2024-05-25 05:41:24


Our English teacher, Bruce, is from Britain. He is forty years old or so. He is a tall and thin man, wearing a pair of glasses. Bruce is very strict with us. He always makes full preparations for his classes and corrects our homework carefully. His teaching style is quite different from that of other teachers. He always encourages all of us to think by ourselves and learn on our own. Now our ability to study independently has been greatly improved. Bruce has been getting along very well with all of us. He is so kind and friendly to us that we all love him and respect him deeply.

我们的英语老师Bmce是位英国人。40岁左右,又高又瘦,戴着一副眼镜。 Bmce总是严格要求我们。他总是认真备课,认真批改作业。他的教学方法与众不同,他总是鼓励我们独立思考、自学。现在我们的自学能力都得到很大的提高。 Bmce和我们相处得非常融洽。他对我们和蔼可亲,我们都很尊敬他,爱戴他。


My grandfather is a famous professor. He is over sixty now, but he is in good health, and his hair is still black. He is tall and hand some, and looks like a gentleman. Believe it or not, he began to learn to drive last year, and now he drives his white Nissan every day.

My grand father has taught English for about 35 years, and he has been to many countries, such as America, France and Canada. Now he is on holiday in Europe with my grandmother.

He is very kind to me.


he is tall and handsome,and looks like a gentleman.he is very kind to me.believe it or not,he began to learn to drive last year,and now he drives his white nissan every day.

my grandfather has taught english for about 35 years, and he has been to many countries, such as america, france and canada. now he is on holiday in europe with my grandmother.



有一次英语课,陈老师提着小黑板,精神饱满地急匆匆走进教室,脸上一副既负责又严厉的表情,对我们说:“赶紧拼背单词,一会儿我提问,不会的人要把我们要求背的单词抄写五遍。” 我们赶紧开始哇哇背起来。过了一会儿,老师一拍手,我们就立马坐端正了,老师开始提问了。我心想:老师会不会让我起来背单词呢?我最怕站起来回答问题。心里想着鬼,鬼果然来啦。老师说:“薛子良,起来,把衣服这个单词拼背一下。”我一下子愣住啦,站在座位上看着黑板,半晌想不起这个单词,陈老师说:“薛子良,你抄写五遍吧。”课堂上,我不敢马虎,认真听老师讲课。














有一次,正在上英语课的时候,张老师说要找几个演员上台表演,当然我也被老师给挑上去了,但是,她们第一个说出来形容我的英文句子竟然是“she's very tall用中文表达就是她非常高。顿时,全班乱成一锅粥,都在哈哈大笑,老师也笑了,但过了大约1分钟左右,老师不笑了,表情开始严肃起来。但同学们还在笑,老师拿起棍子在讲桌上恶狠狠的敲了两下。一听这声音,“哎呀!完啦!老师发火了,我心想。全班立刻恢复了往常上课的平静。我们被老师狠狠的吵了一顿。



My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen. His name is Zhang Gao. He is 1.8 meters tall. His strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. He has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. It seems that they are always smiling at you.

Compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black and thick. He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to gesture from time to time while he's talking. He has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. I believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face and well-developed figure.















Is a lovely girl, her innocence is the origin of our happy, brings us her happy smile.

Her name is li zhang, her eyes wide, mouth like a cherry, very lovely, long hair, she is good at jumping rope, run, jump, etc...

She's good at her grades in school, take the first every time, once dropped her grades, was beaten by her mother and father, the next day I went to school found that she didn't come to school.

I came to her she's at home, a corner to cry, I used to have a look at her'll hurt all over, I asked her, "what's wrong with you." She said to me: "mom hit me, I good sad, she is the first hit me."

I was angry for her mother said: "she's your daughter, even if she is bad to also can not call her again." Her mother said: "I'm sorry, daughter, mother is wrong, please let we trust." Li sent zhang said: mom, I would like to challenge you.

This is my friend, my good friend forever.








