2024-02-03 07:33:00


My name is Jessie. I am twelve. I love my mother, her name is Miss Xiao. She has black hair and two big eyes. She is a very beautiful woman. My mother works in a hotel. She is a manager. She likes fish and vegetables, but she doesn’t like meat and chicken. My mother can cook, sing and read, but she can’t fly. Her cooking and singing are both very good.

This is my mother!


My mother is a great woman in the world, since I grown up I have thought it.

My mother’s name is Zen Yan fang, but her best friends often call her sister Zen. She is 42-years-old now, but I do feel that she is always a young woman. And she has a very long hair that she likes to keep changing shape. My dad don’t like that she often changes her hair, but I know it’s the way my mom want to hide her changing age.

To tell you the truth, I even don’t know what things my mother really like to do. In my memory, she is good at lots of things. To keep this family, she worked as a mechanical worker, as a salesperson of insurance. And these years she is the boss of herself. I appreciate that I have such a diligent and brave mother. I knew that she is very hard, but she never tell it to us.

She is such a strong woman so that she is strict to us. When I was a little girl, I often fell down on the floor, but my mother never comes to comfort me. She always said, “why don’t you look at your own way, and you deserve it.” I swear I hate her at that moment, but now I don’t hate her at all. I love her. Thanks to her treat me that cold way so that I can be such strong. And I won’t be worried about such a little thing again.

My mom told me that to be a happy is the best way to live. My mom told me everything can be possible. My mom told me that never give up.

My dear mom told me lots of things that instruct me all my life. I love you, my dear mom.


1、I have bought food that I hope will please my mother, and that will be easy for her to eat: orzo salad with little pieces of crayfish cut into it, potato salad, small chunks of marinated tomatoes.

2、l have brought her a bouquet of crimson, yellow, and salmon-pink snapdragons. She likes the flowers very much.

3、 As I wipe my mothers face, I see that her skin is still beautiful I hold her chin in my hand and kiss her forehead.

My mother has no idea that her ninetieth birthday is coming up. She has no notion of the time of day, the day of the week. the season of the year, the year of the century. No notion of the approaching millennium. And no idea any longer, who I am. Her forgetting of me happened just a few months ago, after I had been traveling for more than a month and hadnt been to see her. When I came back, she asked me if I were her niece, l said no, I was her daughter. "Does that mean I had you?" she asked. 1 said yes. "Where was I when l had you?" she asked me. I told her she was in a hospital in Far Rockaway. New York. "So much has happened to me in my life." she said "You cant expect me to remember everything."

My mother was once a beautiful woman, but all her teeth are gone now. Toothless. No woman can be considered beautiful. Whenever I visit her in the nursing home, she is sitting at the table in the common dining room, her head in her hands, rocking. Medication has eased her anxiety, but nothing moves her from her stupor except occasional moments of fear, too deep for medication. This is a room that has no windows, that lets in no light, in which an overlarge TV is constantly blaring, sending images that no one looks at where the floors are beige tiles, the walls cream colored at the bottom, papered halfway up with a pattern of nearly invisible grayish leaves. Many of the residents sit staring, slack-jawed, open mouthed. I find it impossible to imagine what they might be looking at.

When I walk into the dining room on the day of my mothers birthday, I see that she has already been served lunch. The staff has forgotten to hold it back. Though I told them a week ago that I would be providing lunch. She hasn’t touched anything on her tray except a piece of carrot cake, which she holds in her hands. The icing is smeared on her hands and face. I dont want my friends to see her smeared with icing, so I wet a paper towel and wipe her. This fills me with a terrible tenderness, recalling, as it does. a gesture I have performed for my children. As I wipe my mothers face, I see that her skin is still beautiful I hold her chin in my hand and kiss her forehead. I tell her its her birthday, that shes ninety years old. "How did that happen?" she asks. "I cant understand how that could happen."

l have brought her a bouquet of crimson, yellow, and salmon-pink snapdragons. She likes the flowers very much. She likes the name. "Snapdragons. It seems like an animal thats going to bite inc. But its not an animal, its a plant. Thats a funny thing,"

I have bought food that I hope will please my mother, and that will be easy for her to eat: orzo salad with little pieces of crayfish cut into it, potato salad, small chunks of marinated tomatoes. I have bought paper plates with a rust-colored background, upon which are painted yellow and gold flowers and blue leaves.

My friends Nola and Gary come for my mothers birthday. When we are about to leave, I tell my mother that Im going on vacation, mat I wont see her for three weeks, that 1 am going to the sea. "How will I stand that, how will I stand thats she says, but I know that a minute after I’m gone shell forget I was there.


In my mind, mother is the greatest. Because my mother not only gave me life, gave me lots of love. When I meet with difficulties, always can hear mother encouraging words, and when I am happy, my mother is also the most happy.

