2023-12-10 00:46:35


1. 反应大学生生存状况的词语从“蜗居”、“蚁族”到“鼠族”,不断涌现。

2. 对于这种现象,你有什么看法?


College Students'Living Condition

Recently, the living condition of some college students is frequently referred to as “dwelling-narrowness”. In fact, this embarrassing situation is very serious that few of us can fail to meditate on the causes of it.

In the first place, it's difficult for graduates to bear the high cost of life in big cities. Poor payment thus gives rise to bad living conditions. Next, college students are more ambitious. Many of them are eager to compete in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing, where talents are abundant and positions are limited. Refusing to go back hometown let them suffer in big cities, which indirectly make their situation worse.

Generally speaking, college students should be more qualified to better themselves and adjust their goals according to the reality.


In every class, there will be some bad students, they are very active and annoy other students. The bad students don’t want to study, they will interfere other students to listen to the class, which also bothers the teachers. Bad students are not welcomed everywhere, so students will stay away from them, some teachers even give up on them. But some day, when I went home after school, I found a bad student who was in my class carry a cat, he handed the cat to a woman, the woman said thank you to him for help her find the cat. I was surprised, I saw the good side of a bad student. I think I need to be nice to the bad students, they are not that bad, maybe they just want to attract other people’s attention. If we give them more chances, they will be good students.


Nowadays, more and more college students are becoming enthusiastic about the healthy development of the society. They even actively participate in the fight against the criminality at the risk of their lives, which has caused a lot of debate among the media. So far as I am concerned, the college students should be very careful in their combat against the criminality for several reasons.


On the one hand, the college students should take their studies as the priority in the four-year campus life. Since they are the very prime of their life and time is so precious, they need to concentrate on their development and improvement of the skills for a bright future career. Besides, the society has place too much expectation on them. On the other hand, the college students should deal with the criminality with more strategies. In other words, when they meet the criminals in the real life, they can appeal to the authorities like the police for help. Only in this way can they fight effectively and protect themselves in the mean time.


In conclusion, the college students are supposed to fight against the criminality in an effective but safe manner instead of risking their lives.



According to the report that most children in the family don’t have to the housework, because their parents have done all the work for them. When students go to middle school, it means they are not the little girls and little boys anymore, they have grown up and it is time for them to learn to be independent. Doing the housework and reducing the parents’ burden help the children to be mature, what’s more, the parents should not overprotect their kids all the time, they can give some jobs to the children and lead them to be independent. Doing the housework is not a big deal, but it is the attitude to life.


Take care of ourselves! Chinese Education Ministry has paid close attention to self-protection education among school students because some knowledge about self-protection may help one survive in case of emergency. In my opinion, no lesson is more important than the one on personal safety. Life is fragile but can be strengthened when one is armed with enough knowledge on how to protect oneself from danger. As middle school students, we should learn some knowledge about safety. Firstly, we should always obey the traffic rules. When we go across the road, we must wait for the green light. When we go to school or go home by bike, we should go along the right side and should not ride at a high speed. Secondly, in order to avoid fire in our dormitory, we should not use any electric device without permission. Thirdly, we should not climb the fence of the school in case that we might hurt ourselves. It is high time that we should be aware of the importance of self-protection. And only with a good sense of self-protection can we live a safe and happy life!



Recently I watched a show named A student of an idol. I like the theme song "EIEI" very much. There are 100 trainees in the program, and the draft will adopt a cruel elimination system. I like Cai Xukun and Chen Linong best. They are very cute and handsome boys. They love and are good at dancing and singing. I also want to be an idol, but I cant dance and Im afraid of hard work, so I have to give up.


Some people say yes.The internet helps make many friends.Chatting on line,students can more freely express their feelings and opinions,and even get help with their foreign language studies .

Others,however,think students should not.They say making friends on line is a waste of time,which should be spent more meaningfully on study.Besides,some students get cheated on line .

It is my opinion that students should place their study,health and safety before other things.As for friendship,we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us .


