2023-12-26 08:11:27


According to the research, even the policy of second child has been carried out, the rate of newborn infant still keeps low. Because of the economic pressure, a lot of families only want one child. What's more, more single ladies refuse to marry, so some people predict that the aging society is coming soon. It is true that more women choose to be single for many reasons.
First, women become more independent today. With the development of economy, more girls receive higher education and they have ability to make more income, so they chase for more rights and ask for equal treatment with men. They can live better life without marriage. They are independent and can control their own life.
Second, most women don't want to give up career. When a woman marries, it is hard for her to balance career and families, and the common decision is to give up former. But without career, they are easily lose confidence and bound themselves in the family chores. So most women believe that it is not worthy of giving career.
The raise power of female requires men to be considerate. When women find the balance between family and career, then they are willing to marry.


Nowadays, for the young people, when they come to the marriage, the first thing they think of is the house, and then the car. A house and a car seem to be necessary equipment for marriage. If people don't own these, the elders won't be happy or even refuse their daughters to get married. The great expense of marriage is such a heavy burden that some people advocate the simple style.
For Chinese tradition, when the couples get married, both relatives should be invited and have a big party. Both sides gain respect by the luxury of the party, so the couples need to spend a lot of money to save face, which is a great burden for them, some even borrow money and then pay off in the rest of days.
As there is so much pressure for the young generation to face, the simple lifestyle is favored by them. Some choose to take a trip as the great celebration and skip the party. It is comfortable and romantic. The most important thing is not to waste money.


在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编为大家整理的跨国婚姻的利与弊英语作文Cross-culture marriage,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


Some of us would like to take a try, but others may not. Holding a traditional opinion, there must be some difficulties in a cross-culture marriage.


Primarily, two different countries both have their own cultures, which always lead to misunderstanding during the normal live. For example, the western country will educate the children in an “open” way which may take them to the adult’s world early, but in China, it’s incredible.


Secondly, it can’t be ignored that our eating habits are so important. Food culture plays a big role in the culture of a country. It’s difficult to guess “What’s the weather like in your stomach today?” Even in the same country, people from different area will not choose the same thing. In a word, different countries have different tastes.


What’s more, a cross-culture marriage has to face the public concern. In fact, a lot of people still can’t accept it, especially the old. The couples in a cross-culture marriage have to endure some strange talking, and their children also have to endure some pressure. If they can’t deal with them well, they may break up in the end.


Last but not the least, it takes a person a long time to join the life in a foreign country. It’s a world of totally strange even you’re the student abroad. The cross-culture marriage draws a wall between you and your family which means “hometown problems”. So we must take serious consideration ask ourselves if we have prepare to be in a cross-culture marriage when we have the chance to marry foreigners.
