2024-03-22 03:50:35



We live earth is deteriorating rapidly, did we have to pay attention to their own living environment cause harm to nature, you must not throw sundry, especially those serious pollution of garbage, waste batteries, for example, because the section waste batteries contain heavy metals, if flow to clean the water, it is very much pollution, then try to save trees made items such as paper, pencils, because waste these things is the destruction of the forest. Try to minimize the use of disposable containers, chopsticks and plastic bags to avoid unnecessary waste and waste reduction.

There are some tips: walking to closing the master switch, in order to avoid electrical appliances overheating explosion, a waste of money and waste of electricity, save water, to shut the tap when brushing your teeth, wash dish water to rice, rice water to water the flowers, wash water can sweep the floor, so we can reduce some waste. 12 don't hunt wild animals, animal protection is absolutely can't kill, but don't kill the common animals such as frogs, because frogs eat 15000 bugs for us, and most are pests. Some people often don't think that it is, and still do it, so we should try to eat less wild animals, so that their sales of wild animals will decrease, and they will not kill wild animals.

Our forests are known as oxygen processing plants, so be sure to love flowers and plants, not destroy the city's greening, and actively participate. And cut down the trees, don't waste wood, because wasting these things would destroy the forest, so use less, to protect less and less of the forest.

Instead of a regular light bulb, use a energy-saving light bulb, though some are expensive but can be relatively small. I appeal to everyone: to protect the earth's environment with our daily actions, and to live in a beautiful environment for our children and grandchildren!


Family environment is very important, what are the family environmental protection tips in daily life? Now I want to introduce you to a few tips on family environment. I hope I can help you.

Please make out the cabinet for the chemical preparation

Reason: many people in the cupboard full of harmful products without knowledge. Bug brake, detergent, polish... Both are chemicals labeled "toxic", "dangerous", "warning" or "note". The liquid that oozes out of these jars is volatilizing in the kitchen, dispersing in the air, which is a great harm to the health of the children of the family.

Method: remove the warning sign from the cabinet and put it in a special sealing box and replace it with a product with green logo.

Benefit: make the bedroom safer, keep the child away from the pollution.

2. Environmental enzyme. Use a brown sugar + 3 portions of fruit peel + 10 portions of water

After three months of fermentation, it is made into an environmental enzyme, which can be used to clean and remove oil stains: kitchen utensils, sanitary ware, insect repellent, floor and furniture. To wash bath liquid, to dandruff without hair loss; Shower, laundry, free from the cleanser; Wash dishes to keep fresh and decompose pesticides, water flowers, and break down the dirt.

3. The washing machine USES a strong file rather than the weak one, and can extend the life of the washing machine. When you don't use a computer for a short period of time, you can use the computer's "sleep" mode to reduce energy consumption to less than 50 percent. Keep food in the refrigerator not too full, making up 80 percent of the volume. Turn off the air conditioning in advance, and save 5 degrees per year to reduce carbon dioxide emission. 8 kg.

4. When the clothes are stained with an atomic pen, don't rush into the water. Wash the stained part with the gasoline first. The clothes touch the lipstick, can use bubble type mineral water or the soda water that mix wine USES, pour on clean cloth to patted the place that has mark, very effective! Stick to the chewing gum, you can use cotton with vinegar, you can remove the gum gently.


How to protect the environment

The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. must solve this problem must start from foundation. first, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. causes the city's appearance to be neater. for earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. to this us proposes as follows suggests: implementation trash classification packed in bags. like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources.



Our planet earth has been badly damaged. The most immediate consequence is that environmental degradation affects human life and health. For example, the pollution of urban air, the pollution of water. In the face of environmental pollution, we should act immediately, from now on, from small to small, to protect our homeland to contribute to our meager strength.

We have the right to drink clean water, have the right to eat uncontaminated food, have the right to breathe fresh air, and have the right to live in unpolluted places... We should limit the number of cars and cut down on deforestation. We should save a drop of water, a piece of paper, a grain of rice, a once-electric consciousness, and a variety of trees, don't throw rubbish... Don't make money at the expense of future generations, or make money at the expense of the environment. No matter how rich you are, you can't buy a second earth. If everyone can save a drop of water, a piece of paper, a grain of rice, kilowatt-hour, can save a lot of resources, so there will be many people use water, electricity and paper, food to eat, also can let the life not rich people become rich, this will greatly improve the life of people.

