2023-08-08 01:26:56




If Sydney is crowned as New York of South Pacific Ocean,then,Melbourne can be said as London here.

This is an ancient city,and meanwhile a beautiful ‘garden city’,streets are orderly paved like chessboard,various buildings of both ancient and modern styles are harmoniously blended,there are quite a few operas and Broadway musicals on show here everyday.

This is also Australia’s residential center for immigrants.Most of the immigrants who flocked into Australia live in Melbourne and Sydney.Immigrants started their new life here but keep their own traditions and customs.Wanna taste Italian food and drinks?Just go to Lygon street.Wanna know Chinese culture?Then visit China Town.In China Town,there are not only Chinese restaurants,but also Malaysian,Thailand and Japanese restaurants,so this is not just a window for you to get to know Chinese people,but a best place to know East Asian people and South East Asian people as well.

Goods sold in China Town are quite unique.You’ll embrace a variety of choices and also reasonable prices,that’s why China Town is so popular among tourists.My companions all came back with large and small shopping bags,and reluctant to leave until they bought too much to carry.

What worth mention,traveling in Melbourne,the most forgettable experience is to watch the homing of the smallest penguins in the world.In a place 140 kilometers south of Melbourne,there’s a tiny island called Philip.Every dusk,groups of penguins stagger back to their home.Their teeter when stepping onto the bank is extremely lovely.


Spotlight on St.Petersburg

St.Petersburg.The very name brings to mind some of Russia's greatest poets,writers and composers:Pushkin,Dostoevsky,Tchaikovsky.The 19th century was a golden age for St.Petersburg's wealthy classes.It was a world of ballets and balls,of art and literature,of tea and caviar.


The golden age ended with the advent of World War 1.Working people were growing more and more discontented.In 1917,Communism came,promising peace and prosperity.


St.Petersburg had become Petrograd in 1914.People wanted a Russian name for their city.Ten years later,the city's name changed again,this time to Leningrad.Then in 1991,Leningraders voted to restore the city's original name.Some people opposed the name change altogether.Others thought it was just too soon.Old,run-down Soviet Leningrad,they said,was not the St.Petersburg of 19th-century literature.





1、 美丽的大海































二年四班 王鑫阳




海边的风景真好呀 ,在离开时我有些依依不舍了,她的宽广令人心情舒畅,她的博大令人向往。



四年级六班:杨君逸 指导老师:黄群 我的爸爸、妈妈都在广州工作,今年暑假,我去爸爸妈妈那里玩,她们答应带我去海边玩,我听了,高兴得蹦了起来。 在我心中,海是那么神秘,那么波澜壮阔,那么遥不可及。我盼啊盼,这一天终于来到了。经过四个多小时的长途跋涉,我们终于到了海边。

到了海边,我们第一件事就是观看海景,这里的海气势如虹,波光粼粼,海水像调皮的孩子,浪花一个接一个向我们扑来,我能感觉到它好像在说:“来吧,尽情地玩吧!尽情地跳吧!”。 我看见有的人排成一排在跳水,有的人在游泳,有的人在扔沙包……大家玩得格外欢喜。看着他们玩得那么开心,我们抑制不住激动的心情,迫不及待地换上泳装,我和爸爸做前锋,爸爸冲了下去,只见浪花涌来,爸爸被弄得湿漉漉的,我牵着爸爸的手,一步一步小心翼翼地也走了下去,这时妈妈也赶上来了,这下有趣多了,又来一浪,我和爸爸妈妈都被冲回到岸上,我尝到了海水的味道,又苦又涩。我们又一次向浪花发起了“挑战”,我们又跑了下去,只见这一浪比上一浪恐怖多了,那浪一溅千里,从我们头上冲了下来,我和爸爸妈妈都成了落汤鸡„„我们在海里尽情地玩着。




海 边 玩

今天我起的很早,因为今天妈妈单位组织去温州的海边玩。 我们坐了很长时间的汽车到了海边,就吃中饭了,吃的都是新鲜的海鲜。那里的海很大,天很蓝,闻着感觉海边的空气似乎都带有一股海鲜的味道。吃完中饭回宾馆休息了一会儿,尽管太阳很热,可我和丽丽还是穿上了泳衣,租了救生衣,到海里去游泳。海里的人很多,大家都在海里玩水。我在水里游泳,一不小心喝到了一口海水,好咸好咸啊!我和果果在水里打水战、喷水枪,玩的可开心啦。


















I hear many people say that Guilin is a beautiful city,but I didn’t go there before.Happily,I got a chance to visit there last month.It’s a small and quiet city.People are friendly,because it’s a famous tourist city.There are many foreigners travel to Guilin.Li River,Two Rivers and Four Lakes,Elephant Trunk Hill and Peak of Solitary Beauty are the most famous views.I visited them all and I think they are amazing.After enjoying myself in Guilin,I visited to Yangshuo by boat.Along the way to Yangshuo,I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Li River.Yangshuo is a wonderful place,too.The West Street attracts many tourists,especially young people,because there are many bars and clubs there.I didn’t go to the bars because I am a middle school student.Maybe someday in the future,I will.In short,it was really a pleasant trip to Guilin.