Remember, when I was two or three, economic difficulties in the home, in order to life, mother left me to work in another city. That day, my mother and I are very miss each other. My mother often calls, is to listen to my voice. And every time I hear the phone ringing, I will be the first to pick up, because I guess may is mothers call, but many phone not mom, that moment I felt very disappointed. As long as I heard my mother to come back to see me, I will jump for joy. But mother come back each time only two or three days of time, and separate time is so long. After mother left, I miss my mom every night to cry, want to mother came back with me. Let me the deepest impression a telephone is: mom, lets move to changsha, I am very happy, because I can always and mother living together.

Finally reunited, but mother because of work need to travel a lot. Every time mother on a business trip, I hate to mother, looked at his mother out of the house, I will run to the window and looked at his mothers shadow gradually disappeared in the crowd. I wonder: mom is in order to make my life better, just work so hard. When I grow up must repay mother well. Now, I want to said to mother: mom, I love you!



My mother cares about the basic necessities of life, now she is in my every thing, although as a child told repeatedly, but don't forget to help me prepare, whenever I meet what the emergency situation, she always take care of me.


I remember one afternoon when I suddenly had a fever and it was burning very hard. Mother heard of this, and quickly put down the work, rushed over and sent me to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, my mother kept asking me, "how do you feel?" Is your body better?" There was an anxious look in her eyes, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. There was a warm surge in my mind, and I said, "I feel much better now."."


The hospital arrived soon, and my mother placed me on the chair next to me and hurried to register. There were so many people waiting in front that the mother kept asking the person in front to let her know, and eventually she would get through the procedure. Then rushed to take me to the doctor's office. The doctor told me she. I hit Diaozhen, my mother standing beside me, from time to time to ask me how I feel, do not ache, not to drink water...... So, until the night, and hit a bottle, my body was restored.


In this matter, mother's great and selfless love has been fully reflected, it makes me feel in the world the most warm family and love, and realized a warm affection. It makes me feel that the person I trust and trust most in the world is my mother.


I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study.

In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it.

Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot.

I love my mother.







我妈妈对我非常严格,她几乎让我把所有的时间都用于学习。如果我在考试中得了高分,她就奖励我。但每当我考得不好的时候优秀作文 专注写作 ,她便小棍子伺候。她的教育哲学就是“孩子不打不成器”。可我确实知道学习的重要性。妈妈,总是那样惩罚我不会有任何好的效果,那只能扼杀我学习的兴趣。你能理解么,妈妈?

My mom is strict with me very much. She makes me study almost all the time. When I get high marks in the exam, she awards me. But when I get low marks, she beats me. She only knows, "spare the rod and spoil the child." But I do know the importance of study. To always punish me that way can do no good, mom. It can only kill my interests in studying. Can you understand, mom?



My mother is 34 years old. She has a red face, big eyes, and a charming smile on her face. May be in other peoples eyes, the mother is not very beautiful, but in my mind, she is the most beautiful, she is always a flower open the most bright!


I remember once I fell ill. It was raining that night, and around 3 oclock I had a fever. Yes, mum. It was my mother who went to the hospital to buy some medicine for me. But the clinic door was still tightly closed. She had to be disappointed to return. But mum wasnt angry. She took my temperature. "Wow," 38.7 degrees. My mother hurried back to the hospital with me on her back.


Mother drew a taxi. I sat in the car and put my head on my mothers leg. I felt very comfortable. When I arrived at the hospital, my mother told my doctor about my condition. The doctor said nothing. My mother just put her heart down. My mother went to get me the medicine, and I fell asleep after I ate it. On the second day, I came together and found my mother asleep. I think my mother has been tired for a long time, let my mother sleep for a while.


I got out of bed quietly. When I came back from home, my mother was gone. I looked for it again, but I didnt find it. I was going back to the ward to call my father. As soon as I got home, my mother bought my favorite breakfast and smiled and told me to eat it!


Look! This is the good mother who loves me!



I have a beautiful mother. She has long straight hair, big eyes on her round face and black glasses on her nose.


I often told my mother that it would be more beautiful for her to take off her glasses and show her big eyes. My mother replied with a smile: "a litterateur once said that eyes are the window of the soul. Because my mother cherished the window of the soul so much, she specially installed two pieces of glass for them, so she could not take them." I know she lied to me. Because she loves beauty so much, she doesn't want to be told that she is nearsighted. My mother is so cute and humorous.


My mother always cares about me. She makes delicious meals for me every day, washes clothes for me, studies with me, and plays with me as my friend. When I am happy, she is happy with me. When I am not happy, she always makes me happy.


I love my mother, I must repay her well when I grow up!



My mother is a beautiful and hardworking person.