My father is an ordinary He is a He doesn’t receive too much But he is He always ask me to be down-to-earth and keep an optimistic Everyone likes him because of his good He is always ready to help others if he Sometimes when he drives the old, he will not take monet frome He is so He has set a very good example for He is my I will love him



Gao our English teacher is my favorite is slim and beautiful with curly,long She is in her early She is always full of energy and her lessons are always well-prepared . All of us like her lessons very much because we can gain much from her Besides, I admire that she is always friendly and kind so she can make friends easily with us outside the When we have any difficulties, we all like asking her for is truly a wise 高老师我的最喜欢的人,她身材苗条、漂亮、卷花头长发。她30出头。她总是精力充沛,她的课总是精心准备。我们都喜欢上她的课因为我们可以从她的课收获很多。此外,我钦佩她总是很友善,因此她总能轻松地在课下和我们交朋友。当我们遇到困难总喜欢象她求教。高老师的确是相当聪明的老师。


I have a very good English teacher.My classmates and I all like her very much.She is very friendly to us.We all like to have English classes very much.

She is tall and beautiful.She looks like a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black trousers.

Her name is Wang Yanjun.We often call her Miss Wang.She teaches English very well.In class ,she looks like our elder sister .She often helps us to solve problems.After class,she looks like our friend.We often play games together.

This is my English teacher.I love her and I love to study English,too.I believe my English will be better and better.

英语作文2:My English Teacher

I began to like English when I entered the senior high school. I owe it to my English teacher who has stimulated my great interest in learning English and then influenced my future, and whose name is Zhang Yanshu----a name I will keep in my mind forever.

She showed great love to us which is deeply appealing to our heart. Different from other teachers, she has never been impolite to us. Oppositely, she treated us equally. She made efforts to attract us to the world of English, to understand the beauty of the language and enjoy the cultures of the foreign countries. With her skillful help, the students in our class took great interest in this course and improved rapidly.

She was kind and patient. She did not mind the students' slowness in learning new knowledge, but it did not mean that she was not strict with us. To make what we had learned strong, she often asked us to recall the knowledge in class. This was also a method to examine the homework she had assigned. In that case, we had to work hard so as to live up to her hope.

She is such an excellent teacher that we got so much from her, not only the knowledge but also kindness, diligence and appreciation for beauty. All these will be useful to all my life.

英语作文3:My English Teacher

Miss Hou is my high school English teacher. Her English name is Jenny. She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away. She is not too tall, about 150cm. She is experiened of English teaching. She teaches me for three years.In the other word, she is the only English teacher during my high school study. She is special. She will show an English song to us before her class. A few days later, she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape. I can still remember some songs she taught us. It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word. I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her. She is serious in work, so that our whole class’s English is good. Happily, she is our friend after class. She always palys badminton with us. She is also ready to help us if we have any difficultiy. In my mind, a good teacher is more than a million books. And she will be my mentor forever. Jenny, my teacher, I love you.




Einstein, virtuous descendant American scientist.1879 Year March 14's wasing born in Germany black ear 姆 is a small owner family of the town, on April 18,1955 卒 in American Princeton.Liking music since childhood is a well-trained violin hand.Graduate from the industrial university of federal in Zurich in 1900 and obtain Switzerland book.Behind find out to fix a work in the 伯尔尼 Switzerland patent bureau.His a series of earlier period's historic ll of achievementses are here to make.1909 work in the academic circles, serving as an University of Zurich theories physics associate prof


instein,virtuous descendant American scientist.1879 Year March 14's wasing born in Germany black ear 姆 is a small owner family of the town,on April 18,1955 卒 in American Princeton.Liking music since childhood is a well-trained violin hand.Graduate from the industrial university of federal in Zurich in 1900 and obtain Switzerland book.Behind find out to fix a work in the 伯尔尼 Switzerland patent bureau.His a series of earlier period's historic ll of achievementses are here to make.1909 work in the academic circles,serving as an University of Zurich theories physics associate professor.In 1914,should M.The gram of 普朗 and W.Ability the 斯 take off of invitation,return to Germany to allow the physical graduate school bureau chief of William's Royal and University of Berlin professor.Hitler goes on stage in 1933,Einstein because of ising a Jew,and then defending democracy determinedly,the head encounters a persecution,compelled emigration the United States of Princeton.1940 goes into an US citizenship.Retire in 1945.Einstein distinguish in 1905 and 1915,put forward special theory of Relativity and general theory of Relativity,re- explain the basic concept of physics,revised Newton's mechanics,replaced traditional universal gravitation theories,make the estimate of physics theories more accurate.Einstein and Newton are the giants that the physical history is up juxtaposed.

爱因斯坦,德裔美国科学家.1879 年3月14日生于德国乌耳姆镇的一个小业主家庭,1955年4 月18日卒于美国普林斯顿.自幼喜爱音乐,是一名熟练的小提琴手.1900年毕业于苏黎世联邦工业大学并取得瑞士籍.后在伯尔尼瑞士专利局找到固定工作.他早期的一系列历史性成就都是在这里作出的.1909年首次在学术界任职,出任苏黎世大学理论物理学副教授.1914年,应M.普朗克和W.能斯脱的邀请,回德国任威廉皇家物理研究所所长兼柏林大学教授.1933年希特勒上台,爱因斯坦因为是犹太人,又坚决捍卫民主,首遭迫害,被迫移居美国的普林斯顿.1940年入美国籍.1945年退休.爱因斯坦分别于1905年和1915年,提出了狭义相对论和广义相对论,重新诠释物理学的基本概念,修正了牛顿力学,取代了传统的万有引力理论,使物理理论的预测更为精确.爱因斯坦和牛顿是物理史上并列的巨人



Hi, my name is Cindy. I have a good father. I like him very much.

My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day. He likes helping people. So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle. When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people. He is a good policeman. And many people like him very much, too. They often say: “MR Li, you are a good policeman. We like you very much.” But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty.

My father likes reading books very much. Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend. So he reads books after work every day. Sometimes he plays games with me. We are very happy. I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend.

This is my father. He is a good father. I like my father very much! My dear friends, do you have a good father, too?


One day, when I was six years old, my aunt cane to see us form Shanghai. My parents and brother happened to be out then.

It was late in the afternoon. The room was a little dark. My aunt felt tired. I asked her to sit down and have a rest. "When are your daddy and mummy, my dear?" asked Aunt. " They have gone shopping and will be back in an hour. I‘ll fetch a cup of tea for you, aunty." When I went into the kitchen, a good idea came into my mind: After a ling journey my aunt must be very hungry. I‘ll give her a cup of milk instead of a cup of tea. When I opened the cupboard. I saw a bottle of ‘milk‘ powder in it. I poured a cup of the ‘milk‘ and gave it to my aunt. " Thank you very much. It‘s very kind of you," she said. " Please taste the milk. Has it enough sugar?" My aunt took a sip of the ‘milk‘ and spilt it out at once. " What is it, Ranran?" she asked in surprise. " It‘s milk," I said loudly and proudly. " But it doesn‘t taste like milk. Where did you get it?" I took Aunt into the kitchen and showed the bottle to her. Oh, it turned out to be a bottle of washing powder!

In the evening my parents came back. When they heard what I did, my mother said to me with a smile, " You are great. You have learned to entertain guests without us."

Several years have passed. NNow I am a middle school student. Every time my parents repeat the story, we have a good laugh over it.


In a sense,the life of each of us is made up of family, friends and career. If any of them is lacking,our life is not intact and we may feel embarrassed, regretful, or even painful.

One's family is his harhour where he can rest and relax himself when he sails home through winds and waves of the outside world. One's friends are his most trustworthy and most valuable companions. He and his friends will help and encourage each other on the long journey of life. One's career is the reflection of his talent and value which he offers society. So we can say that one's family, friends and career are just what support him in this world and make him feel happy, safe and important.

Anyone who longs for a delightful life should cherish his family, take sincere care of friendship and devote himself to his career.








初一的英语很简单,刚开始就是 ABC 等26 个英语字母和一些简单的单词。现在说简单,但对于那时一个农村的孩子,从小到大从没听过一句英语的我来讲,可以说是在听天书,而且是每节课听得耳朵疼,为什么呢?因为必须注意听,才能听清楚老师的发音。太过紧张、太过用心,所以往往一节课下来,脑壳疼耳朵也疼。就这样,我还必须把老师的每个字母和单词的发音要写出汉语的相近音注明在旁边,再依葫芦画瓢的背熟,这样才能勉强跟上老师的进度。虽说那英语单词发音不是很标准,但至少在班上不会太落后。虽然左老师上课并不严肃,但我每次上英语课却紧张的很。

很快,就要英语单元小测验了,也就是写出26 个英语字母和部分单词以及一些简单的句型。但是我还是紧张的要命,几个字母和单词翻过来颠过去的背,因为不知道老师要出什么样的题。我又不是那种很机灵很聪明的学生;真的到时候在班上得个倒数,那就太丢人了。









