2023-12-06 01:26:47


2010年5月8日 星期六










但愿学校(Hope School)英语作文

在现实糊口或工作学习中,大家对作文都再认识不外了吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕统一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣披发甚至无主题。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编精心顿的但愿学校(Hope School)英语作文,欢迎大家分享。

thanks to the hope project r, great changes have taken place in a country school,

this school used to be called lijiazhuang school. most of its pupils left school because their families were too poor to pay for their education. the only unsafe schoolhouse had to be used as classrooms.and all the teachers shared one room. the playground was nothing but an open land.things are different now. all the children who left school have come to continue their studies. in the schoolyard stands a two-storeyed teaching building. there are rooms for music, art and com-puter teaching. the school is well equipped with sports goods.

the project benefits the school a great deal. for this reason, it was renamed hope school.





I have a lot of dreams.I hope I have a candy house.But can not because I ate a lot of sugar,which bore my teeth.I live in the world more than sweet.I hope I have a lot of food,I can help people.They will not starve.I wish I had magic drugs.

The disease can not only its own good.Also make the world a world without the disease.I hope that the animals and plants can be friends with the world.People should not be confused down trees,kill animals,should not be confused.I hope it does not discriminate.I hope that we will have an equitable world.I hope the world is no bad people,there is no smell of gunpowder.I hope that……


Faced with failure,do not give up the effort.Some people will be desperate for failure,dare not do any effort,or even prefer to end their lives because that they do not want to face their own failure.

Failure will bring pain,but it does not mean there is never again the opportunity to start,does not mean the end of life,but the next life of the beginning.We can learn from the failure of experience and lessons,to re-plan and goals,and strive to stand up and move forward,rather than falling the abyss of failure,so that they can not stand up again,see the light.


However hard the situation is,we shouldn't lose our heart,because we have our dreams.Our dreams are always glorious.We also have enthusiasm that will make our dreams come true.But we must have the willingness to work hard,since if we work hard,some miracles will happen.Nothing good will happen without our hard work.

What's more,when we are unhappy,we can think about our dreams,so that we will be more enthusiastic.When we are defeated,we should stand up and say," I'm not a failure." Please remember," Anything is possible to a man who has a strong determination."


Thanks to the Hope Project r,great changes have taken place in a country school,This school used to be called Lijiazhuang School.Most of its pupils left school because their families were too poor to pay for their education.The only unsafe schoolhouse had to be used as classrooms.And all the teachers shared one room.The playground was nothing but an open land.

Things are different now.All the children who left school have come to continue their studies.In the schoolyard stands a two-storeyed teaching building.There are rooms for music,art and computer teaching.The school is well equipped with sports goods.

The Project benefits the school a great deal.For this reason,it was renamed Hope School.


In class,our teacher told us something about Project Hope.She said some children in the country couldn‘t go to school because their parents were too poor to send their children to school.She called on us to help out.

After school I returned home.I wasgreatly moved by this.What should I do for Project Hope? I was wondering about this when I saw the money collection box on the table.Then I decided to send my pocket money,which I had saved for nearly one year,to the children who wanted to go to school.I wrote a letter to them and hurried to the post office.Together with the letter,Iposted the money and sent my best wishes to them.


我有很多梦想。 我梦想自己有一间糖果房子。但不会因为我吃的太多而弄坏我的牙齿。我希望我有很多吃的 ,但是他们不能。所以我能帮助那些没有的人,让他们不再挨饿。我希望我有很多药物。疾病的时候可以自己疗好。这样的话世界以后就没有疾病。

I have many dream . I hope I have a candy house . But the candys can’t make my teeth Because I can eat many candys. Than I live in the sweet world . 我梦想自己有一间糖果房子。但不会因为我吃的.太多而弄坏我的牙齿

I hope I have foods , but they can’t. Than I can help people . They will not hungry . 我希望我有很多吃的 ,但是他们不能。所以我能帮助那些没有的人,让他们不再挨饿。

I hope I have drug . Own sickness can make good . Then there is no sickness in the world .

I hope there is not bad people in the world . 我希望我有很多药物。疾病的时候可以自己疗好。这样的话世界以后就没有疾病。

I hope the animal and plant can be friend with people on this world . And the people can’t confused fell the trees , can’t confused kill the animals .

I hope that there isn’t discrimination everywhere . I hope we will have a nice and equal world.

I hope there ist’t war in the world.

hope the most beautiful word in the world.

everyone has the right to hope.

as for me i hope there is not war in the world in the future and people all over the world live with each other peacefully

i hope there is not any one who suffer from famine and disease

everyone live a healthy life for ever

i hope men love their wife,people love their country,parents love their children, no body quarel with others.

i hope disabled people will recover their health

i hope the men with virtue end up a perfect and happy life

The road to heaven is paved with good hopes

i don't agree with this point.

first,as we all know,the competition among the students become more and more stiff, and usually a family put their all hope on their only child ,and going into a good university is a very important thing to a student even to the family,because it means the child can get a good future.if a student can go to a university without taking any entrance examination, that's too unfair to others.

second ,i very doubt the reason of a celebrate can be admitted to a university without text, why? how can he be different with others? just because he is famouse?why not anyother's student who has great telant can be admitted to a university by free?

that's all.


