2024-02-06 04:00:04



Summer vacation, so dad took me home to have a good time.

Back to their hometown, family are very friendly and hospitable, I three elder sister and I said excitedly: "tomorrow, will harvest the rice in the field, you and we go to harvest" I thought to myself, if I have leeches? It can suck blood! I hesitated for a moment and said, "will there be leeches?" "It doesn't matter if there are water shoes. The leeches don't absorb the blood," she said brightly. My heart finally settled in my heart.

The next day, I got up early and waited for the harvest. And armed to the teeth and three elder sister has a one year younger than my sister came to the land, walking in the muddy, narrow road, don't feel is easy to slip into the field, will be bitten by leeches, can say it will come, I walked carefully into a very muddy places, one foot stepped on the ground, swish fell into the fields, I thought to myself, ah! My crow's mouth, 5555555, I can't get up! When the third sister saw that, she hurriedly put me up, the third sister was afraid and said, "be careful to be bitten by the leech!" After a panic, at last, the two girls were reaping the harvest.

Cousin saw some little tadpoles in the water hurriedly catch up, I built a nest with mud, put the small tadpoles in the water into the soil, but all of a sudden water into the mud, and his cousin hurry to hold water and pour into mud, poor little tadpoles in the mud desperately. My cousin and I just throw out small tadpoles of mud to the fields of others, went to the water to catch tadpoles in mud nest, drain water, lost a little tadpoles... It was repeated for hours.

I had a good time and fear this summer!







Is one of the things, I in the home "jobs. Because in this way, moved my clothing to hand, foot iron trading, and secondly, dispense with the iron that I get a monthly allowance of wages, three: break the iron rice bowl sole housework. Although is working, but only with slight housework, light to see, I will do it, so without further ado, I agreed about the work.

The next day, my little boy began to get busy. I am hesitating to do the dishes, or do I have to do the dishes first? Would you like to clean the floor or wipe the table first? I patted the forehead and looked at the smiling mother, whose eyes seemed to say to me: don't you get used to every day? Why not? My mother walked beside me and gave me guidance.

Under my mother's guidance, I first moved the dishes to the cupboard, then cleaned the table, and finally swept up the floor, all of which was so tense. For the first time, I was too busy to finish the housework. I took a deep breath. Oh, I don't know how my mother did it every day. It made me feel so hard for the first time, and I earned a dollar for the first time.


Beginning of summer vacation, I go to wash gargle, rubbing his eyes suddenly found the door with a note: apply for a female, wash bowl 3 yuan, sweep the floor 2 yuan, mop the floor 1 yuan money, wipe the table 1 yuan money, please go to Chen mother that interview. When I had finished, I was a monk. What's the new thing mama's gonna do? No matter, I just took a little piece of paper and went to Chen's interview. Through the interview, I succeeded in not getting the honorary badge of "the holiday girl".

On the first day of work, I carefully brushed the bowl for fear that it would break and break a bowl by breaking a bowl for 2 yuan. The business of losing money is too bad. I won't do it! I wiped the bowl with my hand, and soon, every bowl refreshed! And I managed to get my salary and my mother's praise.

With my first day of experience, I worked harder! See me with a broom on the ground have not hit the sweep, only to be found the mother, her face a change, shouted: "lazy but want to deduct wages, it seems that you really want to buckle ah!" I was surprised, and immediately waved my broom and swept away the dust. My mother saw it, smiled happily and gave me a big salary. I was so happy! Then I grabbed the table, soaked the cloth and sprayed it with detergent, and then began to work meticulously with the brush. I was able to get my salary in order to get rid of all the putty on the table.





I finally got the graduation test. As soon as I got home, I threw the bag and started watching TV with the remote control on the sofa. Mother threw cold water on the side of the room and said what would happen if you watched TV after school. "I can't afford to be able to stand up to my mother's curse," I have just finished the exam and let me relax." I'm talking about this one. Mom doesn't want me to take a break. That's not what she is. I didn't expect my mother to say anything. OK, you can watch TV. Long live!

Before long, dad came back. When I came back from the exam, I was glad to ask, "what, daughter? How was your test?" (every time you ask me this.) I love to ignore the answer: "how come every time is to ask this, don't you only care for the score and don't care about my daughter?" When dad saw I was angry, he hurriedly said, "of course not, I must be caring for my only daughter!" That's pretty much the same. But the beaming dad's smile converges. Serious ask me: "baby, summer vacation you should go to work? To earn some pocket money for you?" I asked, "where is the job?" "Brick factories." What? Let me move the brick factory without the night? I don't do. Dad seemed to see my mind, and said to me, "it's not that you're trying to move the brick all day long. You're only going to move the brick in the morning and you won't have to go in the afternoon." I said to my dad that I should think about it. "And he walked into the room.