I hope all the people can get rid of these bad habits, and form a good habit of thrift, saving a drop of water, a piece of paper, a grain of rice, and a one-time electricity. The future earth will be a beautiful home with green trees, fresh air and clear water.


Long ago, our earth was a beautiful and large home, where the trees were luxuriant, flowers were in full bloom, the air was moist, and all kinds of birds sang happily. Killing of animals, but human beings, careless working casually trees, land reclamation, endlessly rivers dry, forest into the desert, the blue ocean was originally a fish heaven and earth, the world has become garbage bags. The earth's ozone layer is seriously damaged, causing a lot of ultraviolet radiation to make people's skin tanned. Drought and wind and sand threaten many areas in the north.

There is only one earth for mankind, and only by protecting the ecological environment can we have a happy development prospect for the benefit of future generations. Let's start from now, protect the environment, protect our planet.

Now, I'm going to give you a few small ideas about how to protect your environment: first, write down the two sides of the book, and then you can practice writing and drawing. The water can then be used to wash dishes, mop the floor and flush the toilet. Finally, walk more and ride less.

As long as we all act, mother earth will become more beautiful.






关于保护环境的英语作文 Protecting the Environment

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.





Often see on television newspaper about the white pollution, also often listen to grandma and grandpa said: people used to carry the popurality to buy vegetables, today, people empty into the market, proposed is a plastic bag. Is this a change of The Times? It is true that social development brings convenience to our lives, but what lies behind this convenience?

I checked with my mother online, according to the investigation, the plastic bags are not rotten for thousands of years, floating to the forest lake is all pollution, the harm to nature is very big. There is only one way to get rid of plastic bags. But when the fire burns for hours, the pungent smell is suffocating, and the atmosphere forms a kind of pollution. White trash is increasing year by year, covering countless forest grasslands, and one day it may cover the whole earth.

I was shocked by the passage. I decided to immediately implement environmental action to reduce white pollution at home. I think of my grandma's good work, buying food every day is a basket, and I asked my grandmother to take a basket for my mother to bring the food. The mother looked at it and said, "it's inconvenient to carry this food. Can you wash the used plastic bags and reuse them? Or I can use a bag that is convenient for you to carry." As soon as I listen, I can help my mother clean and tidy the used plastic bags so that they can be reused.

We all desire the blue sky, the fresh air, the sweet water... How I wish everyone can start from the small things, start from themselves, protect our homeland with the heart, let our earth always have blue sky, green water!


Human beings have only one earth. It is the natural resource on which human beings live. To live a happy and beautiful life, we must protect the natural environment and cherish the earth.

However, in recent years, the earth's environment is more and more bad: global warming, hurricane, heavy rain, such as frequent disastrous weather, infectious diseases such as SARS, bird flu, bring serious threat to human life and work and a lot of inconvenience. These are the results of people constantly "hurting" the earth. Large tracts of forest are cut down, green hills are dug, beautiful grassland is desert, clear water is turbidity current. Trees less, castle peak bald, grassland drought, water dark and make people living environment deteriorate, breathe the air, living environment "occupied" by many harmful things, the virus will take into the body of people, we human beings will suffer from some terrible diseases.

A few days ago, I read in a newspaper that a man was sitting on a tree branch and was cutting the branch he was sitting on. "Well, that's funny. Some people might think so. Don't you think, is this just a funny cartoon? Isn't it ironic? You have no sense, it warns us: human beings are destroying the environment and unknowingly harming themselves.

When you walk down the street, if you want to spit, what would you do? If you choose to spit on the ground, do you think you're hurting yourself? One mouthful of phlegm contains a lot of germs, and when the sun is in, it will breed and infect. Also, when you cut down a tree, when you dig a blade of grass, when you pour the dirt into the river, don't you think it's damaging the environment, "hurting" itself?

The old saying is good: "forefathers planted trees, descendants to enjoy the cool", predecessors gave us large tracts of forest, green space, what are we left for future generations? It is a barren desert, or a thick forest, and you must choose a thick forest. Then there is some hesitation, let us all together consciously protect the environment, consciously protect the environment, consciously green environment, improve our living environment, create a beautiful future!