大学生生存状况 College Students’Living Condition
1. 反应大学生生存状况的词语从“蜗居”、“蚁族”到“鼠族”,不断涌现。
2. 对于这种现象,你有什么看法?

Recently, the living condition of some college students is frequently referred to as "dwelling-narrowness". In fact, this embarrassing situation is very serious that few of us can fail to meditate on the causes of it.

In the first place, it’s difficult for graduates to bear the high cost of life in big cities. Poor payment thus gives rise to bad living conditions. Next, college students are more ambitious. Many of them are eager to compete in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing, where talents are abundant and positions are limited. Refusing to go back hometown let them suffer in big cities, which indirectly make their situation worse.

Generally speaking, college students should be more qualified to better themselves and adjust their goals according to the reality.


It's fashionable for college students to run a business of their own, such as opening an online store or establishing a company. However, can students become successful businessmen when they still study at the college?

Some people voted to support it and defend it with their reasons. Managing a company or other businesses not only enriches their working experience and promotes their ability of communication, but also helps them make money to pay for their tuition. On the contrary, those dissenters also adhere to their ideas. They consider that running a business will definitely distract students from their study and play a negative role in their knowledge acquisition. At the same time, those college students who run their business will possibly neglect to participate in campus activities.

I object to the idea of running a business while studying at the college campus. Four-year-study at the university is the golden time to pursue knowledge and truth. Only doing appropriately at an appropriate time can people obtain their success.


I want to be a model student. What shall I do?

I should be polite. I should study hard. I should capful and helpful. I should walk in the corridors. I should throw rubbish in the bin. I should be quiet in the li

ary. I shouldn’t walk and run on the grass. I shouldn’t throw rubbish on the floor. I shouldn’t run in the corridors. I shouldn’t fight. I shouldn’t be noisy in the li

ary. ?

How about you?


Every teacher likes the top students who can always get the high mark in the exam. So it is natural for people to believe that a good student must be good at the exam. In my opinion, the definition of a good student should not be the one who has the high intelligence. For most students, they are not in the top list, but they study very hard and fight for their goals. The spirit of never give up makes them the charming persons. We don't need the study machine. People always attach the importance of diversity, which means students have different abilities, so we can't judge them by one rule.





A good teacher-student relationship is able to effectively further the student to a higher level in study. The teacher with patience and understanding encourages the student instead of pushing or forcing him. The relationship of this sort makes learning so enjoyable and funny that the student would work hard willingly.

However, a bad relationship seriously weakens the achievement of teaching. It discourages the student from learning, leaving him with a wrong and negative attitude towards studying. Thus, teaching also becomes an unpleasant task, which forms a vicious cycle.

As I see it, the relationship between a teacher and a student should be attached much importance to. A good relationship makes the teacher's job worthwhile while a bad one ill-affects the student's development, even to the rest of his life.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between teachers and students. You can cite examples to illustrate your views.

Teachers and Students


It is universally acknowledged that trust is one of the most valuable assets for interpersonal communication. However, it is not uncommon to have misunderstanding and generation gap between teachers and students. with the current trend of communication becoming necessary and indispensable in this ever-changing modern society, building trust is of great significance.

众所周知,信任是人际沟通间最宝贵的财产。然而,老师和学生之间经常会产会误解和代沟。 随着沟通在日异变化的现代社会变得越来越重要,建立师生之间的信任显得尤为重要。

In order to set up the credibility between teachers and students, on the one hand, as teachers, we should sincerely deal with the students' problems and difficulties, comprehending their necessities. On the other hand, as students, it is necessary that more understanding and respect should be given. Becoming good friends to have the transpositional consideration each other can build a harmonious atmosphere.


Only in this way, would the relationship of trust between teachers and students be established effectively. When students encounter the difficulties and problems, they would be willing to turn to their respected teachers, whereby the education development in our country could have a further step.



I want to be a model student. what shall Ido?

I should be polite. I should study hard. I should capful and helpful. I should walk in the corridors. I should throw rubbish in the bin. I should be quiet in the library. i shouldn't walk and run on the grass. I shouldn't throw rubbish on the floor. I shouldn't run in the corridors. I shouldn't fight. I shouldn't be noisy in the library.