I thought: the morning sun is not strong enough to get me tanned. And you can earn some pocket money. If you don't, you can get dad to push my job. That's it. That's it. I walked out of the room and said to the father: "dad, I've made up my mind, I went to, but you have to promise me, when I don't want to work I will have the right to push it away. You promise me first I will promise you. Let's a deal." "OK" I caught dad's thumb with my little thumb, and we made a deal. Well, it's all done. We agreed to start the day after tomorrow.





When I was doing my homework this afternoon, my mother called me and said, "you are grown up now and should do some housework at home." Seeing my mother's face very serious, I had to say yes.

After dinner, my mother said, "well, xianxian, I'm going to start a part-time job." I don't know. Suddenly, I suddenly realized, hastily packed up the dishes to the kitchen. A greasy bowl, I don't want to wash it. But in order to get his pocket money, he had to work hard. I picked up a bowl, turned on the faucet, and went through the faucet, "ok," washing "good" a bowl. The bowl after another, after a short while, wash "finished". "It seems that there is nothing difficult about working." While I was humming a little song, I undid my apron. Then mother came over and looked at my washing bowl and said to me, "you see, are you doing the dishes? There's so much oil in the bowl. Listen to mother's words, I learn just now, I to the bowl to the detergent, wash with dishcloth comings and goings in the last five or six times, use water again, in this way, one after another and I think this time my mother will be satisfied.


I started working. When I arrived at my aunt's house, my four aunt left me and rose. I was thinking about this "job" not hard: what is it, is it not just taking care of rising? Very simple. And then, not long after, bad luck came. At ten o 'clock that morning, I was beaten for the first time. Writing this, you will be surprised. That's all right. The man who hit me was my brother. If you don't satisfy him, he's going to hit people. In order to take care of my younger brother, I took him to the gym or the garden in a few days, so that I and my brother spent the rest of July in peace.

But in August, the trouble came again and again. At noon that day, I was sleeping, rising up and playing in my bed. After a while, I felt something was wrong, sitting up and looking, it turned out that he had left the shit in bed, and I had a lot of it on my hands. I couldn't help but sit up and wipe his ass clean, and the bed was clean, especially the bed, which took me half a day to know what was called hard work. Unexpectedly, the next day, he pulled the shit to the ground. There's no way I can clean it again. But on the third day he pulled to the ground again, and I was angry, staring at him, and loudly criticizing him. But he was not afraid of me, and picked up his little sword and stabbed at me


this summer vacation i got a part-time job in a snack bar. at the beginning, i couldn't do well at all often made mistakes. i was very low-spirited,father mother encouraged me a lot. so i began to try my best. gradually, i could do a very good job. i felt very excited when i received my pay for the first time. i already made up my mind to find another part-time job in this winter vacation. i believe i can do better next time.


The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation ( June, July, and August).

Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities during the summer , and ask friends and relatives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.

Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it.

Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.



Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs?

Summer holiday is coming. Many students plan to have part-time jobs. But some parents disagree. They think it wastes the students’ time and it isn’t safe as well.

In my opinion, teenagers should be allowed to do some part-time jobs. Firstly, they can experience different lives and get more knowledge outside school. Meanwhile, after learning about the difficulty of making a living, they will cherish what they have now. What’s more, teenagers should have chances to make decisions by themselves.

Of course, safety is the most important. Teenagers should learn to protect themselves when doing part-time jobs.



The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation .

Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually

solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.

Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it.

Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.









During the summer vacation, some students will travel with their loved ones to travel, feel the beautiful scenery of nature; some students will follow their parents back home to enjoy their affection; some students may be at home in the house or library, in a quiet environment to taste knowledge nectar Of pure incense ... ... and I, this summer vacation thoroughly done a master of life.

My family is a foreigner, Mom and Dad is selling snacks, from morning to night, working hard day and night, very hard. So, a summer vacation, I went to my parents stalls when the brokers, to help do something within their power. The first day of the summer, the day is not bright, I went to the booth early to help. At this time the father and mother have been out of the stalls, eat a lot, they are busy to death, I quickly received a bowl.

Just to help when the time, do not know when to accept the bowl, until my father and mother call me, I only to close, and now more skilled. As long as there is empty bowl, I quickly to close. Busy gap, see the mom and dad sweat down the cheeks down. Wet through the clothes, I will not speed up the pace. Want to help reduce their burden by helping.

