2024-05-30 01:41:14


I think my mother is great.

She is warm-hearted and is always smiling. People like to talk with her because her smiles make them happy. Whenever I see her smiling face, I feel relaxed, too.

She loves me very much. She is only a worker and doesn’t make much money, but she spends most of it on me. She takes very good care of me. Every day she cooks delicious and healthy food for me. And we also have a lot of good times together. She likes to tell me funny stories to make me laugh. On holidays, she enjoys taking me out for trips. Sometimes we even go outside in the evening after the rain has stopped, and we look for frogs. It’s lots of fun. I love my mother.





I love English, because it sounds beautiful. I think the English speakers are very cool. I like listening to the native speakers speak English. And I hope one day I can speak like them. Therefore, the English class is my favorite. In the class, I listen carefully to my teacher, and I often ask and answer questions. I think it’s a good opportunity to practice. After class, I often read the English magazines and watch English TV programs. I hope I can make progress after class. English learning is a long journey, but I make up my mind to word hard.



In the beginning, love is always sweet.As time is slipping away, boredom, be used to, abandonment, loneliness, despair and cold smile will come gradually.Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate ourselves on leaving him/her. During those transient days, we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then, we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfort ourselves.


It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose, actually, it is not very hard to forget them. You drained up your tears, there will be another one pleasing you. You had plunged yourself into a depression, finally, you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadness. Recalling those unhappy things, is it a comedy? When your wrong love stops its steps, a brand-new world will be shown to you. All sadness will become history.


For love, imagination is often more beautiful than reality. The same with meeting, also with separation. We thought we would have a deep love toward somebody. Incoming days will let you know in fact it just is very shallow, very shallow. The most deep and heaviest love must grow up with days.


With love, two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed. However, this two similar people,

While breaking up, say,“I think you are more and more strange to me” It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.Love is such kind of game which makes two strangers become lovers, then return them into the original situation.


I believe, love can change you, which is the advantage of youth as well as its sorrow. What has men changed perhaps comes from God’s love or the mercy of Budda, but they are never changed by women. The prodigal are the most unsuitable person for getting married, meanwhile, the most suitable one for marriage as well. It is not women who change the prodigal, she just appear in the very time when the prodigal want to be changed.




Father's love is like music, playing wonderful music for me;


Father's love is like spring water. When my mouth is dry, give me water.


Father's love is like a pillar! It is father who supports the whole family with his high back.


Father's love is great


Early one morning, suddenly rain heavily, huahua not bring rain gear, have braved the rain ran to school.

Just then, a young male teacher came and put the raincoat over the shoulders of the flower lake, affectionately said: "be careful in the rain, will catch a cold." huahua excitement speechless. An older brother to see the teacher walked to school in the rain, hurriedly ran to share one umbrella and teachers.

In this way, the teacher looked at the students smiled, students watched the teacher smiled, they walked to school together.



Everyone has been loved by their parents, and I don't know how many times! I'm here to introduce my parents' love for me.


That time, I came home late. My parents were very worried and angry at home. When I got home, my father told me to stand up. They scolded me for a few words and then beat me. At that time, I was very angry and thought to myself: hum, what's so great? I rely on myself as an adult!


They deliberately told me to run away from home. I just came to the door, my mother kicked the door and closed it. I happened to be impartial, and was pressed by the door. Mom and dad rushed me to the hospital.


When I got to the hospital, I opened my eyes slowly and saw my father and mother running around in front of me. "What can I do?" Dad shouted? What should I do? "


I thought to myself: it seems that mom and Dad don't bother me. I was wrong. My mother saw me wake up, hugged me and said, "my dear son, I shouldn't hit you. You say, I'll buy you what you want. "


I was moved to say: "nothing, I just want you to care about me."


"My dear son, I will be very concerned about you!" said the mother kindly At this time, my father also came to hold me.


Now I know that father and mother love me as well!



Everyone has a mother and loves her. I'm not one of them. My mother has paid a lot for me, which makes me realize that there is maternal love everywhere.


I don't know whether it's inherited from my father's genes or a bad habit. In short, I'm procrastinating. Once, I was playing with toys while doing my homework. When my mother found out, she stopped watching TV and watched me do my homework patiently. I see. Mom's love is on the desk.