How about you?


To be good students, what should we do?

First, we should do well at home. We should brush our teeth in the morning and before bedtime. We should do our homework quickly and go to bed early. We should put our things in order. We should help our parents.

Next, we should do well at school. We must listen carefully in class. We must keep ourselves clean. We mustnt fight or litter in the classroom. We shouldn’t eat or drink in the classroom, either. We should help our classmates.

Then, we should do well on the road. When we want to cross the road, we must look for a zebra crossing. We must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man. Sometimes we cannot find a zebra crossing near us. Then we should wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. We must first look left then right and then left again. We can also cross the road with other people. We mustnt run or play on the road.

Finally, we should do well in other public places. We should be quiet in the library. We shouldnt eat or drink in the library. We shouldnt litter or climb trees in the park. We shouldnt shout in the cinema. We should be quiet in the hospital too. We shouldnt take any photos in the museum.

Lets start from now on and become good students!


The teacher often teaches us: "to read more books, love the study, be a good student."

What makes a good student? I believe that being a good student, must be aged respected, diligent study, civilized, polite and morality...Our Chinese nation has always been known as "formal state" everyone has a civilized, polite and morality quality.If a person doesn't speak to civilization, not polite, can make the person feels he is very annoying. Even conflict with others or accidents. Consider again if in today's society, everyone is such word, that the whole society and will become how?Conversely, if we each have a single civilized, polite heart, then get between people will very well and will not conflict. So the whole society will become more peaceful and more beautiful.

So, want to be a good student, civilized, polite is indispensable.To be a good student, besides should speak civilization, polite, but also to read more books, reading good books. Grow up to make a contribution to society.If we don't study hard, after be brought up, nothing can come out, working for society, not a contribution, so the whole society would stagnate, technology far beneath the advanced developed country.Conversely, if each one of us was nurturance seriously study the habit, grasps various scientific knowledge, grew up, to make our country catch up with other technology developed country.As long as we do a love learning, civilized, polite good students. Society will gradually prosperous, developed, the family also will more happiness, happy.


Lighten The Burden On Students

I am very disappointed not to be able to go to see a film with my friends, to play my favorite musical instrument, or to watch TV with my family in the evening. I have to sit at desk and do my homework, which can not be finished until midnight, I'm tired of doing much homework, get bored at taking so many exams, and lose interest in studying.

Teachers, please get rid of homework and examinations. Examinations are nothing but anxiety-makers. Homework is nothing but interest-killers.

Teachers, we can learn more outside the classroom. Classroom gives us limited kinds of information. We can only learn some dead knowledge from the books.Teachers, please set us free, and let us learn more outside the classroom  from the environment, from TV, from private study or from our friends.

My dear teachers, can you hear me? Please lighten the burden on students.( 150 words)







As we know,health is above everything.However,some teenager students do not pay much attention to their health.

Here are some of their bad habits.there are many studentslike smoking,even though only ten minutes,they also must smoke.young students like eating junk food;so that they have not good habit about eating.many teenagers are addicted to surfing internet .they not only chating online,but also like playing games.

There are some of disadvantages about their bad habits.As time go,their bodys could become more and more weak,sight also become lower.increasing the probability of illness.what is more,sometimes,do not enough concentrate,so learning efficiency could more lower.

There are some effective measuresabout solving those questions.parents and teachers must always concentrate children's and health.studuent must learn yourselves care of yourselves,often exercising is a good way.What is well known health is to students what sun is to plants,so we must take care of it.


◆您现在正在阅读的 How to be a Model Student

How to be a Model Student I want to be a model student. What shall I do?I should be polite. I should study hard. I should capful and helpful. I should walk in the corridors. I should throw rubbish in the bin. I should be quiet in the library. I shouldn’t walk and run on the grass. I shouldn’t throw rubbish on the floor. I shouldn’t run in the corridors. I shouldn’t fight. I shouldn’t be noisy in the library. How about you?