It's hard for her to come back from work every day. My mother is not afraid of hard work. She came back not only to wash clothes but also to teach me how to study.


On Saturdays and Sundays, she cleans the house and tidies it up.


My mother loves me very much. When my father is away, my mother can't cook, but she always tries her best to buy me what I like to eat.


I gave her a lot of presents on Mother's day. She was very happy.


This is my mother!


My mother is a doctor. Her English name is Amy. She is thirty-five years old. She is very nice .She has a long hair and two black eye. And she has a small mouth and small nose. My mother loves me very much. She is good at cooking. She likes singing. Every day, she will sing many songs.

I love my mother; my mother loves me, too. We are very happily.




My mom is strict with me very much. She makes me study almost all the time. When I get high marks in the exam, she awards me. But when I get low marks, she beats me. She only knows, "spare the rod and spoil the child." But I do know the importance of study. To always punish me that way can do no good, mom. It can only kill my interests in studying. Can you understand, mom?

I have a good mother.Her name is Yu Bihua.

She has short and black hair.Her eyes are big,round and black.Her mouth is small,and she likes talking so much.She is not so tall.She often wears a brown coat,black trousers and black shoes.She is 37years old,but she looks young.

My mother works in a hospital and she is a nurse.She is very busy.Every morning,she gets up early.Then she goes to work on foot.Her work begins at 7:30.She has lunch at 12:30.After lunch,she has a short rest and then goes to work again.At 6:00 p.m. She comes back home.In the evening,she often watches TV,then goes to bed.

My mother is an ordinary,hard-working woman,but I'm proud of her.








My mother and I were sitting at the table, having breakfast. This is how the new day begins.


My mother didn't care what I wanted to eat first, but when I was about to finish eating, she saw that I hadn't peeled the eggs to eat, so she began to "chant sutras". "Tang Yijia, we must eat eggs. They are nutritious. Eating them is good for our health..." He said a lot of sentences and words related to eggs.


But I still didn't start to take the egg, but my mother couldn't stand it. She picked up an egg and began to peel it quickly. It's so fast. It seems that I finished peeling in a moment. My mother handed me the eggs and said, "hurry up, or it will be cold in a while. You will get sick if you eat it."


A white, fat egg without any potholes was handed to my hand. It was still hot. I could only chew it off one bite and finish it quickly until I swallowed it. Because it won't smell that bad smell. Thinking that if you eat eggs every day, "ah" is really miserable! I can't help sighing deeply, but the good thing is that if I eat too much, I won't feel bad.


This is my mother who is a little nagging but sometimes very lovely. She wants me to be a healthy and happy child, so she will let me eat nutritious food. There was another time when I didn't want to eat eggs. I was too late to finish my eggs. But on the way, I felt as bad as monkey king heard monk Tang chanting sutras, because I spent all the way under my mother's warning.


This is my mother who is a little nagging but very lovely.


My mother is hunan radio, film and a good journalist, she has a passion for work, often work overtime late into the night. Mom can write good articles, to win many prizes, year after year are television advanced workers.

Although the working mother is very busy, but she love and care for me is not reduce. Mom often said I was her good, she gave me a lot of nickname, sometimes called me "little girl" sesame seeds oil, rainbow "kid sister", sometimes called me "bulb", "child". When I was two years old, mother will give I opened QQ space, is called "kaka Kitty cat paradise", my mother help me to write a diary, write me every day of fun in space, and at different times in the space of photos, mother said that when he had grown up, give me this space, let myself writing articles, record the good life.

Mom is very gentle, for my father and I are very concerned about, also very care for elders. My grandma body is not good, often sick, and the mother is very hard. Finished work, arrange my life, and ran to the hospital to take care of my grandmother, but my mother never complain call tired, always smile. Mother is like the warm sun, warm to me, for I keep out wind and rain, I have such a good mom proud.





1. 你妈妈是个农村妇女,50多岁,没上过学,但懂得年轻人掌握知识的重要性,她很关心你的学习情况;

2. 你的妈妈为了让你有更多的时间学习,总是竭尽全力来照顾你。一次,当你听说妈妈病重,回家看她时,她正带病坚持为你做新衣,你激动得热泪盈眶;

3. 你妈妈就是这样一位妇女,善良、勤劳,永远值得你尊敬和爱戴。

My mother is a village woman, who is already in her fifties. She had very little school education, but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people. She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.

My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me, so that I can spend more time on my study.

Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her at night, I found the light was still on and mother was sitting in bed, making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes.

Such is my mother, a kind and hard-working woman. I’ll respect and love her forever.


My mother looks has long is a teacher and she is teaching English in a middle is very kind and likes her lessons are very interesting and all her students like does all the housework for the can cook delicious

I love her very