Once when it rained, I forgot my umbrella, my father was on a business trip again, and my mother was ill. I thought: who will pick me up this time? Just as I was going to rush home in the rain, I saw a familiar figure. It was my mother! Mom came to pick me up in the rain! When my mother and I depend on each other in the umbrella, I realize: mother's love is in the umbrella!


The only thing on my husband's description would be the word fun written in big red letters along the top. Although he is a selfless caregiver and provider, our children think of him more as a combination of a jungle gym and bozo and clown.

Our parenting styles compliment each other. His style is a nonstop adventure where no one has to worry about washing their hands, eating vegetables, or getting cavities. My style is similar to Mussolini. I‘m too busy worrying to be fun. Besides, every time I try, I am constantly outdone by my husband.I bought my children bubble gum flavored toothpaste and I taught them how to brush their teeth in tiny circles so they wouldn‘t get cavities. They thought it was neat until my husband taught them how to rinse by spitting out water between their two front teeth like a fountain.I took the children on a walk in the woods and, after two hours, I managed to corral a slow ladybug into my son‘s insect cage. I was cool until their father came home, spent two minutes in the backyard, and captured a beetle the size of a Chihuahua.

I try to tell myself I am a good parent even if my husband does things I can‘t do. I can make sure my children are safe, warm, and dry. I‘ll stand in line for five hours so the children can see Santa at the mall or be first in line to see the latest Disney movie. But I can‘t wire the VCR so my

children can watch their favorite video.I can carry my children in my arms when they are tired, tuck them into bed, and kiss them goodnight. But I can‘t flip them upside down so they can walk on the ceiling or prop them on my shoulders so they can see the moths flying inside of the light fixture.I can take them to doctor appointments, scout meetings, or field trips to the aquarium, but I‘ll never go into the wilderness, skewer a

worm on a hook, reel in a fish, and cook it over an open flame on a piece of tin foil.

I‘ll even sit in the first row of every Little League game and cheer until my throat is sore and my tonsils are raw, but I‘ll never teach my son how to hit a home run or slide into first base.

As a mother I can do a lot of things for my children, but no matter how hard I try--I can never be their father.


Only in the baby from crying wah-wah, that we invoke the first words whispered parents learn to walk the first time to walk small foot staggering along. The first time carrying a bag to school, the first test scores back, the first from their parents ... ... maybe you've never noted this many times in the first, in the growth of this long road to the parents how much to pay into the How much love. Every time you smile, every success, and even failed every time, every mistake in the minds of parents will never forget, to accompany you around, give you the support of silence ... ...

We come from? To hear this issue, I am sure you will say that parents bring us up in the world. Yes ah, the day thirteen years ago, our parents with tears, smiles and happiness to greet our arrival. We came to the world from the moment that many parents have a heavy work - to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the baby's "Wah-Wah" bring to the nursery, we grow up, parents spend much of the effort and sweat, how many days and nights weaving, parents have no complaints.

Small, I always love their parents as a matter of course, because I do not understand the hard work their parents do not know. Now, I grew up, and I know with a heart of Thanksgiving to appreciate their parents, should take care, the responsibility of your parents.

But how many people is to give top priority to the parents then? Some people always complain about their parents to do Oh, no, that does not, the behavior of parents and practices of selectivity, to accuse, or even directly contradict with their parents! Some people do not know their own physical health status of parents, parents do not remember their birthday, and some even their own parents in the work units which do not know, to think of it, parents pay so much for our energy and efforts ah!

When we are confronted with difficulties, to devote all of the people to help us parents.

When we are wronged, to be patient to listen to our cry of the people, are the parents.

When we make mistakes, we can not hesitate to forgive us, and parents.

When we succeed, would like for us to celebrate, to share with us the joy of the parents.

Now we are far in the field study, we remain concerned about their parents.

Life is not imagined as the perfect parents for their hard that we can not understand, although we can not live with their parents to share the hardships of a difficult start, but we can be less in their daily lives for their parents to worry about. When parents fall ill, we should be taking responsibility, taking care of their parents? To know that even if an interest in words, even a good hot bowl of instant noodles themselves, their parents, who will comfort the hearts of our anxiety in every possible way.