Time spent in the busy, until the last meal so that guests eat after, we are ready to close the whole family. I wiped the face of the sweat, straight sore throat, inadvertently looked up, the stars have been sky This summer, I am both in the labor of happiness, but also to experience the fun of life, but also taste the life of the big class of ups and downs.


The long tutorial class wasted half of my summer vacation, and in the rest of the time, I won the race and wanted to find what I thought was happy in the game. Unfortunately, I did not find it. "Go, let 's go to work.

A friend's words woke me, with a curious heart, I and three friends to report the name, the results can be imagined, we were admitted, he let us the next day to send leaflets.

The next day finally arrived, we line of four sacred and solemn departure, came to the designated location, we got on the car, arrived at the destination, the leaflet work began, we recharge your batteries, ready to go.

Finally started, we began to go door to door hair, looking around, where the dog really a lot, big, small, black, white, varied, to see this scene, we can not help but swallow a spittle, but The flyer must have finished, we can only bite the bullet and go straight ahead.

In the twinkling of an eye, we went to a house, saw the door locked, was about to leave, but heard "hum" these strange voice, looking back, can not help but laugh, everyone put the dog in front of Home nursing homes, but this family has the pig at the door, but why? In this way, laughter has been with us forward,

In the afternoon, we rallied, to move forward, after the rain that the road is really bad to go, we can only jump forward, but still can not avoid accidents, it is not a friend because the foot is too slippery and fall Down, but he immediately chic stand up, but his face a little more muddy water, see his awkward phase, we could not help but laugh.

The long day finally passed, the sunset dyed the sky into red, pulled our shadow very long, we took the memory and happiness here, leaving only those who symbolize the happy leaflets.


Summer, the teacher let us hold a charge of their own strength, to the social gold rush social practice, let us go out to work, and also earn more than 20 yuan.

July 11, I will work in the store at home, to help her mother fight to start, each time to the guests, watching the mother patiently introduced to the customer goods, and then need to take anything, I go back to help take, the beginning Do not know how to find things, because things a lot, every time to find something to waste a long time, and then we want to help mother to find.

In the absence of the guests, my mother told me the type of each product, each type probably put there, and then go to find a lot easier friends. In the guests more time, once to find some things, because know the approximate location, it is easy to find more. To the time to eat at noon, because the station pull a morning, the legs began to pull up. It will be a lot of activities for a while friends.

After lunch, the afternoon began, and then the guests, the mother also let me give me a person to say, become a pull mother to help me start, but to help customers really is not a simple task. Because do not know the price, we must first remember the price, and then how much money can buy how much money can not buy, when the guests counter-offer, but also learn how to say.

One day so passed, my mother gave me 20 yuan, but that 20 yuan to now I am not willing to spend.

through this activity. I understand that the hard work of their parents, their usual so much money, really is not, every penny is the parents of hard-earned money, I made up my mind, no longer spend money in the future friends. Usually have to help parents do more things.









My experience in working is not too long, but it is a bumpy experience.

A weight of less than ninety of the furniture I chose this profession, I have often been thin people bullying and indifference, and no longer call these I don't care, naive I thought that as long as the sincerity to pay, will service our weaknesses will be accepted, which in the eyes of others like it never happened.

My job is to give the furniture edge, every day I carefully to each board edge, to the class two, 2 to 3 meters and the bed, wardrobe, bookcase, small drawers for ten cm. In the face of the big 2, 3 meters long. I always try to make up for their own strength, so let the boss see have been shot, the boss asked not to put on the table, from the Paizi underground picking up, this alone is me, even physical good people also fear is it is very difficult, someone said, that time I luckily escaped unharmed.

And once we took the bull to feed the real pull the material, because of my physical strength can not suddenly fell away, again by the boss, then how this did not have the strength to hate myself. When the machine was bad, I had to blow my temper. I had a face when I didn't throw the board, and I had to bear it. Who called us a part-time job. Who's patience is limited, the boss see I placed the board edge on the table, and said angrily: I couldn't remember, to another factory made you open it, I always couldn't, I'll give you the boss fight.

Although I have been laid off, the heart is always a bit awkward, but I am also free at the same time, there is a loss. Some things can be held and put down.

Here I call on the brothers and sisters of the whole society, and people who have the same experience with me, and sometimes life should be simplified. You can pick it up, and you can put it down. Let the migrant workers live with dignity!


