2023-07-27 20:57:37

1、Don't believe in together, let nature take its course is the best power, there will always be some people don't cast out.

2、I appreciate your help.(我感谢你的帮助。)


4、I like it a lot.(我很喜欢。)


6、Come on, you can do that.(来吧,你能做到的。)

7、How about yourself?(你自己呢?)

8、Feelings for a long time, it is not love, but depend on. Then when lose, that is not pain, but don't give up.


10、Things couldn't be better.(一切顺利。)

11、Nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。)

12、Let's get together again.(改天再聚聚。)

13、How do I look?(我看起来怎么样?)

14、You're everything to me.(你是我的一切!)

15、Can't blame others in a few words will change the image of yourself in others heart, who call you would not have been important.

16、What's wrong?(怎么回事?)

17、Are you married or single?(你结婚了吗?)

18、I hope you're enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。)

19、I'm very proud of you.(我为你感到自豪。)

20、It's not your fault. (那不是你的错。)

21、That's a great idea!(好主意!)

22、Use your head.(动动脑筋。)

23、That's fantastic!(那真是棒极了!)

24、Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。)

25、You did a great job.(你赶得很好。)

26、God just blinked, our story begins. And come to an end. He stole all of us.