Thanksgiving heart of life is better, life is like a piece of white paper, with the heart of Thanksgiving, this paper will be pink. Thanksgiving embrace of life, the background paper is also pink, and will have a better life.

If today is my last day of life, we are the first thing to do is to return education to take care of me my parents! "The water-en, when the springs of newspaper." Parents not to mention the efforts we have not just "drop", but a vast ocean.

Thanksgiving, although it is an act of the verb, but it needs more action, more importantly, needs to be done in good faith. To put it simply, Thanksgiving is gratitude, gratitude from the heart.



Tinkling bell


School is over. The students all ran out of the classroom to the school gate. But I stand alone at the entrance of the teaching building, waiting for my mother to pick me up.


It's raining heavily. I looked at my watch. It was already 12:00. My mother hasn't come yet. My tears couldn't help but flow down.


Ah, there is no one on campus. Suddenly, I saw a man with an umbrella coming to me. Yeah - it's mom. It's mom.


"Baby, I'm here to pick you up." Mother said, panting a little.


On the way, my mother coughed a few times. It suddenly occurred to me that my mother had been ill for several days. I think I have no conscience when my mother comes to pick me up because she is so ill. For a moment, I fell into my mother's arms.


At this time, a rainbow appeared in the sky. My mother said, "the rainbow is beautiful." I said, "but I think the most beautiful thing in the world is mother's love."


Each of us has a big beautiful garden in our heart. If we are willing to allow others to grow happiness here, and to keep this happiness to ourselves, then the garden of our hearts will never be deserted. Don't let your heart be taken prisoner of wealth, and forget kindness, wealth is not what you possess, if you want to be happy and happy, you have to have a loving heart. Share your wealth properly with others, love can make hell a paradise, love can keep the garden beautiful forever. Kindness is the law that makes you happy. Only love can open your mind, be warm and friendly, and be helpful. Teach roses to your hands. Sow love, reap happiness.



My parents are very concerned about me and love me.


Once, my good friend Zhang Lan had his 10th birthday. I said goodbye to my mother and was ready to go out.


My mother asked me doubtfully, "where are you going?" I asked in surprise, "Mom, don't you know?" Mother said, "what can I know? Your father and daughter are mysterious all day long. I don't know what bad things they have done. "


I was a little angry at what my mother said. Didn't dad tell mom that I was going to my classmate's house for my birthday? I have some doubts. But, maybe it was mom who made fun of me?


In order to find out, I didn't go to celebrate Zhang Lan's birthday. I sat on the sofa and waited for Dad to come back.


An hour later, Dad came back. I was very angry and asked my father, "why don't you tell my mother about my life to Zhang Lan?" My father said innocently, "I haven't! I told your mother. Maybe your mother is playing a trick on us? "


I listened to my father and called my mother back.


At this time, my mother said to me with a smile, "in fact, your father told me. I'm not trying to make fun of you. I just want you to read at home, don't go out to play and waste time, so that your academic performance will not decline. "


My father listened to my mother's words, but put forward the opposite opinion: "my child, her mother, what you said is reasonable. However, if you don't let your child go out to communicate with his classmates, it's not good for him. So I think children should be allowed to go out for a walk. "


I was very moved by what my parents said. They care about me so much and love me so much. I think no matter how they think about it, it's for my good. You say, right?


Love is everywhere. We have love from our parents and friends, which makes us become stronger. Without love, we can’t survive long, or we will just like the walking dead. So many great people have owed their success to the love from families, but the love for nature always forgotten by the public.


Love from families and friends are praised in so many works. Like the great poets, they wrote so many famous works to give applause to the people who support them all the time. In the movies and TV shows, family love and friendship occupy most themes. They show the great power of human being. With love, we can conquer all the difficulties.


But love for nature is not often mentioned by the public. We love the beautiful scenery and the lovely animals, so we have the desire to protect the environment, for the purpose of keeping clean scenery and make sure the animals won’t disappear. Animals and human being are part of nature. We live and die together.


Love is not just around families and friends, but we also need to care for nature.



