2024-02-11 02:46:28


New semester is coming soon, and I will be a six grade student. I am so excited about the last year of the primary school, so I have made up my mind. I must study hard and improve my English level. I realize master the International language will be useful for me, so I must study it well. I think I can make it.


No matter how old he is, his real life journey begins the day he had a goal. A mans life has no purpose, so his days are in circles, and he is always wandering, unable to reach his destination. Goals have a big effect on success, just like air is to life.So success starts with setting goals.Each of us needs to set goals.


Everyone need to have his or her own goal.

The goal must be rational and In line with our ability. Be sure that the object of yours desire is something worthy, something you can obtain.

With the goal set, the problem became how to achieve that goal. First, we must to believe ourselves. Because confidence is very impotant to us. The second one is a little hard to someone unconscious.

That is hard-working. High IQ can creat a genius, and graveness can create a talent. And the last one, also is the most important one. We need unremitting. We must hang in whenever we come across difficulties and never give up.

If you're doing all of the above, I suppose you will attain your goal.







I remember once upon a time, when I was running 800meters, I felt there seemed to be the impossible mission for me, I wanted to give up, then my teacher told me that I should not think about the 800meters, I should set up 100meters for myself, then I wouldn’t be so tired. I did as he told me, indeed, every time when I finished the small goal, I was happy, in the end, I finished the running. I learn the lesson that we need to set up the best goal, it means we can make the small goals, which are so easy for us to realize. Then every time we finish the small goal, we will close to our final destination.


I will be a middle school student soon. when I look back on my pass days, I find myself don’t make a difference, I play most of the time and don’t focus on my study. Now I make up my mind. In the future days, I must study with all my heart and learn as more as possible. So that I can store something for the future.






Why is goal-setting important? Because goals can help you do and experience every meaningful thing you hope for in life. Instead of letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.

Successful people have visions of what their life should be and they set lots of goals, both sbort-term and long-range, to help them realize the visions. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. It is like having a map to show where you want to go. A driver with an aim arrives at the destination without any waste of time or wrong turns. On the contrary, a driver with no aim drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere and just using up gas and oil. Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. They decide what they want and then get there by making plans and setting goals. Goals are not difficult to set and they are not difficult to reach. It is up to you to find out what your goals, ideals and visions really are. With a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want.

Without a goal, you have to live a passive life. You do not know where to go, what you want and why you are listless. Then your life be comes dull and meaningless just like the dead water in a muddy lake.


"Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass." This philosophical wisdom by John Ruskin, one of the greatest British writers, tells us that goal setting is extremely important in life.

Why is goal setting so important? The main importance of goal setting is that it provides us with direction and purpose. When we have goals, we know what we want to achieve so that we can focus our minds on a single worthwhile target and avoid getting distracted easily. Personal goal setting also provides us with motivation to achieve what we want to achieve.

Goal setting is of especial significance for today's students. A study reveals that when students set goals, they learn the importance of taking responsibility, of minimizing excuses and of helping others. Goal setting is a lifelong skill that first helps students succeed in school and then later in life.


When I was in primary school, the teacher asked us a question of what did you want to be in the future. At first, I had no idea, but all I could think about was my teacher’s back and her hands writing words on the blackboard. At that time, I realized that I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to shared my knowledge with my students. So I made up my mind that I must study hard and fight for my goal. Now as I go to high school, I feel so close to my dream. I want to study in a Normal University, which is the best way to realize my dream. So I need to do better than others, because so many students are competing for such university. I believe that my insistence will help me make it.