A shooting star across the sky broke the peace of the sky. I've heard from my grandmother that a wish will come true just before the shooting star disappears. So, I made a wish, and you think what I wish?

Standing by the river, seeing the malevolent struggle, hearing the moan, smelling the smell. I think: water pollution is so serious now, how can I improve it? Actually the problem ultimately depends on the consciousness of people, as long as people consciously point, don't litter, factory emissions of sewage treatment, etc., that will improve our rivers pollution how much ah, our home will hold up a piece of blue sky.

Looking at the dead grass, I stepped softly on it, looking up at the blue sky, trying to see what the sky looked like, but I couldn't see it vaguely. It was the black smoke. Recently, as a result of the development of social productivity, factories have successively built up and discharged harmful substances - black smoke. Black smoke not only pollutes the environment, but also harms people's physical and mental health. If the black smoke of the factory can be purified, the quality of the air will be improved, and how much less harm will be done to people's physical and mental health.

The old forest tree was the first, and the first of the trees was the yellow sand of the forest. Yes, the forest now is not green anymore, but yellow. Recently, people have been cutting down trees to meet the demands of the economy. Huangsha not only pollutes the environment, but also affects people's life, and even worse, it also brings economic losses and affects people's physical and mental health. There are so many crimes in huangsha, why do people release it? Aren't people stupid? If people could have more trees and cut down trees, wouldn't it be possible to stop the crime of yellow sand? Our environment, life will be greatly improved.



To protect the environment, from you and me, we should do our little bit to think of some golden ideas for the environment. My idea for gold is to invent reusable, highly intelligent machines. The main function of this machine is to make waste objects other valuable things. For example, put a few clothes into the machine, the machine on the screen shows what a few piece of fabric to make this new items, you can choose a small wallet, handkerchiefs, etc., as long as the point once, after a few seconds, can produce new items. Machines can repair appliances; You can make clothes; Can recycle waste batteries; You can turn a used laptop into a new laptop, and store filtered clean ink for a long time to take out the ink and reuse it. You can even make an eraser... In this way, waste products have value, so they don't have to be thrown away, so they won't pollute the environment and waste resources. This high intelligent machine also has a feature that can make wind and rain lightning as energy, support machine operation, not waste limited resources. If this high intelligent machine is successful, it will save a lot of resources to protect the environment.

However, before the success of high intelligent machines, we should make use of all available resources to understand the principle of "limited resources and infinite circulation". Using the finished notebook, you can select some pages that are not full and reorder them together to form a straw paper. Cartons, scrap iron and plastic bottles will be collected and sold to recycling stations. Mother make clothes left cloth don't throw away, can be collected it, to make their own dolls clothes or give yourself a small wallet, really can't do something of cloth, can cut it into small squares, made into cloth. Also, used disposable chopsticks, or the foam in the box, slightly altered, became the toy of the younger brother and sister... Everything that was once seen as trash can be turned into a treasure as long as we pay attention.

Let's turn our brains and come up with green ideas for environmental protection. Environmental protection, starting from me, starting from you, from all of us!


Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals.

mental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.There are still many problems of enviromental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air,water and soil. The polluted air does great harm to people's health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What's more, vegetation has been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment,governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, government are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion , to protect environment, the goernment must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people mean more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionalli should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.


Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.

With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Because of population expansion and overdevelopment, resources has become less and less. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.



Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.



In the last several decades, our earth has been extremely polluted, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and so on. In recent years, the extreme weather becomes more and more frequent. Winter gets colder and summer becomes hotter and it rains more frequently. All of these warn us that protecting the environment is a serious and emergent event. As our general people, we should build proper lifestyle. We should pay attention to water and light saving. When we go out, we should firstly choose the public transportation. The most important is that we must realize that we can do a lot of things to protect our environment. It's our duty to make our home better. Let’s change from ourselves.


Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on. Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment.Though the environment doesn't have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action. In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods. As a result, the Huangtu plateau which was once covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants. Another example was in several developed countries. Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in. What horrible scene!What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once suffered. If we don't take action to show respect to the environment.

Measures should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying. First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well. Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment. Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems.

Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves.