2024-03-15 03:57:18


Some parents think that it is necessary and sometimes important for students to do some housework. Housework is a kind of physical exercise necessary for mental development. Other parents, however, think that it is study that is of extreme importance to students. Priority should first and foremost be given to study both at school and at home. Hence students should be exempt from any tedious and time-consuming housework.

I think students should share some housework with their parents. The reasons are as follows. First, doing some housework can enable the students to have some sense of responsibility. There is a lot of housework in each family. As a member of the family, each one should do his or her share. Since a student is a member of the family, undoubtedly, he is of no exception. In the second place, doing some housework can give the student opportunities to get to know his parents better. By doing housework, a student will know how hard it is for his parents to go to work everyday while raising a

family. He will make even greater efforts in his study later on. Finally, doing some housework can give the student a chance to do some physical exercises. Since the student has to sit studying most of the time, this is certainly beneficial to his health.In light of the above, I strongly recommend that those who are not in the habit of doing housework start doing some right now. Your parents will be pleased and you will learn something from it.


I live with my parents. My mother is ateacher, my father is an engineer. They work very hard. So I often help them todo the housework. I wash the clothes, mop the floor, take out the trash, andwater the plants. My parents are very happy, they say I have grown up.



According to the report that most children in the family don’t have to the housework, because their parents have done all the work for them. When students go to middle school, it means they are not the little girls and little boys anymore, they have grown up and it is time for them to learn to be independent. Doing the housework and reducing the parents’ burden help the children to be mature, what’s more, the parents should not overprotect their kids all the time, they can give some jobs to the children and lead them to be independent. Doing the housework is not a big deal, but it is the attitude to life.


Everyone does some housework at home, and so do I.

I often help out with some housework, such as taking out the rubbish, doing the dishes after meals. I always tidy up my bedroom, and this can make me live in a clean and comfortable environment. The summer vacation is coming soon, and I plan to learn how to cook and cook for my family. I know it is difficult but I am interested in it. Because my mom is busy during the vacation, so I can help her to mop the floor, too.

As far as I an concerned, doing some housework can teach me many important living skills. Although doing housework is a little boring, it is not only very meaningful but also very helpful.(王靖元)


Last Sunday, I did housework with my mother at home. My duty was cleaning my bedroom and sorting the bookshelf. After breakfast, I started my work. I first arranged books on the shelf. Previously, most books were my textbooks, but I wanted to do some changes. I picked up the textbooks on a cartoon and put the books I read at spare time on the shelf. And then I started to clean my bedroom. Because mother cleaned it almost everyday, so my task was not so heavy. After I finished my own duty, I helped mother with other works. Before lunch, we finished all the housework.



In China, parents pay special attention to children's study, they would do anything for the kids to let them have more time to study, so the elder will clean the bedroom and do all the housework for them. While in the western country, children have the duty to do the housework. Parents will be angry if the children do nothing at home. In my opinion, it is the students' duty to share housework. On the one hand, they can reduce the elder's burden. As they are part of the family, it is natural for them to do the cleaning work. On the other hand, the children can learn to take care of themselves and to be independent. The elder should realize that everyone have the duty to share housework. Overprotection of children will do nothing good.



Housework? Honestly speaking I never do houseworks. My mum does all of them. I hate doing houseworks because it is boring and tiring, and Learning English is boring and tiring enough for me. Whenever my mum ask me to wash dishes for her I shout to her "No Way! Study is already impossibly hard for me and more housework can only drive me closer to madness." That's all I know about housework.





I am a girl. My name is Li Ling. I’m in Class Three, Grade Five. I’m helpful at home. I can water the flowers, empty the trash and sweep the floor. After meals, I can help my mother do the dishes. On Sunday, I can wash the clothes. What about you? Are you helpful, too?


One day, I was sitting on the sofa to do nothing, but my mother was busy in the field of housework. Looked at the mother busy, my mind flashed an idea -- help mother to do the housework.

Mom, just don't let me do, she said: "you are usually spoiled at home, want to help me do the housework, don't trouble on the line!" I spoiled her mother said: "it is spoiled to exercise well, you let me do, you go to rest!" My mother was so helpless that I finally agreed.

The first thing to do is to wipe the floor, my mother told me not to use mop mop, to wipe with a rag, it is difficult for me ah! First, I took a bucket of water from the bathroom to the living room. I put the cloth soaked in the lost bucket, wring dry, and then like to learn my mother, rolled up his sleeves and put the cloth tightly in his hand, then squat on the ground, scrubbing, dust on the ground is all I erased. Sometimes, my legs are so sour that I just kneel on the floor. I wipe from the corner, from the room to the living room. I take the floor after I was sweating, knees kneeling on both sides of the red, but see the spotless floor, I felt.

After finishing the first chores, I came into the room and saw some dirty clothes on the bed. I put the clothes in the bathroom and started to wash clothes.

I first took out a large basin, in the tap under a half pot of water, and then put all the dirty clothes into the basin, and then add the appropriate amount of washing powder, stirring evenly. I moved to a small stool from the room, began a scrub. Accidentally, he splashed on my face, I see in the mirror I can not help but laugh.

I put a piece of dirty clothes washing, put the pot all the water drained, re pick up the half pot of water. I put all my clothes into the basin and let the water wash the clothes. Wash clean, and then replace the water in the basin. In this way, I washed several times, until the water can not see the bubble, I was ready to take the clothes to dry. I just got up, "oh!" My waist hurts so much that I could not stand.

After I had finished my clothes, I helped my mother do some housework. One day, I'm exhausted.

I finally realized the mother usually do housework toil. Today is a memorable day!


Some parents believe that golden youth, do not have to do housework, as long as it is hard to learn.But some parents think that children need to learn to do housework.In my opinion, we should learn to do housework.

First, doing housework can also help us develop independence.We cannot always depend on our parents,We must learn to take care of ourselves.

Second, doing housework is also a sport, which helps us, and we are stronger.

Finally,Doing housework, donkey, reduce the cost of parents.Let us know our parents better.

Doing housework is very important to us . The boys and girls want us to roll up our sleeves and do the housework!


I often help my parents do some housework on weekends. my parents are very busy,so if i help them do chores,they will be happy.i do the dishes at the each weekends night.On the morning , i always get up early andmake my bed.Next,i usually take out the rubbish and clean the living i am tired every weekend, but i help my parents do something. so i am happy too.


  Housework? Honestly speaking I never do housework. My mum does all of them. I hate doing housework because it is boring and tiring, and Learning English is boring and tiring enough for me. Whenever my mum ask me to wash dishes for her I shout to her No Way! Study is already impossibly hard for me and more housework can only drive me closer to madness. That's all I know about housework.


Everyone should do his part in doing housework. As a middle school student, I often help my parents with some housework that I can do.

I clean my bedroom myself. Every morning, I fold my quilt after getting up. Then, I always help to take out the rubbish when I leave home for school. I feel I am needed when I do chores, and I am glad to see the look of joy on my parents’ faces——I help with housework, so they are able to have time to do something they want to do in order to relax themselves. During the coming summer vacation, I would like to cook for them so that they will be freer. What’s more, I will do the dishes and clean the table after dinner.

I think I will be more independent through doing chores. Also, helping with housework will make me understand the idea of fairness better. It is good for my future to help with housework now. Let’s help with some housework! (江碧薇)


I often help my parents do housework at home. I can sweep the floor, do the dishes and fold the clothes.

This summer vacation, I will make my bed and water the flowers every day. I’ll also help my mother wash the clothes. I will learn how to cook from my mother so that I will also be able to cook meals for my parents during the summer vacation.

In my opinion, kids should help their parents with housework, because it makes kids know how tired their parents are so that kids will care for their parents. Also, doing chores on ones own is a good way to improve his independence.(景朝阳)


Housework or Your Life

here's a dirty little secret in many American homes--couples fight about the housework.

There is always too much to take care of and, with kids,neither one of a couple has the energy to keep on top of it all. When the laundry, dirty dishes, and dust pile up, the couples feel stressed and resentful and the fighting begins.

Why can' t women just split the chores up with their husbands? Because as the number of hours men spend on housework increases, their feelings of being appreciated decrease.A researcher explains that men and women are biologically different in how they see house cleaning  men have tunnel vision compared to women's wide field of vision. This is why men can relax in the middle of a mess, while women can't find peace until they feel their environment is in order.

Many people think they can' t afford help with the house.The belief that household help is only for the wealthy is a "stubborn myth". We need to view hiring help as a "timemanagement tool for busy people". On the other hand, there are also costs involved to not hiring help: Health problems like

stress, lack of time for exercise, and sleep deprivation; lost income where the hours spent cleaning could have been used to pursue career goals; and the strain on your marriage that could lead to money spent on counseling or even a divorce.

Obtaining help is not a sign of weakness, but self-care. If you value time with family over time cleaning then it makes sense to get support. Time is precious. Wouldn't you rather spend it doing something other than fighting over whose turn it is to clean the toilet? I know I would.knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just


I agree with Sharon. I think it’s important for us to do housework. On the one hand, our parents are too tired to do all housework. We should help our parents and make them relaxed. On the other hand, we can improve ourselves by doing housework. We are growing up. So we should know something more about our lives .And in the future, we will be able to look after ourselves better. So, we should do housework. And I think doing housework is better than watching TV. It’s also good for our health.



After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was slippery. "Pang!" The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible! There was only one dish left.In the end, my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.



Some people think studengts need not do any housework.They think the only thing students need do is to study well.I don’t think so.It is good for students to do some housework for three reason.

Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent.You can’t depend on others all your life.So,you should learn to do some housework now.

Secondly,to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.

Finally,to do some housework can share your parents’ work .They must be happy if you say” Have a rest ,and I will do the housework”

So I think it is good for students to do some housework


Mother is always the greatest person in the family, because she takes care of everything, she does all the housework, though she is a housewife, what she is so heavy and great. I nearly help my mother to do the housework, when I go home after school, I always go out to play with my friend and then until the dinner, I will come back. Now as I grow up, I start to realize that I need to help my mother, I should share some housework, so that I can reduce her burden. Since I help my mother with the housework, she looks so happy, she will praise me in front of her friends. I feel proud of myself.

妈妈总是家里面最伟大的人,因此她照料着家里的一切,她做了所有的家务,虽然她是一个家庭主妇,但是她所做的繁重而伟大。我几乎不怎么帮她做家务,当我放 学回家后,我总是出去和我的朋友玩,然后直到晚饭时间,我才回来。现在我长大了,我开始意识到我需要帮助妈妈,我应该分享家务,这样就能减少她的负担。自 从我帮助妈妈做家务,她看起来很开心,她会在她朋友面前表扬我。我为自己感到自豪。