2023-12-24 00:17:03


My parents are very I have so many family

For example,i can't go out with my friends at school weekends, i have to go home before nine It's strict, but i think it's

And i must finish my homework in I can't play computer I have to wash clothes by

I have to get up at six o'clock every i have to be in bed by ten o'

Thanks to these can live i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!

And i think play some computer games is not Soi think the family rules can make some


In order to help me grow healthily, my parents make some family First, we must honest to Honesty is the basic character of a Second, we should take our My duty is study now, so I must work hard for Third, we should be thankful to the It will help us to love ourselves and My parents always tell me to remember these And I will remember them


As the saying goes,”as a country has its state laws, a family also needs family ” Every family has its My family rule is no matter where you go, you have to come back before ten o’clock at My family always obeys this I know that my parents make this rule is for our I remember that one day my elder sister break this rule, and then she was criticized for a long