2024-05-21 08:13:21


Everyone has a father. My father is of middle height. He is stout and severe looking, with keen expressive eyes. On first sight you may feel he is hard to approach. In fact he is very kind and considerate. Appearance is often misleading, so judge not by appearance.

I believe my father is a talented man. He is decisive and efficient in doing things. By his own talents and efforts, he has secured for the family a good soclal position and a comparatively rich life. People of all fields come to my house and, as a result, I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences and see more joys and sorrows of the world.

But at home, he is a harsh parent. He has high expectations of me. When I am lazy and idling away my time, I can see that it hurts him deeply. When I am doing something great, such as writing a book, he is more than excited. With such a father I am always reminded to go on and on, never give up.


My father is a kind man. He is not very tall but he is a man of perseverance. He works very hard and his services are highly appreciated.

My father is a man of devotion. Every morning he gets up the earliest to make breakfast for us. In the evening, he is always the late to come back home. At weekends, he always takes us to go outing in his car. He is a man of few words, but he often says to me "A little learning is a dangerous thing". I will always remember these words. I love my father very much.


My father is very tall, short hair, thin face, black eyebrows, small eyes, but very God, high nose, thick lips. Father is to do the wine business, every day now, but my father loved me, have time to play with me, my father has a lot of advantages, father is my chauffeur, accompanied me to school every day. Dad never beat me, and bought me a lot of good food.

This is my father, "I love my father."


My father is 38 years old. He is tall and thin. People like him very much, because he is so kind and he always smiles. I like talking to my father. He always can teach me a lot. He is a worker, working in a company. We have weekends stay together. We often go out for the weekends. Father says it’s good for us. He is a good father and also a good friend.


I have a good English teacher. She is Miss Wu. She is my favorite teacher.

We felt English very difficult when we began to study English. Miss Wu had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, she came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples, bananas and oranges. She said, “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English. ”

All of us were interested and wanted to win the fruits. We listened to her very carefully. Someone even stood up to answer questions. When the class was over, all the fruits were all eaten.

From then on, I am more and more interested in English. I think Miss Wu is a good teacher. I really appreciate her help.


Jiao Meiren is Jiao Juan, the English teacher in our class. Why do you have such an "acquaintance"? Peppers, peppers, beauties, beauties. Hehe, let's explain together, that is to say, our teacher Jiao is a beautiful woman with a pepper character.

Indeed, Teacher Jiao is beautiful. The big eyes, like a stream of clear spring, seem to be able to wash people's minds, and the white skin more brings out her exquisite features. Wearing a sportswear, a strong athlete, full of youthful breath; wearing a national style dress, a movie star walks out of the screen.

Many classmates said that "Jiao Meiren" is a very good person. That's for sure, because I have experienced it myself.

At that time, it was summer, and Teacher Jiao gave us morning self-study. The sun rose very early, and a few rays of sunlight hit the classroom and hit my seat. I couldn't stand the sun, so I had to cover the sun with my hands. When Teacher Jiao noticed this, she stood beside me and led us to read the words, using her body to block the sunlight that should have been shining on me.

It was such a small act that made my heart surge, and Teacher Jiao inadvertently gave the students selfless care.

When Jiao Beauty is also angry, or else, how can she be worthy of the nickname "Jiao"?

In the morning self-study, Teacher Jiao dictated words for us. Several classmates copied small notes and cheated. Teacher Jiao found out. Teacher Jiao gently warned: "Don't cheat, I know your foundation clearly..." But there are a few little devils who are still trying to find out, and Teacher Jiao said earnestly: "Reading is your own business, why deceive teachers, deceive parents!" Those cheating people just can't stop the pace of "criminal", Jiao The teacher yelled: "I don't love face too much. I don't even understand the basic principles of being a human being. Stand up for me..." Suddenly, the gentle wind and drizzle turned into a torrential rain. The words and sentences choked people, and the classroom was filled with the offensive taste of frying chili until the cheating classmates bowed their heads.

This is the English teacher in our class, how about it? Isn’t it a "pepper" beauty?


When you see the topic, you will definitely wonder who my English teacher is, and it will appear in my composition, so you can look down.

A long black hair like a waterfall, a pair of piercing eyes, quite like two big grapes, a small talkative cherry mouth, plus a pair of beautiful willow eyebrows, this is my English teacher——Geng teacher.