There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them,whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them.In fact,father's love is as strong as mother's,but normally,fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings.Father's love is deep and silent,that's why most people think their father love them less.If you carefully go through your childhood memory,you will notice your father is always there when you need them,though they never said it out loud how much they love you,father's like a shelter when the storm coming,father's like a door when there is danger outside,father is someone no matter how you treat him,he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free.So please cheer for the love of father!



father's love

it was raining and i was dragging myself back from school. father had not got back home yet and i thought he must have forgotten it was my 18th birthday today. if my mother had not died yearsago she would have prepared lots of good dishes for my supper, but now i had to cook a very simple meal, waiting for my father's return.

hours passed.still my father did not appear.this made me very sad.i couldn't help saying to myself, "mum, mum ..." with tears in my eyes. i felt cold and lonely, listening to the wind blowing outside and the drops of rain tapping on the windowpane.

it was about eight o'clock when suddenly there came a gentle knock. hardly had i answered the door when father came in. he was wet all over with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"happy birthday, my child," said he, and pretending to be cheerful, put the bouquet of flowers into my hands, "i had been toyour mother's gravethia afternoon.on the way home i went to many shops to get this as a birthday present. i hope yon'll like it, my dear."

with tears in my eyes, i held the flowers tightly to my chest, saying in a trembling voice, "thank you, father.your love is the best gift for me. "(220words )








it is cold, so bitter cold, on this dark, winter day in 1942. but it is no different from any other day in this nazi concentration camp. i stand shivering in my thin rags, still in disbelief that this nightmare is happening. i am just a young boy. i should be playing with friends; i should be going to school; i should be looking forward to a future, to growing up and marrying, and having a family of my own. but those dreams are for the living, and i am no longer one of them. instead, i am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since i was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands other jews. will i still be alive tomorrow? will i be taken to the gas chamber tonight?

back and forth i walk net to the barbed wire fence, trying to keep my emaciated body warm. i am hungry, but i have been hungry for longer than i want to remember. i am always hungry. edible food seems like a dream. each day as more of us disappear, the happy past seems like a mere dream, and i sink deeper and deeper into despair. suddenly, i notice a young girl walking past on the other side of the barbed wire. she stops and looks at me with sad eyes, eyes that seem to say that she understands, that she, too, cannot fathom why i am here. i want to look away, oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this, but i cannot tear my eyes from hers.

then she reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a red apple. a beautiful, shiny red apple. oh, how long has it been since i have seen one! she looks cautiously to the left and to the right, and then with a smile of triumph, quickly throws the apple over the fence. i run to pick it up, holding it in my trembling, frozen fingers. in my world of death, this apple is an epression of life, of love. i glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance.the net day, i cannot help myself-i am drawn at the same time to that spot near the fence. am i crazy for hoping she will come again? of course. but in here, i cling to any tiny scrap of hope. she has given me hope and i must hold tightly to it.and again, she comes. and again, she brings me an apple, flinging it over the fence with that same sweet smile.this time i catch it, and hold it up for her to see. her eyes twinkle. does she pity me? perhaps. i do not care, though. i am just so happy to gaze at her. and for the first time in so long, i feel my heart move with emotion.

for seven months, we meet like this. sometimes we echange a few words. sometimes, just an apple. but she is feeding more than my belly, this angel from heaven. she is feeding my soul. and somehow, i know i am feeding hers as well.one day, i hear frightening news: we are being shipped to another camp. this could mean the end for me. and it definitely means the end for me and my friend.the net day when i greet her, my heart is breaking, and i can barely speak as i say what must be said: "do not bring me an apple tomorrow," i tell her. "i am being sent to another camp. we will never see each other again." turning before i lose all control, i run away from the fence. i cannot bear to look back. if i did, i know she would see me standing there, with tears streaming down my face.months pass and the nightmare continues. but the memory of this girl sustains me through the terror, the pain, the hopelessness. over and over in my mind, i see her face, her kind eyes, i hear her gentle words, i taste those apples.

and then one day, just like that, the nightmare is over. the war has ended. those of us who are still alive are freed. i have lost everything that was precious to me, including my family. but i still have the memory of this girl, a memory i carry in my heart and gives me the will to go on as i move to america to start a new life.years pass. it is 1957. i am living in new york city. a friend convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his. reluctantly, i agree. but she is nice, this woman named roma. and like me, she is an immigrant, so we have at least that in common."where were you during the war?" roma asks me gently, in that delicate way immigrants ask one another questions those years."i was in a concentration camp in germany," i reply.roma gets a far away look in her eyes, as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet."what is it?" i ask.