I went to Guilin with my family during the summer holidays.We went there by train.We stayed there for five days.We sew beautiful green hills,clean water and some strange caves.We went boating in Lijiang River.We had some delicions food.Guilin rice noodles were very delicions.We all had a great time.I hope to go there again one day.


It was Summer. l came to Guilin by train. As soon as I left the station, a few minutes' bus ride took me to the "Hill of Elephant Trunk". The Hill of Elephant Trunk is very big and really like an elephant drinking water. The city of Guilin is small. Looking up, I saw mountains around and in front of me. All of the houses seemed to be at the foot of the mountains.

The water of the Li River is clear and green. Many ships harbour at the part, which is very near, only a few yerds' away. I went to the seven star park and got on the seven star rock. Inside the cave is a magnificent sight. The thousand-year-old stone olocks, the stone bamboos, with the explanation of Miss Guide. become alive and glisten in color.

Then I came to the "Camel HilI", which is exactly like a camel. I wanted to ride on its back. The wonder of Guilin lies in its natural beauty, without any artificial element. I rowed in the river and enjoyed it greatly. The rain falls and the mountains are enveloped in steam and fog.

Guilin, the small city is unique and like a water color painting, especially a Chinese painting. I want to actualize my potentiality to add to its color.







I am going to Hawaii for vacation .I am going in December ,and I am staying for three weeks.Hawaii is comprised of a chain of 132 islands.We usually think of the eight main islands when we think of Hawaii.This is not surprising as the other 124 islands only total about 3 square miles in land area.

Hawaii is home of the world's most active volcano,the crater of Kilauea on Mauna Loa.Sandy beaches,towering volcanoes,and lush valleys lure thousands of tourists each year to this tropical paradise.

Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state of any state in the union,a mix that includes Caucasians,Americans of Japanese descent,and Polynesians,among others.Native Hawaiians have held on to many of their customs and traditions despite the influx of non-natives over the years.Hawaii is the only state that has an official native language.Statehood had been proposed many times throughout Hawaii's history,but it was not until 1959 that Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States.


Los Angeles,city in southern California,the most populous city in the state and the second most populous city and metropolitan region in the United States,after New York City.Located on the Pacific Ocean near the U.S.border with Mexico,the metropolis is noted for its pleasant climate and scenic setting.It is situated on a hilly coastal plain surrounded by beaches in the west and mountains and deserts in other directions.Referred to casually as “LA,” Los Angeles is one of the major industrial,commercial,and financial centers of the United States.It is known especially for its motion-picture,aeronautics,and aerospace industries.This international,multicultural city is also home to the largest Mexican,Korean,Salvadoran,and Guatemalan populations outside of those countries.Los Angeles has grown at a phenomenal rate since the late 19th century.Since the 1920s it has been the leading city of California as well as the most important metropolis west of the Mississippi River.


Los Angeles,known as LA,locates on the west coast of the states,which is the second largest city in America.West coast is known for the incredible weather year round.Days are longer here in August,and it's pretty warm in the evening,so summer is the best time to visit LA.There are a lot of stuff to see here in LA,for example,Hollywood,Disneyland and China Town as well as Korean town,etc.Basically,LA is one of the few international cities around the world,where you can taste authentic cuisines from many other countries.Southern California is a very relaxing place,people go to beach,museums and games just to escape from a week of hard working.You should definitely come here for your summer vacation.I will be your tour guide for sure.


Dear English teacher,

I went on a trip to Hainan today with my family .We went there by plane. After we got off the plane, we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swim there. There were other people there too. Some people were surfing and some people were diving in the deeper part of the sea. Afterwards we had lunch at a seafood restaurant near the beach. We ate seafood like shrimps and craps, and drank some abalone soup.We all didn't want to go home because the scenery was so beautiful, and there were so many other exciting things to try,but sadly it was time for us to go. It was definitely an exciting trip.If I have a chance to go there again, i will be more than happy to visit the place again.

Best wishes for you!




Tom is a boy of eleven.Last week,it was his first trip in Shanghai.Although he only traveled Shanghai for one day,but he was very happy at all.First,he played in Changfeng Park.

He had photos with dolphins and seals.Then he visited Yu Garden.It is a traditional place.

He bought many small articals.After that,he traveled the most highest building—Oriental Pearl Tower.It is also the most highest building in Asia.

In the tower,he knew a lot of things of Shanghai.Finally,he looked at the magnificent Huang Pu River.

Tom was so excited in Shanghai,he said that he wanted to visit Shanghai again becaust he liked this morden city.


I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor.

On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people.

We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour.

My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time.

The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre.

I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday.


Located at the center of the mainland's coastline, Shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange.

The municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. Shanghai is China's largest economic comprehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city.

The city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. It is also a must on any agenda during a tour of China. Shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system.

More than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. The addition of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million.