2024-05-21 07:43:51


My father is very tall, short hair, thin face, black eyebrows, small eyes, but very God, high nose, thick lips. Father is to do the wine business, every day now, but my father loved me, have time to play with me, my father has a lot of advantages, father is my chauffeur, accompanied me to school every day. Dad never beat me, and bought me a lot of good food.

This is my father, "I love my father."


My father is thirty-five years old. He is an attractive middle-age. He is an engineer, working in a big factory of my city.

His working time is regular, going to office at eight o’clock and coming home at six o’clock. He works hard and becomes an important person in his factory. At weekends, he does not go to work, so that he usually stays at home or take my mother and I go out.

In my opinion, my father is a great person. He brings happiness to my family.


My fathr’s nam is Wang Yaohan. H has an nglish nam, Jack. H is thirty-ight yars old. My fathr is a workr. H works in a factory. H has two big ys and two big ars. H has short hair. My fathr is vry thin. H is only fifty kilograms. H liks larning nglish vry much. H larns nglish vryday. My fathr liks watching TV. His favorit tlvision channl is CCTV-10, bcaus h can larn a lot nglish from th program Outlook nglish at that channl.

nglish is my fathr’s good frind. I am my fathr’s frind, too.


Teacher Davidson is my fifth grade English teacher. He appeared to be very strong, walking like a soldier in training, standing upright, his hands close together, and his shoulders relaxed. His head is light, like a big light bulb. His face is a very complete oval, with a prominent face and a beard just exposed under his nose, but no beard under his mouth.

I like Mr. Davidson very much. I think he is very cool, very serious, and very funny.

Teacher Davidson is very different from other teachers. He tried to apply for the British Air Force when he was in his twenties, but failed after two attempts. But his hobby of flying airplanes has not disappeared. He sometimes tells us his stories about flying airplanes in English class. When he first told us, the whole class admired him. Mr. Davidson also rode a motorcycle around Europe. Every time we showed him pictures of European cities, he knew where they were. I am so envious.

On this day, students in fifth grade were fighting. I heard Teacher Davidson say angrily: "Come in!" The four of them walked in slowly. Teacher Davidson gave the four children a lesson, canceled their two-week break time, and gave them a self-reflection form to take home for their parents to sign, let them recognize their mistakes, and finally go to the principal’s office to apologize. I think Mr. Davidson is very wise to do this. They will not make the same mistake easily in the future.

Many people like Mr. Davidson, he makes everyone laugh from time to time. Once, in order for us to understand simple machines, he and other teachers made a machine with many simple machines. They used toy bows and arrows to move the big ball, and then the big ball hit the small ball. The small ball slid down from the tube and hit the domino. The domino knocked down a basin of water and hit Mr. Davidson on the head to make him "get up." . This design makes us laugh. On another occasion, the whole class performed very well. Mr. Davidson was very happy and rewarded the whole class with a ten-minute break. We were very happy.

I admire Mr. Davidson very much, he makes me want to be a teacher. If all the teachers in the world were like him, how nice it would be!


My English teacher has a beautiful appearance. She has a pointed chin, wears a dark red round glasses, two rings on her ears, and often wears a dark blue silk dress.

She looked like a tigress when she became fierce. It's just that she has never scolded her classmates like a class A English teacher. Once I finished eating at noon and it was not time to go to the playground, so I ran to the playground with two good friends without authorization. Halfway through the game, there was a "Hedong Lion Roar" from the playground: "You guys, come back to me!" We turned our heads to see that the English teacher was staring at us with his hips akimbo and frowning. We had to walk to the teacher obediently. The teacher stared at us with her hips akimbo, without blinking her eyes: "You three, go upstairs and write a 300-word review book later, and then review it in front of the class!" She just sternly screamed. After the announcement, I felt that the whole world was quiet-everyone on the playground was watching the three of us intently. We lowered our heads and shook our hands and feet that were nowhere to be found. There was only one capitalized feeling-embarrassment!

We like the way our English teacher is not fierce. Once, the teacher saw N as V during class, and we shouted in unison: "Teacher, isn't this N?" The teacher said with surprise, "No, this is V!" The stunned teacher, we firmly demanded: "Teacher, take a look again." The teacher looked back at the blackboard, blushing and squeezing out a smile: "Oh, yes, I read it wrong." Suddenly, there was one. The naughty egg deliberately joked: "Teacher, how short-sighted are you?" The teacher was rarely amused. She grinned and showed white teeth, her eyes were black and shiny, and there was no wrinkle on her face. At this moment, I discovered that the teacher is so pretty!

Alas, teacher, I hope you don’t just bloom your smile in the office, but leave us with a lot of smiles. Seriously, as long as you smile, we are happy.


You are the spring breeze, rippling my heart...

When I first saw you, in my eyes, you were just an ordinary English teacher; but then, unconsciously, I fell in love with English because of you.

In the next semester of the first year of junior high, I had a period of time no matter how hard I tried to control myself, but I couldn't enter the book, so when I took the exam, I couldn't read many questions, so I filled in randomly. After I handed in the test papers, others were discussing topics enthusiastically, but I was sitting in my seat alone, as if I was in another world.

Sure enough, the next morning, the English class representative asked me to go to the office to find you, and I walked slowly to the office step by step. The classroom is only a few meters away from the office, but it makes me feel like a "Long March".

I opened the door gently, called "Report", and walked in slowly. At that time, you were sitting on an office chair, quickly correcting your homework. I walked over quietly, you glanced sideways, and when you saw me, you put down the pen in your hand and took out a test paper.