"i am just thinking something from my past, herman," roma eplains in a voice suddenly very soft. "you see, when i was a young girl, i lived near a concentration camp. there was a boy there, a prisoner, and for a long while, i used to visit him every day. i remember i used to bring him apples. i would throw the apple over the fence, and he would be so happy."

roma sighs heavily and continues. "it is hard to describe how we felt each other-after all, we were young, and we only echanged a few words when we could-but i can tell you, there was much love there. i assume he was killed like so many others. but i cannot bear to think that, and so i try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together."

with my heart pounding so loudly i think it wil1 eplode, i look directly at roma and ask, "and did that boy say to you one day, do not bring me an apple tomorrow. i am being sent to another camp?""why, yes," roma responds, her voice trembling."but, herman, how on earth could you possibly know that?"i take her hands in mine and answer, "because i was that young boy, roma."for many moments, there is only silence. we cannot take our eyes from each other, and as the veils of time lift, we recognize the soul behind the eyes, the dear friend we once loved so much, whom we have never stopped loving, whom we have never stopped remembering.

finally, i speak: "look, roma, i was separated from you once, and i dont ever want to be separated from you again. now, i am free, and i want to be together with you forever. dear, will you marry me?"

i see that same twinkle in her eye that i used to see as roma says, "yes, i will marry you," and we embrace, the embrace we longed to share for so many months, but barbed wire came between us. now, nothing ever will again.

almost forty years have passed since that day when i found my roma again. destiny brought us together the first time during the war to show me a promise of hope and now it had reunited us to fulfill that promise.

valentines day, 1996. i bring roma to the oprah winfrey show to honor her on national television. i want to tell her infront of millions of people what i feel in my heart every day:

"darling, you fed me in the concentration camp when i was hungry. and i am still hungry, for something i will never get enough of: i am only hungry for your love."



There is a lot of love in the world. My father's love for me is something I will never forget. My father is a very loving person.


I remember one summer evening, I was doing my homework, and suddenly there was a power failure. Writing homework by candlelight, sweat drips down my head, which is too hot to bear. Dad looked in his eyes and quickly found a fan. He used his rough hands to help me with the fan. The breeze blew all over my body, making me feel refreshed.


Although my father's hand is black and thick, but it gives me a lot of warm, also full of father's love. Dad, I really want to say to you, "Dad, I love you.".


My father is a basketball fan, he watches the NBA match when he is free. Because of the effect from my father, I fell in love with basketball when I was very small. So when I go to middle school, I join the basketball team in my class, I meet many friends who have the same love for basketball.

We will play basketball after class or sometimes in the weekend, we will play the match with other team.

Basketball is my lifetime friend, it helps me make many friends. I also get exercise and keep the healthy lifestyle. What’s more, it is the common interest between my father and I. My love for basketball will never end.





Everyone has been loved by their parents, and I don't know how many times! I'm here to introduce my parents' love for me.


That time, I came home late. My parents were very worried and angry at home. When I got home, my father told me to stand up. They scolded me for a few words and then beat me. At that time, I was very angry and thought to myself: hum, what's so great? I rely on myself as an adult!


They deliberately told me to run away from home. I just came to the door, my mother kicked the door and closed it. I happened to be impartial, and was pressed by the door. Mom and dad rushed me to the hospital.


When I got to the hospital, I opened my eyes slowly and saw my father and mother running around in front of me. "What can I do?" Dad shouted? What should I do? "


I thought to myself: it seems that mom and Dad don't bother me. I was wrong. My mother saw me wake up, hugged me and said, "my dear son, I shouldn't hit you. You say, I'll buy you what you want. "


I was moved to say: "nothing, I just want you to care about me."


"My dear son, I will be very concerned about you!" said the mother kindly At this time, my father also came to hold me.


Now I know that father and mother love me as well!