2024-03-22 07:18:25


One Sunday afternoon, I saw my grandmother is mixing dumpling stuffing. I couldn't help feeling itchy. I would like to learn to make dumplings with my grandmother.

We prepared the filling and the skin, and began to make dumplings.

I put a piece of leather in my hand, and ladled a little bit of stuffing into the middle of the skin. Then I touched a little water on my finger and painted it around the skin... I learned very well in the previous steps, but when I started to pinch patterns, I couldn't learn anything. If you knead the two layers together, the dumplings are neither good-looking nor upright. If only one layer of skin is pressed back, the dumplings are soft and not upright... I tried my best to make the dumplings beautiful and upright, but there was no way to make them. They just didn't make friends with me.

Then my grandmother told me that the water should not be too much, and too much of it would cling tightly to the skin. For the dumplings to stand and look good, we need to bend a little bit of the arch in the last fold so that we can meet the requirements...

After listening to my grandmother's explanation, I suddenly realized it, so I did what my grandmother told me to do, and the dumplings were "perfect". Then I wrapped the dumplings in this way and made a better package than the other. The grandmother saw, praised way: "you this wench the first time to open the body, the bag is better than the grandmother!" I was flattered.

At dinner, I ate my dumplings and felt very warm and delicious. I think that's the best dumplings I've ever eaten.

Making dumplings will not only make you more dexterous, but also exercise your patience. I like to make dumplings.


My whole family likes to eat jiaozi, and my mother is even more skillful in making dumplings. Today mom finally agreed to teach me to make dumplings.

I saw my mother holding a wrapper.

Lay open on the hand, and quickly put a ball of meat with the right hand, placed in the middle of the dumplings, and then gently with a little water in the edge of the wrappers, roaring, and then his hands finally opened, a like a small boat dumplings is finished.

I learned to look like my mother, picked up a piece of skin, and wrapped a large ball of meat in my chopsticks. Who knows that the dumpling is not to listen to my conductor at all, I just fold the wrappers, the meat filling but mischievously from both sides, and even worse, I haven't pinched, but the wrapper is broken. I was in a hurry to get rid of this "broken skin" dumpling. This time, I learned my lesson and put a small ball of meat in it. This time is not broken, but the dumpling of the dumpling is very tight. "The mother smiled." this dumpling is starving!"

No, no, no, no! I want to run. Mom looking at me and smiling, I'm sorry, the nerve to ask mother, the mother said: "you ah, is too lack of patience, just filling is not much less, and should be ready no matter what do have to practice more... "In my mother's nagging voice, I had the patience to take my mother's advice and take it step by step. Sure enough, a yuanbao jiaozi was born in my hands. I held it in my hand as a baby, proudly displaying it to my mother and showing off to my father. The dumplings finally came out of the pot, eating their own dumplings, my heart was happy with flowers.


I am ten years old this year. I often listen to the old people. It is a holiday to eat dumplings in the past. Now eating dumplings has become a regular occurrence. But I used to eat dumplings, but not dumplings.

One day after school, I was catching up with my mother. I'm going to learn to pack it. The dumplings, which were wrapped by her mother, were like rows of small inlets. I'm afraid that the bag is not good, so I'll roll the dough with a rolling pin. I take the dough from the table, put on the table, press the dough flat, with a rolling pin to roll it into wafers, though not so round, also can put the dough rolling thin, put some rest go another filling, diagonal rest put another ten percent with the hand, from the beginning to the end artists together, ha ha, a little like crescent moon dumplings package.

However, its image and mother's dumplings are much uglier, like a few days hungry "little mouse". No, one more! This time I added more stuffing, and the dumplings have become plump! One by one, I kept wrapping them up. One was more beautiful than the other, and the lace was neat and tidy. I don't need to mention the excitement in my heart, and my mother also praised me for my quick study and good package.

The dumplings were filled with dumplings, and the dumplings on the cover of the lotus were flying into the water like a flock of white geese. I stood by the pot and watched my mother make dumplings. Mother covered the pot and opened it again. When the water in the pan opened several times, the dumplings floated up, each one full of qi, like a small sampan swimming in the boiling water. When the smell of the fragrance comes to my nostrils, I can't wait to taste one of them, oh, the dumplings are more fragrant than the other day, like I eat the dumpling with the big white goose meat stuffing!

Later, I realized that the dumplings made by myself were more delicious than the ready-made ones, and that what I did was more meaningful than others.


Today, I learned to make dumplings. Making dumplings looks easy, and it's not easy to do!

Because I want to have dumplings for dinner, I started making dumplings with my mother in the afternoon. We have fresh meat dumplings. We make the filling first, the mother USES the kitchen knife to chop up the good pork, stir in the chopped leek and ginger, then add the salt to stir well, so the stuffing is ready.

After the filling, we began to make dumplings. Put the right amount of filling in the wrapper, then pat the edge of the dumpling with a little water, then pinch it. An interesting thing happened during the making of dumplings. My mother put the flour - covered hand on my face, and I became an old grandfather, and my mother and I laughed together.

Soon, we made a dish of dumplings. We put the dumplings in a steaming bowl. After about 20 minutes, the dumplings are ripe. The dumplings made me drool, I ate a small plate of jiaozi in a moment, I was satisfied.

People eat for the day, or the fruit of their own labor is the most delicious.


The story of childhood is like a beautiful box, and there is a box that I will never forget.

On that Sunday, I watched my mother make dumplings and ran to her and asked, "mom, can I have my bag?" "Yes." Mom agreed. Then she told me the essentials of making dumplings. But I took my mother's words as a side wind, I wish to learn to make dumplings quickly.

I put the wrapper in the palm of my hand first, then a spoonful of a spoonful of minced meat, put it in the center of the skin, then put the water on the outer ring of the skin, and finally put the two ends together and squeezed the two hands together. Who knows the meat stuffing baby is so disobedient, has put out his head curiously to look at the world. I hurriedly "first aid", still did not plug "loophole". I sat down in my chair, wringing my hands, thinking: what should I do? I knew I would not take my mother's words as a side wind, but now I can't wrap it.

At this time, my mother seemed to know my mind, came to me and said: "Jenny, do not do things by halves! Here, I'll teach you." After listening to my mother, I took heart again. This time, I listened carefully to the mother's explanation and watched my mother's demonstration. I began to pack again, this time I according to the mother's instructions bag, sure enough to pack a round drum dumpling.

On that day, not only did I learn to make dumplings, but I also learned that no matter what you do, you can't give up halfway.