2023-12-08 06:04:04


My birthday party

Today is fool's day and it's also my birthday. My name is Sam. I'm 11 years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some interesting books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts.

My friends are coming. The boys and girls are enjoying my birthday party. They're laughing and playing games. Now, They're eating sandwiches, cakes and fish. They're drinking apple juice and orange juice too. My birthday cake is very big. There are 11 candles on it. They say: happy birthday to Sam! Hip, Hip, Hurry! Hip, Hip, hurry!

Oh, what a nice birthday party!








提示:今天你参加了Lucy 的生日聚会,大家给她带去了很多礼物,Lucy 很喜欢。生日聚会上有一块大蛋糕,上面有十三支点燃的蜡烛。Lucy 许了愿之后,把蜡烛吹灭了。大家在聚会上进行了表演,你表演了中国功夫,Ellen 跳了舞,Susan 唱了英文歌,大家玩得很开心。



It is Lucys birthday today. I came to her birthday party. We brought her many presents. Lucy liked them very much. There was a big birthday cake with thirteen candles on it. We all sat around it. After Lucy made a wish, she blew the candles out. At the party, I performed Chinese kung fu, Ellen danced to disco and Susan sang an English song. We had a wonderful time!根据提示写一篇50—60个词的短文。

提示:今天你参加了Lucy 的生日聚会,大家给她带去了很多礼物,Lucy 很喜欢。生日聚会上有一块大蛋糕,上面有十三支点燃的蜡烛。Lucy 许了愿之后,把蜡烛吹灭了。大家在聚会上进行了表演,你表演了中国功夫,Ellen 跳了舞,Susan 唱了英文歌,大家玩得很开心。



It is Lucys birthday today. I came to her birthday party. We brought her many presents. Lucy liked them very much. There was a big birthday cake with thirteen candles on it. We all sat around it. After Lucy made a wish, she blew the candles out. At the party, I performed Chinese kung fu, Ellen danced to disco and Susan sang an English song. We had a wonderful time!


昨晚,我参加了朋友的生日聚会。在我去聚会之前,买什么样的礼物让我感到困惑,因为我想让它很特别。最后,我为她选了一只漂亮的钢笔,上面有可爱的图案。当我的朋友看到我来了,她很高兴,让我和她分享快乐。我们给她唱了生日歌,玩有趣的游戏。输了的人会得到惩罚。我输了一场比赛,然后被要求向一个陌生人要电话号码。我感到很尴尬,不敢开口。最后,我鼓起了勇气,问了一个男孩,但他拒绝了。虽然招到了拒绝, 但是我完成了任务。在我朋友的生日聚会上我度过了愉快的时光。