Teacher Geng is particularly interesting. I still remember when school just started, when the beautiful girl walked into the classroom, we immediately calmed down when we were just noisy. She stepped onto the podium and smiled and said to us: "Classmates, my surname is Geng, you can call me Teacher Geng, I will take your English this semester." There was a warm applause in the classroom. After that, Teacher Geng took us to play a small game of driving a train, she is very good at adjusting the atmosphere. When we drove the train, the train stopped at a certain classmate, and the teacher said: "Okay, this car is currently in a big jam or the train is malfunctioning..." Her words always made us laugh. Therefore, our whole class likes her very much.

Although the teacher is interesting, he is also very strict.

Once, the teacher was in class, and the "Xiong Da" of our class was talking secretly with him at the table below, and was seen by Teacher Geng. The teacher winked him several times and motioned him to listen to the lesson. I've seen it all, but "Xiong Da" pretended to be nonchalant, still going its own way. The teacher couldn't bear it and walked quickly to his seat, "Why are you still talking? I winked you so many times, haven't you seen it? I really don't know how to repent. I copied every English word 10 times today." "Xiong" "Big" immediately became honest, and copied the words obediently. Since then, he never dared to make mistakes in Teacher Geng's class.

This is my beautiful, funny and strict English teacher. I like her very much.


My English teacher's name is Mandy. She is not tall, but she walks very straight and looks very energetic. She permed her hair, and when she walked, her hair always buckled, like instant noodles boiled in boiling water.

Whenever my teacher Manday is angry, she will have many small pimples on her face. Whenever she saw us ditching, she would shout out: "Oh, hurry up! It's numb!"

In English class, she used her humorous teaching style to draw our attention to the classroom. At this moment, Zhao Zuoran quietly played with his pen without attending the class. The English teacher saw it and walked to him and slapped the table with a "pop". Zhao Zuoran was so scared that he raised his head, but the teacher just said lightly. : "This is not an example."

Through this incident, I felt her kindness, but never expected that she would be strict with our study.

In our workbook, even a small mistake can't escape her "hot eyes". One test, I suddenly couldn't remember the word "go", should I add the current tense, so I took the chance to hand in the test paper. I thought the teacher would ignore this error. Instead, she wrote nearly four lines of evaluation, telling me which grammar point was wrong. Not only me, she also treats other classmates as well, which also shows me that she is a very dedicated and responsible teacher.

Although she no longer teaches me, she is still one of the most important people in my life, at least when I was a student. Because she gave me an idea: "I must learn English well!"


Mr. Lee is my English teacher, and is thirty. He likes sports very much, so he looks strong and young. He is fond of singing too. When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs. Sometimes he tells us some funny stories. He often encourages us to speak and write in English. Although we may make mistakes now and then, he always corrects them patiently and tells us how to write properly. He is really a good teacher. We all love him and his class.









有一次,我在写英语作业时,张老师在我耳边轻轻地说:“这个单词你写错了”,我马上看了看,果然发现写错了,然后,我不好意思的一笑,马上改过来了。老师 又说:“还要保持正确的写字 姿势”
















现在一想,她都23岁了,是一个十足的海归,她的眼睛大如宝石,耳朵后有一个醒目的红点,那红润而又夹杂着灰黄色的嘴唇实在想让人多思考一会 .她是个认真负责的老师。






My English Teacher

Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.


My English teacher is tall and strong , He is very kind . He name is Mr liu . He is young . My Chinese teacher is tall and strong too , He name is Mr He . He is oid . He is funny , but is very strict . My math teacher is Mr Xiao ,He is my favourite teacher . Because it is very funny . He is short and strong . I very like my math teacher .













Hello! Boys and girls.

My name is Zhaoyuemingcheng. I’m 14 years old and I live in Baicheng Jilin .I speak Chinese and a little English. I play basketball on weekends. My favorite subject is musicit’s fun! My favorite movie is “Rush Hour”. Do you know it? It’s an action movie.

(译文:你好!男孩和女孩。我的名字是Zhaoyuemingcheng 。我14岁并且我住在Baicheng吉林I讲中文和少许英语。我周末打篮球。我喜爱的主题是音乐它是乐趣!我喜爱的电影是"高峰时间" 。您知道它吗?这是动作片。)