In the last few days, I always wanted to try a part-time job. I stood behind my mother and scared the mother into a big jump. I said, "Mom, I'm going to work for you. The salary is one yuan an hour, fifteen minutes and five corners." The mother was stunned for a moment and said: "okay! Make a summer work!" I grabbed the knife water mother, help my mother cut the watermelon, after eating, help my mother dragged to. She paid one yuan and said, "I pay the afternoon pay, and do it well!" I joked, "yes, sir." Mother said, "wash your hands!" after I washed my hands, I did my homework.

Afternoon, the whole family after dinner, I take the initiative to put away the dishes, wash. Mother said, "work positive, reward - one corner!" I almost didn't faint...

I think that a part-time job can help my mother to do physical exercise, housework, can also earn pocket money! It is but Dad, shooting two birds with one stone! I strongly opposed, pocket money only 6 yuan suspended, I don't understand, I earn money and not use it, I just want to have their own money. If you forget to take whatever necessities are in school, you can buy it. I can't think of what my father is.



Some peolpe think there are more advantages for colleges students to take part-time jobs than disadvantagesothers don't think so.What's your view on this?And tell why.

A serious problem has arisen in recent several years that more and more college students abandon study because of their taking part-time jobsso quite a few people are opposed to part-time jobs.Howevertaking part-time jobs has at least three benefits for college studens in my eyes.

Firststudents can promote their study through part-time jobs.For instanceIf a law student finds a part-time job in a law firmhis practice will enable him to better understand what he's learned from books.What's morethe part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what he's been taught in classand he'll learn something that doesn't exist in books but in practice.

Secondstudents can also accumulate work experiences through part-time jobswhich will benefit their future job-hunting.Actuallypart-time jobs act as warm-up exercises for students to take full-time jobs after they graduateand help them prepare for their future careers.In additionas fresh blood in the societygraduated students are often unfavored in job-hunting markets for lack of practical work experiences.It's easier to find jobs for those who have accumulated experiences in part-time jobs.

Last but not the leastpart-time jobs can partly relieve students' financial burdenespecially those who are from poor families.College tution fees have greatly increased in the past ten years due to the new educational policy.Many students from poor families cannot afford college feesand our bank system fail to loan college students as effectively as it does in developed countriesso taking part-time jobs becomes a way for them to meet their great expenses in campus lives.

It's an undenied fact that students break the balance between their jobs and studiesespecially when they fall into conflict with each other.But I think students should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs.Only following this principle can they benefit from their part-time jobs.








Most college students tend to do a part-time job because they want to make their college life colorful and interesting.


Doing a part-time job brings them so many benefits. For one thing college students can earn pocket money by doing part-time jobs so that they needn't ask money from their parents any more. For another the part-time jobs can help them get more working experience.


Nowadays the working experience is an important thing in job hunting for most companies prefer to hire someone who is experienced. What's more through the part-time jobs they can make more friends and know the society better.


Nevertheless it's not absolutely right for college students to do the part-time jobs. Since most of them are always busy with their part-time jobs at night so that they may not have a good rest. Therefore they can't listen to the teachers carefully and fall asleep in class. I don't think it's wise for them to do so. As college students study is their major task. If their part-time jobs have a bad effect on their study they had better give them up and pay more attention to their study instead.

然而,大学生做兼职也不是绝对正确的。因为大部分人总是在晚上忙于自己的兼职工作,这样他们就可能休息不好。所以,他们无法认真听课而且还会在课堂上睡 觉。我不认为他们这样做是对的。作为大学生,学习是他们的主要任务。如果兼职工作对学习影响不好,他们最好放弃,把更多的注意力放在学习上。


Should Be Encouraged to Take Part-time Jobs

More and more college students are taking part-time jobs. Some people argue that part-time jobs take up too much time that students have no time to focus on their studies whereas others think that doing part-time jobs should be encouraged in that students can get rich experience from the jobs. As far as I concern I think we should encourage students to do part-time jobs for the following reasons.


First of all part-time job experience provides the opportunities for students to know about what jobs are really like and enhance their personal abilities. What’s more such experience can help them be prepared psychologically for their future jobs. Second the part-time jobs can enrich students’ daily life activities and help them to make more friends. If one has friends from different fields these friends will help him with his personal development in the future. Third taking part-time jobs can reduce the financial pressure. Many college students still ask their parents for money. This can be a heavy burden to some families. But if the students can do some part-time jobs and make money on their own the family pressure can be relieved to some extent. Last but not least part-time jobs can help students to find out their strengths and shortcomings. When they overcome the difficulties they will become more confidence.


To sum up doing part-time jobs has more advantages than disadvantages. The students can not live in the ivory tower forever. They will meet the challenges from this cruel world sooner or later. And doing part-time job is the first step to walk in this society.



Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually

solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.

Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it.

Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.






