband is a neurosurgeon13). I called into his operating room and told him the great news. And he said, "That's nice. But Meg, remember that it's not brain surgery.14)"









Every time when summer comes, I am so looking forward to summer vacation, because I can make many plans in the long vacation. Last summer, I spent a month to stay with my uncle and his family.

They live in the north. When I got there, I found the weather there was not that hot and I liked the coolness. In the daytime, my cousin and I played on the beach, because we lived near the beach. I would paint pictures and wait for the water to wash they away. Sometimes my uncle would take his boat with us. We floated on the sea and appreciated the beautiful nature.

This is the best summer for me. I wish I could have chances to spend some time with them again. I will never forget those happy days.





Lightly, lightly, summer girl is coming to the world with slim and graceful step……

The grass grows much greener than before. The flowers come out more beautiful than before. There are more leaves in the trees than before. Everything makes us more youthful.

Accompany the first cry of the cicada and the first shout of the frog…… The world is full of melody. All the bother is taken away by it.

Gradually, gradually, the air temperature turns higher and higher. The lotuses in the lakes come out happily. The dragonflies are busy laying eggs……

Ah! Summer is really coming!







It is very hot in the summer.people dont like going out on summer afternoon because the temperature is high.

sometimes it is raining after sun,that is cool!maybe on a summer night,it is thunder and lightning.it is make people scary,and dangerous!so please dont go out when it is thunder.

Though the weather in summer is hot,but I think summer is interesting,because we can swim in the poor!that is great!





◆您现在正在阅读的我最好的朋友(My best friends)

我最好的朋友(My best friends)I have many friend.Do you know who they are?Are they my pet?No.Are they my classmates?No. Let me tell you:they are my favourit book.I like books very much.I like reading science book,cartoonbook so on.not only let me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure.I love books!


◆您现在正在阅读的最好的朋友(My Best Friend)

最好的朋友(My Best Friend) I have a best friend. She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working. She favorite season is summer,because it's hot ,she can eat ice- cream.She like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs. Who's she? She is my best friend ---Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name,too---Angle. 译文: 我有个最好的朋友。 她有着长长的黑色直发,大大的黑眼睛和一个小鼻子。她很瘦,对人非常和蔼,她也很可爱。她的英语和语文非常好。她学习十分认真。 她最喜欢的季节是夏季,因为夏天很热,她能吃冰淇凌。她喜欢弹琴,读书和唱歌。 她是谁?她就是我最好的朋友——孙梦琪。她还有一个很好听的英文名——Angle.(安琪儿)