我有很多梦想。 我梦想自己有一间糖果房子。但不会因为我吃的太多而弄坏我的牙齿。我希望我有很多吃的' ,但是他们不能。所以我能帮助那些没有的人,让他们不再挨饿。我希望我有很多药物。疾病的时候可以自己疗好。这样的话世界以后就没有疾病。

I have many dream . I hope I have a candy house . But the candys can’t make my teeth Because I can eat many candys. Than I live in the sweet world . 我梦想自己有一间糖果房子。但不会因为我吃的太多而弄坏我的牙齿

I hope I have foods , but they can’t. Than I can help people . They will not hungry . 我希望我有很多吃的 ,但是他们不能。所以我能帮助那些没有的人,让他们不再挨饿。

I hope I have drug . Own sickness can make good . Then there is no sickness in the world .

I hope there is not bad people in the world . 我希望我有很多药物。疾病的时候可以自己疗好。这样的话世界以后就没有疾病。

I hope the animal and plant can be friend with people on this world . And the people can’t confused fell the trees , can’t confused kill the animals .

I hope that there isn’t discrimination everywhere . I hope we will have a nice and equal world.

I hope there ist’t war in the world.

hope the most beautiful word in the world.

everyone has the right to hope.

as for me i hope there is not war in the world in the future and people all over the world live with each other peacefully

i hope there is not any one who suffer from famine and disease

everyone live a healthy life for ever

i hope men love their wife,people love their country,parents love their children, no body quarel with others.

i hope disabled people will recover their health

i hope the men with virtue end up a perfect and happy life

The road to heaven is paved with good hopes

i don't agree with this point.

first,as we all know,the competition among the students become more and more stiff, and usually a family put their all hope on their only child ,and going into a good university is a very important thing to a student even to the family,because it means the child can get a good future.if a student can go to a university without taking any entrance examination, that's too unfair to others.

second ,i very doubt the reason of a celebrate can be admitted to a university without text, why? how can he be different with others? just because he is famouse?why not anyother's student who has great telant can be admitted to a university by free?

that's all.








A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.


As his car passed, one child appeared, and a brick smashed into the Jag’s side door. He slammed on the brakes and spun the Jag back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown.


He jumped out of the car, grabbed some kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shouting, “What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?” Building up a head of steam, he went on “That’s a new car and that brick you threw is gonna cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?”

他跳出车外,抓了那个小孩,把他顶在车门上说:“你为什么这样做,你是谁,你知道你刚刚做了什么吗?” 接着又吼道:“你知不知道你要赔多少钱来修理这台新车,你到底为什么要这样做?”

“Please, mister, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do!” pleaded the youngster.” It’s my brother,” he said. “He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.

小孩子求着说:“先生,对不起,我不知道我还能怎么办?” 他接着说:“因为我哥哥从轮椅上掉下来,我没办法把他抬回去。”

Sobbing, the boy asked the executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.”


Moved beyond words, he lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be okay.


“Thank you, sir. And God bless you, ” the grateful child said to him. The man then watched the little boy push his brother to the sidewalk toward their home.

那个小男孩感激地说:“谢谢你,先生,上帝保佑你。” 然后他看着男孩推着他哥哥回去。

It was a long walk backs to his Jaguar… a long, slow walk. He never did repair the side door. He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention.


Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes, when you don’t have the time to listen, it’s your choice: Listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick!


Do you sometimes ignore the loved ones because your life is too fast and busy leaving them to wonder whether you really love them?



thanks to the hope project r, great changes have taken place in a country school。

this school used to be called lijiazhuang school。 most of its pupils left school because their families were too poor to pay for their education。 the only unsafe schoolhouse had to be used as classrooms。and all the teachers shared one room。 the playground was nothing but an open land。things are different now。 all the children who left school have come to continue their studies。 in the schoolyard stands a two-storeyed teaching building。 there are rooms for music, art and com-puter teaching。 the school is well equipped with sports goods。

the project benefits the school a great deal。 for this reason, it was renamed hope school。






The Hope Project is a commonweal undertaking. It aims at helping the children who are out of school in the poor area. What this organization usually do is subsidize the children in the poor place to go to school. Hope Primary Schools are the result of it. I’m very moved for the act of the Hope Project. With its help, more and more people in need can go to school. I hope the helping spirit will last forever, as it is the traditional of China.



However hard the situation is, we shouldn't lose our heart, because we have our dreams. Our dreams are always glorious. We also have enthusiasm that will make our dreams come true. But we must have the willingness to work hard, since if we work hard, some miracles will happen. Nothing good will happen without our hard work.


What's more, when we are unhappy, we can think about our dreams, so that we will be more enthusiastic. When we are defeated, we should stand up and say," I'm not a failure." Please remember, “ Anything is possible to a man who has a strong determination.”



In this fast-paced modern society, life can be sometimes very stressful. One may get overwhelmed by what's going on. There may be a feeling of helplessness and the world's spinning out of control. It's easy to lose hope. However, hope is something can be created with an optimistic state of mind.


Optimism helps to increase hope for several reasons. To begin with, hope is something appears from our inside world. All of us have capacity to generate hope. This capacity is closely related to optimism. Optimism help us overcome fear, supporting us with great courage and confidence to overcome any difficulties. In return, it allows us to hold on to hope. Whatever we do or whatever is done to us, it is always constructive to adopt an optimistic attitude. As the saying goes, smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone. If you let yourself down, no one can pull you out and the situation could only go from bad to worse. But as long as you have an optimistic state of mind, you can have the situation under your control and therefore be more hopeful. Last but not least, God help those who help themselves. We should first be optimistic and hopeful can we help ourselves. And then you can get help from others. Once you get through the bad situation, hope will eventually be increased.