"Hey, what happened to you this time? Didn't you understand during class? Didn't come to ask me why after class?" You flipped through the test paper and pointed to the place where a big red circle was drawn in the test paper. "Look, Isn't this usage only recently? And your reading is not very good!" The more I listened, the more I realized that I was wrong. Before I knew it, my eyes began to blur. But you said: "What's the use of crying? Go ahead and correct this test paper, and I will read it later!" I was about to leave after listening, but you encouraged me: "Come on! I know you are great. !" I took the test paper and walked to the classroom, tears shining brightly, and suddenly I felt that you were the spring breeze that warmed my heart...

Although you are not our class teacher, you are like our class teacher in the final exams of the first year, managing the class style, habits and the lives of the students in our class.

A few days ago, the English class representative asked me to find you again. I was thinking hard on the road, but I couldn't figure out what I did wrong again. I didn't commit a crime, and I did a good job at home! I opened the door of the office anxiously, but this time I was more calm than the previous one. I approached you. You take out my "Study Sea Storm", point to an English sentence I wrote on the cover with a smile: "Look at these two words, what has happened, it should be in the present perfect tense, so this word should be Add'ing'." Before the teacher finished speaking, my face was flushed. I just wrote down a good sentence. I didn't expect to be seen by you and pointed out my mistake. You smiled and said, "Go back and change it!"

In my eyes, you are not only our teacher, but more like the spring breeze, the warm spring breeze.


Mr. Lee is my English teacher, and is thirty. He likes sports very much, so he looks strong and young. He is fond of singing too. When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs. Sometimes he tells us some funny stories. He often encourages us to speak and write in English. Although we may make mistakes now and then, he always corrects them patiently and tells us how to write properly. He is really a good teacher. We all love him and his class.


After studying every night, I found my room was in a mess, especially desks and bookcases. So today, I asked my mother how to clean up the room. My mother was very happy and said to me, "our baby has grown up!" First, pick up the items according to the categories, then separate the commonly used ones and the less commonly used ones. My mother saw that I didn't understand it very well, and went on, "well, let's clean up together today, OK?" "I am happy to clap my hands and say," OK, good! "

My mother put my textbook and my exercise book together. The skipping rope, shuttlecock and racket on the other side of the exercise were on the other side. I nodded, and then, under the guidance of my mother, I put the materials of extracurricular reading and painting in two cases respectively. These two were not often used, so they should be placed at the bottom of the desk. I asked my mother, "is this the way to do it?" "It's good to do it," mama said with a smile.

After our efforts, the room became neat again. I looked at such a clean room, my heart was filled with beauty.










第一天,熊老师刚走进教室,闹哄哄的教室立刻安静了下来,大家都目不转睛地望向这位新的英语老师。刚开始,熊老师的声音很小,几乎第一排的同学都听不见,好在熊老师有扩音器。看来熊老师还 有点“胆小”。

熊老师对我们的要求很高,要我们每个人听得懂、读得来,考试要考好。另外,熊老师还在班上分了小组,让每个小组比赛,来培养兴趣。结果,大家通过比赛都提高了成绩,有了学习英语的兴趣,看 来熊老师真有办法,我们慢慢喜欢熊老师了。













My life is colourful.I get up at half past six.I wash my face ,brush my teeth .I have breakfast at seven .I usually have bread,milk , noodles for breakfast.I go to school at a quarter past seven .I go to school on foot.At eight , I study math.at nine,I study Chinese , at ten ,I study English. I go back home at five .I have dinner at six .I have rice ,meat ,vegetables for dinner .I do homework at seven.I go to bed at nine.From .


My name is Claudia Yang. I was born in Canada in 995. Now I am a pupil of Grade 5 in Nannonfuxiao.

I have a happy family, in which we are 4: my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a professor at Nanjing AgriculturaUniversity. He supervises graduate students. He works hard and is always busy. My mother is an accountant and works at the same university than my father. She is a model mother and gives us a lot of help in our study. My sister is a student of Nanshifuzhong. She is a good and example student. She can speak three languages: English, French and Chinese.

I feel very lucky because I live in such a desired family. I love my family.



In the forest there is a little rabbit, little monkey, and lived a little hedgehog. They are neighbors and good friends!

One day, they have to go to pick the fruit in the forest, by myself skipping to the little rabbit, little monkey with little hedgehog, suddenly, they heard the rabbit shouted: "ah!" Two friends to catch up to ask: "what's wrong?" Originally little rabbit had a hand in, don't go.

Little monkey and hedgehog hurriedly helped the rabbit into the home, also called the panda doctor, the panda to the bunny on the medicine. Have a good rest and have little rabbit.

For days, little monkey brought little rabbit and little hedgehog are delicious, also he sing and dance, little rabbit gratefully said: "I never at enmity with you apart!"





My name is Wang Chunshui, my school, experimental school 2, my class, class 4, grade 2.


I have a pair of fat little hands, a smooth little face, and a pair of grape like eyes.


I love thinking and playing the game of "bloody battle in Shanghai beach" on the computer. I'm brave! I also like to play on the sand pile at the back of our community, but when I play, the sand always pours into my shoes. I asked my mother why? Mom said, "because our spring water is so honest!"


Mom and I both laughed!




My English Study

How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back, I have many memories of my English study.

When I entered the middle school, I had so many difficulties with my English. I was not able to understand the teacher in class, and I couldn’t master the words and phrases. For a time I wanted to give it up. Later, with the help of the teacher and my classmates, I listened to the teacher carefully in class, kept on reading English every day and spoke as much as possible. Step by step I made great progress in English.

In a word, only when you develop interest in studying English can you learn it well.




